Chapter 631
Sister-in-law Wu held herself back so much that she was full of anger, but she couldn't find a place to get angry, so she went to work in other fields with everyone with a dark face.

Because of the large number of people, it was divided into several groups to go to different fields. The Lejia father and daughter grabbed the biggest piece, and Zhang Poluo and Zhou Ge did not fight with the Lejia father and daughter.

There was a classmate Le who looked like a tentacle monster. The largest piece of land allocated to Le family father and daughter was completed in less than 10 minutes. The two went to help Village Chief Zhou and Brother Zhou, and then helped others.

At ten o'clock, Dad Le went home and cooked chicken soup for Zhou Qiufeng.

When Yueqing went back and everyone rested and drank water, sister-in-law Wu finally found the topic and asked Leyun, "Leyun, why is your dad going back to do housework and not letting you go back?"

"It's very simple," Le Yun smiled and rolled her eyes: "My dad didn't have very good legs before, and he hasn't been in the fields for many years. He needs to get used to it. I'm fast and I work naturally. Besides, my Aunt Feng's confinement meal is for me. Aunt Feng tailor-made it, and my dad wants to keep the fire and cook the soup as I said, which is equivalent to roasting the fire, and it is no easier than working."

Sister Liu wanted to shake her head, why didn't Sister Wu understand, Xiao Lele was her father's body armor, and when she didn't protect her father, Sister Wu still wanted to separate the father-daughter relationship, so she was fed up.

Being choked for a moment, Sister-in-law Wu smiled and said casually, "Oh, you must like your brother very much."

"Aunt Wu, you're not talking nonsense?" Le Yun looked at Zhang Jing's mother like a bad guy: "My brother is my brother, can I not like it? Aunt Wu, if you ask this, is it because you want to have a second child? Zhang Jing doesn't agree, right? Well, that's understandable. Zhang Jing is the princess you have raised since childhood. She must be afraid that you won't like her as much as you used to have a second child. You just have to be with Zhang Jing. She must be able to understand ideological work. After all, you only have one girl, Zhang Jing. If Zhang Jing gets bullied in the future, she will not have any younger siblings to support her. It's not good."

Xiao Lele's mind turned too fast, and she led Sister-in-law Wu on the way to the second child. Sister-in-law Liu and Sister-in-law Hu almost burst into laughter, and Sister-in-law Wu was shooting herself in the foot again!

Sister Wu really shot herself in the foot, and she was hit so hard that her face was blue with anger, so she wanted to have a second child? !

Le Yun must have done it on purpose!
Knowing that Zhang Ke also wanted to have another child, Le Yun deliberately proposed to have a second child in front of others. If she said that she did not want to have another child, Zhang Ke would feel uncomfortable even if she didn't express her displeasure to her. If she wants to have a second child, if she can't get pregnant, sooner or later, people will find out that she can't give birth to a child. At that time, the villagers don't know how to call her a hen who can't lay eggs behind her back.

Thinking that she was forced to ride a tiger by a little girl, sister-in-law Wu was so angry that her chest jumped.

Mr. Wu's face was gloomy, but Le Yun pretended that he didn't find it, and persuaded him kindly: "Aunt Wu, if Zhang Jing really doesn't agree with your having a second child, it's fine, your daughter is also a descendant, and it's the same for both boys and girls. No? Hey, Aunt Wu, your face is not very good, is it because Zhang Jing actually wants a younger brother or a younger sister, because you are unwilling to have a second child, you feel that having a child will make you old or ugly, or you are afraid of having a baby too much It’s hard, it’s dangerous to have a baby? Or is Uncle Zhang Ke who doesn’t want to have another baby because he’s afraid of the pressure?”

Le Yun and his wife talked about having a second child. Zhang Ke's ears were erect and he stared straight at his wife. He also wanted to have a second child, but his wife didn't agree, so he couldn't help it.

Being held by Le Yun about her second child, Sister Wu was so angry that she wanted to scold the eight generations of Le Yun's ancestors, but there were so many people around, so she couldn't scold them, so she put on a fake smile: "Having a second child is a big deal, it has to be Think carefully about…”

When Zhang Ke heard his wife let go, he happily took over the words: "Wife, have you agreed to have a second child? Great! I'll go back and tell my mother, let my mother prepare, and when you are pregnant, let my mother come back Take care of you."

"You..." Sister-in-law Wu was so angry that she wanted to beat Zhang Ke to death. Is there such a thing as talking about giving birth to a child in front of others?

When Zhang Ke said this, the Zhou family, Cheng family and Liu Lu heard it. Sooner or later, everyone in the village would know that she and Zhang Ke were planning to have a second child, which was like putting her on fire.

Le Yun is the one who wants to set her on fire, and Zhang Ke is the helper!

Zhang Ke is a pig-like teammate. Sister-in-law Wu was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, and she struggled to pull out a pale smile: "The problem of the second child will be discussed later, Xiaojing is still in college, and the cost of a year is tens of thousands, and the pressure is so great. The burden of having a second child is even heavier.”

"It's okay, my mother is rich, you just have to give birth. When you give birth to a child, my mother will definitely not let her grandson suffer, and will always subsidize it." Zhang Ke was still immersed in excitement, eagerly planning the future.

Brother Liu Lu's family and others: "..." Um, prying the old lady's money?That's the matter of Zhang Ke's family, so they shouldn't say anything.

"Aunt Wu, you see that Uncle Zhang Ke is not afraid of pressure, what are you afraid of, Aunt Wu? Your family has always been Uncle Zhang Ke working hard to make money to support the family. You are only responsible for spending money at home. You have another child and open it for Uncle Zhang Ke. Branches and leaves, you are a great hero of the Zhang family, Uncle Zhang Ke will definitely treat you as the emperor, Aunt Wu, why do you have any hesitation?"

With the help of Zhang Jing's father, Le Yun felt that the world couldn't be too beautiful, and smiled and helped "persuade" Sister Wu: "Aunt Wu, are you afraid of the danger of having a second child when you are old? I think Your worries are superfluous. Technology is advanced these days, and there are more and more elderly mothers.

If you are worried about your health, Aunt Wu, I will check your pulse to see if your body is suitable for having a baby, and I will check the pulse for my Aunt Feng and think there is nothing wrong with her body. You can see that my Aunt Feng is pregnant. I'm not sure if I can feel my pulse. One day I'll be listed to practice medicine. You can hit my sign. "

"That's right, Mr. Zhang Ke doesn't worry about not being able to support him, Mr. Wu has nothing to worry about, just give birth to a son with confidence, Mr. Zhang Ke has a son and wants to set up wine, no matter how busy we are, we will take the time to give it to you. Help." Brother Zhou also kindly advised sister-in-law Wu. The surnamed Wu has been gossiping about his sister in recent years. Liu Tong often makes Xiaofeng annoyed behind his back, and the surname is Wu's credit. If it weren't for his family and Zhang Ke's family He was a little bit related, and he had already turned his back on Sister Wu.

It's still Xiao Lele who is smart and gave Sister Wu a headache. Doesn't the surnamed Wu always find trouble for others and cause quarrels in other people's homes? Now it's the turn of the surnamed Wu to have troubles, see how much she has left. The energy grows behind the tongue.

If there were other people in the field, Brother Zhou would definitely give Lele a thumbs up, and only Xiao Lele could deal with people like Sister Wu.

"That's for sure, Zhang Kesheng's son will serve the wine, and we will all help." Zhang Poluo didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and immediately echoed Brother Zhou's words.

Le Yun and Zhou Xialong and Zhang Pogong sang and sang the fire together. Sister-in-law Wu vomited three liters of blood in her heart, but she couldn't slap her face on the spot and smiled reluctantly: "It's up to me and Zhang Ke to have children or not, or not. Make others worry."

"How can Aunt Wu say that?" Le Yun immediately retorted: "At the time, Aunt Feng was bullied for not having children in Li's house. Many people in the village said behind their backs that it is only right for women to help men have children, and that when a man asks for a wife, he receives incense. Yes, what would a woman do if she didn't help a man have a baby?
I remember Uncle Zhou and Grandma Zhou said that whether Aunt Feng had children or not was a matter of Aunt Feng and someone Li, but Aunt Wu didn’t think so at the time, and said that having children or not is not a matter of two people, and is what everyone cares about the most. Things, others will say that the mouth is to care.

It can be seen that whether Aunt Wu helps Uncle Zhang have a child is not a matter for you and Uncle Zhang, and it is not only the concern of your parents' family, but also the concern of everyone. The villagers persuade you that you are If you really care about you, Aunt Wu must be very moved. After all, the people in the village are all out of kindness and hope that you can have both children and children. "

Ouch!Brother Zhou almost shouted happily, Xiaolele is great!

When his sister didn't have children, Sister Wu was the one with the longest mouth. She was gossiping every three days. He was embarrassed to hit Sister Wu in the mouth. Lele still remembered the old things, and what he and his mother wanted most to return to Sister Wu It was also given to Zhang Ke's wife.

In a good mood, Brother Zhou secretly turned his face to the side and snickered happily in the direction of avoiding sister-in-law Wu and Zhang Ke. Xiaolele was bullied by sister-in-law Wu and her daughter when she was young. Now it's Xiaolele's turn to take revenge. , and also avenged the revenge of helping their family by the way.

Zhang Ke thinks what Le Yun said is quite right: "Well, yes, whoever cares will ask and persuade, and those who are not related to him will be kind enough to control the life and death of others."

Zhang Ke's brain lacks a muscle, and sister-in-law Wu is so angry that her heart is going to explode, and Leyun Xiaoyezhong actually uses what she said at the beginning to block her!How come Xiao Ye Zhong has such a good memory, he still remembers the past, and every time he turns over the old accounts to get mad at her.

Turning over the old accounts is turning over the old accounts, and talking about the old things in front of Zhou Xialong and the village chief Zhou, is this not intentional to let the Zhou family remember the old things and make the Zhou family feel estranged from her?

The little bastard Leyun deliberately turned over the past at the juncture of Zhou Qiufeng giving birth to a child, reminding the Zhou family of what she had done before, and then returning her words to her to let others watch.

She was so angry that Sister Wu's chest was almost burned with anger, and she stood up with a cold face: "The sun is getting bigger and bigger, hurry up and cut the grass, and cut the grass to go home early to hide at noon."

Sister-in-law Wu avoided the topic of giving birth to a second child lightly. Brother Zhou, Zhang Po Luo, etc. did not hold on to it, and asked Sister-in-law Wu to go down the steps she found by herself, and they went to work laughing and joking.

Sister-in-law Zhao, Sister-in-law Hu and Sister-in-law Liu secretly winked, and Sister-in-law Wu always loves to talk things out of nothing. Most of the people in the village think that it is not good for her to beat her for the sake of fellow villagers. Fortunately, there is Xiao Lele who is not afraid of heaven and earth to confront her. Lele is sister-in-law Wu's nemesis when it hurts to step on her feet in minutes.

Sister-in-law Wu also knew that it was easy to get angry with her when she was with Le Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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