magic eye doctor

Chapter 587 Night Pillow Beauty Knee (2

Chapter 587 Night Pillow Beauty Knee (2
Grandma's house was right in front of him, Yan Xing carried his backpack and smelled the scent of medicine that could be smelled far away. He walked slowly at first, and then walked faster and faster, until he climbed the steps in front of the door to the gate, and put it again. Slowing down her steps, she felt a little nervous when she thought that Little Loli was at He's house. Would she dislike the bloody aura on him?

Uneasy in his heart, he still couldn't hold back the feeling of wanting to see his elders and little Loli. At this moment, what he wanted to see most was little Loli. Only by her side can he truly be at peace.

The courtyard door was closed, but it was not fastened, so it was hidden. Yan Xing gently opened the door, looking at the courtyard from the front door without any cover, and could see the family members sitting under the eaves of the upper house.

Ancestor He and his children and grandchildren were sitting under the eaves of the upper house enjoying the evening sun and cool breeze. When they heard the door slam, they looked over and saw a tall and tall young man. The old men and the old ladies exclaimed excitedly, "Little Dragon Treasure!"

"Xiao Longbao is back?" Ancestor He had slightly poor eyesight. He only saw a person, but he didn't know who it was. He was full of joy when he heard the shouts of his sons and daughters-in-law.

The old men shouted excitedly, thinking of the little doctor in the pharmacy in the east wing, and hurriedly lowered their voices: "Hush hush, tap lightly."

Everyone understood each other and nodded with a smile. The nanny Zhou swiftly got up and went to get the fruit and tea cup for Young Master Biao.

Seeing the elders, Yan Jing couldn't help laughing, and closed the door gently, like a bird returning from the nest, and hurried up to the room, even if he ran fast, he subconsciously relaxed his steps.

After Le Yun opened the workshop, she stayed in the pharmacy and didn't go out. She did whatever she had to do, added herbs to the fire, read books, made pancake rolls, dumplings, and steamed buns in the middle of the night, and was busy for a long time in the afternoon. After finishing the medicinal herbs, I heard the sound outside, so I sat and read a book in my spare time.

Originally, she didn't want to eavesdrop on the He family's words, but she couldn't resist those voices digging into her ears. When she heard the He family calling out the nickname of Xiaolongbao, she showed a confused face: That guy finally bubbling?

Sitting and listening to the ding ding dong dong sound of footsteps outside, she ran close, and when a handsome guy ran to the place opposite the East Wing Pharmacy, she finally smelled his unique smell, and felt that the whole person was a little bad, so serious With the breath of blood killing, the Yanren could not be the executioner.

At present, she doesn't want to be a villain who destroys family reunions, and Le Yun has no intention to find out. She continues to nibble on her own books. She runs out of the house all semester, and reads books in school in a few days. There are so many books, so she must hurry up scanning.

Yan Xing didn't know if Little Loli was frightened, so she ran quickly across the atrium patio, and only slowed down when she ran outside the eaves of the upper house. She took two steps to the eaves, and said hello to her uncles and aunts all the way. , bypassing the elders, squatting down beside the grandma too, throwing the backpack aside, leaning his face on the grandmother's knees and looking at the old man, calling warmly, "Grandma, grandma!"

"Hey! Hey!" The handsome eldest child came over. Ancestor He held the child's head with his dry hands, and touched his great-grandson's face with one hand: "My little dragon treasure has lost weight, why is his face so white."

The old man He San looked at his second brother, and his heart sank slightly. The aura on Xiao Longbao was very... very dark, and it was estimated that he saw blood again when he was performing the task.

The old man He Er only talked about agriculture. However, his reaction was not very slow, and he could not detect any strong aura, but he could clearly feel the gangster aura on Xiao Longbao. do not know.

Old Mrs. He Er spent a lot of time in her hometown, and it was rare to see her nephew and grandson. Seeing that the youngest nephew and grandson of the He family, who suffered the most, pounced on her ancestor's knee and acted like a spoiled child, she only felt pity in her eyes, and repeatedly said that Xiao Longbao was suffering outside.

Old Mrs. He San and Mrs. He Wu also agreed. There are many nephews and grandsons in the He family. Xiao Longbao suffers the most. He lost his mother when he was young, and his father is unreliable. He walked out of his own way step by step. Road, work is also dangerous, Xiao Longbao is not easy.

To tell the truth, the old ladies of the He family are willing to beat and scold their grandson, nephew, grandson and other nephews, but they are absolutely reluctant to touch Xiao Longbao with a finger.

Ancestor He stroked his face for a while, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Xiao Longbao, why are you still wearing glasses, and you refuse to show your handsome face to grandma too?"

"Grandma Tai, my eyes were irritated when I was on a mission, and I can't see too bright light. I have to wear sunglasses to protect me for a day or two." Yan Xing resolutely refused to take off the sunglasses, so as not to scare Grandma Tai and her uncles and aunts.

"The eye is injured, what does the doctor say?"

When the old men and the old ladies heard that Xiao Longbao couldn't see too bright light in his eyes, they were immediately nervous.

Yan Xing did not dare to tell the truth, but only said that his eyes were slightly burnt by the strong light, and his eyes became sore, red, and tearful when he saw the strong light. It's nothing, let the elders not worry.

The old men confirmed it again and again, and then stopped chasing the root cause.

Mrs. Zhou helped Mr. Biao bring his special teacup and freshly cut watermelon, and Mrs. Guo brought a plate of homemade cakes.

A few old people looked at the handsome young man eating snacks deliciously, and felt distressed for a while. Xiao Longbao looked at him as if he hadn't eaten for several days, and didn't know how hard the task was.

Yan Xing ate a small plate of cakes, wiped his mouth, drank tea, sat next to his great grandmother, and the family chatted some gossip.

Towards sunset, the three old ladies went out to the kitchen.

The little doctor is in the He family. The men and daughters-in-law of the He family do their best to go back to their ancestors after get off work every day. .

The old and the young of the He family ate dinner lively and chatted for a long time. They didn't go to rest until 10:30. Yan Xing didn't go to the Datong shop with his brothers and brothers. It is close to the pharmacy, and the smell of medicine smokes the eyes, so it will get better faster.

The old ladies and gentlemen of the He family don't care about Xiao Longbao. Let him be the one that the He family and the little doctor know best. Presumably, Xiao Longbao will not be disgusted by the little doctor when he builds a floor in the main hall of the east wing.

Yan Xing persuaded the elders to enter the living room in the east wing, holding the mat and pillow, and holding the backpack lightly as if he were a thief, spread out the mat in the relatively empty area on the south side, and took off his shoes and sat on the mat. , listen to the voice from the pharmacy, you can hear some small noises, but not too loud.

He was reluctant to sleep and sat listening to the sound.

Whether the He family came back or had a meal, Le Yun knew that even if she could leave the pharmacy, she would not disturb the He family's reunion. When the He family rested, she heard the footsteps of handsome Yan and went to the living room outside, but she still ignored her. Add firewood and charcoal to your own medicine stove and add medicinal materials.

After adding a portion of chopped fresh medicinal herbs from the space, I went to wash my hands, picked up my personal backpack, gently opened the door connecting the living room, drilled out and looked out, there was a double The guy with bunny eyes and red eyes looked straight at the pharmacy, probably startled by the door opening, with a nervous expression on his face.

Nervous, seeing the door suddenly opened, Yan Xing held his breath nervously, especially when he saw Little Lolita sticking out her head, his heartbeat was chaotic for a moment.

It was so... lethal, Yan Xing held his breath, his heart beating like a deer.

When Little Loli looked over with her beautiful and tender smiling face, he straightened his nerves and asked in a panic, "Little...Little Loli, are you hungry?"

Le Yun wanted to slap someone on Yan's head. At this time, she asked her if she was hungry. It was unnecessary, and she curled her lips: "What's wrong with being hungry?"

"If you're hungry, I'll go to the kitchen to cook... a noodle for you." Yan Xing was still nervous and at a loss.

"Take it down, you're so tired, you can't sleep with your bunny eyes on, do you want to be a god?" Le Yun gently got out of the pharmacy, and closed the door again, lest the outside wind get in and blow the fire.

Yan Xing's face quickly burned up, like a kid who made a mistake being caught, and made a self-deception move - lying down and holding the corpse: "I'm sleeping."

Le Yun was stunned, oh my god, that guy reacted like a god.

"Hmph, it's like a corpse when you see me, what does it mean?"

"Huh," Yan Xing said, "I'm doing sit-ups to train my body."

Someone's brain was spinning fast, and Le Yun was amused by him. She walked over with a small backpack and put her hands on the waist next to the mat: "Open your eyes and talk nonsense, you can't even deceive yourself, okay, lie down and lie down. "

"Well, I'm quite a corpse." The little Loli glared at him, Yan Xing admitted unconditionally, leaned back honestly, and hid into a vertical "one".

Someone Yan was honest and not sloppy, so Le Yun didn't say anything about him, she walked to the top of his head and squatted down: "Keep your head up."

Is the little loli going to stuff herself with a pillow?After Yan Xing lay down, he closed his eyes and pretended to be a corpse. Hearing the call to raise his head, he raised his upper body obediently.

Riding Yanren raised his head to make room, Le Yun sat on his knees and let him rest on his knees: "Lie down, relax, I don't know who you fought with, and your nerves couldn't bear the pressure. There were several changes. The numbness is sluggish, and the internal organs are also a bit under-loaded. At first glance, it is the result of being in high tension for a long time without eating. I gave you so many pills, how can you still be so unremarkable. Bird-like, you have a chance."

With his head resting on the beauty's knees, Yan Xing's whole body is nervous, he is resting on Little Loli's legs!

My heart is like a deer, and everyone is almost dizzy. When I heard that Xiao Luoli said that her nerves were damaged, she still couldn't relax, until she was reprimanded by Xiao Luolan, like a deflated ball, soft and soft. of lying adults.

"I distributed the pills to my teammates, and I also ate them myself, but because there were too many opponents, I didn't dare to close their eyes day and night, so... I was very tired, and I didn't lose any money. I killed a lot of small fish. "

"Are you capable of killing the small trash fish? If you come three or five times like this, no one will help you with acupuncture and moxibustion in time. After a few years, you will become paralyzed or partially paralyzed due to severe damage to the central nervous system. The limbs are unconscious." Le Yun choked back angrily, the nerve overload was stimulated and aged to the extent of aging in a short period of time, is he still reasonable?
"Isn't it because of you?" Yan Xing grumbled after being trained to say nothing. He knew that there was a little loli, so as long as he came back alive, he would not die.

"You can't think of me as omnipotent. I can save my sickness, but not my life. Next time I do it like this, I'm too lazy to care about you." Le Yun opened her backpack and took out the jade box. Now, just because she can save lives, Yan people are not afraid, right? After all, it seems that she is not.

"Try to be less injured next time." Yan Xing's heart softened, Little Loli was terrifying to be cruel, but she was soft-hearted and spoke harshly, but she still couldn't see death.

"Can't you try not to get hurt?"

"No, it's impossible for people like us not to get hurt. We can only get hurt as little as possible. No one can guarantee that we won't get hurt."

"Hmph, to put it bluntly, it's still not strong enough. You've become top-notch, and you can't even touch the corners of your clothes." Le Yun took out a gold and silver needle and stabbed one into Yan's eye socket: " Don't be shy, I know you're a great soldier."

Yan Xing showed a sincere and proud smile. Fortunately, he was a soldier. Otherwise, Little Loli would not be merciful and would definitely beat him and reason with him.

Yan was so cute, Le Yun stabbed the gold needles and silver needles on the corresponding acupoints one by one, pierced dozens of needles, took out a pill and let the Yan people eat it, and then gave him a needle, which was placed on his head and face. There are needles on the neck and shoulders, and then help him massage.

After doing massage on Yanren's head for half an hour, Le Yun paused first, then went back to the pharmacy to add firewood and charcoal to the medicine stove, and then returned to massage the acupuncture points on his arms and acupuncture.

After half an hour, I went to the medicine furnace, and gave Yanren a head massage, pulled out the needles, and took back a few silver needles on his arm. He patted his forehead: "What else are you looking at? After the acupuncture is over, let me sleep honestly until I wake up naturally, do you know?"

"Yeah." Yan Xing was [-]% confused and [-]% awake. He was slapped and showed a big smile. He closed his eyes very obediently and fell asleep in seconds.

Le Yun always thinks that Yan is a donkey man. He can't walk on a lead, ride on a ride, coax and walk around, give him a color and he can open a dyeing workshop, and give him a face and his nose and eyes, if he is better than him Fierce, suppress his momentum, and he can't be arrogant.

A phoenix palm patted the person to sleep honestly, she happily retracted her claws, put the medical needle into the sterile bottle, heard three or two mosquitoes flapping their wings, looked at a handsome guy who was in deep sleep, took out My own small incense burner, go to add some embers, burn incense powder, put it not far from Yan's side to help him repel mosquitoes, and then go back to the pharmacy to do my own business.

(End of this chapter)

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