Chapter 591

On the way back, He Xiaowu drove his elder brother and younger brother, followed by Butler Hu who drove a refrigerated truck to help deliver the goods to He's house.

When the He family's car and truck entered the gate of the compound, an old lady nearby found it, and quietly followed the He family's residence to observe the He family's unloading, and left quietly.

Butler Hu had just arrived, and the He family members who had been waiting immediately helped move the Cordyceps into the house. There were so many people that they carried, carried, carried, carried, like ants moving house. The picture was so happy that they came running Zhang Lao, who was arrested, was also overwhelmed.

When he was about to finish moving things, Mr. Zhang rushed to the side of Xiao Shiwu in the He family and caught the young man: "Little Shishi, I'll discuss something with you, your grandfather Zhang, I have old ginseng, please help me and ask the little doctor for matching. What kind of stew is the best to drink."

"Grandpa Zhang, it's better for you to ask my brother Long Bao for this matter. I can't say anything in front of this little beauty." He Mingzhi thought it was a good thing when he was caught, but it turned out that it was about the little doctor Lolita. He was clever He kicked the ball to his omnipotent Brother Long Bao, smeared oil on both feet, and slipped away.

The little guy was as slick as a loach, Zhang Lao glared at him with a beard, and ran to catch the grandson of the He family, um, that kid is a ghost, he has run into the Hejiayuan with two fresh-keeping boxes, and he wants to catch He Xiao again. Eight, that kid is also very fast.

Unable to catch anyone, the old man stomped his feet and shouted: "Stinky boy, you don't respect the old."

"Grandpa Zhang, don't be too hard, the floor will crack if you can't stand it." He Mingxin made a face, and ran away with a big bag.

"Hmph, bear boy, everyone can slip faster than a rabbit." Zhang Lao helplessly stared at him, but he had a thick smile on his face.

"No way, the boys have been hit by the little doctor. Recently, they have been working hard, and their running speed has improved a lot." He Zirong, who is a porter with his children and grandchildren, responded with a smile.

"Elder Zhang, you may not be able to catch the boys, and they may not be able to help. The little doctor is locked in the pharmacy and can't come out. We haven't seen the little doctor for many days. The boys are also afraid of accepting your entrustment. I didn't manage to disappoint you." He Qiwen was also there, smiling to relieve the children.

"I know, I just want to tease the children. When a group of stinky boys was young, the back of my ass was as sweet as honey, but when I grew up, it was difficult for me to walk around. They didn't accompany me to relieve my boredom. Arrest the people yourself, and one day when the little doctor is not at your house, you have to catch the boys to accompany me to drink tea and listen to the play."

"That's ok, let the boys accompany you to drink a pot, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it."

"It doesn't matter, I'm happy to drink if you're in a hurry to urinate. You guys are busy, I'll continue to wander around and see if I can catch a good-looking boy in the compound to chat with me."

The He family had business affairs, and Mr. Zhang couldn't help or take up space. With his hands behind his back, he took the steps of the government to arrest people to accompany him to kill time.

There are so many people and great strength, the He family quickly emptied the cordyceps, and closed the door of the truck first. Butler Hu was still chatting with Mrs. He Tai at the He family, and would not go back immediately for a while.

When the He family just returned to the courtyard, Mrs. Wang took Wang Yuxuan around a flowerbed with full moons, and went straight to Mr. He San's house outside the Hejia courtyard.

Mrs. Wang took a walk in the morning and saw He Xiaoba and Yan Xing driving out before knowing that Yan Xing had come back. She had been secretly wandering around the gate of the compound.

She followed from a distance outside the He Family Courtyard and observed that the He family members brought back some goods. She guessed that they would not be able to carry them all in a while. She immediately went home and asked her granddaughter to change her clothes and come to the He Family House. Seeing that the He family members had not carried the goods , She was worried that the He family would see her and would not let her in, so she stopped at a distance and watched the young people of the He family close the door of the carriage and enter the He family courtyard.

Wang Yuxuan, who came to visit with her grandmother, was very excited and nervous because she was about to see Yan Xing. She was a little afraid that Yan Xing would drive her away. After thinking about it, she was relieved. The guest swept out the door.

The door of the He family was left open, and Mrs. Wang was overjoyed and pushed it open. The two doors opened wide with a "bang" sound. She entered the courtyard with one foot, and the left noise lit up: "Ancestor He Are you at home? My family Yuxuan hasn't come to see you for a long time. I miss your old man. I will bring my child to talk to you. "

The old lady of the Wang family's left door lit up, louder than the door.

The ancestor of the He family, his wife, He San and his wife received the housekeeper Hu in the main hall of the Shangfang. He Er and his nephews and grandsons moved the Cordyceps back to the east hall and were still sorting them out. When they heard the door bang, the Shangfang and his grandsons were still sorting out. The people in the east wing were all startled, and they hurried to see who was so impolite and made such a loud noise.

Before they saw anyone, they heard Mrs. Wang's screeching voice, and He Zirong almost exploded. Damn old witch and little bitch still have the face to come to He's house? !
The old witch and the little bitch Wang didn't come to He's house. When they came to He's house, when he thought that the old mother was almost killed by a pair of cheap grandparents, the anger in his heart rushed to his forehead, and he was out of temper. Unable to rub the sand in his eyes, he immediately ran out angrily: "You are a thief, and you still have the face to run here, see if I can't kill him."

"Second uncle, second uncle, don't be impulsive!" He Qishu was closest to the second uncle, and found that he was rushing out of the bullfighting, and hugged the second uncle quickly. The second uncle of their family was hot-tempered. If he didn't stop him, he might have killed the little bitch Wang.

He Xiaowu and He Xiaoliu were also surprised that something was wrong, and immediately rushed up to hug the old man: "Grandpa, calm down, the third grandfather is in charge of this matter. You will disturb the little doctor by shouting so loudly."

Le Yun separated by a wall: "..." I feel like I have become the best shield again.

She was indeed disturbed, but not by the old man He Er, but by the sharp soprano. She was rubbing pills, challenging her speed limit with all her body and mind. interrupted her rhythm.

Le Xiaoxiao was really upset when she was disturbed at work, but she didn't have time to scold the street. Her pills were important. While rubbing the pills quickly, she listened to how to solve the problem from outside, and when he heard Mr. He Er swearing foul language, she was quite impressed. The old man's words were not rude, someone almost killed the old mother, and the enemy was shameless.

Being used by the two handsome guys in the He family as a reason to persuade her elders, she is also super helpless, although she is a little tender and not so fragile, and a louder voice still won't scare her to death.

He Zirong was full of anger. He was hugged by his nephew and dragged his nephew for a few steps. He was still angry when he was hugged by his two grandsons. Hearing what the grandson said, the anger all over his body suddenly became shorter by half: "Understood, you guys Let me shoot people out, and don't let people dirty our He Family's land."

"Second Uncle, you stay here, let's go out and have a look." He Qishu and his brothers and nephews hurried out of the east hall.

He Xiaoba and his brothers, brothers and sisters cleverly lined up to block the east hall door, plus some brothers He Qiwen, like a row of poplar trees to block the door.

He Xiaofu, He Xiaoliu dared not let grandpa be left alone.

Several daughters-in-law of the He Jiaqi generation followed Mrs. He Er in the kitchen. They heard the voice of Mayor Wang's mother, but no one went out. They were of the younger generation, and that kind of person was left to the mother-in-law/aunt/aunt to deal with.

In the upper room, the old lady He San heard whose voice, her face sank, and quickly walked out of the upper room. Seeing the old lady Wang walking towards her house, she immediately called out in a clear voice, "Mr Wang. Madam, please stop, our He family is inconvenient to receive guests these days, and my He family does not welcome the daughter of your royal family, please take your precious granddaughter back and forth from where."

"Sister Chai, what are you talking about? I came to He's house to see the old lady. Although my granddaughter Yuxuan has a little conflict with Yan Xing because she is young and not very sensible, it is also a matter of young people, and I have always wanted to bring them with me. Xiaoxuan came to clarify with Yan Xing in front of the old lady, the nonsense that Yan Xing said back then was really not from my family Xiaoxuan. Sister Chai, you have also been through wind and rain, so you will not be so confused that you will be confused because of the children. Don't even care about the relationship between our two families for many years."

Mrs. Wang was scolded by her husband at home, and now she was driven by He's third daughter-in-law at the head of the He family, and she suddenly became angry. But He San's wife, an older generation, can't be so stingy that she doesn't even understand "the visitor is a guest" and bombards people in front of her. Isn't this hitting her in the face?
"Speaking of this, I don't need to save face for uninvited people, so that you know that my ancestors don't want to see you and your granddaughter, and you don't have to look at our ancestors. You are here to do disgusting activities, what are you trying to do in the He family, you know in your heart, my He family is not a fool, and I also know it well." Chai Xi was so happy, and accused her on her home site?
There was fire in my heart, and I directly choked back: "Besides, why am I protecting my shortcoming? Maybe your Wang family will protect your granddaughter, but the He family can't protect your grandson? My family's Xiaolongbao is doing well, doing things upright and upright, and doing things worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. , I'm not afraid of thunder and thunder, and your granddaughter, you feel your chest and ask if your granddaughter is afraid of thunder and thunder?
My little dragon treasure is human, standing upright and upright. Your grandson, Queen Yuxuan, looks like a human being, but she is an ungrateful, snake-hearted trash, a little slut who has the same virtue as her mother, and a male prostitute since childhood. Female thieves have been pretending since childhood, pretending to be weak and tricking my Xiaolongbao to buy her designer clothes and bags. For more than ten years, she spent my Xiaolongbao's money, and took advantage of my family's Xiaolongbao's potential to enter and exit celebrity banquets in high-end venues. Secretly got together with an illegitimate child, a pair of adulterers spread rumors and ruined my family's Xiaolongbao's reputation, saying that your granddaughter is a slut who insults two kinds of beasts, wolves and dogs. Better than life.

Xiaolongbao has been protecting your granddaughter for more than ten years. Even a white-eyed wolf has been raised, but your granddaughter is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Your granddaughter is a bitch and you want to set up a chastity workshop, a little bitch Still pretending to be pure, for whom?
The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Your granddaughter and your good daughter-in-law are all the way. Your granddaughter is as rotten as a street cabbage. Everyone avoids it like a poisonous snake. You are the only one who is still a treasure and shows off everywhere. Others look at the king. The mayor's face is not easy to say clearly, do you really think you and your granddaughter are very precious?
You bring your bitch and granddaughter around to disgusting people. For the sake of Mayor Wang, I don't think I can see it. You still have the face to bring people to my house to disgust us.The relationship between the He family and the Wang family has long been wiped out by you and your granddaughter. If the He family does not settle accounts with your granddaughter, it is to give you a big face in the face of Mayor Wang.

You and your granddaughter are not the food and clothing parents of the He family, so why would you want me to hold you, serve you, and coax you?What kind of onion are you, Fu Zirong, who dare to point fingers at me and call me confused when you come to my house?I bah, you are a scumbag who thinks of my house to go wild with the pretense of being an official wife. You went to the wrong door, don't do daydreams, my house doesn't welcome you, please go out as mellow as you come in. "

Who is the old lady He San?
She was a golden flower in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China and the first female translator. She is proficient in six languages, has traveled to more than [-] countries, and has also served as an assistant to ambassadors abroad. The wife has traveled a lot, but she can proudly say that she has traveled a lot longer than the old lady Wang, and the world she has seen, the old lady Wang can't keep up.

As for eloquence, needless to say, if the eloquence of the first female translator is not good, what qualifications are there to follow the leader to visit?If you have poor eloquence, what qualifications do you have to be an assistant to an ambassador abroad?

After she became a grandmother, she took off the various honorary laurels she once had, served her mother-in-law at home, taught her children, took away her elegance, and became a good daughter-in-law, a good mother-in-law and an elder.

She doesn't speak, she doesn't scold, it doesn't mean she doesn't scold.

She is dignified and generous, gentle and virtuous. She doesn't want to care about people with shallow eyelids, but someone shamelessly came to the Hejia site to point fingers at her. Why should she bear it?

Chai Xi, who couldn't bear it, used his old skills to spit at people, without even pausing in the middle. A series of words were as relaxed as the hawker selling vegetables on the street had just shouted a few times, scolding people, He also walked towards the grandparents of the Wang family with a blank face, just one meaning: if you have the ability, you can beat me, if I can't win, you will count me as a loser.

Mrs. He San didn't speak very fast, but there was absolutely no room for anyone to grab the conversation. Mrs. Wang first heard that her granddaughter Hua Yanxing was very unconvinced. The words he said after another made his face bloodless.

It is a fact that the granddaughter spent Yanxing's money and used Yanxing to pay for the bags and brand-name clothes, but she could barely argue that it was Yanxing's will, but it was a fact that Yuxuan was a junior, and she had a relationship with Zhao Zongze. It is also a fact that they are together, and they are getting more and more... It is also a fact that they are not welcome in the noble circle in Beijing.

But... but she was scolded as a bitch. Old Madam Wang was dizzy with anger, and her mind was empty. Facing the strong and sharp wife He San, she didn't know how to react when she saw a cat like a mouse. , Only the chest rises sharply, and the mouth is rough in the nose.

Wang Yuxuan followed her grandmother closely. She was looking at him secretly. She saw people outside the East Hall of Hejia, looking for Yanxing. When she saw Yanxing in the crowd and was about to fly over to find Yanxing, she heard the old lady He San scolded and only Hearing that he was "Little Sansheng's little slut", his eyes widened with anger, and he looked at the old lady He San in disbelief. Why did an old man who used to be so friendly become so fierce?

She stood dumbfounded, her arms tightened unknowingly, and tightly hugged a box she had brought. Must not.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... Ten seconds passed, and the grandparents of the Wang family didn't respond, and 20 seconds passed, and the grandparents of the Wang family still didn't respond...

Thirty seconds passed, and the grandparents of the Wang family didn't respond. The one who responded was the person in the room facing north in the East Wing. She gasped in a "hissy" breath.

Le Yun didn't take in the cool air, but took in a breath of hot air, her face twitched fiercely, cow!The old lady He San is a goddess. She scolded people so domineeringly, and her tone was so... elegant, what a goddess.

The old lady scolded people with dirty words. However, she scolded people sternly. The tone was cadenced, smooth and coherent. It was more exciting than a speech. Listening to her swearing, whether she wanted to or not, she couldn't help but follow her rhythm and listen to what she scolded. content.

Listening to her scolding is actually similar to listening to someone tell a book, it is very fascinating, but you can imagine how painful it will be when the scolded person can't find a chance to slap the needle.

As a child who grew up listening to scolding, classmate Le Xiao admired the old lady with all her might, and Mrs. He San's level of elimination, Zhang Jing's mother couldn't catch up even by rocket, she had to take the fastest plane and she might be able to catch up. After all, she is young and has potential, isn't she.

He Zirong in the east hall heard the third sister-in-law scolding the old witch, and it was a shock. His third sister-in-law's fighting power was too strong, and he couldn't match it.

He felt that sometimes the power of language is indeed stronger than fists. Such an ability to scolded people can't be more powerful. Intellectuals are powerful.

I was overwhelmed with emotion when I heard the sound of inhalation coming from the next door, and the young people turned their heads subconsciously. Then, they were stunned in unison, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads. That... did you scare the little doctor?

The sound from the north room in the east wing was the only sound in Jing Mi, and it broke the deadlock. Chai Xi embarrassedly stroked Fu Zuo temple: "I'm sorry, little doctor, there's a mad dog at home, I didn't keep my mouth shut for a while. , it's a little louder, it's startling you."

She didn't expect the little doctor to answer, but there was a light laugh inside: "It's okay, your old eloquence is really good, the scolding is so heartwarming, powerful and decisive, listening to you scolding is better than looking at people. The fight is still enjoyable, and the little girl admires her to the ground, if I can go out at this time, I will definitely applaud you and give you a hundred thumbs up."

(End of this chapter)

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