magic eye doctor

Chapter 598 Your Little Dragon Treasure Did Good Deeds

Chapter 598 Your Little Dragon Treasure Did Good Deeds

Mrs. Wang's mind was very confused. When the taxi was delivered to the gate of the compound, she walked home by herself, walking very slowly, and walking slowly to the gate of the house, her heart was still in a mess.

Wang Lingzhi sat at his parents' residence and waited, waited, waited for two hours, and was almost running out of patience. When he finally heard the door slam, he looked over and saw that it was his mother who opened the door. He immediately jumped up, "Mom" all the way. , Mom, Mom" ​​screamed and rushed over to support her mother.

Seeing that her mother-in-law came back, Ma Mengting, who was eating fruit, was stunned for a while, then she threw away most of the cantaloupe that she had eaten, and kept howling: "Mom, save Yuxuan, save you, save Yuxuan..."

Being supported by her youngest son, Mrs. Wang's gloomy face eased slightly because she was angry at Chao's house, and when she heard Ma Mengting's cry, her heart ached with anger.

Wang Lingzhi helped the old mother to the sofa, and gave his wife a corner of his eye. When he got to the sofa, he helped his mother sit down and massaged the old man's shoulders.

Ma Mengting howled even louder when she received the corner of the man's eyes, waited for her mother-in-law to sit down, rolled and crawled towards her, hugged her mother-in-law's thigh, snot and tears: "Mom, Yuxuan was taken away, you Save her quickly, Yuxuan is a child raised by you, she is so delicate, how can she stand jail, Mom, please help Yuxuan..."

"Shut up!" The cries pierced her eardrums. Old Madam Wang trembled with anger. She raised her hand and swiped at Ma Mengting. The slap hit her young daughter-in-law firmly in the face.

Ma Mengting didn't expect her mother-in-law to make a move, and she was slapped on the face unprepared.

Wang Lingzhi was also frightened and couldn't react for a while.

"It's all because of you, the bereaved star, who shamelessly seduced my son, ruined my son's reputation, and ruined my son's future. My son supports you, you don't have to do anything, and you can't even teach a child well. You taught your daughter to be as cheap as you, made my Wang family lose face, made me lose face again and again, and you still have the face to cry?"

Madam Wang's full of anger had nowhere to go. Now she found a punching bag and threw her anger at her little daughter-in-law. She was hugged by her legs and kicked so hard that she kicked her little daughter-in-law to the ground.

Ma Mengting was kicked to the ground and sat down, screaming twice in pain, and immediately burst into tears: "Wang Lingzhi, you goddamn it, I was obviously a big girl at the time, and it was you who had a wife and came to seduce me and lied to me. My body caused me to conceive a child, it was you who blamed the woman surnamed Wei for not being able to have children, it was you who wanted to divorce me and marry me, and now you blame me—why am I so miserable, being deceived and beaten and scolded, I've been bowing my head all my life, and being angry with you every day, what's the point of my life, it's better to kill me."

"If you want to die and bump into the outside world, don't get my eyes dirty. When you die, I'll be quiet. The daughter-in-law of someone else's family uses money to honor their parents-in-law. When I come to my house, I'll use the money to support you, the oil bottle that kills people's essence. You die. Okay, everyone is well." Madam Wang was angry, Ma Mengting seduced her son and ruined her second child's future, and she was still making a fuss here.

Ma Mengting was frightened. She opened her mouth and couldn't make a sound anymore. In the past, her mother-in-law sometimes reprimanded her, but she has never said it so badly as today. She even said the matter of subsidizing them with money. really angry.

"Mom, calm down, Yuxuan's mother has long hair and short knowledge, so don't have the same knowledge as her." Feeling that something was wrong, Wang Lingzhi hurriedly helped the old mother beat her back and be a good old man: "Mom, you see that Yuxuan's mother is not pleasing to the eye and let her not shake your eyes. Mom, there are priorities, and now it is the most important thing to save Yuxuan. Yuxuan is taken away. ."

"If you want to save people, save yourself. Don't look for me. I can't save them." Mrs. Wang slapped her son's hand with a stern face.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? I'm not familiar with the He family. If I could say a word or two to the He family, I would have gone to ask the He family to intercede..."

"You are not familiar with the He family, but with Grandpa Yanxing. You both live in the same compound, why don't you go and ask Grandpa Yanxing?"

"Mom, Grandpa Yanxing...he ignored us last year, I said hello when I saw him, and Yan Lao didn't see me, and he didn't allow me to enter the Yan family's door, I...if I can ask for help Old Yan won't bother you." Wang Lingzhi snorted, feeling that things were getting worse and worse, his mother had never refused his request before, but this time, he was indiscriminately attacking him, there must be something he didn't know. Inside story.

"You, and you, you want to save the girl and find your own way, don't tell me again, go back to your own home, don't be mad at me here."

Madam Wang was suffocated and angry in her heart. She didn't like anyone, so she viciously knocked off the hand of her younger son to please help and beat the back, glared at Ma Mengting, and drove the younger son and daughter-in-law to leave.

"Mom-" Wang Lingzhi didn't give up, if his mother didn't help, it would be even more impossible for the eldest brother to try his best to help him find Yuxuan.

"Get out!" Mrs. Wang was very annoyed and ruthlessly rejected her youngest son.

"Mom, I... I'll go back first." Wang Lingzhi saw that his mother was in a fit of anger, and knew that he couldn't fight with her any more.

Ma Mengting has always been afraid of her mother-in-law, so she dared not go. She followed Wang Lingzhi and touched the slapped face as she walked. It was called anger and hatred.

Walking out of the door of his parents' house, Wang Lingzhi didn't dare to stop, and took his wife's house. On the way, someone saw that he wanted to come over, so he hurriedly ran away.

Ma Mengting didn't dare to make trouble, and followed Wang Lingzhi out of the compound to fight back home without saying a word.

When the youngest son left, Mrs. Wang sat down weakly, feeling so miserable that her youngest son was unsatisfactory, and the boss was brooding about her favoritism towards Yuxuan. What would she do if the old man disappeared?
Wang Lingzhi and Ma Mengting took a taxi back to the family compound of the employees of the Ministry of Railways. On the way, they encountered someone asking about their daughter. The two felt ashamed. When Yu Xuan and Zhao Zongze got engaged, they were disgusted as if they saw flies. They dared not look directly at Elder Yan, and they dared to run to ask for help.

A couple sat at home and complained about each other. You blame me and I blame you. One said that the mother didn't teach the girl well. .

When it was time to get off work, Wang Er called his elder brother and asked him for advice. Mayor Wang took time to go to the court in the afternoon to find out the situation. He took the initiative to help Wang Yuxuan to hand over the house bought with the public funds misappropriated by Zhao Zongze and all the money of unknown origin in Wang Yuxuan's bank card to the court, and there was nothing else he could do.

Wang Lingzhi was scolded and disgraced, but he didn't dare to get angry. He silently searched for the property certificate and passbook that his daughter had hidden, but he couldn't find it in the room, so he decided to go to the court detention center to ask his daughter the next day.

Mayor Wang went to the hospital to accompany him after get off work, because no one knew that his father was hospitalized, no one visited the hospital, and the husband and wife were quieter.

The eldest son didn't call herself, and Mrs. Wang didn't dare to go to the hospital, and stayed at home by herself. Fortunately, there was a nanny to cook, so she could eat a bite of hot food.

Wang Lingzhi and Ma Mengting did not find the house deed. The next day, they asked the unit for leave and went to the Hanyuan Detention Center to deliver clothes to their daughter. They originally wanted to meet her daughter and ask where the house deed was, but they didn’t see anyone at all. The court guarded her. The staff checked the things, returned the things that were not allowed to be given to the detainees, and only gave Wang Qianjin clothes, washing supplies and some snacks within the permitted range.

Wang Yuxuan had a very bad life in the detention center. She lived with several female suspects. She was a new recruit and had to suffer from "unspoken rules" and was bullied a lot.

Mayor Wang has already given up on Wang Yuxuan's heart. He just doesn't care about the matter, just his old father and work. However, their father has been breathing on a ventilator and can't do surgery, so he can only do it in a hurry.

The Wang family was unhappy because of a series of things, and the He family would not worry about helping the Wang family. They lived behind closed doors and did whatever they had to do.

Day after day, and soon it will be Thursday.

When everyone was busy with work and school, Le Yun finally kneaded the last pill into round particles at noon, put the pills in a bamboo sieve to cool down, and was busy cleaning up the venue.

She has been in retreat for pharmaceuticals, bottles and jars, pots and pans are everywhere, and when the last pill is completed, she must clear the field and move all the utensils that originally belonged to her private collection back to the space, and some cooled pills are also To put it away, take out some pills from the space for the hidden treasures.

Pack up the tools, take out the Tibetan stove and a large jar that I bought privately, put the ash poured out of the copper stove during the pharmaceutical process into the big jar with a layer of soil and transport it back to the space as fertilizer, and put some red The ashes were put into the Tibetan stove, and the charcoal was added and moved back to the space. People followed, and put a golden red copper pot on the stove to boil soup. it is good.

She also doesn't have to worry that if she is not in the space, the water in the pot will dry up, or the fire will go out. There is a little fox who will help her manage the hot tube pot.

The little fox who was caught doing hard labor silently brushed his beard. He really wanted to strike. However, the little human girl got back a lot of stones. In order to eat the stones, he had to sell his labor.

Le Yun is a greedy ghost. After making the medicine, she still has a lot of firewood, charcoal, and dry cow dung for fuel. She rudely took some of it for herself again, and only left a small amount of fuel for the owner to keep in the pharmacy.

After clearing the field, check it out, hide what should be hidden, keep a share, straighten clothes, open the door, and walk to the corridor of the chaplain with short legs. Shouting: "Qiangqiang, there is a loud bang in the sky, this little girl is on the stage, handsome guys, this little classmate is out."

There is a small doctor in the family who is doing medicine. The old men and the old ladies of the He family usually go to the room after a few activities in the yard. They try not to go to the east or west wing, so as not to disturb the small doctor. Only the old ladies and grandfathers and the grandsons of the He family were at home, and Yan Xing also spent a few days in the study because he didn't wait for Little Loli to leave the pharmacy.

The two elders of the He family were also in the study, and the old ladies were doing embroidery work with their ancestors. When the little doctor shouted, they all shouted in surprise, "The little doctor is out", and got up and ran out.

Yan Xing was young, jumped up in excitement, opened the door of the study and rushed to the corridor, his long legs swept into the courtyard like the wind and rushed to the corridor in the east wing.

The old ladies and the old men also rushed to the corridor and trotted to see the little doctor. They saw the little girl standing at the entrance of the north room in the east wing. She was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, jeans and hot pants, like a tree with the Eastern Province seal. Qiu green onion, white and tender, slim.

Yan Shao ran fast, and he flew into the corridor of the east wing after a few ups and downs. Looking at the pink and white little Loli, a pair of dragons' eyes shone brightly, and the handsome face that was carved out by ghosts and axe showed a gorgeous smile: "Little Luo Li, you've worked hard!"

"Yeah, it's been very hard work. I was almost steamed, and all the water in my body was evaporated. If you have any delicious food in your family, remember to bring it all to supplement nutrition for me, or you and your brothers will be required. We lay down on the ground like a row of garlic, giving me a beating to relieve my boredom."

Nodding, Le Yun accepted the concern without blushing and panting. She was grilled every day. If it wasn't for the space, she would have been steamed long ago. It was really hard work.

"Puff", "Puff", the old ladies of the He family and the two nannies rushed to the East Wing with their ancestors. They heard the little doctor say that they are about to be steamed. For a while, he couldn't help laughing, and he leaned forward and backward with laughter.

Little Loli said that she was about to be steamed dry, and she was still alive, her eyes were twinkling, she was very smart and cute, Yan Xing was full of joy when she saw it, and wanted to touch her head, but she was afraid of making her face changed, so she took care of her. With his hand, he nodded with a warm smile: "Well, as long as our family has something you like, you can eat it."

"Because you are so good, you can consider not beating you, run fast, go to your kitchen refrigerator to see if there are chickens and ducks, if there are any, bring them quickly, and eat them while the fire is on. ."

As soon as the little girl finished speaking, Zhou's sister-in-law spoke first: "There are whole chickens and ducks in the refrigerator, there are several, I will take them to the little doctor."

Sister Zhou did what she said, turned around and ran to the kitchen.

"You still need flour to make roast chicken, and I will roll the dough with Nian later." Yan Xing's eyes were bright as stars, and he was very happy to have roast chicken to eat.

He Er He San wanted to wipe off his sweat, when did Xiao Long Bao learn to roll dough?

They don't know that their little grandson is obsessed with the delicious beggar chicken after eating the beggar chicken made by Little Loli. come in handy.

The old ladies of the He family surrounded their ancestors and walked around the corridor to the outside of the east wing and north room. They unanimously said, "It's hard work." The old ancestor He personally took the little doctor's hand and was very grateful: "It's hard for the little doctor, for my sake. The old bones have suffered for so many days, even if you send my children, they are still capable of running errands."

"Mother-in-law, old birthday star, your old children are all at the level of grandfathers. I don't dare to make orders. It's fine to have your great-grandson Xiaolongbao and a few handsome guys to make orders for me, so there is no pressure." Le Yun wiped off her sweat, a group of ancient The old man and the old lady of [-] years, they treat her as a bull and horse, they don't think it's humiliating, and she doesn't dare to use it.

"Okay, the little doctor can use whoever he wants. The boys in my family have all practiced martial arts since childhood, and the boys in Xiaolongbao's generation are also well-trained, so don't worry about tiring them." He The grandfather sold his great-grandchildren without blinking an eye.

Yan Xing wanted to howl a few times, but the grandmother sold him and his brothers and brothers again. Last time, he sold him alone. This time, he sold all his great-grandchildren to Little Loli as a horse. She is a person who knows how to use chicken feathers as arrows. With the grandma, she can happily take the emperor and make him and his brothers as oxen and horses on the errand of the princes.

He is a little... faintly sad, obviously he is the dedicated hard worker of Little Loli, and the others are assisting, and now they are all sold to Little Loli by the great grandmother, he is not the only special existence.

Thinking that he was no longer special, Yan Xing pouted silently, could he ask Grandma to take back the order?Don't sell the brothers, just sell him to the little loli, okay?
"That's good, come here, Xiao Long Bao, you, hurry up and go to the pharmacy for me to work, except the pot with the medicinal soup and the copper basin, the other tools are moved to the East Hall, and then you go to roll the dough, Remember to work harder, if you don't work hard, you will be punished not to eat lunch."

"You don't have to eat lunch, as long as you have a mouthful of roast chicken." Little Lolita immediately instructed herself to be a hard worker when she got the chicken feather arrow. Yan Xing rolled up her sleeves and walked to the pharmacy.

The old ladies were overjoyed, standing and talking without back pain, and kept urging Xiao Longbao to work quickly.

The old man He Er and San also smiled and followed Xiao Long Bao into the pharmacy and started to move things. They couldn't move heavy things with their old arms and legs. They could move lighter items such as basins, bowls, and baskets.

Yanxing moved the medicine stove, and Little Loli moved six red copper medicine stoves into the medicine stove. All of them were used. The ashes have been poured out and placed in the movable car with a fire pit built by their family. There are two medicine stoves. It was still hot, so he first moved the jade medicine stove made by Jin Fei, and then moved the copper medicine stove and copper pots and pans.

The old lady He Da He Er He San He Wu also went to help and let Mama Guo take care of the ancestors.

They were busy, and Mrs. Zhou brought a bowl with four whole chickens and two ducks in it. She went back to the kitchen to find the chickens and ducks, as well as flour, so it was a little late.

Seeing that there was a whole chicken and duck, Le Yun asked the nanny mother to find a large piece of green cabbage again. She took the basin into the pharmacy, threw the chicken and duck into the pot to soak the potion, and then took turns to apply the concoction.

Sister-in-law Zhou heard that the little doctor was looking for vegetable leaves, so she turned around and ran to the kitchen to get a pot of vegetable leaves for the little doctor. Fortunately, I bought vegetables every day. The little doctor was looking for broad cabbage leaves that could barely make do.

Ancestor He moved a small bench and sat at the door to watch the little doctor's food. The pharmacy had not cooled yet, and the air was scorching hot. Her children wouldn't let her in, so she had to sit in the corridor and watch.

After Yan Xing finished moving the heavy objects, he rushed into the kitchen and kneaded the dough. Bring it to the pharmacy in the tray for little loli.

The two nanny mothers didn't help, and went to the kitchen to make lunch. At noon, I was going to cook some dishes that I made last night. After the little doctor's medicine was finished, I had to make some fresh dishes.

Le Yun soaked the chicken and duck, applied a few layers of concoction, stuffed some herbs into the chicken and duck's stomach, trimmed the chicken and duck's head and feet, wrapped a layer of vegetable leaves, wrapped it in dough, and wrapped another layer of vegetable leaves. Bind it with a thread, open the fire, put it in the embers of the fire, and then burn the embers of the red fire.

Beggar Chicken said that it would take two hours to burn, so don’t worry about it for the time being. Le Xiao classmate washed her hands and went to the east hall to pack cold pills. Some of her pills were put in a basket, a sieve, some in a basin, and some in a pot. In the medicine stove, the first choice for cooling and sealing is the jade medicine stove. The two golden jade medicine stoves are stuffed with a lot of pills. Even if the packaging is not opened, the lid of the medicine stove can be smelled fragrant.

Pack the cooled two-sieve pills and seal them up, take out a few bags of pills from the Jin Fei medicine furnace, put them in a basket, pick up the backpack with your belongings, and go back to the room with the old ladies and gentlemen of the He family to sit down and drink first. Tea eats melons and fruits.

Supplemented nutrition, divided into pills, He Da, Er, San, and Wu old ladies each had a small bag, and He Er and San Lao also had a bag of pills. Everyone's pills were about the same size, and the colors were different. Some Dark in color, some light in color.

Le Yun was afraid that a group of people would be curious to taste each other's health pills, so she had to ask: "You give me Cordyceps, this is my gift in return, the medicine of the old lady He Da is different from other people's medicine, her pills are for her health treatment Medicine, the pills of the other three old ladies and the two old men are Yangshen pills, both are Yangshen pills, and their pills are slightly different, try not to mix them up."

"Thank you little doctor." The old man of the He family was shocked at first, and then full of gratitude. They only sent the little doctor some Cordyceps, and the little doctor even helped a group of old guys make pills for them. She lost a lot.

Le Yun put the other copy aside: "This one is for He Xiaosan and He Xiaowu's grandmother. I wrote a note for He Xiaowu to translate it into Tibetan for their aunt and uncle to take care of his grandmother. Eat on time."

"Little doctor, I thank you on behalf of my in-laws." He Zirong thanked him gratefully. The little doctor went to Z province to find medicine for their ancestors. She went to the plateau to suffer so much, and she still remembered the grandmother of his family's third and fifteenth children. , shows how considerate and kind she is.

"You're welcome, He Xiaowu and He Xiaosan gave me all the cordyceps they dug up, and the nourishing pills for their grandmother were my return. I also wrote a note on the pills for my grandmother, just eat them as required. , while I haven't eaten lunch yet, I will give the old birthday star mother-in-law acupuncture, this time all the men and women will avoid it." Le Yun smiled and explained the reason, and started to prepare for acupuncture.

"Little doctor, can't we help out?" The four sisters of the He family looked at me and looked at me, and all of them had an expression, "I want to watch."

"I don't recommend you watch it. It doesn't matter if the old birthday mother doesn't mind."

"You don't have to be by the side, you don't have to worry in vain." Ancestor He made a decision with a smile, not to let his daughters-in-law accompany him for acupuncture treatment.

When the ancestors spoke, Mrs. He and several others were not able to insist.

When she said that she wanted acupuncture, Le Yun also did what she said. She took out a few pre-prepared pills for the old birthday star of the He family to eat, and asked her to drink two glasses of boiled water.

The old lady He San returned to the ancestor's bedroom, spread out a bamboo mat on the ground, and helped the ancestor to return to the room with her sister-in-law, took off her long skirt and left only the most personal clothes, and then exited the bedroom.

When the old ladies went out, Le Yun tied the door to the door, and helped the old birthday star's mother-in-law take off her underwear. She lay on her back, took out the jade box, put the needle cover on her arm, weighed the needle, and scattered flowers like a goddess. Like throwing needles, sometimes three needles, sometimes five needles, sometimes one needle, gold needles and silver needles are interlaced, and the sound of breaking the air is endless.

Xingzhen had to take off her clothes. At first, Ancestor He was a little shy. After all, she was an old man who was about to die, and her whole body was wrinkled into chicken skin. She always felt a little embarrassed when she was lying in front of a watery girl. The little doctor's clear and bright eyes secretly laughed at himself that a man who lived for over a hundred years was not as good as a little baby. He forgot those concerns, relaxed his limbs, and accepted acupuncture.

When the silver needle pierced her body, it felt a little painful, but soon, as the needles on her body became more and more, she felt like a fire in her stomach, and the burning sensation spread to her limbs, and soon she could not tell the needle piercing Where, anyway, the whole body is sore and sore.

Feeling that his whole body was sweating, Ancestor He closed his eyes to prevent sweat from flowing into his eyes.

Le Yun used the technique of flying acupuncture points to spread a rain of needles, and she was sweating slightly. She didn't have time to rest. She stabbed a few silver needles on the soles of the old man's feet, and then pierced the top of her head.

After the acupuncture is done on the head of the old man, he will have time to breathe and wipe off the fine sweat from his forehead. Then, he will massage the acupoints of the old birthday star mother-in-law, guide the medicinal power to disperse to the whole body of the old man, and nourish the aging or declining body muscles.

Ancestor He sweated profusely at first, but with the massage, the sweat became less and less, and then her body temperature dropped to an acceptable level.

Old Ancestor He changed from feeling like he was about to burn into a hot hot spring. She felt drowsy and her thinking was very clear.

The little doctor was helping the old ancestor with acupuncture. The two old men of the He family and the fourth old lady didn't go anywhere, they just sat outside in the middle hall and waited. They were always puzzled and didn't hear anything.

Yan Xing waited with his uncles and aunts. Every [-] minutes, he went to the north room of the east wing to see the fire. After waiting for an hour, he took out the roast chicken buried in the charcoal, turned over, and cooked it with red ash charcoal again. .

After waiting for more than an hour until noon, Guo's mother and Zhou's sister-in-law also cooked.

Le Xiaoxiao helped the old birthday mother-in-law to massage continuously. After an hour, she closed the needles, gave her a pillow, and then asked the old man to turn over and lie down on her stomach, and acupuncture her back.

The acupuncture on the back is also like a bell. When the needle was withdrawn, Ancestor He's whole body was slightly red. Because of the acupuncture sweat, his hair was all wet, and there was a layer of sweat on his body. Bathroom shower and shampoo.

A group of old men and old ladies in the He family stared at the old ancestor's bedroom. When they finally heard the knock on the door, they stood up excitedly, the door opened, and the little doctor showed up. They found that the little doctor's spirit was much worse than when she first came out of the pharmacy. The beauty of apricot eyes was full of exhaustion.

"Little doctor." The old man and the old lady ran nervously to meet the little girl.

"Mother-in-law is taking a bath. I'll change my clothes later." Seeing the nervous expressions of a group of old ladies and gentlemen, Le Yun's back was tensed, for fear that they would bow to her again and hug her. The little backpack spreads its feet and runs.

The little doctor is like a frightened bunny, running away after two jumps, making the old men and old ladies laugh, is it because they are too excited and the little doctor is frightened again.

In the Yanxing Pharmacy, the beggar chickens buried in the ashes heard the voice of the upper room, and knew that the little Loli had done acupuncture for the grandmother. Quickly, he threw a few cooked beggar chickens into the bamboo basket, and the remaining two were not hot enough, and buried them in the charcoal pile.

He hadn't buried the roast chicken yet when Le Xiao classmate slipped into the pharmacy with a bag, looked at a handsome guy who smiled brightly at him, wrinkled his little nose, and found his own clothes.

In order not to be charged with bad intentions, Yan Xing buried the beggar, took away the bamboo basket, and helped Little Loli close the door, so that she could change clothes at ease.

Le Yun found her clothes, swallowed a few pills for herself, then took a bath, refreshed, and swayed to the He's house to go to the room.

The old man and the old lady of the He family did not enter the ancestor's bedroom. They waited outside for about half an hour. The old ancestor He also tidy up. She washed her hair, dried her hair, rolled it up again, and wore retro half sleeves. Long skirt, ruddy complexion and elegant temperament, no one will believe she is a centenarian when she goes out.

He San and a few excitedly ran to help the old mother sit down, treated the little doctor as a guest, next to their mother, and asked Xiao Longbao to sit next to the little doctor and take care of the little doctor.

Several old ladies and nannies hurried to serve the dishes. In addition to the dishes prepared by the He family, there was also a beggar chicken and a beggar duck. The beggar chicken was peeled from the browned skin, and the aroma was rich and mouthwatering. .

Yan Xing silently put two chicken legs and two duck legs into the little Lolita bowl, desperately serving her vegetables, fish head for her, lettuce for her, braised lion head for her... If it wasn't for Little Loli's death Staring at him, he estimated that he would go to change a big bowl to serve her dishes.

Le Yun looked at a bowl of vegetables with tears streaming down her face, gave a chicken leg and a duck leg to the old birthday star of the He family, and looked at the old man with watery eyes: "This is a good thing for your old Xiao Long Bao, you can't blame me."

"I will eat with the little doctor." Ancestor He laughed so hard that he could not close his mouth, and happily accepted the courtesy of the little doll.

The old man He San He Er and the four old ladies smiled and watched one old and one young eat chicken legs, and secretly cast an admiring look at Xiao Longbao, who is still smart!

The old ladies of the He family had lunch with the little doctor and wanted to keep her at the He's house. The little doctor wanted to go back to Chao's house, but they couldn't keep her. They asked Xiao Longbao to help her carry the luggage and load the car. I brought the stock to the little doctor to bring back, and I didn't forget to pack the beggar chicken for her.

After packing up the luggage, Yan Shao drove the full car to send Little Loli back to Erye Chao's house.

(End of this chapter)

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