magic eye doctor

Chapter 596 Selfishness

Chapter 596 Selfishness
The sarcastic words of the residents of the compound got into their ears. Ma Mengting felt ashamed. Qing Tie ran to the door angrily with a face and slammed the door shut. As she was cut off from the outside world, her legs felt like cotton wool. The strings were trembling and trembling, so soft that they could barely stand.

She rested her hands on the door leaf and said tremblingly, "How could this happen, what should I do, how could this happen..."

My train of thought was disconnected, and I repeated a few words over and over again, but I didn't know what to do. After a while, I reached out my trembling hand to look for the phone. I touched it a few times and couldn't find it. In the living room, find your mobile phone on the coffee table.

The hand holding the mobile phone trembled so badly, it took a long time to find Wang Lingzhi's phone number. He nervously pressed the dial button twice before dialing out. It was not connected until more than [-] seconds later, and an impatient sentence came from the phone. : "What do you want me to do, I said I won't go home for dinner."

Wang Lingzhi was eating in a small restaurant not far from his work. He received a call from home halfway through the meal. He spoke in a very impatient tone. When he went home, he said he was incompetent.

Ma Mengting was flustered in her heart, and finally got through the phone, but what she heard was a vicious answer, tears of grievance poured out all of a sudden, she opened her mouth to shout, her throat was blocked, and she couldn't make a sound.

Before he could speak, Wang Lingzhi became even more impatient: "Why don't you make a phone call, are you ill?"

After saying a word, I cut off the call and continued to eat. I just finished eating, and the phone rang again. I thought it was Ma Mengting calling again. Seeing that it was my eldest brother's phone, I shivered in fright, and hurriedly answered the phone: "Brother, it's me, what's the matter with me?"

Mayor Wang accompanied his father to the hospital yesterday. He hurried to the municipal office in the morning and asked his wife to take leave to accompany the hospital.

After a lot of tossing yesterday, he didn’t sleep well all night. He didn’t even catch his breath when he arrived at the municipal office. He rushed to the meeting first, and then the meeting in his unit. The office immediately called his brother.

After getting through the phone, Mayor Wang frowned: "Ling Zhi, my dad had a coronary heart attack yesterday and was hospitalized..."

"Stay... Inpatient brother, how is Dad now?" Wang Lingzhi was shocked when he heard that the old man was hospitalized. The old man must not hang up. He relies on the fucking support, and his mother's private money mainly comes from His father, if the old man has some advantages and disadvantages, his salary is not enough for a month's living expenses, how will he live in the future?
"It's very bad. I'm so sick that I can't even do surgery." Mayor Wang said slowly, at least his brother still has a little conscience and knows he is worried about the old man's health.

"Dad's health is not good, why was he suddenly hospitalized? Did he quarrel with Mom again?" Wang Lingzhi panicked when he heard that the old man couldn't even bear the operation.

"Dad was sickened by Wang Yuxuan's anger. Wang Yuxuan helped Zhao Zongze to transfer public funds and used it to buy a villa. Dad heard that Wang Yuxuan was helping Zhao Zongze to clean up the dirt, and he was so angry that he had a heart attack. Wang Yuxuan should go home. Second child, Yu Xuan is your daughter. You take a leave of absence in the afternoon and take Yuxuan to surrender immediately and return the house. It costs tens of millions. Once it is traced, Wang Yuxuan will be imprisoned for several years, and your job will be implicated. If you turn yourself in, you may even fight for leniency, and you can at most be transferred to another department." Mayor Wang knew that he had to explain the serious relationship, otherwise his brother would accept money and reckless like Wang Yuxuan, and no one would be able to keep him at that time.

"...What? Brother, what should I do..." Wang Lingzhi was so frightened that everyone was dumbfounded. Xiaoxuan helped Zhao Zongze hide tens of millions of money?gosh...

He was frightened, and in a panic, he accidentally pressed the phone and hung up the call. After asking a few questions, he found that there was no sound. He looked at the phone and found that it was disconnected. In a hurry, he wanted to call back, but the phone rang again. Xuan's mother's mobile phone number, he answered in a panic, and immediately asked, "Is Xiao Xuan at home?"

The first call was hung up, Ma Mengting was stunned for a while, and then she called and found that she was on the phone, and she kept calling, and finally got through again, and she cried when she heard the question about her daughter: "Xiaoxuan... She was taken away, come back quickly, they said that Xiaoxuan helped people clean up the dirt, and took her away, come back to save Xiaoxuan, go to Yanxing to save Xiaoxuan, Yanxing will definitely be able to save Xiaoxuan... "

"It's over!" With a buzzing sound in Wang Lingzhi's brain, the muscles on his face spasmed sharply, and he was stunned for a while.

Wang Er made a loud phone call and disturbed others to eat. Many people stared at him and condemned him with their eyes for being unqualified and immoral. When they saw him stand up, they ran away and watched him rush out of the restaurant in astonishment.

Wang Lingzhi hurriedly ran from the small restaurant to the outside, looking at all kinds of people and vehicles outside, his eyes were shaking, and after running a few steps, he remembered the phone in his hand. Hang up, and then call the big brother.

When his phone was hung up, Mayor Wang couldn't help but the blue veins jumped on the back of his hand. His younger brother was also unable to handle it, so he probably couldn't count on it. His brother's family took Wang Yuxuan away for review.

At this time, the staff at the procuratorate was also at lunch time. He didn't want to increase the burden on them outside work. He wanted to wait for work time to call again, sit and relax, and just sat for a while. The phone rang again, and it showed that it was his brother number, connect.

"Brother...It's late, it's late..." After getting through to his brother's phone, Wang Lingzhi muttered, "It's late".

"What's too late?" Mayor Wang's heart tightened, it couldn't be...

"Yuxuan was taken away... Her mother asked me to ask Yan Xing to intercede..." Wang Lingzhi wanted to cry, Yu Xuan and Yan Xing got into such a fuss, and Yu Xuan helped Zhao Zongze transfer public funds, how could Yan Xing still care about Yu Xing Xuan is alive and dead.

"...Sigh!" Mayor Wang sighed after hearing Wang Yuxuan's being taken away, and looked out of the window of the desk. After all, it was still a step too late. Yan Xing and the He family... exhausted their patience.

He didn't have the energy to care about Wang Yuxuan, and he didn't bother to care whether his brother would find Yanxing. He hung up the phone, called his wife in the hospital, asked about the situation, ended the call and went to the cafeteria by himself. Stop when you go, you have to face what you have to face.

Without hearing the eldest brother's comfort and guidance, Wang Lingzhi asked a few times what to do, but he didn't hear any sound. Then, the words were interrupted. He guessed that the eldest brother hung up the phone in disappointment and was too lazy to talk to him.

He was so flustered that he didn't know what to do, and as soon as he ran home, he wanted to find someone to solve the urgent need in front of him. After thinking for a while, he called his mother.

Mrs. Wang stayed at home by herself and waited for a long time and one night, but still did not wait for the eldest couple to tell her about the old man's condition, and asked the nanny to call to ask. I heard that the old man had coronary heart disease, and he was so weak that he couldn't even perform surgery. The soul is almost gone.

She can't be stronger than the old man in her life. She has thought many times that maybe when the old man is gone, she will be able to become the head of the family, but she also knows that the old man is the backbone of the family and must not fall. Once the old man is gone, he will lose his income and lose his support The source is her pension, not to mention the subsidy for the children. It is not enough for her to buy anything herself. She can only maintain a living standard of middle and upper living. , she couldn't stand the low-quality living standard of her younger son's family.

After the nanny finished the phone call, Mrs. Wang was like a puppet whose soul had been taken away, dazed on the sofa, her mind was a mess, she didn't dare to go to the hospital, for fear that the old man would see her in a fit of rage. She is really going to be a widow, and it is impossible for the eldest couple to give her a good face. When she gets old, she doesn't have a happy birthday.

At this moment, she realized that she really did a stupid thing to go to the He family, which angered the He family and caused trouble to the Wang family.

The whole morning, Mrs. Wang was stunned. She sat there for a whole morning, ate a few bites of food at noon, and sat in a daze. Besides being in a daze, she didn't know what else to do.

When she heard the phone ring, she was still in a state of wandering in space, but the nanny was more awake and helped the old lady find the mobile phone for her: "Old lady, it's the second master's number."

Hearing that it was the youngest son who called, Mrs. Wang's thoughts drifted back from a far-flung place, and she answered the phone with a hoarse voice: "Second child, your father..."

"Mom, eldest brother told my dad to be hospitalized, Mom, Yuxuan was taken away, you should find a way to find someone to rescue her, if Yuxuan is imprisoned, her reputation will be ruined, how can she marry in the future... ...You love Yuxuan the most, Dad is hospitalized, and only you can save Yuxuan..." Wang Lingzhi got on the phone and immediately encouraged his mother to find contacts to find her daughter.

It is absolutely not allowed to sit in prison. After sitting for a few months, her reputation will be ruined. Yuxuan’s reputation has been negatively affected because of her marriage with Zhao Zongze. If she goes to prison for a few more months, the entire capital will be No one in your circle would dare to marry her.

The eldest brother is just Yuxuan's eldest uncle, not a father-daughter relationship. It is impossible for the eldest uncle to do his best to protect Yuxuan. Yuxuan's imprisonment will have a certain influence on the eldest brother, but it is not enough to destroy him. His loss is the greatest, after all, His own daughter, if Yuxuan helped Zhao Zongze to get rid of the dirty, he would definitely be dismissed.

Now, the best way is to find someone to catch Yuxuan and let Yan Xing not hold him accountable. He does not dare to look for Yan Xing or the He family. Only his father has connections and uses his father's connections to talk to the He family. Love, let Yan Xing let Yuxuan go, and issue a letter of understanding, so that Yuxuan will not go to jail.

Wang Lingzhi knew that he was not strong enough, and persuaded his mother to come forward. His mother loved Yuxuan so much, and she would definitely find a way to save her granddaughter.

Listening to Xiao'er's continuous words, Mrs. Wang's face with no makeup and wrinkles and haggard due to poor sleep became pale for a while: "You said... Yuxuan was arrested?!"

Her breathing was a little difficult, and her speech was extremely difficult, almost clenching her teeth.

"Yes, Yuxuan was taken away. When she was taken away, she asked her mother to ask me to find Yanxing to save her. I'm not familiar with Yanxing. I don't even know a phone number. All I can think of to rely on is you, my mother. , saving Yuxuan is equivalent to saving me. Yuxuan can’t keep my job even if I’m in prison. How can I live in the future? Mom, please think of a way to get Yanxing to let Xiaoxuan go, and what kind of money should be given to Xiaoxuan. his pocket money... He is so rich, and he is not bad for a few small coins, right... "

Wang Lingzhi rambled on the phone, the He family had a consortium, Yanxing also had his mother's Feixia Group, at least one billion, and the public funds transferred by Yuxuan to help Zhao Zongze were only tens of millions, for Yanxing It's nothing to give Xiao Xuan as pocket money. He doesn't lack it.

If Yan Xing didn't take back the villa, he sold the house. He wouldn't have to go to work, he would eat and drink at home every day to keep the old man's little days.

He spoke excitedly, heard the sound of "di", froze for a moment, put the phone in front of him and looked at it, the call was over, did his mother hang up or did he hang up?
After a few glances, I called my mother's phone again, the bell was ringing, but the last thing I got was "the number you dialed was not answered", and again, no one answered.

After calling several times, Wang Lingzhi grumbled dissatisfiedly, and called home, preparing to call his wife back to his mother's house to persuade his mother to find Yanxing to intercede with the He family.

When Mrs. Wang heard her younger son calling for help, she was finally relieved that she was in a sad mood. When the younger son had something to do, he would look to her as a backer, which was also her closeness and dependence. There's nowhere to say shit.

However, when he heard that the younger son asked her to go to Yan Xing to intercede, he felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. The second did not ask her to accompany him to Yan Xing and the He family, but instead asked her to be an old man to plead with others. What can he say?

Knowing that because of Yuxuan's affairs, she and the He family have no neighborly relationship, and the second child asked her to beg Yanxing to let Yuxuan go. Isn't that letting her humiliate herself?The second child did that, did he even think about helping her as a mother?
What's more, the meaning of the second child is for the money that Yuxuan helped Zhao Zongze to transfer, millions of dollars, how could Yan Xing and the He family give Yuxuan pocket money?
In the past, I always felt that my younger son was very good. At this moment, Mrs. Wang felt a little chilled. For the first time, she did not explain why she hung up her younger son's phone, and stared at the air in a daze. what's the matter...

After sitting alone for a long time, she slowly stood up, stood and thought for a while, sat down again, sat for a few minutes and stood up again, repeated several times, and finally seemed to make up her mind, walked back to the bedroom to find the clothes to wash and cool, and drew a picture for herself. Light makeup and leave the house with a tote bag.

The nanny was afraid that something would happen to the old lady, but she didn't dare to follow her. She took the money and followed her quietly. She walked out of the compound. Taxi, but the old lady's taxi ran out of sight. She had no choice but to go home and guard the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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