magic eye doctor

Chapter 633 It's All Here

Chapter 633 It's All Here

When the Lejia Zhou family was busy with the double scramble, some people in the capital were too busy to touch the ground. On the 6th, a team of men and horses set off from Beijing and flew to E North.

Rural double robbing starts in late July and ends in early August every year. At the latest, a family in Meizijing village completes the last bit of work in the fields on the 7th. After the most tense double robbing, the rest is to dry straw and so on. Don’t be in a hurry. Farmers have a short period of time to recuperate.

Brother Zhou, who was just busy with double robbing, Zhang Po Gong, etc., was busy with the arrangement of the birth wine of Lejia's child. The date was set on the 8th of the lunar calendar, which is August 9th.

Brother Zhou, brothers from the Cheng family, Liu Lu, Zhang Poluo and four good brothers did not care about taking a rest. The next day, they went to the street to rent items for the banquet and brought them back. There were tables, chairs, benches, and bowls and dishes. There are also shelves for placing things, steamers, various pots and buckets, knife and knife boards, etc., and only a large freezer is rented.

Pulling back the items, the men set up a shed to cover the front and back of Lejia's house with a canopy, and a special cloth curtain for heat dissipation was placed on top of the canopy to dissipate heat.

Village Chief Zhou is the commander-in-chief. He has hosted many weddings and weddings, and he knows best what items are needed and what dishes are needed for a banquet.

Lejia set a drinking time, and Zhou Village Chief and Zhou Gebang rented items and meat in advance, and pre-arranged staffing arrangements early.

To build a shed, first build the canopy in front of Lejia's house. Fortunately, it is very simple to build a canopy. It is a simple matter to build a building, then build a fence, then build a fence, and then put horizontal and vertical wooden strips on it. Therefore, a few men spend In less than an hour and a half, the canopy frame in front of the house was erected.

Just as Brother Zhou and others were busy with their work, a convoy of seven cars drove from the road in the direction of Shennong Mountain into Jiudao Township, stopped at the parking place in the village, asked someone for the way, and went straight to Meizijing Village. At the intersection, at the intersection into Meizijing Village, the car in front got off again to inquire about the situation and led the team into the village.

The seven cars were all red sedans, and they drove slowly and steadily to the floor in front of the village committee building in Meizijing Village under the sunshine on a sunny day.

There is a place on the floor in front of the village committee building with millet and a small amount of straw, and other places are empty enough for parking.

The seven cars were arranged in a row on the floor in turn. The people on the cars got off the cars, men and women, young and old. When they got off the car, they first wore sun hats and sunglasses.

So many cars suddenly drove to the village committee building, and the people who lived next to each other immediately looked around. When a group of people covered the car cloth, they all packed their hand luggage and were ready to set off. A young man in a white shirt and a sun hat was dragging one. The suitcase goes to the shop owner.

The person who opened a shop selling salt, vinegar, tobacco, alcohol, and other necessities of life was also a person with the surname Zhou, who gave him the nickname Zhou Papi. Of course, it didn't mean that he exploited long-term workers like the "Zhou Papi" in elementary school textbooks, but that he liked snake meat the most. , I like to catch a snake and come back to simmer the dragon and phoenix soup to eat, so the village gave him the nickname "Zhou Papi"

Zhou Papi was about the same age as the village chief Zhou. When he saw someone coming over, he hurried to the eaves of the door, and found that he was a handsome young man. The man was really good-looking, as if he was painted. He was a big man. .

The handsome young man walked up to the person, took out a pack of soft Chinese cigarettes from his backpack and handed it to him: "Hello, old man, I'm taking some time for you, we want to go to Yueyun's house in Yueqing, can you help us?"

"Convenient and convenient." Jun Housheng's smile was as dazzling as the sun, and Zhou Papi nervously rubbed his hands together: "Well, you don't need cigarettes. Are you friends of Yueqing's daughter?"

"Old man, take it, otherwise we are too embarrassed to ask you to lead the way." The beautiful young man Chao Yubo smiled and stuffed the cigarette into the old man: "I am Xiao Lele's sworn brother, and my parents and friends are over there. Lejia is happy with Lin'er, let's come to my sister's house for a drink."

"Oh, you are Xiaolele's friends and relatives. Lele's current mother is our family's aunt, and my family is also related to Le's family. I'll take you there, this way-"

Zhou Papi accepted the cigarette given by Jun Housheng and happily led the way.

"Grandma, keep up, let's go to Lele's house." The beautiful boy waved to a group of young and old.

The old and young with luggage responded with a smile, followed by hula-la. A few old people walked in front, and the young people hugged in the back. A group of people followed Zhou Pippi to the village. cement road.

"Hey, is that Yueqing's friend?"

"No, it should be Le Yun's friend."

"It looks like they are all rich."


When the group of people walked away, the villagers who lived next to the village committee building immediately ran to Zhou Papi's shop and chatted.

Followed by a group of people from the capital, the standard of Mandarin was very good, Zhou Papi was nervous and excited, and a fierce man walked forward.

After walking for a while, he could see Le's house in the distance. Zhou Papi pointed to the front and told a group of guests from afar: "The house in front is Yueqing's house."

"Oh, the little dumplings are local tyrants." Miss Chao Er, who was wearing a ponytail and short jeans and hot pants, saw the building and couldn't help but be jealous. People who own land are all scumbags.

"The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are outstanding. The mountains and rivers here are so good. It's no wonder that I raised people who are as smart as my little padded jacket."

"Grandma Wang, are you praising Little Loli or this place?"

"Earth spirits are outstanding."

"I'm jealous of the little beauty. It's so beautiful here. No wonder the little beauty doesn't envy the people in the city."

"How about we shout first and inform the little beauty?"

"Boy, if you dare to roar, I will break your leg, we should go quietly and give Xiao Lele a surprise."


A group of people were chattering and rushing forward happily, walking extraordinarily fast.

On the roof of Lejia's building, Le Yun helped her brother wash the diapers and clothes upstairs to dry and then turned over the herbs that were drying. She heard a familiar voice, she was stunned, and ran to the east-facing railing. Chu Wang, at a glance, saw a group of people driving towards their house, almost jumping over the railing and jumping off the building.

Oh my god, grandma Chao, elder brother Chao, elder sister Chao, second uncle, second aunt Wan Cheng, mentor Wang Shimu, brother Xiao, brother Luo, master nephew and nephew of Wan Cheng, and... what's the matter, and that handsome guy isn't Liu Handsome guy, that one is from Yan, and He Xiaoba and He Xiaoliu whose tails are not from the He family?
Oh my god, why did they all come here? !
Looking from a high distance and seeing who was coming, Le Yun ran downstairs and ran from the top of the building to the second floor in one breath. First, she rushed into a room to collect all the herbs she had left in the shade into the space, and then He rushed to the main room on the first floor again, and hurriedly called, "Dad, Dad, my brother Chao, Grandma Chao, they are here."

"Ouch!" Brother Zhou, who was still discussing how to build a shed so that it would not get in the way, almost jumped up after hearing that there were guests coming, and hurried to the main room and threw them in the main room of Lejia. Items are moved to the back of the house.

Dad Le repeatedly asked who was coming, and was taken aback: "Lele, you said that the Chao family... people are here?"

"Yes, I'll be at the door soon, Aunt Feng, you don't have to go out to meet me. Just stay with Shanshan. I'll go meet you." Le Yun didn't care about anything else, and ran away with her slippers ding ding dong dong. .

"Hey, Yueqing, we will also go to greet the distinguished guests. It's too rude not to greet the distinguished guests." Village Chief Zhou made a decisive decision to go with Xiao Lele to welcome the guests from the capital. Li still understands.

Brother Zhou and Zhang Poluo moved a few things, and then went to the table and chairs outside the house to pick up a few chairs to put them in the Lejia main room, and followed the village chief Zhou to welcome the guests.

Le Yun rushed out of the house to the outside where the water was hardened and on the road, she saw Grandma Chao and her group had arrived at a place that was only two fields away from her home, and rushed forward: "Brother Chao, Grandma Chao, professor and wife—"

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang, Professor Wan Cheng walked in the front. She was in a good mood because she thought that a surprise attack would scare Xiao Lele. Suddenly, she saw a small figure rushing out of Le's house, and she suddenly howled——

"Oh, how did Xiaolele know?"

"I was still thinking of giving Xiao Lele a big surprise, but I have no chance."

"Whoever tipped off Xiaolele will be punished to spend five minutes in the sun when he finds out."

"Little dumplings, big sister is here!" The elders were shouting about who leaked the news. Chao Yufule waved and shouted. When she received the call from the Empress Dowager, she hurriedly ended her trip and returned to China, just to play at Xiao Tuanzi's house.

"Xiao Tuanzi, my uncle and aunt are here." Chao Er and his wife didn't want to lose to their own girl, so they shouted first to avoid being ignored by Xiao Tuanzi.

"Little Loli, brothers are here!"

"Little girl, we're here too."

Xiao Shaoluo, Shao He, Xiao Ba, Shi Xiao Liu, and Wan Cheng, the eldest young master, Wang Er, and Liu Shao, also reported one after another to declare their existence.

Zhou Pipi was sweating on his forehead, and the guests loved Le Yun even more than they thought!

Village Chief Zhou originally wanted to go to the road to greet them. Thinking about it, it would be better for them to wait for the guests to come at a place outside Lejia's house on the road.

When Le Yun's clear and sweet voice rang out, Zhou Chunmei, Zhou Chunmei and Zhou's grandma, who were at home, ran to the door to see. Zhou Chunmei ran fast and rushed outside the house first. Looking towards the village, she saw a group of backpacks. The men and women who were pulling suitcases and luggage trailers opened their mouths in surprise.

Le Yun ran for a while, and rushed to the front of her relatives and friends. She first said thank you to Zhou Papi, who accompanied Chao's parents and seniors, and ran up to hug the tutor's arm, and sweetly shouted, "Professor—"

"Hey, Xiao Lele, good boy." The primary school student was the first to get close to himself. Professor Wan Cheng was so proud. He was the eldest male, and Xiao Lele gave him enough face.

Holding the teacher's arm coquettishly, Le Yun squeezed between Grandma Chao and his wife, holding her mother's arm with her left hand and Grandma Chao's arm with her right hand, and smiled crookedly, showing her little jade teeth: "It's such a hot day, what are you going to do with Grandma Chao and Mistress? I also support sneak attacks like this, what if I get heatstroke? Who came up with the idea?"

"My wife misses the little padded jacket. Come to the place where you were born to see what kind of Zhong Ling Yuxiu is. It is a good place to raise such an extremely smart little Lele."

"Does the little dumpling miss grandma? Grandma misses the little dumpling every day. Your grandfather couldn't come. He was so jealous of me."

"Why didn't Grandpa Chao come along?"

"Your grandfather Chao, he took a group of graduate students on an inspection tour. It's far in the north. After Lele returns to Beijing, he may have to do something delicious to help his grandma to coax him. Of course, there is also your uncle and your father. They couldn't come either, and they were so aggrieved that they almost cried."

"Yeah, after school starts, I will make delicious food for Grandpa and Uncle Chao's father to comfort their glassy hearts." Imagining Chao's father's grievances, Le Yun's eyes are bent into small crescents with joy.

"Grandma, the little dumpling should be given to me. I haven't seen the little dumpling for several months." Chao Yufu couldn't help it, he shoved the suitcase he was dragging into Brother Xiao, and hurried up to hug the pink and tender little dumpling. Guy ravages.

"Sister Fu, I thought you would find a handsome guy in Europe to compose a happy romance." Falling into Sister Fu's arms, Le Yun was taken advantage of by a female pervert, and she protested shyly.

"With our cute little dumplings, I don't want any handsome European guys, and handsome guys can't eat or drink. Our little dumplings are the cutest. I heard that everyone is busy with farming, and everyone has to dry off a layer of skin, but our little dumplings are still so white and tender. Soft and cute, it's the best to hold."

"Second sister, you are not afraid of heat on a hot day, but I am also afraid that you will spoil Lele and throw your claws." A second sister put her hands on Xiao Lele, and the beautiful young man hurriedly lifted the collar of the second sister, hurriedly Rescue Xiao Lele, let her stay on his right hand, and drag a suitcase with his left.

Miss Chao reluctantly let go and rolled her eyes gloomily: "I'm also your biological sister, why are you always protecting Lele and not your sister?"

"Because you're the elder sister." The beautiful young man touched Lele's little face that was reddened by the second sister of the pervert: "Lele, I won't give the second sister something delicious in the future, and I will only care when she can control her hand not to pinch your cheek. she."

"Xiao Bo, you're biased!" Chao Yu stomped his feet happily, but unfortunately, no matter how much she protested, it wouldn't affect the beautiful young brother.

The beautiful young man put his hand on the top of the small powder dumpling to help her shade the sun, ignoring the second sister's foodie.

Xiao Shao waited in the back, and smiled at the second girl Chao who was jumping. The only ones who could force the second girl to jump in minutes were Bo Ge'er and Xiao Tuanzi.

He Xiaoba and the others didn't care that the little beauty didn't greet them. They were here to be tails. If the little doctor didn't beat them out, it would be a great deal of face.

Yan Xing was so jealous of Shao Shao that he wanted to knock out the young master of the Chao family and throw him into the Pacific Ocean. He knocked Brother Chao out and threw it away. Little Loli should be able to see him, right?

Old Mrs. Chao got close to Xiaofan Tuanzi. Everyone's footsteps kept moving forward, but they slowed down. Zhou Papi led the guests to Lejiawu and stood with the village chief Zhou.

The distant guests approached, Dad Le walked forward quickly and bowed deeply: "Professor Wan Cheng, Mistress Wang, Aunt Chao, second brother and second sister-in-law, handsome guys, on such a hot day, let you all Everyone is tired."

"What do you say to the outside world, your own family."

"Yueqing, you're welcome, these are all your own."

"Fourth, if you don't go to the capital to see us, we have to come by ourselves." Chao Shengan put down his suitcase, quickly took out a cigarette from the man's bag he was carrying, and handed it to the person who helped in Lejia. First to the eldest old man: "For so many years, you and the villagers have taken care of our family of four brothers. I am Lele's second uncle. My little surname is Chao. Chao Gai's Chao, just call me Chao Er."

"You're welcome. My little surname is Zhou. The person in Yueqing's house is my niece and my own family. You don't need to be polite in the future."

"It turned out to be the uncle of the fourth brother-in-law. I'm sorry, Uncle Zhou is good." Chao Shengan tightly held the hand of his fourth brother's wife's uncle.

After being polite, Chao Shengan handed out cigarettes to a few young and middle-aged people and shook hands one by one. Village Chief Zhou, on behalf of his niece and son-in-law, greeted the guests: "The sun is shining outside, and it is easy to get sunburned. Please go in and sit down slowly. know."

"We won't talk until we sit down at Xiaolele's house." Professor Wan Cheng also readily agreed, and followed Village Chief Zhou to the Lejia building.

The shed outside is set up, and it is much cooler under the eaves without direct sunlight.

When Mrs. Wang waited under the canopy, she knew that the shed was just set up, and there was still some sawdust on the ground that had not been swept away. There were benches and stacked tables on the other side of the floor.

Xiao Shao Liu Shao and other handsome guys followed behind with smiles. They were very excited. The air in the countryside was very fresh. There were some melons on the fence in front of Xiao Loli's house. What about corn on the cob?
Considering the large number of people, Professor Wan Cheng put the box outside the house first, and when people entered the Lejia main room, others followed suit.

A group of people are wearing sun hats, but they still get hot from the sun. When they enter a cool place, they sweat and feel the coolness without blowing a fan. Liu Shao Xiao Shao and a group of handsome guys are very envious of Little Lolita, how good it is to live in the country Ah, no air conditioning in summer.

Entering Dele's house, Professor Wan Cheng, Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Chao sat on the wooden sofa.

When a group of young people pushed the sunglasses to the top of their heads and exposed their faces, Brother Zhou, Liu Lu, Zhang Po, Luo and Cheng Youde looked stupid. How could one be more handsome than the other?
The two old ladies looked like they were in their forties, and the beautiful woman who was Yueqing's second sister-in-law looked like she was only in her thirties, and she didn't look like someone who had given birth to children.

A group of young handsome guys are even more scary, all of them are handsome, and they can blink the eyes of blind people.

Brother Zhou and his buddies looked at each other, and there was an idea in their hearts: Fortunately, they are not people of the same generation as us, otherwise we would have no way to live!

Greeting everyone to enter the house, the village chief Zhou Papi and Brother Zhou sat down opposite to accompany guests.

First sit down and exchange a few words to introduce relatives and acquaintances. Professor Wan Cheng took the young people to wash their faces and wash their hands first. Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang, Miss Chao also washed their hands and faces. The water was pressed from the water press, and the water was also Cool and very comfortable.

Everyone sat down again, and Le Yun served tea. The tea was brewed early and kept cold. It was originally intended for Zhou Bo and others to drink when they were thirsty. piece.

For the convenience of placing cups and watermelons, we replaced the original square table and moved into two round tables, and everyone sat around the round tables.

Brother Zhou, the village chief, drank tea with the guests, and asked the Lejia father and daughter to entertain the guests. After they went to the house, they continued to build a shed, and Zhou Papi also went to help.

(End of this chapter)

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