magic eye doctor

Chapter 576 Coincidence

Chapter 576 Coincidence
Meng Gong accounts for the convenience of transportation. There are many drivers of sports cars, including motorcycles, trucks, vans, and tricycles.

Yesterday, when I was shopping, Le Xiao classmate secretly inquired about the information he wanted. He knew where the camping area was, and what kind of driver was safer to find. When he changed his makeup and walked, he was very familiar with his actions. A very clever young and middle-aged driver, chartered, with days as the unit.

The young man wearing a longgi is less than 30 years old and is very familiar with the emerald mine area. Someone rented a car and was very happy. He negotiated a price of 300 yuan a day. 6 yuan is RMB. About eight yuan, [-] yuan is equal to more than [-] kyats.

The salary of university teachers in major cities in Myanmar is only 20 kyats, and the salary of white-collar workers is only about 15 kyats. The wages of ordinary workers are very low, and the daily income is about 30 to [-] yuan.

The daily price of a chartered car is [-] yuan. Even in a big city, the cost of a day’s car is almost equal to half a month’s salary of white-collar workers in skilled workers. In small cities such as Meng Gong, it is a high fare.

The driver's name translated in Chinese means Tushan, and in Chinese it can be called Atu.

The driver of Atu received a large order, with a black and red face full of smiles, he dragged the young woman's luggage into the van, drove to refuel, and then went to buy spare daily necessities and a small amount of dry food, driving half-new and used The van happily went straight to the old field, the most famous jade producing area.

There are six major production areas of jadeite in Myanmar: Laochang, Xinchang, Damachang, Houjiang, Leida and Xiaochang.

The old field is the earliest mining field, and it has been several centuries since the earliest mining, and it is also a world-famous jadeite producing area.

A long time ago, the jade mining area was in the deep mountains and old forests. When the stones were mined, they could only be transported by donkeys, horses or elephants. The stones were transported from remote mountainous areas to outside towns. Due to inconvenient transportation, transportation was difficult and dangerous. The period from jadeite mining to listing and circulation is also extremely long.

It was not until the end of the last century that the state developed and exploited a road that can be opened to traffic. Of course, don’t imagine that there is any asphalt road and cement-hardened road. The road is actually a natural dirt road. The rough road also greatly facilitates the transportation of rough jadeite.

The most famous Changkou in Laochang District is Pagangchang, which is also the oldest.

The road to the Laochang area is a natural road. It takes about four hours to drive. There are also natural roads at the entrance of the production area. From Menggong to the most famous Pagang in the Laochang area, it used to take more than a day. Four or five hours.

When classmate Le Xiao went to the jade production area, Miao Miao Dan, who had traveled to Europe, finally returned to his mother's home country, Myanmar.

Her mother's family is a rich man in Wacheng, the second largest city in Myanmar. They have several properties in the prime area of ​​Wacheng. When Miaomiaodan returned to Wacheng, she did not go to see the uncles of her mother's family, but went to her mother's house in Wacheng. Villas in Wa.

The Dai-style villa covers an area of ​​two and a half acres and is managed by professionals. When Miaomiaodan returns to the villa, he goes directly to the main building. The old butler, who is over 60 years old, is waiting at the door of the splendid hall with golden walls. The eldest lady in the costume came back, and bowed respectfully to take her shawl: "Miss, you are back, is Miss Xue coming with you? Madam misses Miss Xue very much, and has been talking about it, saying that if Miss Xue comes back with you , let me send to the main garden."

"I went to Europe this time, and I flew back directly. I didn't bring Xiaoxue. When the public auction this year, I'll bring Xue back to see Mrs. Mother." Miaomiaodan spoke while walking to the spiral staircase leading to the second floor, and asked again at the end. : "Did you come here just now?"

"Miss, Wu Gang came over in the morning and waited in the study, saying that there was something important to report."

"I see."

Miao Miao Dan responded lightly, walked to the spiral staircase with her handbag, took off her shoes, stepped on the carpet barefooted upstairs, and went straight to the study on the second floor.

She had just walked to the door of the study room, when it opened, a brave and strong man walked out, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a shirt and blue dragon base, barefoot, fair skin, deep eyes.

The strong man saw the glamorous young woman wearing the embroidered gauze, opened his arms excitedly, stepped forward and hugged the glamorous woman into his arms, and kissed affectionately.

Miaomiaodan hugged the man's waist tenderly and responded to the man's enthusiasm.

The two people who were close to each other were inextricably staggering their faces when they were about to lack oxygen. The glamorous young woman hung softly in the man's arms, her face pressed against the man's chest.

The man returned to the study with the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, closed the door with his feet, sat on the sofa in the study, and trapped the woman in his arms: "Miaomiaodan, I miss you so much, I miss you so much. It hurts to death."

"Gang, I miss you too." Miao Miao Dan threw the handbag away, and the little bird snuggled into Gang's arms.

"Miaomiaodan, don't go back there again, okay? I don't want to be separated from you again, I want to be with you every day."

"Just now, I also want to be with you. You wait for me. When I get what I want, I will come back to stay with you, and we will never be separated again."

"Hmm..." The man kissed his beloved a few times.

Miao Miao Dan asked thoughtfully, "Just now, what's the urgency for you to come here today?"

"Yes, the villain you mentioned left the country the day before yesterday, came to our side, and appeared in Meng Gong."

"You said that person went to Kebang? Are you sure?" Miao Miaodan asked eagerly.

"Yes, I found out yesterday afternoon that people have booked accommodation in Meng Gong, and it is estimated that they will stay for several days. I have people staring at them. People are on our site, so it's not up to us to decide."

"Gang, you are too powerful, be careful, that person is very cunning, don't let her run away." The man grasped the whereabouts of someone, Miao Miao Dan was pleasantly surprised, that person arrived at Gang's territory, and she had to let her go forever Can't stay.

"Don't worry, I can't run..."

Men and women babble about plans.

When Wu Gang and the eldest lady stayed in the study, there were often cluttered noises, and the housekeeper and domestic servants had long been accustomed to it.

It wasn't until nearly noon that he went out of the study meticulously just now and went downstairs, driving his own car and leaving the manor.

About half an hour after leaving, Miao Miao Dan went downstairs with a variety of styles, dined, and then went back to the second floor to live the life of a pampered eldest lady in peace, waiting for someone who had just cleaned up.

When Miao Miao Dan was in the villa and Gang Gang was in love, Earl Ryan's plane also arrived in Nay Pyi Taw, the capital of Myanmar. At that time, the sun was high in the tropical rain forest area, and even dogs on the street did not want to walk under the sun. .

Count Ryan, who was wearing a tall shirt, got off the plane as gracefully as a prince accompanied by his family bodyguards and waiters. He was treated like a star on the way, and received many hot eyes.

Earl Ryan was used to the adoring eyes of others, calmly walked out of the safety exit, and took the car sent by the hotel to greet him outside the terminal building and returned to the hotel where he stayed.

They were staying in a five-star hotel. As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, another car came over. Count Ryan got out of the car, straightened his hair in a dashing manner, and walked away. He just walked two steps and heard someone shouting. I saw someone coming out of another car.

That man was also a blue-blooded European nobleman, with golden hair and light blue pupils. He was about 1.8 meters five in length, with a handsome face and the quiet temperament of a white-collar worker.

Seeing the European aristocratic young man with light blue eyes, Ryan smiled gracefully: "Auston, I just heard that you were traveling in South America half a month ago, but I didn't expect your kid to come to Myanmar again, also to bet on jade. ?"

"Yes, I'm very curious about the jade here. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that you would come here to travel, Ryan. I remember that you don't seem to be particularly fond of jade." Auston adjusted his tie to make himself more perfect. , while walking forward.

"I heard that there is a very magical stone in the place where the jadeite is produced. I came to see it specially, Auston, who told you that I don't like jadeite? I have come here to participate in the public auction no less than ten times, and it seems that you have not once."

"Ryan always likes to joke. I didn't come here in person before, but I gambled in Europe or China." Auston walked over to Earl Ryan, and the two walked side by side.

The two entered the reception hall surrounded by family bodyguards, and were checked in by their respective waiters.

Auston started late and booked a suite. The Lean family started fast and booked a presidential suite, which was separated when they entered the elevator to their respective floors.

Auston settled down, had a meal, went out with bodyguards, and went shopping like a tourist.

Abner and the two bodyguards escorted the Earl to the Presidential Suite, where he placed his luggage, served the Earl to take a bath, and then asked the hotel butler to deliver the meal. After the meal, the Earl went to the garden on the roof to enjoy the view.

"Earl, Baron Auston is out." Abner went to the roof garden to report the news to the Earl after an hour.

"Let him alone, it will take a few days for him to recruit people. You just need to pass on the news of my arrival to the members of the Reverno family."

"No." Abner understood and went downstairs to deliver the news.

(End of this chapter)

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