magic eye doctor

Chapter 607 Drying 1 Drying Them

Chapter 607

On Monday, the students were going to class, and Liu Dashao stayed happily at Geng's house for two days and had to go back to school to be a good student.

Miss Geng didn't go home until Saturday, because she was a national defense student. She had meetings on Friday evening and evening, and she also had temporary training tasks on Saturday, so she could not go home until Saturday evening.

When he came home and saw his mother, who had been sick for many years, swept away her illness overnight, Geng Jing cried with joy.

Likewise, Big Brother Liu, who has not abandoned him for so many years and has sheltered the Geng family from wind and rain like a shield, is also grateful, respected and loved.

After spending a day with her mother at home, Geng Jingxin and Brother Liu rushed back to school on the subway early on Monday morning. Her mother is healthy and she can rest assured at school.

Liu Shao sent his future daughter-in-law to the gate of Min University and saw her entering the school. He carried a backpack with the miso and flatbread made by his daughter-in-law. Elementary school students, there is no way. Recently, someone Yan is too busy, so he can only stay at school and suffer.

Mr. Yan, Mr. Yan, was really "busy". He took the information given by Little Loli back to the station to make a secret backup, and delivered it to T City in the middle of the night, and handed it over to the most secret department for experiments in the form of the highest-level secret document.

He himself did not stay in City T, and he returned to the capital after explaining what he had to do. He did not go to training or the office building. He stayed in the medical building to work on a computer, supervised Jin [-] taking medicine, and went to the secret room to "visit" on Sunday. A few unlucky bastards, those unlucky bastards have lost their use value. Originally, I wanted to ask Little Loli to do waste utilization surgery. Because she was too busy, she continued to detain people. Anyway, it was good to use it for experiments. The brothers in the team also Happy to take care of waste.

There is nothing to worry about at the station, Young Master Yan rests in peace and prepares for the special meeting on Monday.

When Monday of the new week came quietly, Zhao Li brought his wife and daughter-in-law Guo Furong, and his granddaughter Zhao Danxuan, packed their belongings early and rushed outside the court detention center where Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze were located, waiting to enter the detention center when it was time to visit.

After beating Zhao Yixiong and his son in the detention center, the Zhao family lived a very hard life. Only Zhao Li in the family was running around for his son and grandson. spend money.

Zhao Danxuan also lost her job because of her father's lunch. She used to work in the finance department of the Zhao family's hospital, which is a private hospital. The largest shareholder is the Feixia Group. The He family took over the Feixia Group. Zhao Danxuan didn't go to work for a long time in the hospital, and was fired for absenteeism.

Before the change, she was the eldest miss of the Zhao family, and she was too female. Who would dare to fire her unless she didn't want to hang out in the hospital, but after the He family took over the Feixia Group, no one would give face to the restless Zhao family. Everyone was eliminated, and Miss Zhao was not spared. There was no way to complain to the labor department of the industry and commerce department.

Dad lost power, no one of the rich businessmen who had contacts in the past ever posted to her anymore, Zhao Danxuan instantly turned from a daughter to an invisible person who no one cared about, and you can imagine how distressed she was. After a few months at home, everyone haggard.

Mrs. Zhao has always been a full-time wife with no opinion, and Guo Furong is not a strong woman. The two women have longer hair than they know. With the support of a man, they can act as a wealthy rich wife. Without the support of a husband, they are not as good as chickens. The fluffy phoenix.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have no opinion. They all follow the lead of Zhao Laoma. Zhao Danxuan still has some thoughts, but unfortunately, under the power of grandfather, he has no right to say. what.

Zhao Li rushed to the detention center with his family and waited until 08:30 when the detention center officially started the day's reception work to hand over his certificates and wait for the on-duty staff to review.

There is an auditing studio at the door guard. After checking the identities of the four Zhao family members, the four people and their belongings are checked. The contents of the handbags and bags are also checked. All communication tools and electronic products are prohibited from being brought in. Cosmetics It is forbidden to carry, and pens and papers are also detained. Only jewelry and valuables such as cash, bank cards, as well as packaged banknotes and clothes for suspects, a small amount of dry food like biscuits and a little fruit are allowed.

The inspection was stricter than ever before. Many of the items that the four members of the Zhao family were carrying were detained and they dared not let them go.

After the inspection, he was led into the detention center by a uniformed prison guard, and the four Zhao family were led to the reception building of the detention center. They were handed over to a police officer C and taken to a separate reception room away from the lobby.

There were already guards in the reception building of the detention center, but the guards in the separate reception room were stricter. There were two armed policemen C standing at the entrance, and there were also two armed policemen with live ammunition in the reception room.

Seeing the frame, Zhao Li didn't have a clue in his heart. He followed Police C into the reception room with trepidation. He didn't even dare to take a big step, but walked cautiously.

The reception room is still conference-style, with a podium-type main table and two rows of tables and chairs on the opposite side. Various slogans and quotations on criminal law legislation are hung on the wall.

The outside window of the reception room is open. Through the window, you can vaguely see that there is a police officer C monitoring the surroundings not far away. In conjunction with the two guards with serious faces and guns in the room, the atmosphere is dignified and depressing.

It was obviously a very hot weather, but the four Zhao family felt inexplicably cold in the room, and they didn't dare to ask any more questions. They obeyed Police C's words and sat down in the first row of the two rows of desks and chairs. Like a primary school student, leave the things you bring to the Police C Gang and put them aside.

Police C, who brought the Zhao family to the reception room, arranged for someone to be seated and left with a blank face. When he left, he opened and closed the door very lightly. He left the reception room and went around the corner of the reception building, entered another separate lounge, and followed the two people at the door. Blinking his eyes, entering the lounge, seeing the people inside, a stern face instantly revealed a strange smile: "Ninth Brother, they are here."

Hei Jiu, who was wearing a uniform and more powerful than the bailiff, sneered and opened his eyes: "The waist and waist are zero, the boss hasn't come yet, just let them wait."

"Yeah, I know, let's wait for at least half an hour before bringing the other two people up." The comrade who was honorably awarded the title of "Zero Waist and Waist Zero" nodded and turned his lips: "Ninth Brother, can you Don't keep calling me waist zero, I'm not calling the police, okay?"

"Who asked you to be ranked No. 110." Hei Jiu smiled and dismissed No. 110's brother's protest. It wasn't that he randomly arranged nicknames. No. [-] was unlucky. It happened to hit such a serial number. Very good, smooth and easy to remember.

Looking up at the sky, he wanted to snort a few times, but when he heard the sound of wheels coming from outside, and someone shouted "Captain is here", he and Hei Jiu happily rushed out of the lounge.

A military-brand cheetah car arrived on the road outside the lounge, braked, and the person in the cab jumped out of the car. Before he could help open the rear door, the rear door was pushed open, and a handsome man in a white shirt appeared. The young man got off the bus, and the beautiful young man bathed in the sun was as dazzling as the sun.

"Captain, you are always damaging your aura." Hei Jiu wanted to cover his face, Captain wow, you always have something special to talk about today, wearing such elegant clothes is not murderous enough, anyway, you should dress like a brother who is a driver Wearing military uniforms, no camouflage will do.

The handsome young man who stepped out of the car, with a long eye and a long tail, turned around and raised a backpack, and strode calmly towards the lounge.

"Oh, it turns out that the captain brought clothes. I thought you were going to meet those guys just like that." Hei Jiu immediately became happy when he saw the captain put out his backpack, and followed the captain into the lounge.

Yan Xing was too lazy to talk to Hei Jiu, who was chirping like a sparrow. He entered the lounge, put his backpack on the desk, unhurriedly opened it, took out a set of clothes, turned his back, and took off his usual residence without haste. Dress up, change into military uniform.

The captain was changing clothes, and Hei Jiu and Yao Yaoling turned around very consciously of the current affairs, don't look at any injustice, but when the captain turned sideways, the two inadvertently glanced at the two mermaid lines in the captain's lower abdomen, and almost gasped at that time. Angry, bastard, then who said that the captain can't do something, stand up and tell him to keep his eyes open, what's wrong with the captain? !

Back then, some people said that they couldn't take a bath with the captain, and they couldn't go to the toilet with the captain. They said that some aspects of the captain were... difficult to talk about, but they really believed it. In the end, um, this is also called hard to talk about?What's the matter, the captain's size ratio can kill the so-called macho men in seconds, okay?
Comrade Hei Jiu Yao Yaoliang deeply felt that people's words were scary, and he felt more deceived. He hated the guy who told rumors without incident.

Yan Shao, who was changing clothes, didn't know what his teammates were thinking. He slowly put on a military uniform, straightened his clothes, put his general's hat aside, and sat down casually, with a magnetic voice: "Have they arrived yet?"

The male's low voice, slow and powerful, is like the sound of a famous trumpet and bell, loud and thick, sweet and clear, with a vague meaning of long horns ringing, bells and drums vibrating together.

Hei Jiu Yao Yao, who was brought back to his thoughts by the voice, stood at attention subconsciously, stood up straight, and quickly replied: "Boss, Zhao Li and the four just arrived, and Zhao Yixiong hasn't mentioned it yet."

"Well, let's dry them first. Let's talk about it for half an hour. Is the tea ready?" Yan Xing touched his chin lazily. Be positive, you must be well entertained.

"Ready." Yao Yao Ling quickly ran to the water table, took out a set of tea sets, tea leaves, and brought the kettle with boiling water to the captain.

Yan Xing took out two bags of pills from his backpack, placed the tea cups in two rows, and put pills into the cups, one was gray and the other was white.

Both pills have a strong aroma, like the taste of jasmine.

"Captain, why don't you have a cup?" Hei Jiu was a curious baby.

"One cup without additives is for the old lady of the Zhao family, the next two cups are for Guo's mother and daughter, and the other three cups are for the men of the Zhao family." Yan Xing continued to add pills to the cups, put two of them, and let them dry. Jasmine, flush.

The hot boiling water is poured into the cup, and the cup with the pills makes a "呲呲呲" sound when the pills meet the water. The pills dissolve quickly, the tea slowly changes color, the color is beautiful, and the aroma of jasmine is amazing. .

"Captain, it looks like it's delicious." Yao Yao Ling couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Well, [-] pieces of tea made from medicine is of course delicious, but if you want to drink it, I will give you another one for your own self-defense. Drinking this tea will stimulate tension in people's hearts, and it is not suitable for us to drink. ."

"It's Little Loli's masterpiece again." Hei Jiu wiped away the cold sweat. The medicine that Little Loli's child tinkered with was amazing, and it was also terrifying.

Yan Xing didn't speak, seeing that the cup of tea without the pills was too shallow, which was a little different from the other cups of tea. Mix in jasmine tea to make a cup of tea similar in color to the tea with pills.

Make the tea and let it cool first.

After sitting and waiting for about ten minutes, Yao Yao Ling made a phone call. After another ten minutes, Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze were taken from the room to the reception building and sent to meet the four Zhao family members.

The four members of the Zhao family were sitting on pins and needles in the reception room, especially after the police officer who led them into the reception room went out, under the surveillance of two armed officers with live ammunition, the room was terribly silent, and none of the four dared to move.

After sitting like a prisoner for a long time, Zhao Li heard footsteps coming from outside, and soon a police officer wearing a prison uniform opened the door, and then four prison officers brought in two people.

Zhao Li saw his son and grandson being escorted into the reception room. He was excited at first, and then he felt like he was drenched in cold water. He hadn't seen him for more than a month. Zhao Zongze is more like a drug addict, sick.

"Yixiong, Ozawa—" Guo Furong stood up in panic when she saw her husband and son's appearance, and suddenly found the two guards with guns looking at her, her back froze in fright, and she sat down.

When Mrs. Zhao visited the prison for the first time, she was dumbfounded when she saw the miserable appearance of her son and grandson.

Zhao Danxuan also widened her eyes in horror. She couldn't believe what she saw, and she couldn't match the dashing and handsome older brother with the person in front of him with uneven hair, sunken eye sockets, and a dull face.

When he was brought back for a paternity test, Zhao Yixiong lived in panic every day, day and night. He was arraigned and thought it was a routine arraignment. When he saw the parents, wife, and daughter in the reception room, he responded slowly, opened his mouth, and said in a daze. Not speaking.

When Zhao Zongze saw his grandfather and grandmother, the appearance of the sick seedlings changed immediately, and he ran forward excitedly: "Grandpa save me, grandpa save me—"

"Quiet!" The police C who brought the suspect to the scene grabbed Zhao Zongze, and one of the police C rudely took out the handcuffs and put them on.

Zhao Yixiong and his son were not wearing handcuffs at first, and they were dishonest. The prison guards would not be polite. They handcuffed Zhao Zongze directly.

Zhao Zongze suddenly shouted and made a fuss. The two police officers with guns in the room pressed their hands on the gun casings around his waist. Zhao Li was so frightened that he almost went out of his body. With his back on his back again, the heart that almost flew out of his throat only fell, but he also broke out in a cold sweat.

Zhao Zongze was also frightened by a loud shout, and he didn't dare to struggle when he was handcuffed. He was 'helped' and walked to the row of seats behind his grandparents and didn't dare to stand up again after being pressed down.

The four prison guards mentioned Zhao Yixiong and his son and did not leave, but stood behind the pair of father and son, closely supervising.

There were two people in the room before, and the four members of the Zhao family didn't dare to speak. Now Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze brought them here, and their family met, but the number of people under surveillance increased by four. People still dare not say a word.

The reception room was silent.

Zhao Yixiong and his son were taken to the reception hall with their waists zero. They returned to the lounge and sat there for another seven or eight minutes. Under the captain's signal, they brought tea trays to the Zhao family members in the reception room.

The six members of the Zhao family were sitting in the reception room. They had something they wanted to say, but they didn't dare to say it. They were even more afraid that what they said should not be said would be heard by the prison guards and become evidence in court.

Zhao Yixiong didn't understand why he was arranged to meet with his family. He wanted to let his father know that Yan Xing and the He family asked the court to do a paternity test for them.

Zhao Zongze wanted to ask his grandfather to save him, because police C stood behind him, and there was a man with a gun in front of him staring at him, for fear of being beaten or greeted with a gun.

In a place so quiet that you could even hear the slightly louder breathing, the atmosphere was so oppressive that you felt suffocated.

After a while, the door that represented a special meaning was pushed open. The six Zhao family looked over and saw a stern-faced uniformed police officer bringing tea. Precious tea smells even better.

Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong were very shocked. Before, they had never been treated well with tea during their visit.

Yao Yao walked in with tea, glanced at the six members of the Zhao family, and walked over calmly. First, he delivered tea to the four family members of the Zhao family, cup by cup, and distributed the type of tea that the captain assigned to the Zhao family to the corresponding people. , gave tea to the family members, and gave Zhao Yixiong and his son a cup of fragrant tea.

Zhao Yixiong felt that the police officer who brought the tea should be better at speaking, and asked cautiously: "Comrade, I want to ask, today we meet with family members as usual or if the judges want to ask questions..."

"Today, a special officer is coming to ask questions, you guys should be honest." With a stern face at the waist and waist, he answered in a formulaic manner, and even stared at Zhao Zongze a few times.

Police C looked at his son with cold eyes, which made Zhao Yixiong sweat and tremble for a while; Zhao Zongze was swept away by the cold eyes, so scared that his forehead became cold, and the cold sweat uncontrollably oozes from the tip of his nose .

Hearing that there was a special officer to be questioned, Zhao Li was in a panic again, and vaguely understood why there was an unprecedented tea reception. The tea was not for them, but for the sake of the officer.

Police C, who brought the tea, quietly opened the door and went out as if he had come. The six members of the Zhao family seemed to be exhausted physically and mentally, as if they had been working all day.

The tea is fragrant, jasmine petals float in the cup, and the soaked flowers are delicate and fragrant.

Zhao Yixiong was sweating in cold and hot sweat. He felt thirsty. He wiped away the sweat and eagerly picked up the tea to drink. Although the scented tea was a little hot, the taste was very good. Top-notch tea is even better.

Ever since he was invited to the detention center, he has always drank only boiled water. Even if he sent tea at home, he would not be able to brew it. Zhao Yixiong has not had a decent tea for a long time, and when he finally has a good tea that is no less than the top-quality Tieguanyin tea, don’t care. It's hot, drink it one by one.

Zhao Zongze was frightened twice and felt his throat dry. Seeing that his father could not resist the temptation to drink tea, he stretched out his handcuffed hands and lifted the tea cup in front of him to replenish water.

The teacup is a long glass, neither big nor small. By normal standards, a cup of tea is not too much, especially for thirsty people, that amount is not enough to quench their thirst. If it is not very hot, Zhao Yixiong only needs three or two sips He could drink it up, because it was a little hot, so he drank it slowly, and it took about 3 minutes for a cup of tea to bottom out.

After drinking all his tea, he still felt thirsty. He looked at his son. He originally wanted to use his son's tea to quench his thirst, but found that Zong Ze was drinking himself. Wife and daughter's back.

There was a police officer with a live ammunition in front of her staring at her. Mrs. Zhao Guo Furong, who had never experienced such a scene, was so frightened that she didn't even dare to move, let alone turn her head, her sitting posture was stiff.

The three women sat tremblingly for a long time. The three women felt uneasy and needed to calm down. They couldn’t speak and didn’t dare to move. The arrival of the refreshment was undoubtedly a diversion of the tension. After a while, I drank the herbal tea one after another.

Zhao Li was no less nervous than the women, especially when he saw his son and grandson a few times before, and he didn't encounter the same situation as this time. A way of thinking to calm himself, he first held a teacup and tried to think about the origin of the special officer this time, whether it was good or bad for the Zhao family.

I was secretly struggling with my thoughts, and unknowingly, I picked up my cup to drink tea, thinking while drinking, and when I realized that I didn’t get any water after a sip, I lowered my head and realized that my cup was empty, and turned to my side, the flowers of my wife, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. He was almost finished drinking, and it could be seen that the women were very nervous and their hands were shaking slightly.

After staring at his wife for a few moments, Zhao Li slowly put down the teacup, feeling more and more uneasy.

While the Zhao family was restless, the door was pushed open again, and the person who came in was still Police C who brought tea before. He was carrying a tea tray, an electric kettle and a cup of steaming tea, which was also faint Jasmine scent.

Zhao Yixiong smelled the fragrance of the flowers and felt extremely thirsty. He couldn't help swallowing. When he frowned, he seemed a little displeased.

This time, everyone in the Zhao family was even more nervous.

Yao Yao Ling glanced at the Zhao family, looked away, put the tea tray on the table facing the crowd, and lifted the electric kettle to the Zhao family.

When Zhao Li and the others saw Police C carrying a kettle to refill the tea, they held their breath very lightly, lest they accidentally offend others and get them to wear small shoes behind their backs.

When the glass in front of the last person in the Zhao family was filled with more than half of the glass of water, they heard the sound of clanging leather shoes from outside, and at the same time there was a loud shout: "Salute—"

(End of this chapter)

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