Chapter 614
Yan Shao Liu Shao killed a box of high-grade liquor, and he was only a little drunk, and he didn't have a hangover. He woke up on time the next day, and silently cleaned up the house with the slightest light of dawn, and again Go to practice, run out a few sweats, go back to the dormitory to take a shower, and listen to the class as a good student like nothing happened.

Someone Yan had a good night's sleep, and the Zhao family couldn't sleep all night. Even if they fell asleep, they would wake up suddenly. Guo Furong even dreamed that Yan Feixia was coming to take her life. Sleep with the lights on all night.

Zhao Li was also tossing and turning for a long time. He was old, and he couldn't sleep well, and there was a faint blue circle at the moment. Mrs. Zhao and Guo Furong appeared with two panda eyes. Zhao Danxuan was a little better, but she still seemed to be Eyeshadow.

The family of four looked miserable.

Similarly, the three servants who were nanny in Zhao's family were also frightened. Yesterday, Mr. Zhao went out for a trip, and when he came home in the afternoon, he told them to pack their bags and said that their wages would be paid on Tuesday.

The three servants guessed that something might have happened to the Zhao family, but no one dared to ask. .

The four members of the Zhao family, old and young, were sitting in the restaurant, which was even more tragic than eating the last supper. While eating and eating, Mrs. Zhao whimpered and cried, trying to speak, but opened her mouth and only made a sound of "hhhhhhh".

Guo Furong became more and more afraid, trembling all over: "Dad...I...I'm afraid...I don't want to go to jail...I don't want to go to jail..."

"If you want to die immediately, you don't have to go." Zhao Li was eating his favorite fresh shrimp cake, which was shaped like chewing wax. He heard Guo Furong's cries, and his face turned blue. Who wants to go to jail?
However, now they can't help it.

No matter if they don't want to go to jail, they have to go in by themselves, otherwise they may still be alive today, and it will be a corpse in a blink of an eye.

Going to prison by yourself may ruin your reputation, but at least there is still a glimmer of life, not only to ensure the safety of your grandchildren, but also to win a little chance for yourself. Maybe you can only be sentenced to 15 to 20 years, and you will see the sun again one day.

Back then, they had no omissions. They thought that everything would be all right, and that all the truth would always dissipate with the death of a person. Who would have known that after more than [-] years, an incident would happen one day.

Back then, the children they could easily crush to death were now the debt collectors who forced them to have nowhere to go.

It wasn't that I didn't think about letting the child accompany his mother, but he was still needed at that time. Only by his presence, Zhao Yixiong could control the Feixia Group Company. The family's property will definitely be given to the younger generation of the He family, and the He family will not let Zhao Yixiong take over the Feixia Group.

Yan Xing couldn't die back then, so they had to keep it. They thought that Jia Ling would be able to control the Yan family sooner or later. When Zhao Yixiong took control of Feixia Group and killed Yan Xing unwittingly, everything would be fine. After more than [-] years, he was unable to kill the little evil seed, and he also realized that he had left behind a secret hand, which has become the biggest scourge today, not only making their years of hard work come to nothing, but also causing the whole family to overturn.

If he had known this earlier, he should have used all means to kill him when he was still an adult, then there would be no future troubles, and there would not be today when they were forced to go nowhere.

If you know that Jia Ling and Guo Furong are so useless that they are today, it would be better to keep Yan Feixia at the beginning. In that case, although the Zhao family has been set off by the Yan family and He Jiaguang for a lifetime, at least the Zhao family will not be overthrown.

Zhao Li hated so much in his heart that he couldn't do anything about Yan Xing, and transferred all his anger and resentment to Guo Furong, without showing any kindness: "It's all good work by you and your mother, the two fox spirits, you are shameless to seduce Yixiong. , Yixiong and Yan Feixia are still living a good life, and the Zhao family will not end up so miserably."

"I, I..." Guo Furong was scolded, and she was so choked that she could hardly breathe. Can you blame her?If Zhao Yixiong wanted to live with Yan Feixia, why would he sleep with her?How could they drug Yan Feixia?
She was unwilling, but Guo Furong didn't have the courage to turn against her father-in-law. Back then, she was able to ascend to the throne because of her father-in-law's support. If it wasn't for her father-in-law's acquiescence, Zhao Yixiong would not dare to have an affair with her.

"What's wrong with you? How did you guarantee it back then? You said that your mother would make the little evil species disappear, but what happened? He hasn't killed anyone in more than [-] years, and he is alive and well, and now he will disappear at any time. You yourself, if you want to die inexplicably one day, you don't need to go to the procuratorate, just sit and wait for Yan Xing to take revenge."

Guo Furong was fine if she didn't speak. As soon as she spoke, Zhao Li recalled the promise of Guo Furong's mother and daughter back then. Jia Ling promised that Yan Xing would disappear silently, and it took more than [-] years. He couldn't kill Yan Xing, and now that they are going to be imprisoned soon, he can still live happily.

The father-in-law told his granddaughter the secrets of their past in front of his granddaughter. Guo Furong was so frightened that her face was pale, and then she was threatened by Yan Xing's revenge and almost fainted.

Zhao Danxuan's hand holding the chopsticks trembled, and she kept comforting herself by saying, "It's alright, it's alright, I didn't take part in the harm, I just took some money and returned it", in order to convince herself not to be afraid .

Confused by his daughter-in-law that he dared not speak again, Zhao Li tried his best to remain calm and ate his breakfast in large mouthfuls. This might be the last decent breakfast before he was imprisoned.

Mrs. Zhao Guo Furong had no time to eat breakfast, because Zhao Li had accumulated prestige for a long time, they dared not speak, and filled their hearts with fear. Have you eaten enough.

Zhao Li was unwilling, and after eating breakfast with resentment, he informed the servants to clean up the restaurant, made a pot of tea and drank a few cups of tea, calmed down and went to settle the bill for the servants, because there was an employment contract before, the temporary dismissal, the host paid an extra quarter. Salary as compensation.

The three servants had packed their personal luggage yesterday, and after receiving their wages, they didn't care anymore. They handed over the keys and left with their own suitcases and bags. They didn't take any of the master's belongings. Bi Yi Zhao's valuables were all in their bedrooms. If it is locked, others can't take it away, and other people who take it are not worth much, and you may be charged with theft.

Zhao Li is not afraid of what they will take away. Anyway, the valuables are in the safe in the room. If no one else can take it away, the three servants will not dig their own graves.

After the three servants left, Zhao Liyin said with a sullen face, and asked his family to carry their own change of clothes and supplies into the car and go to the procuratorate.

Under Zhao Li's pressure, Mrs. Guo Furong sat tremblingly into the car, and the road was ashes.

When the car was outside the majestic court building, Zhao Li's hands trembled slightly. He tried a few times before opening the car door. Looking at the majestic building of the Procuratorate, he hated Yan Xing in his heart. ...If Yan Xing had died back then, this day would not have happened!
Guo Furong and Mrs. Zhao were afraid in their hearts, and they didn't even have the strength to stand up. Zhao Danxuan was also afraid, but she knew that she would not be punished too much. car.

Full of unwillingness, Zhao Li picked up his luggage, took his wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter to help each other, and moved to the procuratorate step by step in a more tragic mood than Jing Ke stabbed the King of Qin.

Mrs. Zhao, Guo Furong, Zhao Danxuan, and three people each carried their own luggage and walked behind each other. The closer they got to the door of the procuratorate, the more their legs trembled. C, the calf is twitching, the steps are vain, swaying like a penguin.

The four of them walked slowly, slowly approaching the mighty gate of the procuratorate, and entered the procuratorate step by step.

The reception staff in the lobby of the procuratorate saw a group of four with sad faces and seemed to be deeply affected by some kind of blow. They thought that the visiting people were sentenced by someone in the family or had a criminal case, or had received some kind of terrorist threat, so they specially came to consult legal issues, or felt wronged, Request the Prosecutor's Office to re-investigate the ruling.

It is not uncommon for the staff to receive a group of four people as usual. Please go to the reception hall first, pour tea for the four of them, and comfort the shivering old and middle-aged wives not to be nervous or afraid.

When he heard the old man say he surrendered, the receptionist thought he heard it wrong. He asked seriously and got confirmation. Immediately call the department in charge of accepting surrender and criminal cases to notify them to accept the work of surrendered persons, and wait for professional and responsible prosecutors. Come here and hand over the four who turned themselves in.

Relevant persons in charge received a notice and temporarily formed a special task force to take over the surrender of the four Zhao family members. The recording, audio and video recording and supervisory personnel were all in place, and they officially accepted the surrendered personnel's transcripts.

When it was time to write the transcript, Zhao Li was also filled with fear, and Susu shuddered as he confessed that he had surrendered himself.

When the staff listened to Zhao Li's self-narrative process, they were calm at first, but they became more and more trembling as he surrendered. Rao is that they all have experience in handling cases, and they couldn't help but feel afraid of the dark side of human nature.

Because Zhao Li's surrender involved human life, the project personnel immediately reported to their superiors. The heads of the procuratorate heard that it was about Feixia Group, Colonel Yanxing, and Mr. He Zirui's family. Work.

Taking the four members of the Zhao family to make separate transcripts can collect more details, and can also compare and analyze from the transcripts who has concealed, or deliberately took the blame, and exonerates others.

When the staff in charge of Mrs. Zhao took the old lady to a separate reception room to take a transcript, they were shocked to find that the old lady could not speak. , When the medical staff performed a preliminary examination on the old lady, it was confirmed that the old man had lost his voice.

If the old man loses his voice, then he can't make a dictation. The staff first asks the old lady to make a transcript, and gives her a pen and paper to write and describe what she has done.

The records of the four members of the Zhao family lasted for more than two hours. At noon, when the staff of the procuratorate also had lunch, they also prepared meals for the four, and the staff accompanied the surrendered person to eat together.

After eating a meal, the four members of the Zhao family became more stable, and when they took notes and dictation, they were more organized than before, and they were no longer incoherent and incoherent.

After completing the transcript, the team sent Zhao Li, Guo Furong, and Zhao Danxuan to the detention center, while Mrs. Zhao was sent to the hospital for treatment of aphasia. The old lady was unable to speak, and the description of some things was not clear. The staff of the procuratorate still hoped Mrs. Zhao. Tell your own story.

The four Zhao family had their luggage with them when they surrendered, and the procuratorate did not need to help them find and change their laundry and supplies. They checked their luggage and asked them to take them to the detention center if there were no dangerous items.

If human life is involved, even if he surrenders, he will be detained. Zhao Li, Guo Furong, and Zhao Danxuan are sent to the detention center. Because he surrendered himself, the treatment is slightly better. Zhao Li is a man who arranges a room alone, while Guo Furong and his daughter live together temporarily. .

After the Zhao family's transcript work was completed, the relevant departments of the procuratorate also held a temporary discussion meeting to discuss and analyze the transcripts and oral transcripts.

The procuratorate attaches great importance to the surrender case of Zhao Li's family. After all, it involves the serving of Senior Colonel Yan and the He family, especially the deceased who was framed by the surrender and has a deep blood relationship with the He family. Mrs. Yan is the only daughter of Mrs. He's family too. She is the sister of the retired former deputy state-level cadre He San, and the aunt of the current Minister He Qishu and the deputy mayor He Qiying. The death of He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia was the greatest pain in Mrs. He Tai's heart. It is also the biggest pain for the He family.

Today, after a lapse of more than [-] years, it is revealed that He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia were both harmed by others. It is conceivable how much shock will be caused to the He family. , would rather let the culprit pay the debt in blood.

Or if Mrs. He knows about it, if the old man can't hold back and get angry for a while, it will be very bad. Therefore, if you want to ask the He family to assist in the investigation, you must bypass Mrs. He, and don't want to let Mrs. He If you know, then confidentiality must be done to the smallest detail.

The staff of the procuratorate felt that the burden on their shoulders was very heavy. You must know that the He family and the Chao family are very close now, and the little righteous grandson of the Chao family is not a vegetarian. To solve it, it will be them who will have the headache. Just imagine that people like Zhao Li can kill people without knowing it. With the ability of the Chao family's little righteous grandson, it is easy to kill a few people in the Zhao family.

The discussion meeting was held for a long time. The benevolent people offered their benevolence, and the wise offered their wisdom. They worked together to develop a set of plans, work together in an orderly manner, and secretly carried out investigation and evidence collection.

(End of this chapter)

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