magic eye doctor

Chapter 585 Going to work (2

Chapter 585 Going to work (2
The beautiful boy slept soundly, filled his stomach with the delicious food he got from his baby sister in the morning, and went to catch up with class in a good mood.

Hua Shao rested all night, got up early in the middle of the night, rushed to Sanweixuan for breakfast, and then Xuan Shao went to the Xuan family's other courtyard for a secret conversation.

The two young men had a secret conversation for about an hour before they broke up, and Young Master Xuan contacted the family and conveyed the details of the blood race's crimes from Shao Hua's own mouth to the family.

The Xuanyuan family secretly drafted an official document, intending to issue a notice to the Western Blood Clan Cultivator Alliance that the blood clan violated the agreement and violated the border. If the blood clan does not give a satisfactory explanation to the ancient Chinese cultivator, the ancient Chinese cultivator will go to Europe and start a war with the blood clan .

As for how the Western Cultivator Alliance receives the official document, that is their business. Anyway, the Eastern Cultivators only need one result: make the Western Cultivator Alliance fearful and dare not break the contract, and the other is to make the blood race pay the price for their stupidity.

Xuan Shao is also a shopkeeper. He reported the affairs of the Hua family to the family in detail, and the unconcerned Hui Sanweixuan became the chef. After his sense of taste became normal, his cooking skills were greatly improved, and he would work harder. , becoming a top chef is just around the corner.

When the students of Qingda University were about to go to class, handsome He Xiaoba also broke through the morning traffic peak in the rush to the peak and arrived at the west gate of Qingda University, where he successfully received a smart and pretty little doctor.

Classmate Le had a lot of luggage. He took out some of the medicinal materials that he needed to use, and some medicinal materials that Diancang faction and Jiang Shaojia had couriered into Beijing one after another, filled a large password box, and some boxes were tied to a luggage trailer. And a large backpack and a small backpack.

He Xiaoba, who was the driver, was taken aback by Little Loli's luggage, loaded the things into the car, and ran in a hurry. By the time he rushed out of the traffic and arrived at Chao Erye's villa, there were already three After the clock, handsome He was also tired like a dog.

Fang Ma and Uncle Hu were waiting at the villa for Lao Chao's little princess to come back, and they asked for warmth for a while.

Le Yun only drank the love tea made by Fang's mother, ate a slice of iced watermelon, and went upstairs to carry things, another luggage trailer full of boxes, a backpack full of things, and a large cardboard box to go downstairs, and then again. The medicine tripod made by Jin Fei was also carried into the He family's car.

Uncle Hu and Mom Fang took the little girl out of the yard and took the He family's car away before closing the door.

The old lady He Er and his wife He Wu all arrived at the compound where He San lived. He Xiaoliu and He Xiaoliu went to school in the morning to sell off and attend classes. Those in the He family who had public jobs and had a lot of official duties also went to work. He Qiwei is at home, and there are He Mingtao in the Ming generation. Even if He Xiaoer and He Xiaosan are freelancers, they are at the level of bosses. They have been away for too long and have a large backlog of work, so they go to work in the morning to deal with them.

The two nannies and the dedicated driver of the He family were all there, waiting for the young master He Xiaoba to pick up the little doctor, and they would go to the door every 10 minutes to look around, eager to see through.

When it was the nanny Zhou's turn to inquire about the situation, she looked around a few times, and finally hoped the young master to come back. She shouted at the house to inform the grandmother and the old man and the old lady, and then ran out to move the child. Doctor's luggage or something.

When it was reported that the little doctor had arrived, the old ladies and gentlemen of the He family helped the ancestors out of the hall to greet him.He Qiwei and driver Gao rushed out of the hospital to help carry the luggage.

He Xiaoba parked the car outside the courtyard where the third grandfather lived. He picked up the little beauty and the little doctor to get off the car before picking up the luggage. Just as he brought out a box, seeing the uncle Ba coming, he rudely took chicken feathers as an arrow and relied on him to personally The little doctor who went to pick them up knew the details of the luggage and instructed his uncle to be a porter.

Driver Gao also followed. There were a few men working as coolies, so classmate Le did not have to carry luggage by herself. She only carried the backpack full of precious supplies in front of her often, a box in her hand, and He Xiao, who was carrying luggage. Eight handsome guys enter the hospital.

The old ladies of the He family helped their ancestors to the door as well. A group of people in their [-]s and [-]s were extremely humble when they saw the little girl.

She was honored by a group of elderly people older than her grandparents. Le Yun was also helpless, so she bit the bullet and was treated with high courtesy. Okay, but because the pills she gave had already been eaten, the body that was dragged by the poison had already shown signs of weakness. Of course, the loss of the body was not obvious. After all, she had also predicted what would happen at the beginning.

Ancestor He wears a long retro dress with a hairpin on his head. He is in high spirits. He is supported by a pink and tender doctor. He walks with windy feet, and he does not look like a centenarian at all.

Walking into the yard, Le Yun glanced at the hall in the east hall as she passed by, and sweated silently. The east hall was piled with a lot of things, and there were also some woven bags on the corridor. The dried yak dung in Z province has to admire the carefulness of the handsome guys of the He family and the greatness of the He family's family.

The old ladies of the He family asked their children to help the little girl carry the luggage. They asked the little doctor to sit in the upper room. The imported fruits and high-quality Longjing tea prepared earlier were served one by one, and they also cooked cheese and tofu as dessert.

Because it took a lot of time on the road, it was past noon when we arrived at the He's house, and the meal was started immediately. The He's family could not wait to make up for the little doctor's grievance that he couldn't eat fresh meat and vegetables when he was digging for Cordyceps in Z province. Everything is the best. There are also chickens and ducks that came to Beijing from the Qin belt.

Le Yun, who was warmly received by the He family, had her stomach full after eating, and only after a short rest could she have the energy to go to the pharmacy and the things prepared by the He family.

He's family is well prepared. Firewood and charcoal are piled up in piles. Some of them are placed in the corner of the yard and covered with cloth. The pots, pots, and pots are cleaned and disinfected for later use. It is kept in a constant temperature ice room and will be delivered to the place in the afternoon. The Cordyceps that He Xiaoer brought back are all placed in the living room in the east wing. The four freezers that need to be kept fresh are enough to temporarily store fresh medicinal materials.

Because the set of medicine tripods that was handed over to the military factory had not been delivered yet, Le Yun did not go to work immediately. She first brought the items she brought to the He's house that should be moved into the pharmacy first, and put the items that were not needed temporarily outside. , Open a few bags of semi-dried Cordyceps that have not had time to clean the soil, wash off the Cordyceps with clean water, and chop them into pieces with a knife.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, He Qiyu, the ninth member of the He family, brought back the fresh medicinal materials stored in the professional ice room. He was afraid that they would deteriorate due to heat, so he put them in the freezer when they got home, and turned on a few fans to allow the air to circulate and dissipate heat.

Until 03:30, classmate Le's special pharmaceutical stove arrived, and it was Young Master Liu who went to T City to pick up the goods. He personally drove the army's well-modified Humvee from the military factory to secretly transport the medicinal stove back to He's family.

All the back seats of the Hummer were removed to make room for medicine stoves. There were thirteen ones in total. One tripod was 1.6 meters high and empty in the middle, like the alchemy stove of the old sun in the myth. The other twelve were slightly smaller, some It is an empty stomach, and there is also a medicine cauldron like an incense burner.

Each medicine stove is golden, dazzling in color, and its weight is absolutely beyond imagination. Looking at the furnace wall, it is not very thick. However, a stove with a small washbasin weighs [-] pounds, and the largest one is only [-] pounds.

Such heavy things are transported to the car on a conveyor belt in the factory. There are also logs in the car. The medicine stove is tied and fixed, and the side gap is filled with quilts and the wall of the car. Due to the size of the medicine stove, there is no packaging, so they are tied with thick ropes. lift.

In addition, there are several sets of pots and pans, especially with many pots, such as pans, round-bottomed pots, large, medium and small, as well as clay pots.

The small medicine stove can be lifted by a few people together, and they are all in a cold sweat in the face of that petite big thing.

After carrying the small medicine tripod, Le Yun waved her paw directly: "Brother Liu, you don't need to move the biggest one. Help me transport it to the garrison area for storage, and then transport it to the pharmaceutical place when I need it."

"Little beauty, I've been running around so hard, should I give me some food rewards, not too much, just treat me to a meal of three or five." Liu Xiangyang wiped off the sweat and approached Xiaoluo who was pink. Reward in front of Li.

"Brother Liu, do you still want a little daughter-in-law?"

Squinted by the little loli, Liu Xiangyang was smart, straightened his waist immediately, with a mighty and unyielding expression: "I want what I want, my daughter-in-law must want it, the little beauty has worked hard, and the little beauty is the greatest. ."

Liu Shuai turned into a mighty man in seconds, Le Yun carried a medicine stove in each of his left and right hands, and walked vigorously into Mr. He San's house.

The He San brothers watched the little doctor carry the [-]-pound medicine stove with ease like he was carrying chickens and ducks, all with their mouths open, looking at me and looking at you, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

After a long while, a group of frightened old and young people mechanically carried the medicine stove into the courtyard in a daze. Only three or four of them could lift one. One person carries five stoves, two small stoves and three medium stoves, one of which weighs about 400 jin.

It is a product produced by an encrypted military factory, and the quality meets the requirements of more than 90.00%, and they are very conscientious. After the completion, they also help cook it with yellow mud and silver mud several times, and then scrub it clean and deliver it to the owner. It can be used directly for pharmaceuticals.

When the medicine stove was in place, Le Yun rolled up her sleeves and went to work. She brought fresh medicinal materials to be used in the near future into the medicine stove. Three fires were fired at the same time. One was a gossip-like copper medicine stove with an empty stomach in the middle. A round belly medicine stove is placed on the support for burning fire; the largest red copper bowl is used on the Tibetan stove.

Boil water, add herbs.

She took office, and the old and young of the He family were also rejected from the door, and they were not allowed to peep. The old man He had to respect the practice of the little doctor and dispel the idea of ​​​​being a small laborer.

When the little doctor enters the pharmacy, it is like a semi-closed retreat. Unless she walks out of the room by herself, she will ignore all the chores outside, and the He family will not bother. , Not to mention a medicine stove of several hundred kilograms, even a few tons of things can be easily unloaded and unloaded.

(End of this chapter)

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