magic eye doctor

653 The Rich Man

653 The Rich Man

All the things that should be sorted out have been sorted out. Brother Zhou has nothing else to do when he breaks the gongs and has nothing to do. He sits around the mountains with nothing to do, and he is enjoying himself. The old Liu Qijia next door is busy using the money and is going to sell the mountain and sell the house base, this base is close to your home, is your home interesting?"

The old Liu Qi’s family in the mouth of the village chief Zhou is Liu Ba, the owner of the house next door to the Le family. Liu Ba’s grandfather is the same generation as Liu Lu’s great-grandfather, ranking seventh in Liu’s family, and Liu Lu’s father is also ranked No. [-] in Liu’s family. Seven, in order to distinguish the two Liu Qijia, the older generation called Liu Lupa called Xiao Liuqi, and Liu Bajia was called the old Liu Qijia.

Therefore, although Liu Lu's father is older, the villagers call him only Liu Qi, and the Liu Bajia next door to the Lejia is still called the old Liu Qi, and because he ranks eighth in the Liu family's peers, he is called Xiao Liubajia .

When it was mentioned that Liu Ba of the old Liu Qi's family next door was going to sell the house, Le Dad was a little stunned: "The lawsuit of Xiao Liu Ba's family is over?"

Last year, Xiao Liuba next door hit the elderly and children who were picking up their children from school. He was killed and injured. It is said that the medical expenses for saving the children cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"It's almost the same. Xiao Liu Ba is fully responsible. One life will pay 40 yuan, and the medical expenses will cost seven 10,000+. Later, there will be more money. The car is insured, but the insurance company will only pay 50 yuan, and the rest will be small. Liu Ba is conceited, all the money of the old Liu Qi's family has been poured in, it is still not enough, and he has to sell the mountains, trees, land and the base of his hometown to fill the hole."

"Why doesn't he sell the house in the city, the house in the city is more valuable."

"The house in the city has been sold, and his two children have no way out. His family wants to sell the house foundation and forest in the village, and transfer the responsible land. He called me a few days ago and told me that the Liu family will discuss with the Liu family. Internally, because not many people in the Liu family have made a fortune themselves, they can’t eat all of them, and some still have to take out. Yes, you can think about it."

"Uncle Man, how can I have so much money? He's talking about [-] or so?" Dad Le scratched his head. The Liu family's house base is close to their house. , can be a garden, Lele has the money to afford it, but it's not good to spend so much money all at once.

"Even the budget for the responsible land behind the Wuji belt garden area is 30 yuan, which can be negotiated. It is about 28 yuan. I also told my family, Xiaohai, that you want to buy it. If money is tight, they will help you advance the payment. You No, other people borrow money from them if they want to buy it.”

Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chao listened and understood the clue. Mrs. Chao hurriedly asked: "My dear family, is the house next to our Xiaolele's house that the family you said is going to sell? Can you work hard for us to step on the boundary?"

Dad Le was stunned: "Aunt Chao, this... how about I call and ask Lele if he wants to buy it?"

"Fourth, you don't need to ask Lele about this, we'll just make the decision." Chao Shengan smiled and helped his wife, and the second lady Chao stretched out her hand to help Grandma Zhou Man who was close by.

Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Wu and Grandma Zhou, you help me to help you stand up, and are eager to step on the base of the house next door.

"My family wants to see it, I'll show you." Village Chief Zhou happily stood up and led the way.

Zhou Chunmei's reaction became sluggish. Are those people trying to help Lejia buy the foundation?She followed a group of old ladies blankly.

Dad Le also followed. Zhou Qiufeng was afraid that the baby would wake up and would not be able to find anyone and feel insecure, so he didn't follow, and just watched at the door of the house.

The bungalow of Liu Bajia, the son of Liu Qijia, is only separated from Lejia by a small alley. The alley is still a dirt road, leading to the fields and gardens in the village behind the house. There is also a garden in front of the house. The house, and half of it is a vegetable garden, and behind it is a large paddy field, which is connected to other paddy fields.

On the other side of Liu's house are a few trees and a tomb, and a little bit further behind is a small garden, next to Liu Lu's house.

In front of Xiaoliu Bajia's house is an irregular garden, and next to it is a dry land with a slight slope, and below the slope is another garden. The Liu family and Zhang family live in front of the garden and on the other side of the garden. It used to be the residence of the Liu family.

The village chief Zhou took the old ladies to see Xiao Liuba's house base and the gardens and fields before and after the house. They circled around twice, and then went back to the outside of Xiao Liuba's bungalow to discuss the area. After talking for a while, they returned to the Lejia main house.

Erye Chao specially consulted the village chief Zhou about the situation of other mountain forests and fields of Xiaoliubajia, whether they are scattered or concentrated, whether the mountain forests are timber forests or cash crop forests, the fertility of the fields, whether there is any dispute, etc.

Village Chief Zhou knows everything, and he can’t say enough. The only controversial thing about Xiaoliuba’s forest is that a piece of land belongs to a collective private forest. Collectives account for 30.00%, private individuals account for 70.00%, and the land belongs to the forest owner.

Mrs. Chao discussed with Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang for a while. They felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, and decided to buy it!
"Sister Ye, I'll pay for this, and I'll buy it as a gift for Xiao Lele." Mrs. Wang grabbed the right to pay first.

"I said, girl, do you still have enough gifts for Lele? You bought all the clothes, how dare you grab it from me?" Mrs. Chao pointed at Mrs. Wang, blowing her beard and staring, "You give Lele a different style. Happy to buy, to buy, we are embarrassed to rob you, you are robbing us now, do you want to fight?"

"If you fight, it won't be too late to wait for the boys to come back," Mrs. Wang was not afraid at all, smiling happily: "Sister Ye, your family has prepared a house for Xiao Lele in the capital as a dowry, do you have a house, it's good to have a place to live, so Lao Wanti and I are not going to buy a house for the little padded jacket. Our family has no dowry, so we bought this place for Lele.

Sister Ye, you said that your family bought property for Lele, and you won't let me buy some land for Lele. How can I have the face to come to Lele's family for vacation in the future?This time the money will be paid by me. In the future, Lao Wan and I will have a reason to come to Lelejia to cool off. You don't give me a chance unless you don't want us to come to Lelejia. "

"When you talk about this, I don't agree with it. Well, let me give you a chance. I haven't given my little dumpling any present yet. It's hard to think that I can finally use the savings at the bottom of the press box to buy a gift for Xiaole. Le, you cut off the beard again, why is it so difficult for me to give a gift to the little dumpling."

Mrs. Wang competed with herself for the opportunity and blocked the road. Mrs. Chao had no choice but to let the opportunity go. There was a feeling of resentment in her heart. She and the old man hadn't figured out what to give Xiao Lele as a dowry. .

"You can keep the savings at the bottom of the box. You milk diapers for the baby after Lele gets married and has a baby." Mrs. Wang was very happy when she grabbed the right to pay.

"I originally wanted to make a lot of money, thinking that I would have the opportunity to show the tyrannical spirit of being a big spender, but it turned out that I didn't have any part in it, so I would just run errands, and it would be a little hard work if I didn't have any credit at that time. Maybe the little dumplings Thinking of my hard work, give me some more pancakes." Chao Shengan spread his hands, he thought he would have the opportunity to show his heroic aura as an uncle, but his mother and Wang Shimu were rushing to spend money, nothing to do with him .

"This is ok, you can help sign the contract and so on. Lao Wan and I can't run with old arms and legs. I will transfer the money to your card, and you will pay for it."

"It's done." Erye Chao readily agreed, since Mrs. Wang and Professor Wan Cheng wanted to buy a foundation for Lele as a dowry, and the money would be official, so as not to tarnish the true love of Mrs. Wang and Professor for Xiao Lele.

Zhang Poluo and others have only one sentence for Mrs. Chao's behavior of throwing away hundreds of thousands of land to buy as a gift at will, Professor Wan Cheng, and Mrs. Wang: Local tyrants!All the rich.

The matter of who will pay is settled, and Mr. Chao will talk to Village Chief Zhou about the details of the house foundation of the old Liu's house, and ask him to help negotiate the contract with the old Liu's house. He and Xiao Liuba told them that Lejia wants to buy a house base, because Lejia can pay when signing the contract, which can solve Xiao Liuba's urgent need for money, and negotiate the price of the house base and the front and back of the garden house. The total amount of land and land is 29, and there are two other fields, forests and dry land. Because the Liu family has not discussed it clearly, old Liu Qi will ask his fellow clansmen again, and give an answer to Village Chief Zhou in the evening, and agree to go to the county seat tomorrow morning sign the contract.

The old ladies over there were scrambling to buy a house foundation. Zhou Chunmei's whole body was as stiff as she had been struck by lightning. How rich is Le Yun's teacher? !

That old lady Wang gave Le Yun hundreds of thousands of jade bracelets, and helped Le Yun buy clothes. She thought she didn't give Le Yun anything, and in a blink of an eye, she rushed to pay for a house, a base, and a mountain forest. Three hundred thousand, not three thousand Thirty thousand, it's 30, and it doesn't hurt to throw it out in the blink of an eye.

A random set of houses in the capital costs hundreds of thousands of yuan, and that old lady Chao’s family actually bought Le Yun a real estate in the capital as a dowry, which is equivalent to giving Le Yun several million.

Rich people, all rich people!
Zhou Chunmei is both envious and hateful. What's so good about Le Yun, why are you all vying to buy a house for Le Yun?Why can't those people see their own goodness, so they don't give her hundreds of thousands and don't give her a house?

She was jealous, but she did everything and didn't dare to do anything. Dad was sitting there. She dared to say something unlucky, and when she got home, Dad would settle accounts in the autumn.

Listening to Mrs. Chao and the others talking about tens of thousands of inappropriate things, Zhou Chunmei felt lost for a long time, and soon revived with blood. Le Yun and the handsome guys were not at home. Isn't it a good opportunity for her to show?
The old ladies are getting older, and naturally they don’t want to do many things. When they are attentive to serve the old ladies, they will naturally be attracted to them. If they close their eyes, maybe they can also become their close friends. Small jacket.

Zhou Chunmei was persuaded by her own knowledge, and immediately took action. She approached the old lady diligently to help pour water and fruit, and be a diligent little bee.

(End of this chapter)

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