Chapter 640
Brother Zhou ate breakfast and went to the street to help him get the pork leg, liver, stomach, and pork knuckle he ordered. By the way, he also helped Xiaolele bring back a few large bags of frozen chicken feet, and also helped buy a lot of items.

Pulling back a car of things, Brother Zhou parked the car under the canopy of Yueqing's house, and the handsome guys helped to unload the goods. After sitting for a while, he called Cheng Youde. He heard that it was ready, so he called Yueqing and brought a few A handsome guy to help.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao, He Xiaoba and three went to Cheng's house to help butcher pigs, and He Xiao's 16 brothers, Xiao Shao, Luo Shao and Chao Er girls, who had never witnessed the whole process of killing pigs, followed along to join in the fun.

A group of beautiful and handsome guys followed Brother Zhou's mighty drive to Cheng Youde's house, which made Cheng Wu's eyes dazzled. Sister Liu asked the handsome guys to sit and served melon seeds and candy.

The handsome guys drank a few sips of tea, ate a few melon seeds, and followed a few young and strong middle-aged uncles to the pig pen to catch pigs. How dare you look at it, turn around and run towards Lejia.

Chao Erchi slipped away and fled, He Xiao's 16 brothers were dumbfounded, who will tell them what's wrong?
Xiao Junyi was extremely calm: "A'Fu has been traveling for so long, I thought she had become more courageous, but she still hasn't changed, so let's just say, people who don't even dare to watch slaughtering chickens, how can they have the courage to watch slaughtering pigs."

Luo Shao waited speechlessly and looked at the sky, thinking that Miss Chao Er was very courageous, but it turned out that she was also a mouse.

Sister Liu wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh, so she endured very hard.

Yan Shao Liu Shao didn't even blink an eye when slaughtering people, not to mention slaughtering pigs, he and a few strong men dragged pigs out of the slaughter and dragged them to the ground of Cheng's house.

Chao Yufu, who was frightened away, ran to the hardened cement road leading to Lejia before he dared to catch his breath. When she saw a beautiful woman walking gracefully from the other end, she didn't care, and ran to Lejia in a hurry. Home, I just arrived on the road and saw my beautiful younger brother come out with a basket, and shouted excitedly: "Xiao Bo Xiao Bo, I scared my sister to death, come and comfort my sister!"

Chao Yubo was just walking from under the canopy to the Lejia's house when he saw the second sister galloping over and looked up at the sky sadly: "Second sister, tell me, what's your fright?"

Zhang Jing wanted to go to the village committee to inquire about some news. Holding a sun umbrella, she deliberately took a detour from the road between Lejia and Zhoujia to the village committee. She walked to a place not far from Zhoujiale's house and saw a young and energetic young woman from Zhoujia. The road in front of the house jumped out and stopped on the road. She didn't care and walked forward unhurriedly.

When she saw the young woman running towards Lejia's direction, Zhang Jing couldn't help but look over and saw the man in white shirt walking out of Lejia. Because she was only looking sideways, she couldn't tell whether it was old or young. Her thinking was slightly uncertain. After a bit of delay, that little BO doesn't know which BO it is.

Just when I was stunned, I heard the voice of the man walking out of the music house, and I was shocked. The voice was familiar!

Is he one of the handsome guys you met yesterday?

Zhang Jing couldn't help but think of the faces she had seen yesterday. She couldn't help but quicken her footsteps. She went to Lejia and wanted to have a look. She also deliberately pointed the umbrella forward and lowered it so that no one would see that she was going to Lejia's building on purpose. .

Seeing Meiren's younger brother, Chao Yufu seemed to see a big tree that he could rely on, so he dashed to his side and rushed over: "Xiaobo Xiaobo, killing pigs is scary, they used a sharp hook to nail it into the pig's chin. In the meat underneath, dragging away, the pigs are howling, so scary!"

Chao Yubo stretched out his arms to embrace the second sister who was rushing towards him, put the basket on the ground with his feet hooked, and patted his sister's head evenly: "I'm not afraid anymore, I'm not afraid of hugging."

His second sister was kidnapped when she was a child, although she was found within a day, according to the kidnapper's own confession, he took a chicken and duck and slashed his neck in front of his second sister to intimidate, and his second sister would not dare to watch the killing of chickens after that. Kill ducks.

This time the second sister ran to kill the pig, he thought that the second sister was really strong, but in fact, the second sister's psychological shadow still lingered.

Throwing himself in the arms of the beautiful younger brother's fragrance overflowing, Chao Yufu's panic eased a little, and asked weakly, "Xiao Bo, does killing a you want to chop the neck?"

"You don't need to chop the neck to kill a pig. You use a sharp knife to pierce into a dimple not far from the pig's front leg. The knife stabs the pig's heart, and the pig dies at once. When killing chickens and ducks, the neck is not chopped. It's enough to wipe a knife under the chin of the chicken and duck."

Chao Yufu tightened his arms, hugged the beauty's younger brother's waist in a circle, and said in a muffled voice: "That, it must be very painful..."

"Second sister, when did you have a glass heart? The second sister wants to learn from Lele. Lele can kill chickens and ducks at the age of 11. Lele is so young and brave. The second sister is afraid when she is so old. She is ashamed. " Chao Yubo gently touched the second sister's head, comforting the second sister as if comforting a child, the person the kidnapper really wanted to kidnap was actually him, he was hidden by brother Xiao, and the second sister wanted to prevent them Exposed, pretending to be him as an introduction, only to fall into the hands of the kidnappers.

"The little dumpling dares to kill chickens and ducks?" Chao Yufu raised his face and blinked, his eyes still full of shock.

"Yeah, when did I lie to the second sister, why don't you go and ask Lele, Lele also said that they eat beggar chicken at noon, the kind that is burned in the fire, and said that I will pick lotus leaves later. Second sister, I will go to the garden to pick up onions and eggplants, do you want to go?"

"Of course I do." Chao Yufu grumbled, and let go of the hand holding the beautiful young brother's waist and rubbed his face. There is a warm and beautiful younger brother, and every time he is frightened, he will feel peaceful when he hugs him. Try this trick. Not cool, much better now.

The second sister finally returned to normal, Chao Yubo straightened his clothes, bent over to carry the basket, and when he looked up, he saw a man walking with an umbrella turned his umbrella and looked over. He also saw the person clearly, it was a young woman, quite young, Wearing a red one-piece dress just over the knee, with long hair, and a decent figure, she can score about six points in terms of appearance.

He had seen that the person holding the umbrella was walking in the direction behind Lejia's house before, without the slightest curiosity, he collided with the young woman's eyes, Chao Yubo was still calm as usual, not surprised or surprised, he turned around calmly, stretched his hands Touching the top of his second sister's head: "Second sister, let's go and pick vegetables."

Chao Yufu jumped cheerfully, grabbed the shoulders of his handsome younger brother who was taller than him, and shouted, "Xiao Bo, I want to eat eggplant cake."

When Zhang Jing walked to the eaves in front of Le's house, she removed the umbrella, wanting to see if the man was one of the handsome guys whom she had seen yesterday. As soon as she removed the umbrella, she saw the man turned his face and bent over to pick up the basket. , When he looked up, she saw his face.

That face was as picturesque as poetry, flawless, as beautiful as a crown jade, as beautiful as a lotus as the moon.

that face...

In an instant, Zhang Jingru was struck by lightning, that person... Isn't that person Chao Yubo? !
She still remembered what Chao Yubo looked like. A few years ago, Chao Yubo was studying in the County No. [-] Middle School. He was a senior in high school and she was just a freshman. Even after she entered the school, Chao Yubo often did not attend school. The whole school knew about Chao because he was so beautiful. too bright.

At first, she only saw Chao from a distance, and she couldn't even see his face clearly. The reason why she could meet him face to face was because of Le Yun, Chao Yubo and Le Yun knew each other!

That time, she and Huang Yali had a big fight with Le Yun because of money. Yang Binbin called the police, the principal and the dean went to the classroom to deal with it, and Chao Yubo also went.

It was only at that time that she and the whole class knew that Le Yun knew Chao Yubo, and it was also that time that they had to see the most handsome boy in the third middle school up close.

She still remembers what Chao Yubo looked like when he appeared. At that time, he was also in a white shirt, but the hem was not tucked into his waist. He was very casual, his complexion was very white, and he was very thin. He entered the classroom with a slight smile, walked to Le Yun, touched Le Yun's head lightly, and said, "Don't be afraid! Police C and the teachers will restore your innocence."

At that moment, Zhang Jing couldn't help but feel jealous. How could Le Yun, a wild breed, know Chao Yubo?Everyone said that Chao Yubo, the most handsome, didn't know anyone in school, so why would he be good with Le Yun? !
Because the police were alerted, the incident was not a petty mess. Everyone in the class was questioned one by one. In the end, because they were too scared, she and Huang Yali didn't resist the pressure and accidentally leaked out that they were playing pranks. , and finally the police educated them, and the school came forward to reconcile them and asked them to apologize to Le Yun.

After that time, they originally wanted to reconcile with Le Yun and asked Le Yun to take them to meet Chao Yubo, but soon after Chao Yubo transferred school and went home to study, they and Le Yun no longer needed to reconcile. I hate music even more.

Just because Le Yun knew Chao Yubo, she and Huang Yali had the opportunity to win over their classmates to isolate Le Yun. Those male and female classmates who were on the same front as them were actually jealous of Le Yun and Chao Yubo's acquaintance.

Seeing Chao Yubo's face, Zhang Jing's thoughts drifted away in an instant. It was not until Chao Yubo turned away that her erratic sanity came back, because she never dreamed of running into Chao Yubo. Chao Yubo's back.

Until, seeing another young woman reaching out and wrapping Chao Yubo's shoulder, Zhang Jing suddenly shuddered, completely sober, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Chao Yubo—"

Chao Yufu took Meiren's younger brother to the garden of Xiaotuanzi's house, and when he heard someone calling Meiren's younger brother's name behind, he turned his head in surprise, and saw the young woman with an umbrella staring straight at her younger brother, frowning. wrinkle, who is that person?

When someone called out his name, Chao Yubo couldn't turn around, looked at the young woman holding an umbrella, looked up and down the person, looked a little familiar, but he really didn't remember it, indicating that he definitely didn't have an intersection with him, or else It was impossible for him not to be impressed, and he asked suspiciously, "Do you know me?"

"It's really classmate Chao, I almost thought I made a mistake," when Chao Yubo turned around, Zhang Jing smiled shyly: "I'm also a third middle school student, two years lower than classmate Chao, you are my senior, and Le Yun and I are classmates. My home is not far from here, come to play with me when you have time..."

(End of this chapter)

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