magic eye doctor

Chapter 668 Panic

Chapter 668 Panic
Unable to refuse the host's warmth and friendliness, Le Yun accepted Ji's family to send him off, and went to the second courtyard to look at a row of houses on the south side. He saw Yang Xiaocao in a living room looking out. It turned blue and white from normal, and I was in a great mood at that time.

Is there anything in the world happier than seeing your enemy have a bad day?
Whether it is Zhang Jing or Yang Binbin, seeing them unhappy, her mood will be better for a week. At present, only Huang Yali and another Huang are not mentally affected, and I don't know what happened to the two bitches.

It doesn't matter if I don't know for the time being, I have endured it for four or five years, and I don't care if I endure it any longer.

In a good mood, Le Yun hugged her small backpack, walked through the second courtyard with her short legs, and walked out of the outer courtyard of the Wei family.

There were three cars parked outside the gate of Wei Mian Courtyard, Ji Shao and four youths, as well as two elders of the Ji family who looked like they were in their fifties and were of the same generation as Wei Mian. The girl started secretly, and the Ji family sent experienced people as escorts, who were only responsible for protecting the little girl's travel safety.

The kindness was difficult, but Le Yun readily accepted the arrangement of Ji's family to ride in the same car with handsome guy Yan Liu and Ji Shao. Ji Shao was still in the passenger seat.

Everyone in the Ji family watched the little girl's car start and turned around to go back to the courtyard. There were also outsiders in the village, so they shouldn't take it too seriously.

The Ji family head and the clan elders went to do their own thing after returning to the hospital. Wei Mian entered the second hospital, walked unhurriedly to the living room of the south room, and went to the door to seriously look at the women and young men again. Seeing the appearance of the young man, I did not see the woman blocked by the young man.

After the woman put on the powder, she couldn't see the real complexion, only a little; the young man's complexion showed signs of stagnation of qi and blood.

Wei Mian had a bold idea, the little girl must have known what the young man was suffering from, and maybe even knew it like the back of the hand.

The youth of the Ji family saw that the seventh master came back and stood up: "Qiye, are you finished?"

"Yeah." Wei Mian nodded lightly and stepped over the threshold into the reception room.

"Doctor Wei/Master Wei." Mrs. Yang saw the middle-aged and elderly people at the door. She didn't know who it was at first. When she heard the young man from the Wei family called "Seven Master", she realized that the person who came was the qigong master Wei Lao TCM, and stood up hurriedly. .

At this moment, Yang Binbin saw clearly that the middle-aged man was the Wei family member who had been with Le Yun's right hand side before. He was not very old, but he did not expect that he was the most famous old Chinese doctor in Qixian County.

"Sit down." Wei Mian nodded slightly, keeping a more serious doctor face, walked to the chair opposite the mother and son, sat down, took a sip of the tea made by the young man, and asked slowly, "It's this young man's body. Come to see me if you are not feeling well?"

The mother and son sat down again, and upon hearing the question from the old doctor, Mrs. Yang quickly replied, "Yes, this is my son, who is always short of breath, please Master Wei for help."

"Looking at the young man's gloomy face and lack of qi and blood, he stretched out his hand and I felt the pulse." Wei Mian calmly stated his rough steps and asked the patient's surname.

Seeing that the seventh master was coming, the youth of the Ji family wisely lifted the medical box and opened it. Hearing that the seventh master asked the young man to stretch out his hand, he swiftly moved the tea set to one side, wiped the table top, and took out a linen mat and placed it on the table. Then put a clean towel on your hands.

Yang Binbin was depressed because of Le Yun. Hearing that Master Wei said that he had a lack of qi and blood, he raised his eyes to look at the middle-aged and elderly people.

Wei Mian leaned forward slightly, stretched out his right finger to hold the young man's wrist, took a pulse, and then told the young man to switch to his left hand. After taking the pulse, he quietly frowned.

After the old Chinese doctor took the pulse, Yang Binbin felt a little cold.

Mrs. Yang was anxious and fidgeted. After waiting for three to two minutes, she couldn't help it: "Master Wei, is my son okay?"

"Mrs. Yang, what I said might not be pleasing to the ears, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand it if you are not mentally prepared." Wei Mian looked at the mother and son seriously: "I am good at acupuncture and acupuncture points, helping people to regulate qi and acupoints, Mrs. Yang's My son... the situation is not very optimistic. I found out that there are two acupoints that are blocked by qi and blood. This is what I am good at. Acupuncture and moxibustion can clear the acupuncture points in one course, and the other problem is not a disease that I am good at. "

Yang Binbin's heart throbbed, and his heart went cold.

Mrs. Yang asked nervously, "Master Wei, another question is... what is the problem?"

"The other problem of the young the problem of male function." Wei Mian watched the mother and son's face suddenly turn pale, and then continued: "Of course, it may also be that I made a mistake in the diagnosis. After all, I am not good at andrology. Mrs. Yang should take the child to a professional andrology hospital as soon as possible, and the specialist should give Mrs. Yang a better answer."

Yang Binbin pursed his lips so tightly that he almost bit his lip, did he really fail? !
How could this be?
In an instant, he slumped down like a deflated ball, and clenched the hand holding the phone tightly, feeling a wave of fear in his heart, when did he have an obstacle in his own?

After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly thought of a person - Zhang Jing, it seems that she has been nothing since she slept with Zhang Jing.

Thinking of Zhang Jing, Yang Binbin gritted his teeth with hatred. Zhang Jing threatened him in order to fix Leyun, and easily sold his body in exchange, which made him feel boring. Later, Zhang Jing also entangled the matter of pregnancy, which made him feel extremely disgusted. Because negative emotions have affected their own physiological requirements, and even become like this!

As if struck by thunder on a sunny day, Mrs. Yang swirled in front of her eyes, and she almost couldn't sit in the wooden chair. She grabbed the edge of the chair, her make-up face trembling slightly, and her glossy lips painted with lipstick were also there. Trembling slightly, as if about to drown, breathing heavily.

The mother and son's expressions changed suddenly, Wei Mian was calm, and took the tea to drink slowly. Well, the little guys are good at making tea.

Mrs. Yang's mind was blank, she gasped for several minutes, and the sweat was cold. She was more awake and looked at her son subconsciously. She saw that her proudest son's face was as pale as a piece of paper, and he was panting again. But get angry.

Her mind was in a mess, and she looked flustered: "Master Wei, my son, he... It's not serious, right? It's definitely not serious, it can be cured, right..."

She was too panicked, her speech was a little slurred, and there was a bit of hysterical fear in her voice.

"Mrs. Yang, I just said that I'm not good at andrology, so I'm not sure if it's particularly serious. In my personal opinion, the top priority should be to go to andrology first." Wei Mian explained the situation "responsibly" and kindly Suggestion: "If Mrs. Yang can trust me, I will recommend a doctor to you. As for whether the doctor is willing to see a doctor or not, it depends on the good fortune of Mrs. Yang and the young man. By the way, I haven't asked Mrs. Yang where is your hometown?"

"I'm from Ebeishi City. Master Wei, where is the doctor you said? Please tell me, I want to take the child to try it out." Mrs. Yang's breath became more and more excited, like a drowning person who saw a piece of paper that could save his life board, nervous and excited.

"Oh, it's such a coincidence, the person I recommend is also from E Bei, that person is from Fang County, Bei Shi City, and the surname is Le, and he is still a little girl. No., little girl Le's family of traditional Chinese medicine, good at intractable diseases, and her superb medical skills make me admire all of my body."

Wei Mian enthusiastically said about the doctor he recommended: "By chance, the younger generation of my family met with Miss Le in the capital. Miss Le came to Qin Province this time, and I invited her to visit my house to discuss a case together. A rare and difficult case, when Mrs. Yang came to my house, I was entertaining the little girl. I sent the little girl away before I came back to see the young man. If I had known that Mrs. Yang and the little girl were from the same town, I would have asked the little girl to help me. diagnosis."

Master Wei said Shishifangxian Le's surname, Yang Binbin's brain hummed, Le Yun!The doctor recommended by Master Wei turned out to be Le Yun!

Just as Master Wei said, Fangxian Le's surname is only Le Yun's family, and there is no semicolon. Besides, Master Wei also said that the little girl has just left the Wei family, and all the signs point to Le Yun, who else is there besides her?

He used to look down on Le Yun, which was praised by the old Chinese medicine doctor Wei who was called the master. It can be seen that Le Yun must have some real skills. It is also understandable why Master Wei treats Le Yun as a guest, and the young people of the Wei family also said Le Yun is a distinguished guest.

Yang Binbin hated very much in his heart, but he didn't know who to hate, no, yes, Zhang Jing was the one who should hate, and it was Zhang Jing who kept talking behind her back why Le Yun was so bad and so bad. People also believed it, isolated Leyun, who knew that Leyun was the biggest potential stock in the class.

He and the other classmates were so stupid that they listened to Zhang Jing's words and let go of the biggest potential stock. You said, if they didn't bully Le Yun back then, if they had a doctor classmate in the future, how could they even get sick?
Yang Binbin hated his teeth so much that it was Zhang Jing's scheming bitch that caused them to lose a doctor and classmate!

When Mrs. Yang heard that the doctor was from North E, her eyes lit up with excitement: "Thank you, Master Wei, thank you, Master Wei! I'll take the child back to my hometown right away. Thank you very much."

Mrs. Yang was so anxious that she wanted to fly back to Fangxian to find a certain doctor, and grabbed her son: "Xiao Bin, we'll go back to Fangxian to find a doctor, so we can't delay your illness."

Yang Binbin was conflicted in his heart, and he couldn't tell the truth of certain things in front of others. He obeyed his mother's words and stood up and followed.

A certain wife said that she would leave, but Wei Mian did not hold back. She told the young people to send them away from the hospital. She sat as steady as Mount Tai and drank tea. He had a pulse, and the patient left on his own. The little girl's enemy makes the little girl unhappy, the best of both worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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