magic eye doctor

Chapter 601 Old things

Chapter 601 Old things
Yan Xing and Xiao Luoli were in a daze, discussing how to kill people and silence her. When she was reading a book, he was working with a computer, afraid that Xiao Luoli would think that he would affect her study, so he did not dare to stare at her and admire her openly, stealing from the corner of his eye. Aim at the little loli.

Little Loli's serious reading is quiet and picturesque, beautiful and elegant, like an orchid blooming in a deep valley, no trouble, no disputes, quiet and indifferent.

I like the gentle smile of her low-titled smile the most. She looks like a cute little princess, bright and sunny, which is completely different from the brutal appearance when she is angry.

Looking at it, every time he thinks that she will have a boyfriend when she becomes an adult in a few years, thinks of a boy who will be by her side, hugging her waist or shoulders, or holding her in his arms and loving her, his heart is full of love. Indescribable unhappiness surged up, and he was jealous of the person who would become Little Loli's boyfriend.

Just thinking about it makes him jealous. If one day it becomes a fact, and seeing a boy beside Little Loli who can take advantage of her and eat her tofu, Yan Xing's heart feels like a knife has been stabbed, and it hurts faintly. , he doesn't want to see little loli making friends!
That kind of mentality is very morbid, and he knows it shouldn't, but he just doesn't want Little Loli to have a boyfriend, just thinking that a certain boy will become Little Loli's closest boyfriend, he wants to kill someone first , not allowed to appear around the little loli.

Yan Xing felt that he might be ill again. It was a psychological disease. It was called - jealousy, not jealous of the little loli's well-being, but a man who was jealous of the happiness of the little loli, including brother Chao, who could hug him. Little Loli can touch Little Loli's head and hold Little Loli's hand at any time, but he can't!

The more I think about it, the more depressing, the unhappy work, the inefficiency, I want to talk to Xiao Luoli, but I am afraid that she will drive him out because of his broken mouth, holding a laptop, full of thoughts, staring at Xiao Luo again unconsciously Li was in a daze.

Le Yun's perception was already keen, and she was so close that it was difficult to ignore Yan's eyes. After being stared at for a long time, she felt like she was being looked at as a monkey, and she put the book on her knees angrily. Head, round almond eyes: "Hey, Yan, what are you looking at?"

The ethereal thoughts were interrupted by Cui Shengsheng's words, Yan Xing returned to his senses, and stunned to meet the beautiful almond eyes that stared at the little loli, and then suddenly realized that he had accidentally stared at the little loli, and he was embarrassed and embarrassed. Joke: "Look at how beautiful you are."

"Cut, people whose eyes have been covered in cow feces have not seen the essence of a person for more than ten years. Do you think your praise for people is credible?" Seeing her in a daze, or she was making some crooked ideas to calculate people , or it was someone she thought of, and she wanted to use praise to get away with it, thinking she was stupid.

When Xiao Luoli mentioned about Wang Qianjin, Yan Xing was silent for a while, sighed lowly, unable to hide her melancholy: "It's not that I excuse myself, in fact Wang Qianjin was not like this when he was a child, Wang Qianjin was naive when he was young. Innocent, innocent, like all children, she is a little angel, because of her mother, her grandfather didn't like her, she was abused for several years, and her childhood was mostly unfortunate."

"Oh?" Le Yun's eyes widened: "I was abused? Isn't a certain daughter's grandfather an official? He actually abused his granddaughter?"

"Some people can't tell if it's a human or a beast just by looking at the surface. Wang Lao is kind on the surface, but in fact the city is very deep. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make a steady progress." Xiao Luoli was interested in listening to other people's gossip, and Yan Xing didn't mind talking to him. She said that she deliberately put the computer aside and told about the Wang family: "Wang Qianjin is actually older than me, because when her mother was pregnant with her, her father, Wang Er, hadn't divorced, and things got bigger again. For a child born to her parents, her father, Wang and the second child, divorced when the child was almost a year old."

"But, you said that you thought she was a younger sister, and she was obviously older than you. Isn't she a elder sister?" Le Yun was a little strange, she heard handsome Yan's saying that she thought Wang's daughter was a younger sister?
"Her real age is older than me, but her registered age is a little younger than me," Little Loli opened her eyes with a pair of watery eyes, and Yan Xing happily explained the cause and effect: "Wang Qianjin is the king. Second, he was born in adultery with outsiders when he had a proper family. According to the old saying, it means adultery and childbirth. Wang Lao is ashamed. In order to cover up the stain, when Wang Er and Wang Qianjin's mother got married, they brought Wang Qianjin back and changed their age to their marriage. Born that year, Wang Qianjin's household registration book became younger than me.

Wang Qianjin's mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. She gave birth to a child without registering on purpose. The child is a black household, so she used the child as an excuse to make trouble, and it became one of the bargaining chips for forcing the Wang family to submit. Later, it also provided a great deal for changing the age. The convenience of changing your age when registering is effortless.

Although Wang Qianjin recognized her ancestors and returned to the clan, because her mother made a lot of trouble, the second child of the Wang family was almost expelled from the unit, and she also smeared the Wang family. Wang Lao did not like Wang Qianjin's mother and daughter, and was very harsh on her granddaughter. Ding Dian, who was not satisfied, used discipline as an excuse to beat and scold him severely.

At that time, no one in the Wang family dared to disobey the old man Wang, not even the old lady Wang dared to protect her granddaughter. In the first few years, Wang Yuxuan lived a very hard life. After being beaten and punished, she often cried secretly by herself, which was really pitiful. of.

When she was a child, Wang Yuxuan was very sensible and naive. She thought that as long as she was obedient, she would please her grandfather. After being beaten and crying, she would please her grandfather. In front of outsiders at school, she did not say that her grandfather beat her. She had a bad life. Many people knew that she used to be an illegitimate child and bullied her, but she didn't say anything when she got home.

When my mother died, my grandfather was still in the throes of bereavement, and my grandmother's spirit was getting worse day by day. My grandfather's current wife was still my grandfather's nanny at that time, and she was already abusing me behind the scenes. I dare not talk to me. My grandmother said that when I was sad, I often ran outside and stayed out. I met Wang Yuxuan who secretly hid and cried after being beaten several times. It was also at that time that I learned that Wang Yuxuan was not doing well at home as well as at school. Will give birth to the same sickness of the heart.

Because Wang Yuxuan is a little older and more sensible than me, she will comfort me when she sees me hiding alone and sad, and she will also take the candy she secretly hid to coax me. Time can't take care of me. The old goddess abused me cruelly behind my back. I had a very bad life. It was also Wang Yuxuan who often accompanied me to comfort me, which warmed my young heart.

Later, my grandfather married the old goddess, and I went to a boarding school. I was not in the compound. Wang Yuxuan was beaten and no one was with her. Only when I returned to the compound would she have someone to talk to.

Mr. Wang didn't like Wang Yuxuan, and he did not give her money. Even the normal money to buy school supplies was delayed again and again. Often, Wang Yuxuan's grandmother secretly gave her to her. At that time, I still had enough pocket money and often helped her. Advance the money and help her buy the little things she likes.

My great-grandmother and my uncles, aunts, and aunts don't look down on the Wang family's behavior, and they also dislike the behavior of the second child of the Wang family. Yes, Wang Yuxuan has no right to choose her parents. It is not her fault that she was born in such a family. I was taught not to bully Wang Yuxuan because of Wang Yuxuan's parents.

The elders of my great-grandmother's family are very open-minded, so I sometimes take Wang Yuxuan to play at my great-grandmother's house. The elders of my great-grandmother's family will occasionally give Wang Yuxuan some small gifts because I treat Wang Yuxuan very well.

Wang Lao sees me and Wang Yuxuan getting along very well. My great-grandmother also likes Wang Yuxuan and thinks it is profitable, so they treat Wang Yuxuan better, because Wang Yuxuan looks more and more like her grandma as she grows, and old lady Wang loves Wang Yuxuan more and more. The days are slowly getting better. "

Yan Shuai talked about his childhood in Balabala, and Le Yun was the audience. When he finished speaking, he touched the back of his head: "According to what you said, Wang Qianjin had a bad childhood, but she was a kind-hearted person. Good boy, but why did you become so vain and money-worshiping later?"

"President Wang Yuxuan's crookedness is also due to her grandma's credit," Yan Xing's heart was complicated, and her tone couldn't hide her lowness: "When I was a child, Wang Yuxuan, even my great-grandmother said that she was a good child, but later old Mrs. Wang saw that her granddaughter was on good terms with me. , the He family also likes Wang Yuxuan, and they are getting better and better towards Wang Yuxuan. She teaches Wang Yuxuan to have taste and vision, girls need to learn to dress up, etc., and she slowly makes Wang Yuxuan become more and more vain.

The Wang family's economy was better than the average person at that time, but it was not the best. Wang Yuxuan liked beautiful dresses and accessories. The Wang family could not afford it. My mother let me manage my pocket money since I was a child. Even if my mother and grandmother were gone, my pocket money There is never less, and it increases with age. I don’t need to keep saving for my pocket money. I usually buy what Wang Yuxuan wants.

After losing my mother and grandmother, I knew that my father was unreliable. I had to walk my own way. I worked hard. I went to the military academy at the age of 13 and went to the army at the age of 16. In those years, my dreams were all about training and studying. Grandma, aunts and aunts couldn’t help crying every time they saw me. I didn’t want to worry the elders, and I tried to avoid going back to He’s house as much as possible, but my grandpa’s house was already dominated by old godmothers at that time, and I was also sad at my grandpa’s house. With Wang Yuxuan who lives in the compound with me, I will not be so lonely, so I am also willing to help her buy things she likes.

When I was 17, I was on a mission for the first time as a sniper. I successfully completed the mission by successfully killing two people. At that time, I was too young, and my mind and will were still immature. Big negative emotions, urgent need to adjust.

Considering that my grandfather's family is a reorganized family, the superior may not be suitable, so he sent me back to He's house and asked the elders of He's parents to help me. My uncle was so prudent that even someone who wouldn't mess with his brows would shed tears. He put his arms around me and said, "We're not in the army, and my uncle will support you for the rest of my life." At that time, I suddenly realized that after losing my grandmother and my mother, The elders of my grandma's family couldn't bear any more damage from me, so I forced myself to suppress my negative emotions and returned to the army to adjust myself.

After I understand that no matter what happens, I can only report good news to my grandmother and my elders, but not bad news. Even if I am seriously injured, I will not let the elders of my grandmother's family realize that I need to go back to my grandfather's house to adjust myself when I need to rest.

You know, people like us who carry out special tasks, every time you die or I live, those who can come back alive have blood on their hands, murderous aura and murderous intentions on their bodies, and negative emotions and backlogs must be kept in Let the irritability in your heart go out, or you will go down the wrong road if you are under too much pressure.

The He family can’t go. Going back to the grandfather’s house only makes myself more depressed. I still choose to go back to the grandfather’s house, because every time I go back to the compound, Wang Yuxuan runs to me and takes me to play with her, go crazy, go shopping, and buy clothes. Buying perfume is a distraction.

Although Wang Yuxuan actually wanted me to buy something for her, someone lived with ordinary people, and it was a good way to divert her emotions. I needed someone to help me turn my attention to adjust my mentality, and Wang Yuxuan needed someone to help her. Paying to satisfy her vanity, she asked me to play together, and we complemented each other. I helped her buy things and accompany her to some banquets, which was also considered a reward for her to help me decompress.

My relationship with Wang Yuxuan is a little friendship from childhood sweetheart playmates and a relationship of mutual benefit, so even if I know that the Wang family has always regarded me as a cash cow, I don't mind letting Wang Yuxuan make money when he has no money, after all, money is a body For foreign things, I can earn money and support Wang Yuxuan's expenses. She and I can be regarded as each taking what we need.

But the human heart is insatiable. As the eldest official of the Wang family and the official of Wang Lao become bigger and bigger, Wang Yuxuan's appetite is also getting bigger and bigger, and the things he wants to buy are getting more and more advanced, and it is a matter of course to treat me as a money bag, blindly. The request, a little unsatisfactory also makes temper.

When Wang Lao rose up, Wang Yuxuan also rose with the tide, and was highly praised, but it was only superficial. After all, her status as an illegitimate child was a stain that could not be washed away in a lifetime. It's impossible to actually marry her.

In those few years, Wang Yuxuan became more beautiful, and her relationship with me also faded a lot, until she found out that she could go with her grandparents to the banquet of the powerful. It is generally not taken seriously when other people go to private banquets. She will be treated as a guest only when I or the He family are with me. She realizes that there is a problem, and once again enthusiastically turns around and takes the initiative to get close to me.

Old Wang also knew that other dignitaries actually looked down on his granddaughter, so he racked his brains to find a way to get Wang Yuxuan to marry into the He family, because the He family did not value the family, but the moral character.If Wang Yuxuan was as pure and pure as a child, it would be no problem to marry into the He family, but she is no longer the person she was when she was a child, and she cannot enter the He family's door. "

Handsome Yan was taking a breath, Le Yun frowned and whispered: "No, why is the Wang family so stupid, why do you want to be far away, you and Wang Qianjin are childhood sweethearts, you should be the first choice to be your grandson-in-law, why did you give up instead? Did you choose the boy from the He family?"

"The He family is a relatively traditional and famous family. After all, I am the descendant of an out-married daughter, and it is separated by a layer. The Wang family probably thinks that even if the He family can support a grandson, it will not be able to do its best, and naturally it is not comparable to the orthodox descendants of the He family. important."

"Is that so?"

Little Loli tilted her little head and looked so cute, Yan Xing asked in a funny way, "What do you think?"

"I think the Wang family made the wrong move," Le Yun smiled and counted her fingers: "Intuition, although you are a grandson, as long as you are talented, your uncles will definitely try their best to train you. It is very likely that there can only be one choice between the descendants of the He family and you, and the He family will definitely try their best to help you first."

"The reason?" Yan Xing raised his beautiful eyebrows and asked the reason enthusiastically.

"Because it can be seen that your great-grandmother is not a selfish person. Your great-grandmother is an old revolutionary who has come from the era of war and gunpowder. Her mind is wider than that of men. Like countless revolutionary martyrs, when necessary, your great-grandmother is at home. The national justice will focus on the overall situation, and will give up the small family for everyone. The strange woman with such feelings will not be obsessed with blood kinship, but will only consider the ability of people. When only one can be cultivated first, it will only cultivate you first , because you only have the He family to rely on, you can't wait, but the He family's descendants can afford it, even if you miss a generation, you can still wait for the next generation."

Little Loli's almond eyes were bright and her tone was sonorous, Yan Xing looked at her, as if it was the first time she had seen grandma talking, she paused, then smiled slowly and raised her eyebrows, her voice was like a spring breeze: "Little Lolita, It is a pity that you are not a man, if you are a man, I will use all means to swoop in with you, and then I will let you join the army no matter what, and make you a pillar of the army."

"Preferences for boys over girls." What happened to the girl?If she wants to join the army, she must be the female overlord in the army.

"It's not patriarchal," Yan Xing shook his head, "The barracks is really hard, especially if you want to become a pillar, you have to go through tests that ordinary people cannot withstand. , In all honesty, I don't want to see you suffer like that. If it's a boy, I can still say that a man bleeds without tears. Seeing a girl endure that kind of hardship is unbearable, it's even more unbearable for you, you are so innocent It’s so beautiful, you still don’t have to suffer like that, and if you want to join the army, just be a military doctor.”

"To put it bluntly, I still want to kidnap me and join the army."

"If someone like you who doesn't want to be kidnapped is a fool, I'm not stupid. My love for talent can be learned from the world. Of course, I hope you can join the army and serve the country."

"Take it down, I don't care if you love talent or want to hide talent, in short, don't want to recruit me into the military camp," Le Yun stared: "Go on, while I have the patience to listen now, at another time, if you want to say that I may not like to listen to it All those corny shit when you wore crotch pants."

"When I was in my teens and twenties, why don't I wear open-crotch pants at that time?" Yan Xing's face suddenly became hot, who still wears open-crotch pants in their teens, unless they are people who have brain problems and can't take care of themselves. .

"You can also wear it, no one will stop you."

"Little Loli, has anyone told you that you have the ability to kill people in minutes."

"Yes, but I've always been a deaf ear. Hey, do you want to talk about your romantic relationship with Wang Qianjin?"

"What kind of romantic history? Wang Yuxuan and I have grown up in love with each other. There is no relationship between men and women. It is completely irrelevant to the romantic history. Please don't ruin my reputation." Yan Xing almost jumped, he and Wang Yuxuan were not in love, Where did the history come from?
"Your reputation has been almost ruined by the surnamed Wang, so what's your innocence at all?"

"If... change someone else, I will strangle him," Yan Xing glared at the dragon's eyes fiercely, made a pinch action, and was stunned by the little Loli, and quickly let go: "Don't be angry, I said The thing is to strangle others, but it won't strangle you, the number of times you've been mad at me is not ten or eight times, when have I ever touched a hair on you."

Seeing that the little loli didn't stare at herself anymore, she immediately continued to talk about the past with a smile: "Where did I just say? It said that the Wang family wanted to marry Wang Yuxuan into the He family, right? The Wang family thought very well, and they chose me. The fifth sister's twin brother is also the grandson of my third uncle. My fourth brother is a very gentle and introverted person, especially self-controlled, and has never been in love with a girl. In the Wang family's opinion, he is the best person to deal with.

The Wang family made a plan, secretly let Wang Yuxuan put something in my fourth brother's wine when my fourth brother and the elders went to the banquet, so that my fourth brother could lose his temper and Wang Yuxuan would come over with raw rice to cook cooked rice or something, but in the end it was overcast. I drank that glass of wine by mistake, and the plot of the Wang family was exposed. My uncles found out the intention of the Wang family. Because they are both cadres, they have the patience to maintain a superficial neighborhood relationship with the Wang family. My brothers and sisters also want to take care of Wang Yuxuan occasionally because of the love that Wang Yuxuan and I have grown up with, so as not to make her look too ugly.

The Wang family didn’t count on my fourth brother. Old Wang thought something would happen to me and Wang Yuxuan, but I only have a brother and sister relationship with Wang Yuxuan, and I didn’t have a relationship between men and women, and I received special training in the army. The effect is not large, and it can be carried through, so nothing happens at all.

Also because of that time, I became more and more alienated from Wang Yuxuan, and only maintained the surface peace. The number of times I helped Wang Yuxuan to pay the bills became less and less. It happened that the boss of the Wang family rose up at that time, and more and more people fawned on Wang Yuxuan. The illegitimate son of my scumbag father is the one who works hard. My grandfather's old goddess did everything she could to work on Wang Yuxuan a few years ago when I seldom returned to Yan's house. When I didn't pay for Wang Yuxuan, Zhao Zongze finally took advantage of it and got together with Wang Yuxuan.

Wang Yuxuan is a no-brainer, and was coaxed into confusion by Zhao Zongze's diligent flattery, thinking that he really found true love, developed into a lover with Zhao Zongze, and disclosed some of my privacy to Zhao Zongze. When I was abroad for peacekeeping, I just gave the two people a chance to smear me unscrupulously. When I came back, the rumors were quelled.

Thinking of the love that I grew up with, and the fact that Wang Yuxuan gave me a lot of company in the lowest years of my life, even if she cheated me of money, I never thought about it, if she chooses to talk to others In love, even if it is the enemy of the He family and I, I will bless her.

However, what I didn't expect was that Wang Yuxuan knew that Zhao Zongze was my father's illegitimate son and had been robbing me of things. She still chose that kind of person, and she was in anger with Zhao Zongze, and even ran to pretend to be weak in front of me while spreading rumors to hurt me. Pretending to be innocent, playing the role of a messenger of justice to help Zhao Zongze pack up the injustice, saying that Zhao Zongze and I are blood brothers after all, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, saying that I am a soldier and cannot do business, and the He family is rich, saying that Zhao Zongze is so pitiful, let me My mother gave half of my property to Zhao Zongze.

Seriously, if Wang Yuxuan didn't say that Zhao Zongze was pitiful, I couldn't forgive Wang Yuxuan, at least I could ignore it, but she came to be a lobbyist on the basis of her childhood relationship with me, and poked a knife into my heart. At the time, I didn't even know how I managed to control myself and didn't strangle that little bitch. Later, every time I saw Wang Yuxuan, I often couldn't control my mood swings. Turn a blind eye. "

Little Loli is willing to be a listener, and Yan Xing is also very willing to tell her about her, so that he can understand herself. He really doesn't want Little Loli to think that she is a ruthless, double-faced and ruthless person. .

He didn't want to be misunderstood by the little loli that he and Wang Yuxuan had any ambiguity. In fact, the relationship between him and Wang Yuxuan had nothing to do with the relationship between men and women. Others thought that he and Wang Qianjin were childhood sweethearts. In the end, because of love and hatred, he was too lazy to explain too much, but he wanted to explain clearly to Little Loli.

Some things have been on my mind for too long, which makes people uncomfortable. When they say it, Yan Xing suddenly feels much more relaxed. Talking about it is also an important way to relieve stress.

"Wang Qianjin is a little green plum who grew up with you, so what about Liu Shuai? Isn't that Liu Dashuai who grew up with you wearing open-crotch pants?" Le Yun didn't want to worry too much about the relationship between Yan Shuai and Wang Qianjin. Comments, after all, she is not a party, and she does not feel the same, then she will never be able to truly appreciate the ups and downs of it. She just listens to it, just wondering what the role of handsome Liu in someone's childhood in Yan.

"Xiangyang grew up wearing open-crotch pants with me," said Yan Xing's gloomy eyebrows and a soft smile when talking about someone from Xiaoliu: "Xiangyang's family originally lived in the same compound as my grandfather's, he is older than me. , He has an older brother, he is doted on by them, he probably wants to taste what it is like to be an older brother, but it just so happens that I have no older siblings, so he always protects me as an older brother.

In the years when my mother was still alive, I was either in Liu's house or Xiangyang was in my house. My mother went, and Xiangyang spent most of the time at my house with me and my grandmother. Later, my grandmother also went, and my grandfather's pious grandmother abused me. , I spent a lot of time in the Liu family.

I went to boarding school, and the Liu family also sent Xiangyang to be my company. We still played together. During the holidays, Xiangyang would also come to my house to play with me. Knowing that I was unhappy at my grandfather’s house, he tricked me into going to Liu’s house, or we I went to He's house to play with my brothers, sisters, and siblings, so I spent less time at my grandfather's house.

Xiang Yang actually doesn't like Wang Yuxuan, and he didn't like it when he was young. If I wasn't there, neither of them would care about the other. For my sake, Xiang Yang would not embarrass Wang Yuxuan nor help Wang Yuxuan much. Therefore, even if we can say yes Growing up together, Xiang Yang and Wang Yuxuan also had a somewhat incompatible relationship.

When I was 11 years old, the Liu family moved to another compound due to job transfer, so naturally I spent less time with Xiang Yang, and more time with Wang Yuxuan.

I went to the military academy at the age of 13, and Xiangyang also went to the military academy. When I went to the army, Xiangyang also joined the army. And whichever military region I was in, Xiangyang was also in the same military region. No reduction.

My choice is different from Xiangyang. Xiangyang specializes in high-end technology, and I prefer combat. During the years when I entered the special team practice test period, Xiangyang was studying in the professional field. I guided me. In those one or two years, Wang Yuxuan spent more time with me, and because I didn’t have Xiang Yang by my side, I was more dependent on Wang Yuxuan. In the most difficult two years, if I had Xiang Yang with me, I would have nothing to do with Wang Yuxuan. , after all, Xiangyang knows what I need better and knows how to divert my attention. "

When handsome Yan was talking about his feelings between children, Le Yun bared his teeth: "Brother Liu is so kind to you, you should cherish it well, and don't always kill him."

It's really lucky to have a baby in life, handsome Yan has a baby, she doesn't, she really grew up alone, and it wasn't until she was in high school that she had a small belly who really wanted to be at the same table with her.

After arriving in the capital, she often misses the little belly, and she still doesn't contact him too much. After all, she has cheats, no pressure to study, and no pressure to make money, but there is no cheating for her, so she needs to lay the foundation step by step. Stomach, sharing with her the joy of running around the world and easily earning huge sums of money may invisibly cause a psychological burden on the stomach.

She cherishes that friend with a small belly. Therefore, the best treasure for a friend is not to destroy the friend's mood or increase the pressure on the friend.

"I...haven't cherished Xiangyang." Misunderstood by the little loli, Yan Xing's face suddenly became hot, and he explained in a warm voice: "I get along with Xiangyang like that, Xiangyang is loved by his brothers, and he is sometimes pampered. It's just noisy, it's hard to handle. Often I stare at him and he will stop. Xiangyang loves God. I was so angry that he yelled, but he wasn't angry. Sometimes he teased me and deliberately stepped on my sore feet. I was so angry that I lost my temper in a few minutes. After that, he was still nagging again. I didn't say a word, only occasionally. Hit him with a word or two."

"You brothers are deeply in love, so I won't get involved. After listening to you tell the past, I should also study hard and improve every day." After listening to the past of Yan Shuai and Fa Xiao, Le Yun did not judge right or wrong. She felt that handsome Yan didn't need others to comment on things, what he needed was an audience who could listen to his feelings.

"...!" Yan Xing stared at a pair of dragon eyes and looked confused. He talked about his disputes with Wang Qianjin, and talked about so many private secrets. Wouldn't Little Loli tell her secrets to show everyone's honesty? Sincerity?

Staring for a while, Little Loli didn't mean to say anything, so he had to pick up the computer and convince himself that Little Loli was still young, and he, an adult, couldn't dig out the secrets of children.

 Hey, little fairies, there was a problem with the Internet yesterday, and it's timed out today.

(End of this chapter)

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