magic eye doctor

Chapter 647 Who is the most handsome

Chapter 647 Who is the most handsome

Zhang Ke's wife is used to having a long tongue in the village, and most of the villagers disagree with her. When Sister Wu and Zhang Jing were humiliated in front of a group of handsome guys, the women on the table were secretly cool, and Sister Wu bragged about Zhang Jing everywhere. I got a rich boyfriend, but it turned out to be a swollen face.

The two ladies went to sit, and Xiao Shao and others also roughly knew where the "special" of the guests was. Those two were particularly shameless and were especially shown off. The mother and daughter stepped on such high high heels, which were out of tune with everyone else. , and also like to go to a five-star hotel with a handbag to show off, they feel that it is not a standout, but a standout.

Many did not go to the bottom of the hole, poured herbal tea, and Xiao Shaoduan went to give it to the mother and daughter. This time it was his turn to deliver the tea, so he played.

With her face down in front of people, Wu's sister-in-law Zhang Jing didn't pick and choose, she took the tea and put it on the table in front of her.

Soon a few more people came, and the table was only one person short of full, and there were no guests downstairs for the time being.

Zhang Poluo, who was in charge of the kitchen at the back of the house, and others urged Brother Zhou to go back and change clothes quickly. Brother Zhou happily went out from the backyard door, went back to his house to take a bath and changed clothes, ready to accompany his mother to Lejia.

Liu Shaoyan was instructed to sneak to the front of the house to find Little Loli. When they passed by the main room on the first floor, the men and women sitting on the first floor saw the two young men, almost rubbing their eyes, thinking they were dreaming.

When Le Yun saw the handsome man appear, she shook her head helplessly. Handsome Yan's face was breathtakingly beautiful. He could kill men and young men in a land full of handsome handsome men in the capital. Existence, others are not shocked until hell.

"Little Loli, Uncle Le said that the dishes are all ready, and you can start the banquet at any time." Liu Xiangyang happily passed the microphone, and he was very glad that they ran fast, otherwise they would have enjoyed the attention.

"I'll go upstairs and have a look." Le Yun remembered all the villagers who came, but she still had to walk around to make sense.

Shao Yan and Liu Shao followed Little Loli. They must follow Little Loli as a valet today, or they will be caught by Professor Wan Cheng as a vase.

Guessing that it was almost time to come, Village Chief Zhou called his wife and told his wife to come.

With a bright smile on her face, Le Yun walked through the main room and climbed the stairs to the second floor to see the handsome guys working as tea boys.

"Little beauty, there is only one empty table here." The handsome guys responded with bright smiles and reported the situation.

Seeing the girl from Lejia go upstairs, the villagers all laughed, and when they saw two tall and handsome young men appearing like the sun jumping out of the sea, the eyes of the men and women in the hall froze and suddenly became quiet.

It was quiet, and people's breathing began to cycle again, but everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on the face of the most beautiful man. People watching dramas and stars can only see that. Zhang face, that person is a hundred times prettier than a star!
The star is too far away, and the person in front of him is real, so handsome and so... dazzling, shining like the sun, radiant.

For a while, even middle-aged and elderly women in their 50s and [-]s stared at the handsome young man intently, their faces blushing and their hearts beating involuntarily.

People's breathing changed dramatically in an instant, and Le Yun really wanted to kick someone Yan who was behind.Every time there is a shocking feeling of "a loud bang in the sky, Lao Tzu's debut", I am amazed that everyone is fine, but I am afraid of causing disaster. Fortunately, the party has not yet opened. If handsome Yan appeared at the opening, I don't know what to do. How many people spit rice, wine, chopsticks, overturned dishes, etc., and ruined the table because of shock.

Of course, she understands that she can't really blame handsome Yan. His natural beauty is hard to give up, and it's just that the world has always been a face-seeing world.

Depressed, he rolled his eyes and watched the whole hall to see if there were any vacancies. The hall on the second floor was full. Then he looked at the side room. The two side rooms were also full. When he looked at the last side room, there was only one table and one seat left. Not full.

Yan Xing silently endured the monkey-like eyes of everyone, and felt extremely depressed. The men and women here are similar to the people in the capital. They look at their faces, but why does Little Loli have no special opinion on his face?
Followed Little Loli around like a tour, wandered to the last room, looked inside, there was only one table left, which also showed that there were more guests than the budget. Originally, there were two tables on the second floor for them and their help. Prepared by those high neighbors.

When I glanced at the group of guests, I saw that there were two faces on the table with only one empty seat, and the dragon's eyes flashed slightly. Those were Zhang Jing and Wu Lingling from the same village who were blacklisted by Little Lolita!Looking at the face, a woman surnamed Wu can give at most four points, and can fascinate someone Huang, there can only be one explanation: "Family flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers", people say that a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing, that one Mr. Huang is probably the good one.

Who is that? !

When Le Yun came to visit the table, Zhang Jing looked at the door and saw the two handsome men standing behind Le Yun, her heart skipped a few beats, her eyes slid over the two handsome men, He was fixed on the face of that beautiful man like a god, and he couldn't take his eyes away.

That man is so good looking!
Even better than the super-handsome guy on the first floor, his face was as dazzling as the sun's rays, when that person's gaze came over, Zhang Jing's heart jumped out of her throat with excitement, he saw her!

Yan Xing glanced at the guest and calmly retracted his gaze. When Little Loli saw the situation on the table and turned to go downstairs, he also turned around neatly and followed Liu Xie downstairs. He was jealous of Liu Xie again in his heart. He's handsome, but every time he goes out, he always becomes the unlucky person who attracts attention, while someone Liu stays out of trouble.

Xiao Shaoluo, Shaohe's brother, Wan Jun, also went downstairs with Little Loli. The guests are basically all there, and there is no need to say hello upstairs for the time being.

She was even more beautiful than a star, her face as dazzling as the sun flashed before her eyes, Zhang Jing was still staring at the door blankly, she didn't look back for a while, and after a while, someone touched her subconsciously and found out that it was herself. Mom, look at it again, everyone at the table is staring at you, and immediately a cold war, the brain is barely clear.

"Zhang Jing, is your boyfriend as handsome as Xiao Lele's friend?"

"Zhang Jing, your mother said your boyfriend is handsome, show us the photo."

"Zhang Jing, how many people can your boyfriend compare to Le Yun's friends?"

The person sitting in the same seat and the person sitting on the side seat immediately asked Zhang Jing and his boyfriend with 'concerns'. Before Zhang Jing just came back from the summer vacation, Zhang Ke's wife has been promoting Zhang Jing's skills everywhere. Complimenting people on her daughter's good performance and having a rich and powerful boyfriend treats Zhang Jing very well.

Zhang Jing's face was flushed red, she lowered her head for a long time and couldn't speak, how could she compare?Xu Wenxun is very handsome. Compared with several handsome guys in Le Yun's house, Xu Wenxun can only see the light and die.

I used to find a boyfriend who could suppress Leyun's limelight. Who would have known that Leyun knew so many handsome guys, and even went to Leyun's house to help. With Le's handsome guy Zhuyu in front, my boyfriend couldn't do anything at all. .

Zhang Jing's heart was full of hatred, what kind of shit luck did Le Yun have, and why was everything pressing her down.

"This... this, each has its own strengths, it's not comparable, right..." Sister Wu regretted that her bowels were turning green. If she had known this, she would definitely not have said that Xiao Jing had a boyfriend, but she couldn't. Blame her, how did she know that Le Yun had made so many young friends in the capital.

Wu's sister-in-law's explanation was just trying to hide the truth. The women in the village knew why, and they stopped asking about Zhang Jing's boyfriend with a smile.

Le Yun took the handsome guys downstairs and asked them to wait for her outside the house. She first went to Aunt Feng to help Dad find clothes, and then went to the back of the house and dragged Dad to drive him back to the room to change clothes, so Dad was ready to go. Zhou's family picks up Zhou's grandma.

Dad Le felt that what he was wearing was fine and he didn't need to change it at all. He couldn't beat the girl, so he had to go back to the room and change into the clothes that Zhou Qiufeng prepared for him, a beige shirt, black trousers, black leather shoes, and a blue and black tie. He looks like a man, he touched the back of his head himself, feeling embarrassed.

Zhou Qiufeng pushed Yueqing out, and changed her clothes. Originally, she and Yueqing should wear red, because a shameless mother and daughter wore red to attract suspicion, so they simply changed to another color. Anyway, Lele helped her from Beijing. And Yueqing brought back a lot of couples outfits, enough.

When Dad got dressed, Le Yun rushed over and hugged Dad's arm: "Dad, Dad, the horse relies on the saddle and the man relies on the clothes. If you dress up a little, you will be handsome. If you dress up seriously, you will definitely be handsome."

There is a man who is crazy about protecting his father. Mrs. Wang, the old lady Chao, and the others laughed into a ball of joy. Mrs. Wang asked unkindly, "Little Lele, who is more handsome than your father and your brother?"

"My brother Chao is the most beautiful young man, and my dad is the most handsome one." Le Yun hugged her dad, whose face was flushed with shame, and walked out with her chin raised in pride.

Madam Wang made the child addicted, and continued to ask, "Little Lele, how does your father compare to College Yan, who is handsome?"

"Brother Yan is the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. My dad is the most handsome dad in my mind. My dad Chao is also very handsome and handsome, and he is tied with my dad."

Old Mrs. Chao couldn't laugh, but Xiao Lele reacted quickly enough to take Chao San out and rank him first, blocking the way of Mrs. Wang.

"Speaking of which, your father is the most handsome, right?" Mrs. Wang herself burst into laughter, and Xiaolele guessed that she would ask Yueqing and Chao San who is more handsome next. One step blocked her way.

"Of course, in everyone's mind, their father is the most handsome." Le Yun thinks that her father is the most handsome. Her father may not be tall, but he has taken the responsibility of every father and never abandoned it. She, grew up with her, shielded her from the wind, and gave her the best.

The best things parents give themselves do not necessarily refer to material things, but also love and companionship, as well as spiritual education and the principle of teaching how to behave in the world.

The loving company her father gave her was the best wealth for her.

"Xiaoye Xiaochen, tell me who is the most handsome in your opinion." Professor Wan Cheng added a kick in high spirits.

Wan Cheng Ruiye and Wang Ruichen burst into tears, what are they doing?The brothers did not respond slowly, and said in unison, "Grandpa and Dad are the most handsome, and Grandma and Mom are the most beautiful."

"Little slicker." Professor Wan Cheng shook his head straightly, and the two boys would also be slick, so boring.

Brother Wan Cheng was afraid that he would be caught by his grandparents and asked strange questions again, so he quickly stepped aside to prevent his grandparents from seeing him.

Xiao Shaoluo, Shaohe, Xiaoba, and Xiaoliu also stayed away for fear of being caught by Professor Wan Cheng and his wife to "make things difficult".

Le Yun walked out of the main room holding her father's hand, quickly slipped to the place where things were kept, opened the cardboard box, took out two trays of firecrackers, grabbed He Xiaoliu and Wang Erxiao, and gave each of them a lighter and an incense stick. , instructing two little handsome guys holding firecrackers to spread out on the road, one hanging out toward the end where Grandma Zhou Man and the others came, and the other hanging diagonally toward Grandma Zhou's house.

The two handsome guys set up the firecrackers, holding lighters and incense, and happily prepared to set off firecrackers.

Zhou Qiufeng accompanied Xiao Leshan in the bedroom, lest he be frightened.

Everyone on the first floor knew that grandma was coming, so they smiled and went outside to see, and the people upstairs also wanted to go downstairs, guessing that there must be no place to stand downstairs. It was also very lively.

"Brother Yan, handsome Liu, brother Luo, the three of you and my dad are going to pick up my brother's grandmother. You are porters, not just to watch the fun. Brother Xiao, handsome brother Xiaoba, handsome brother Wan Chu, the three of you and brother Chao Pick up my brother's little grandmother for me."

Make sure everything is ready, Le Yun pushes the handsome guys out to be porters. She is a girl, so she waits at the door.

"No problem!" The handsome guys who were named walked to the road angrily and divided into two groups. One group followed Le father and the other followed behind the beautiful boy. They were about to pick up their grandmother when Le Yun hurriedly stopped: "Dad, Wu Bo is here!"

Dad Le looked in the direction from the village entrance. Aunt Zhou Man was already here, and stopped at the intersection to Cheng's house. They would not come to Le's house until the real grandma left. There were three people carrying things in the direction where Aunt Zhou Man came. People came, not too far from Aunt Zhou Man, about [-] meters away.

When people upstairs and downstairs looked around, they also saw guests who came with gifts.

Let Dad wait for a while, and wait for Boss Wu to come closer before welcoming him.

Boss Wu and his family set off together. Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Wu, was wearing a blue dress. Boss Wu was carrying a load of chickens, and Mrs. Wu was also carrying a load of bamboo baskets. Mrs. Wu was carrying a basket. Umbrella, Boss Wu only wears a sun hat.

When he was still more than twenty meters away from Le's house, Le's father Chao Er Ye and his second wife Chao walked quickly to greet him. Le Yun jumped and ran in front: "Grandma Wu, Uncle Wu, Aunt Wu."

While running, she observed the body chart of Mrs. Wu. Mrs. Wu was thinner, and her health index was slightly worse than she had predicted. It was mainly due to intestinal problems. Because she nourished the lily produced by the space, there will be no problems at present. I feel that if there is no follow-up maintenance, the phenomenon of constipation will recur after about a year.

Mrs. Wu didn't have much physical problems, but she lacked vitality.

Mrs. Wu's minor problems are not a problem to Le Yun. She helped Mrs. Wu prepare a pair of pills to recuperate her body. Because Mrs. Wu's current situation is slightly worse than expected, she has to help others. You can only take the medicine after mixing a little medicinal tea for the old lady. Mrs. Wu, then give her a nourishing pill and eat it for half a month to ensure a radiant complexion.

When Mrs. Wu saw the little girl in the purple skirt running over, her eyes narrowed with laughter: "Oh, this little girl from Lejia looks so beautiful. No wonder the boss said that looking at the girl from Lejia makes people happy."

"It looks so small that I want to rob it." Mrs. Wu was also deeply touched. No wonder her man always said that he wanted to rob the Lejia girl back to be his daughter. Such a watery little girl, filial and sensible, who wouldn't like.

"Little Lele, look, your aunt also wants a daughter like you." Boss Wu was very happy when he saw the little girl who came running away. The longer the girl of Lejia was, the sweeter and sweeter she became. Pretty, like an extravagant little princess.

"My dad only has my little cotton-padded jacket. I can't let Uncle Wu wear it. Uncle Wu can let your children have babies earlier, and let the brothers and sisters of the Wu family give you cute little cotton-padded jackets." Le Yun ran close and held on to her. Mrs. Wu grabbed the basket and said, "Grandma Wu, it's fine if you're here. How can we be embarrassed with so many things."

"I don't know the customs here, so I just came here." Old Madam Wu grabbed the hand of the little girl Lejia with her backhand, and became more and more happy.

Dad Le took a load of local chickens picked by Boss Wu, Er Ye Chao took Mrs Wu's basket, Er Madam Chao pulled Mrs Wu: "Hello, sister-in-law, I heard Xiao Lele often talk about Boss Wu, thanks to you all these years. Take care of Lele's family with the villagers, I am Lele's second aunt, and my husband is a little younger than the boss."

Mrs. Wu called Mrs. Chao "sister" fluently. Boss Wu was rude and let Father Le carry a load of chicken. The family walked happily to Le's house. Which one is more handsome.

The handsome guys came forward and handed cigarettes to Boss Wu, helped the two ladies take the sun umbrellas and put them away, and walked into the canopy in front of Lejia's house with them. Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang accompanied the two wives into the house to drink tea. Professor Wan Cheng greeted Boss Wu. .

When Boss Wu arrives, the host has to entertain one or two, and the grandmother will take a little while beforehand.

Mr. Zhou sent nineteen native chickens, 120 eggs, a bucket of glutinous rice, four bottles of Moutai, four pairs of pig feet, nine sets of clothes and shoes for the baby, and a pair of silver bracelets. The gift money of the red envelope is six thousand six.

The rituals of the Wu family are comparable to those of close relatives.

Village Chief Zhou also guessed that Boss Wu would definitely come, but he didn’t expect that the gift would be so heavy, and he was stumped for a while. , half of the eggs, all children's clothes and the like, and only a fraction of the red envelopes.

After entertaining the Wu family, they drank tea and handed me seeds and cigarettes. Dad Le first pleaded guilty and said he was going to pick up his grandmother. Grandma Wu and Boss Wu also went outside to watch the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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