Chapter 581

Hei Jiu Shen [-] drove the night bus to Rui City on the border. He didn't stay in the store when he arrived in the early morning. He parked on the street and waited for one person to guard the car in the morning. One person went to buy breakfast, and he bought three copies.

After breakfast, I drove to Ruishi for a walk, then walked slowly to Mangshi Airport, went to buy a plane ticket alone, and then waited in the car until nearly noon, and the two went to check in calmly, but their car was blocked. People drove into the airport and checked it back to Beijing by air.

The car Le Yun rented took more than five minutes to get to Chongshi, and the female driver took her to the most famous volcanic geothermal park in Chongshi at her request, and then stopped to rest.

Early in the morning, the female driver and the small employer went to have breakfast, and went straight to the volcano and Atami area after buying tickets to enter the park area when the park was open.

The park is very wide, and some places are more than ten kilometers apart. It is a big challenge to walk, because it is impossible to spend time slowly in the kilometers. Leyun chartered a car into the park and easily rushed to the hot Atami area. Asking the driver to stop and wait for herself, she rushed into a river valley by herself.

The water in the valley is hot, and you can take a bath all day long. It is called the bathing river. The ground in the valley is also hot. Every day, the steam is hot, and the water vapor turns into a white mist, like a fairyland on earth.

If you want to swim in the bathing river, you can only go in the morning in spring and summer. At noon, the temperature rises sharply, and few people can stand the heat fumigation.

Le Yun was the first visitor to enter the park. She rushed to the valley first, and searched along the valley for medicinal herbs suitable for growing in hot places. When she found a medicinal herb, she dug three or two trees and threw them away for seedlings. By the way, she also picked up several. stone.

It took an hour to run from the river valley to the middle of the mountain. When I returned, I only brought two small stones; the female driver who was waiting outside saw the small employer returning and drove to the volcano head.

Arriving at a volcanic head, Le Xiaoxue climbed into the mountain again, looking for something, and climbed five hills. It took nearly two minutes to find the three kinds of medicinal herbs, because the smell in the air showed that he needed several other kinds of medicinal materials. There was nothing in the medicine park, she didn't stay, went down the mountain, and left the park by car.

The female driver drove the small employer non-stop to the airport in Baoshi.

She spent a lot of time in the Volcano Park, and the road to Baoshi was far away. When she arrived at the airport, it was past noon. Le Yun paid for the chartered car and bought the air ticket. Because there were still three hours before the departure time, she again Sneak into the street to gamble on stones.

Baoshi is also an emerald trading city, and jade jewelry is one of the industries. The prosperity of gambling stones is not lost to Chongshi, and because there is an airport in the city, the transportation is convenient, and the jewelry industry is booming.

Le Yun walked around the street by herself, picked up a few rough jadeites and small pieces, and returned to the airport to go through the check-in formalities within the prescribed check-in period. Ten minutes later, the plane took off.

The airport in Baoshi is a provincial and municipal airport. There are only intra-provincial flights. The destination of the plane is Kun City, the provincial capital of Ynan Province. The flight lasts for one minute and ten minutes.

Le Xiao is very good at calculating time. He got off the plane at Y South Capital Airport and went to the terminal to buy plane tickets again. Because there are many flights every day, many times some flights only have 70 or 80 percent of the passengers, which is not during the Spring Festival. , Mid-Autumn Festival and other major holidays, air tickets are very easy to buy, and she also successfully bought a plane ticket to fly to province A at [-] o'clock in the evening.

Buy back the ticket, according to the plane's departure time is only more than one minute, don't go out to wave, get back the checked luggage from Baoshi, go to check-in, take the boarding pass into the waiting room, and give A while waiting. Provincial Hua Jia Hua Shao sent a message, informing him to ask Hua Jia to notify those who need to see a doctor to go back to Hua's house and wait for her.

Zhou Shao, Jiang Shao and others, after receiving the great responsibility of helping the little beauty gang to give back the gift, they all completed the mission with the full support of the family. Some returned to Beijing, some returned to the family to stay for a few days, and Hua Shao returned to the family after completing the task. Waiting for the little girl to drive the Chinese family.

Hua Shao only stayed in the family for less than a week. When he received a message from the little beauty and asked him to notify the Hua family to prepare, he immediately notified the family. Hui people.

Therefore, the main responsible persons of the Hua family in this city and the province immediately set off for the family, and those in other provinces are naturally unambiguous. They can buy air tickets immediately, and they can buy air tickets for the evening and the night. Flight the next morning.

The Hua family issued a summoning order, and at the same time became busy, arranging a reception feast for the little doctor, and arranged for someone to rush to the airport to pick up the little doctor.

Hua Shao personally led a group of youth bodyguards to set off and rushed to the provincial capital to pick up the plane.

There are still more than 60 kilometers from Huajia to the city center of Huangshi, and the city center is more than 300 kilometers away from the provincial capital. Even if it is a straight-line distance, it will take 4 or 5 hours to drive by car. It is a bit impractical to drive to the provincial capital. Take less people to drive to the city center by yourself, and take the high-speed rail to the provincial capital.

It took nearly an hour for the Hua family to travel from the foot of Yishan to the city center, and the nearest high-speed train to the high-speed rail station would take around [-]:[-]. After buying tickets, everyone went to eat first, and then sat and waited.

The high-speed train runs from Huangshi to the provincial capital for 1 hour and 40 minutes. When Hua Shao and his bodyguards arrived at the provincial high-speed railway station, it was already around [-]:[-] in the evening, and everyone took taxis to the airport non-stop.

It is more than 40 kilometers away from the airport from the high-speed railway station. Fortunately, the traffic flow is low at night and the speed is high. It took the taxi a little more than half an hour to arrive at the airport. At that time, it was only ten minutes before the flight of Le Little Girl , Hua Shao didn't have time to take care of other things, and took people to the safety exit of the terminal quickly.

Standing at the exit and confirming that the little girl's flight hadn't arrived yet, the Hua family let out a sigh of relief. After waiting for 10 minutes, the terminal announced that XX's flight had landed. little girl.

The bodyguards of the Hua family don't want to be remembered. They wear sunglasses, and Hua Shao is the same. A group of people are wearing sunglasses and shirts. Which station they go to, they are full of the shock of the underworld big brothers and horses. Dare to get too close.

After the flight landed, it took a little time for the passengers to leave the terminal. Hua Shao led people to wait patiently. Waves of passengers from all over the world came out of the safe passage. They waited, waited, waited for a long time, and finally they were there. The person to be picked up, the little guy wears a white casual shirt, jeans, a travel hat, and a backpack on his back. He travels lightly, as light as a butterfly.

The little girl was left behind at will, and the number of passengers was scarce, so the little girl was easy to spot. Who made her small and exquisite, she was a hot little loli.

Finding Le Xiaomei, Major Hua pushed the sunglasses on top of his head, moved to the security door, etc. When he saw her looking over, he waved through the security fence window.

The whole process was smooth and smooth. After getting off the plane, because I didn't want to fight with others, I fell behind a little, and I smelled Hua Shao from a distance on the way to the safety exit. I was stunned at the time, the Hua family actually sent Hua Shao to the provincial capital to pick up the plane?
She checked the transportation routes such as flights and high-speed trains. After the plane arrived in Heshi, there was no flight to Huangshi, where the Hua Shao family lived, and there were no high-speed rails and trains, and even the last bus of the parade could not catch up. Yishan, you can only charter a car or wait for the car tomorrow morning.

The reason why the Hua family sent someone to pick up the plane must be because she was often assassinated when she went out. They were afraid that she would have an accident on the way to the Hua family, so they specially came to protect her personal safety.

She didn't ask for it if she didn't come. When she came, she naturally looked at the Hua family. The Hua family sent the young master to protect her along the way, which was like sending a signal that if she had any mistakes, the young people of the Hua family would share life and death with her. If she stumbles, then the young master of the Hua family must have been damaged before her accident.

Hua Shao stood by the door and saw the petite little beauty getting closer and closer, and her smile became brighter. When she saw her walking out of the safety gate, he greeted her with a smile: "As soon as the little beauty arrives, the stuffy air changes. It's delicious."

The young man of the Hua family did not have a mold, and immediately moved forward to enclose the little girl under the protective wings of his own people.

"Young Master Hua, stop here, the stars are all over the place, okay?" Surrounded by a group of people, Le Yun looked around. There are quite a few bodyguards in the Hua family, there are fourteen in total, which is probably as Shao Hua said. There is an imbalance between men and women. There are six female members of the bodyguards, all with short hair and wearing neutral clothes. At first glance, they think they are all men.

"Don't put gold on my face, little beauty, let's go out first, does the little beauty have any luggage?" Hua Shao walked over to the little beauty and accompanied her. There were Hua family members in front, back, left, and right, and would not allow others to get close.

"There is checked luggage, and tools such as medical supplies are not allowed to be carried with you."

"The little beauty will give the consignment note to my brothers and leave the two of them to wait for their luggage. Let's go to the city for supper or accommodation first."

Le Yun had no objection to Hua Shao's proposal. She gave the luggage receipt to the young people from the Hua family, and went out of the terminal building with Shao Hua. When they arrived outside the station, the young people from the Hua family booked taxis in advance on the way out of the terminal. Taxis line up to pick up a group of people going downtown.

The taxi was not metered, and the car was booked by the youth of the Hua family. First, we went to the city center for supper, and then we went to the Yellow Market.

Heshi is the capital center of Province A, and it is also a commercial center city.

As an authentic native of province A, the Hua family is of course aware of the local snacks. They went to the supper city and sat down on several tables on the second floor of a large supper market, and ordered all kinds of snacks that the main family had. , grilled, fried, marinated, hot, burnt, as well as a bowl of mixed chicken rice noodles, small pepper casserole.

Province A is also one of the spicy-loving people, and the people of Province C are the veterans of the spicy-eating tribe. Some people who are spicy enough to eat spicy oil and spicy sauce doubt the realm of life. Province, all kinds of snacks are sticky with spicy food.

So, even if she was also born in Spicy Township from North E, Le Xiaoxiao was so hot that her tears were about to come out. She seriously suspected that the snacks she ate in her hometown containing chili peppers were all fake chili peppers, but when she looked at everyone in the Hua family, One by one the lips are a little red, however, it is just a little red!

I ate supper for a long time, and the person who picked up the luggage at the airport also arrived. We ate supper together and then checked out. It was almost twelve o’clock, and we even packed a snack to take away for the little girl on the road. Two thousand six hundred oceans, it can be seen how petite the number of snacks destroyed by a group of people.

The taxi set off overnight. Hua Shao and two bodyguards accompany the little girl in the car. They also helped to take care of the snacks that were packed and taken away. Some people helped to bring food. Le Xiaole is so cool. I eat in the car from time to time. Eat a skewer, bite a cake, eat some chicken offal or something.

It takes more than four hours to go from Heshi to Huangshi to maintain a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The taxi speed is between 80 and 90 per hour. It took six hours to get to Huangshi. In line with the driving, I was a little tired and arrived in Huangshi. , the group went to the morning market to have breakfast first.

After that, instead of taking a taxi, I took the car of the Hua family. The car of the Hua family was parked in the parking lot of the high-speed rail station. The young people of the Hua family took the car back. There was a car and three vans. Load everyone.

When Le Xiaoxiao went to Gu Xiuhua's house at night, Hei Jiu and Shen Shiliu also returned to the capital. The brothers did not return to the garrison immediately after arriving in the capital. They went to eat supper and waited for their checked car at the airport.

The cheetahs are transported by cargo planes. The cargo planes arrive at the Capital International Airport after dawn, and are transported off the plane by conveyor belts. After security checks, they are sent to the corresponding collection points.

Hei Jiu Shen [-] did not receive the vehicle until [-]:[-] a.m., and drove back to Beijing. The first time he did not return to the garrison, he first sent Xiao Loli's belongings to the He family, and asked the He family to help her keep them, including hers. fruit.

Huajia's motorcade did not return to the foot of Yishan until [-]:[-] in the morning. Huajia's home is located at the foot of a mountain in Yishan, which is within the Yishan Scenic Area. The houses are all brick walls and grey tiles, one next to the other, and many even share the same wall. The closely connected houses also make the villages and towns united and beautiful. The ditches meander through the villages and towns. Sometimes flowers stick out on the top, giving people the surprise of amazing time.

The Hua family has a large population and lives in a relatively concentrated area. Some houses are connected by arcs, and the doors and windows face outwards, which also encloses the whole place, forming a single dwelling like a wall.

The main street in the town can pass cars, but the small streets and alleys cannot accommodate cars. Only motorcycles and bicycles can pass. In order to protect the ancient stone road, cars are also prohibited from entering the town. park.

The Huajia car was also parked outside the village. A group of people returned to the Huajia old house with a little girl from afar. They entered the town along the main street, and then turned into an alley that could accommodate one or two scooters to pass by. Row upon row of house walls, cross the slate bridge of the ditch, and then walk inward along a small alley, at the end where there is a lintel wall is one of the main gates of the Hua family.

There are couplets and red lanterns hanging on the wall under the door. The door is wide open, and there are more than a dozen people in the door. The men are in retro Tang suit shirts, and the women are in blue dresses. When the young master accompanies the little girl to the door, the men and women are uniform. Bow thirty degrees: "Welcome to the little beauty!"

"Don't dare, Le Mou is polite." Le Yun hesitated for a second before stepping over the threshold with Hua Shao.

When the guests entered the first door of Hua's house, two rows of people straightened their waists, and a middle-aged man came forward: "The little beauty has come to Hua's house, and the Hua's family, from top to bottom, is impressed by the five generations, and cannot be in the village or town. The Shili Pavilion welcomes you with a feast for washing the dust and is deeply ashamed, the patriarch and the clan elders are waiting in the main hall, and the little beauty is invited to move your feet."

Le Yun nodded, said "you have to work", and followed the person who was arranged by the host family to lead the way.

"Uncle He is back." Hua Shao saw the middle-aged man greet him intimately. Uncle He is the contemporary housekeeper of the Hua family and the right-hand man of the family owner, assisting the family leader in managing the internal and external affairs of the Hua family.

Director He smiled and nodded to the young master. He had been out for several months, and even the master did not follow him when he entered the capital. He only returned to the province in the last few days. Last night, he rushed back to the Hua family's old house.

The men and women who followed the general manager to the door to greet the distinguished guests closed the door after the young master and the guests entered the house.

The houses of the same family are connected in all directions, like the gardens in the dream of Red Mansions. Where can you go from here, close the door, and each house is independent. If someone is not familiar with breaking into the mansion, they do not understand the secrets of the hierarchical arrangement between the buildings. Confuse yourself.

From the first door to the Huajia, there are many other gates. The main hall of the Huajia is the symbolic building of the Huajia. The building has white walls and gray tiles. The wooden wall is formed as a whole, the window cannot be pushed open, it only plays the role of ventilation and light enhancement.

The main hall is a quadrangle courtyard. There is a Eight Immortals table in the middle of the upper room, and there are Taishi chairs on both sides. On both sides, there is a small table in the middle and seats on both sides. In this way, refreshments and melon and fruit snacks can be placed on the small table. There are pots and carved roots, and there are copper candlesticks in the shape of flowers and trees at every interval in the main hall.

The current head of the Hua family, the previous head of the family, the elders of the clan, and those who have returned to the old house and are in charge of the family property are all in the main hall. Yes, all retro.

Hua Shanchuan, the contemporary head of the Hua family, is the uncle of Hua Jiangnan, the young master of Hua. Because he is the head of the family and sits in the first position, in order to maintain the authority of the head of the family, the old head of the family will not step over to the second line, and the head of the old family will sit in the contemporary head. In the second position next to the head of the family, the other clan elders are arranged in order.

The young man from the Hua family who went back to the main hall to report the letter rushed in and reported that the little girl from Xianyimen had passed the first door. The eyes of the young and old of the Hua family shone brightly. Soon he saw the young man walking into the courtyard with the little girl and the young head of the Hua family.

"Little Fairy Le, Mr. Hua has been waiting for you for a long time." Seeing the petite girl entering the courtyard of the main courtyard, the head of the Hua family walked down the steps to greet her.

From the hall to greet, is a welcome, and then down the steps, is the second welcome.

"I have short legs and I walk slowly. There are Lao Hua family leaders and Hua family seniors waiting for a long time." Seeing the middle-aged man with a face that resembles Hua Shao, Le Yun knew that he was the Hua family head, the Hua family head Wearing a summer dress like a light golden jacket, she is open-minded and calm.

The corners of Hua Shao's mouth are raised, the little beauty is short, and her legs are indeed a bit short, but, is it good to make fun of yourself like this?

"It's because the Hua family is remote and shabby, which makes Fairy Le suffer." The head of the Hua family went forward again and greeted her in the courtyard.

"Patriarch Hua is very polite. If the Hua family is simple, my family can only be regarded as a bullpen and chicken coop." Le Yun raised her head and looked up at the eaves of the Hua family's house. With a smile, he asked the host, "Patriarch Hua, if I come to your house and unveil the tiles, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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