magic eye doctor

Chapter 594 Bad News

Chapter 594 Bad News

Wang Yuxuan hurriedly fled the compound with her most important things, and ran to the gate of the compound. When she saw her grandmother running back, she subconsciously hid behind the garden tree, and ran out again after her grandma passed. .

When he ran to the gate of the courtyard and looked out, he found that the uncle's car was still outside. He was so frightened that he ran into the courtyard again and hid himself behind the flowerbed.

Mayor Wang hugged his old father and breathed and felt his chest every few minutes. He was afraid that the old man was gone, but his heart was still hanging. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the ambulance finally came. Wang Shi and his wife took the old man away. Hand it over to the medical staff, close the door of the private car, and follow the car in the ambulance.

The medical staff received Wang Lao for emergency rescue and rushed to the hospital.

Wang Yuxuan waited for the ambulance outside to come and go before she dared to leave the compound. She called back to her parents. She went home and hid, and no one answered the phone.

Mrs. Wang ran home tremblingly and fell on the sofa, as if she had been drained of her strength. She was frightened and frightened, and she seemed to have lost her soul.

The nanny did not dare to ask what was wrong, and only prepared food and drink for the old lady to use at any time.

When the Wang family's car parked outside the gate of the compound, it was a bit far from the guard, and not many people and vehicles entered the compound on weekends.

However, the old lady Wang first ran to the gate of the compound in a bleak way, and then Wang Qianjin ran out as if she had lost her mind, but she was still seen, and secretly communicated with each other to find out what happened to the Wang family.

He Xiaoliu went to deliver a gift box to the Wang family. Everyone in the He family was very relieved. He Qiwen and several people removed the Cordyceps from the fresh-keeping box, and returned the fresh-keeping box to the truck before returning to the room.

The He family men sorted out the cordyceps, but the housekeeper Hu politely refused the He family to stay, and drove a refrigerated truck back to the second master's house, and then sent it back to Zhou's house another day.

Yan Xing felt uncomfortable after washing his hands several times. When Xiao Shishi brought his clothes to take a bath, he washed N times from head to toe, but his hands were still a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't get rid of the unpleasant feeling, so he put on clean clothes and went back to the room. See the elders.

"Xiao Longbao, is what you said to Wang Yuxuan true?" He Zirui asked when the handsome and innocent young man returned from his bath.

"Uh, Uncle Third, it's better not to break the casserole and ask about some things. I promise, at least half of them are true, and half of them are half-truths." Yan Xing's rare face warmed slightly.

"Xiaolongbao's learning is broken. The Wang family will hate you to death." He Qiwen rubbed the palm of his hand, and He Xiaowu called the Wang family. Presumably Wang always got angry after hearing what Xiaolongbao said to Wang Yuxuan. All over the place, the trouble was to the point of being sent to the hospital.

The old man He San didn't say a word, his eyes just said: Good job!Being able to endure what ordinary people can't endure is the only way to do big things. Xiaolongbao has been forbearing, but he seems to be escaping, but he is actually waiting for the best time to catch everyone. Take the net, take the net.

"It was they who were unkind to me first, so you can't blame me for being unrighteous. I wanted to keep it going for a while longer so that a few people couldn't sit still and secretly take action to pull them into the water too. After such a mess, it might not work anymore. I'll do it tomorrow. By handing over the documents that have not been submitted to the court, I can solve the troubles as soon as possible, and I can also have a happy vacation."

"Even if you can't pull everyone into the water, it's impossible for the Wang family to go further after this." The daughter of the Wang family helped Zhao Zongze to get rid of the dirt. The Wang family had hundreds of mouths and couldn't tell, and there were stains. It was too difficult to go further.

The elders of the He family can already imagine how much Old Wang hates Wang Yuxuan, and even if the boss of the Wang family does not feel sorry for his own future, he also loves his son. After all, Wang Yuhui, the grandson of the Wang family, was originally scheduled to be transferred back to Beijing this year, and the matter of Wang Yuxuan happened. , I am afraid that the road to Beijing will also undergo unexpected changes.

The He family will not sympathize with the Wang family. Wang Yuxuan is always behind Xiaolongbao. Why didn't the Wang family know?They knew that they didn't stop him and let Wang Yuxuan spread rumors. Because of Xiao Longbao's work relationship, some rumors could help him reduce some troubles.

The end of the little bitch of the Wang family couldn't be any better. The brothers of the He family were also at ease, waiting happily for lunch. After the family enjoyed the sumptuous dinner, they each did things they were interested in.

Young Master Yan resolutely resisted the temptation to be dragged to play games, swayed to the east wing, entered the hall lightly, spread out the mat and a small mobile table, and moved his computer to work.

Compared with the ease of the He family, Mayor Wang and his wife were almost tensed.

The ambulance that picked up Wang Lao was from the hospital closest to the compound. It took the patient back to the hospital for examination. When the scans were taken, the hospital transferred the patient to the Military General Hospital.

Wang Lao was a senior official and veteran cadre. After retirement, his treatment was only a little lower than that of a deputy state-level veteran cadre.

Wang Lao had undergone coronary stent intervention. The scan results showed that the blood vessels that had undergone cardiac intervention were narrowed and blocked again, and new areas were also blocked, so the operation must be re-operated.

When Mayor Wang got the inspection report, he followed the old father to the Military General Hospital, and he went back and forth for a few hours. After the inspection of all parties, the diagnosis results showed that Wang Lao's current physical condition is very unstable. Whether it is a heart bypass operation or a stent intervention, he is in danger of life. For the time being, he can only be hospitalized to observe the situation.

That result was tantamount to dropping a small bomb. Mayor Wang's heart was shattered, and the old father's body couldn't even bear the operation. How much hope could there be?

He thought of the little doctor in the He family, but he also knew that he couldn't invite that person, nor was he qualified to go to the He family to see a doctor.

Mayor Wang followed the doctor to transfer his father to the V-shaped isolation ward, and asked for special care to take care of him temporarily. He dragged his exhausted body back to the municipal housing to get the clothes and supplies for his husband and wife to accompany the hospital, and prepared hospital supplies for his father.

After returning from the hospital to the municipal dormitory to pick up things and then go back to the hospital, half a day has passed. They returned to the hospital in the evening. They put away the items for the hospital, waited for the old father to change the medicine, and then handed it over to the special nursing care. , they go to dinner first.

Mayor Wang and his wife ran around and did not inform her mother about her father's illness. Anyway, his mother only had her granddaughter in her heart, only her own so-called self-esteem and pride. They didn't care about him and his father. Telling her would only cause trouble. She stays at home.

Mrs. Wang stayed at home and waited for an afternoon without waiting for the call from the eldest son, nor for the call from the younger son. She was in despair. In the evening, she was persuaded by the nanny to eat something, and she began to wait endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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