Chapter 676
August 8 is an ordinary day for the public, and the first working day of the week for work. For the He family, this is a very meaningful day, because the Zhao family murder case was held that day. .

The He family had been looking forward to this day for too long.

In order not to let the old mother see the clue, He San and his wife did what they had to do in the morning as always. After seven o'clock, they said they had to go out for a while, so they left the house calmly, and the driver drove them to the court.

The car of He San and his wife arrived in front of the court where the court was held. He Er and his wife, the old lady He Da had arrived first, as well as He Qili, his wife, Luo Qun, He Qiwei, He Qican, and the righteous son of the He family; He Mingmao, a Ming generation. , He Mingming, He Mingxin.

He Mingzhi and He Mingxin helped the third grandfather and third grandma to get out of the car, and after a short wait, the old lady He Wu also arrived, along with He Mingtao.

The men and women of the He family who were able to appear in court basically arrived. The men wore azure shirts, the women wore black skirt suits, and the women only wore light makeup.

The solemnly dressed men and women of the He family waited silently in front of the court. Everyone's backs were straight, and their eyes with anger and grief were also particularly firm.

The court opened the court session, and many citizens who wanted to observe the court also arrived outside the court one after another. At [-] o'clock, the closed door of the court was opened from the inside, and the auditors, the family members of the people involved, and the family members of the injured people could enter the court hall. Of course, they had to undergo inspection. Yes, the auditors must be neatly dressed, and must not bring anything for recording. All mobile communication tools should be turned off and stored in a special place outside the door. In short, anything that will affect or interfere with the work of the court is prohibited.

The He family did not immediately enter the courtroom of the court, and were still waiting quietly.

When it was almost [-]:[-], a cheetah car with a military license plate and a black domestic Jeremy car approached, stopped first on the road opposite the court, and got off the cheetah car, a handsome young man in a black shirt. , and soon picked up a petite and lovely girl in a dark blue dress, and then a handsome young man in a black shirt came down.

The latter car got off the old lady Chao, Miss Chao Er and his wife Chao Er. The two handsome young people walked towards the court door together with the little Loli who was carrying a cross-shoulder backpack and the old lady Chao.

The two cars drove away again and drove to the parking lot to park.

The young and old of the He family saw Xiao Longbao pick up the little doctor, and went forward to greet the Chao family neatly. The old man He San, Mrs. He, both clenched Mrs. Chao's hand, her eyes were sore, and a thousand words only condensed In two words: "Thank you!"

He Qili Luo Qundai brothers moved forward, tightly holding the hands of Chao Er and his wife, and did not say anything. His hands showed his gratitude and endless gratitude. The little doctor gave Zhao Xue, the girl who died unjustly of the He family, a chance. , The Chao family is supporting the little girl of the Chao family, which is equivalent to helping the He family.

"Thank you, we have been friends for several generations." Mrs. Chao comforted He San and his wife. He San was the helm of the He family and was under the greatest pressure.

He Zirui looked at the old lady of the Chao family deeply, with every word: "The deep affection and kindness of the family of brothers and sisters from the family will be remembered in the He family's heart."

"There are more and more onlookers, let's go in too." Seeing the citizens lining up, Mrs. Chao took the hand of Mrs. He San, then Mrs. He Da, and greeted Mrs. He Er and Mrs. He Wu. et al.

The old ladies of the He family also nodded unanimously, and entered the court with the Chao family. The second lady Chao was dignified and generous, always followed her parents quietly, and did not make a fuss about the little powder dumplings.

Yanxing Liu Xiangyang and the He family brothers guarded Little Loli in the middle and followed behind the old ladies and gentlemen.

The courtroom for the trial is very wide and can accommodate nearly 500 people to observe. The approved journalists have already set up equipment in suitable places to record first-hand information.

The auditors entered in an orderly manner, and they did not go to the first rows of seats. They only took seats in rows starting from the fourth row.A notice has been posted on the bulletin board in front of the court, indicating which row to which row is reserved for the family members of the persons involved and some witnesses or persons related to the case, and which are the observer seats.

The He family was the victim's family. They were seated in the front row facing the plaintiff and the entrusted agent. The old man of the He family asked the little girl to sit down in the first row. The line is next to the road crossing, with a little loli on the left.

Mrs. Chao and her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter sat in a row behind the Hou He family.

Soon, Li Zheng and his wife came to listen, followed by Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Chao's husband's Mrs. Zhang, the Wei family, and the family members of the three kings in Beijing. There are also free people from each powerful family who came to the house one after another to watch, and there are hundreds of people from the powerful circle.

At 08:30, a special person, Yan Lao Yanming, came to the court.

No matter who is relative, Yan Lao is special. He is now the legal husband of the criminal suspect Jia Ling, once the employer of Jia Ling, the father-in-law of the criminal suspect Zhao Yixiong, and the original husband of the victim He Ziqiong. Feixia's father.

Yan Lao has several identities, and has all the misfortunes in one. He is undoubtedly the saddest family member.A family member with the same tragedy as him is Young Master Yan. One of the suspects is his biological father, and the one killed is his biological mother and the other is his grandmother.

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Teng came with Mrs. Yan. Mrs. Liu went to stay with her second son, Liu Zhengxiong, for some time last year, so she did not attend Mr. Chao's birthday banquet. Mrs. Liu was from Jiangnan, she was petite, but She came from a scholarly family and was an elegant and beautiful old lady.

Mr. Liu and Mr. Teng were afraid that their friend Yan Lao couldn't stand the blow, so they accompanied him to the audition. Aunt Jin was also afraid that there was something wrong with the old gentleman. of oral medicines.

Yan Ming leaned on crutches and trembled toward the solemn and sacred court. The walk was extremely... difficult, as slow as climbing Mount Tai, moving step by step, a distance of dozens of meters, and took a full ten minutes. Stepping through the door of the courthouse, the footsteps are even more rigid.

When he was helped into the courtroom, he was trembling all over, walking slower than a criminal dragging a heavy shackle, and his steps were heavier. Every step he took, people suspected that he might not be able to take the next step.

The courtroom was very quiet. Even before the court session, the onlookers did not make a loud noise, and occasionally someone spoke in a whisper.

The He family was in a heavy heart, and Le Yun could not comfort others. He was the air quietly. When he smelled the smell of a person, he turned around and looked back. Sure enough, he saw an old man walking staggeringly. Thousands, that person must be very painful.

The first time she met Yan's handsome grandfather was the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. It has been less than a year since the old man. The old man's hair was all white, his face was almost skinny, his cheekbones were high, and his face was haggard. May die.

After thinking about it, he reached out his elbow and touched the handsome Yan who was sitting upright: "Your husband is here."


Being reminded that Grandpa was coming, Yan Xing's heartbeat stopped for a moment, took a deep breath, turned his head slowly and looked back, seeing Grandpa supported by Aunt Jin, his pupils contracted slightly, Grandpa is old!

I haven't seen him for a few months, and my grandfather seems to be several decades older. He is obviously only in his 70s, and he looks older and weaker than his grandma.

He knew that his grandfather must be in pain, but he couldn't go back to his grandfather's side, because the He family was the one who was hurt the most, and the grandfather was innocent, but he continued to marry Jia Ling when his beloved wife's body was still cold. For the He family, it was tantamount to making things worse.

No matter what reason my grandfather married Jia Ling less than a year after his grandmother's death, it was undeniable that he had caused great psychological damage to the He family, and no matter how much grandpa repented, he could not cover up the big mistake.

He could ignore the hurt of his grandfather's new marriage, but the hurt his grandma's family suffered could never be healed. Yan Xing Wuyan defended his grandfather, because he knew too well how much He's elders loved his grandma and how much he loved his mother. How good he is to him, so when he needs to make a choice, he can only accompany his uncles and aunts firmly.

Seeing the old grandfather, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, glanced at his uncles and aunts, stood up slowly, moved to the seat, and stood facing the direction of the court.

Seeing Xiao Longbao getting up, everyone in the second row of the He family from Qi and Ming couldn't help looking back. Originally they didn't know what Xiao Longbao was looking at, but when they saw Liu Laoteng accompanied Yan Ming into the courtroom , The two generations of the He family turned their heads in silence, no longer looking behind.

The old man He San and others also noticed the strangeness of Xiaolongbao, and turned their heads to look back. When they saw Yanming, the brothers and sisters of the He family were instantly gloomy.

The three generations of the He family turned a blind eye to Yan Ming and kept silent.

Yan Ming walked step by step, walking, and he saw someone in the first row on the left stand up and turned his face. He saw the person standing like a green pines, all strong like a mountain crumble, and he couldn't breathe in an instant. , the foot you take will definitely fall, and you will not be able to lift it up again.

"Little..." He shouted hoarsely, but only shouted one word, his voice choked in his throat, and a line of turbid old tears rolled from the corner of his eyes.

Aunt Jin, who was supporting the old man, looked forward when the old man was standing still and couldn't move, and only saw Young Master Yan. At that time, his heart was full of five flavors, and he softly called to the old man Yan: "Old sir, old man. gentlemen……"

Yan Ming looked at his only grandson and only grandson, his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe, his face was convulsed in pain, and he didn't hear the voices beside him, staring blankly in front of him, as stiff as a wooden sculpture.

Grandfather and grandson looked at each other from afar, relatively speechless.

Liu Lao felt that this was not enough, he supported his old friend with one hand, pushed Yan Ming forward hard, pushed Yan Ming twice, and pushed Yan Ming out of his sluggishness. Low sigh: "From the beginning to the end, the most unfortunate person is Yan Xing, and the most painful and most difficult is Yan Xing, Yan Xing itself is caught between you and the He family, it is a dilemma, you have to give you the only surviving bone and blood. pressure?"

"..." Yan Ming seemed to be hit in the head by a giant stick, trembling all over, opened his mouth a few times, and closed it tightly, tears streaming from his old eyes, he slowly lowered his head, and lifted his head as heavy as lead. feet, slowly stepping forward.

That step was extremely difficult.

He still took the first step, raised his heavy leg again, took the second step, the third step...

Every step is like stepping on a steel knife, every step is heart-wrenching, every step is difficult, he still reluctantly walks forward, he has caused irreparable damage to Xiao Longbao, the only thing he can do is to stop being a burden to Xiao Longbao.

Yan Ming lowered his head and tried his best not to look at his only grandson's face.

Yan Xing looked at his grandfather silently. He couldn't help or comfort him. He couldn't erase the pain of the elders of the He family. He could only stop rubbing salt on the wounds of the elders of the He family.

Yan Ming can still hear the words, so Liu Lao is relieved, although it is not very kind to use Yan Xing as an excuse, but Yan Ming's only point of death now is Yan Xing, and there is really no way to not poke his point of death.

Passing in front of the rows of seats, Liu Lao saw an acquaintance, just greeted with his eyes, and Aunt Jin supported Yan Ming step by step, and walked to Yan Xing's side, Yan Ming was already trembling all over, Liu The old man supported Yan Ming and sat in the first row on the right.

Aunt Jin sat next to the aisle, and Mr. Yan sat in the second position, Mrs. Liu was next to Mr. Liu, and Mr. Teng sat in the first position in the second row.

Yan Xing silently watched his grandfather being helped into the seat, and was about to turn around when Little Loli left the seat. He was about to ask what was the matter, but when he saw Little Loli walking towards his grandfather, he shut his mouth.

The little doctor got up from his seat, and the old man He San was slightly startled, did not move, and watched silently.

The people in the He family, Mrs. Chao and the others in the back seat didn't know what the little fan dumpling wanted to do, so they waited for the next article.

After walking through the passage for people to come and go, Le Yun was still a step away from the lady beside Yan Lao. The lady got up and left her seat and stood on the passage. She thanked the lady with a toothy smile, and walked over by herself, seeing that Mr. Yan seemed to want to. He stood up and tapped his acupuncture points with lightning speed, making him unable to move.

The little girl came, and Liu Lao showed a friendly smile. When she saw her poking Yanming with a power call, her eyes widened. Is that the point-pointing hand that the little third child said? !

Yanming saw the little girl and Xiao Longbao coming, and recognized that it was Xiao Longbao's child in Qingda School. Set eyes open.

The old man couldn't move, Le Yun took off her small backpack and put it on the seat next to her. She took out the jade box and opened it. She took out a porcelain bottle with pills in the jade box, poured out a pill the size of a thumb, and poked it again. Poke Lao Yan's throat to make him open his mouth, give him the pills to eat, and then tap his throat to make him close his mouth.

Seeing the purple circle around the old man's eye socket, she just pretended not to notice it, took out the gold needle set from the jade box and put it on her arm, took a few, and didn't mind if anyone was watching, she made a decisive shot, and pierced the right side of the nose of the old man with a needle , and then puncture the left side, and then puncture the acupuncture point on his head.

In the blink of an eye, old man Yan was pierced with a dozen golden needles on his face and face.

When the little girl took out the pills, the fragrance was fragrant, and the people who smelled the fragrance were refreshed, inhaled hard, and turned to the fragrance, and the conversation changed. It was especially shocking. They kept looking for where the fragrance came from. Knowing who the little girl is with Yan Shao, some people don't know. They look at the tall young man in surprise, completely understanding why he follows the little girl like a shadow.

Liu Lao's eyes widened, he also wanted to eat pills, could you give him a taste?
The man of his own leaned forward slightly, staring at the little girl with a pig-like appearance, Mrs. Liu stretched out her hand and twisted her husband's waist hard, twisting the meat to make a circle.

Liu Lao grimaced in pain, sat upright and leaned against his old wife, and asked quietly, "Wife, why are you pinching me?"

"Keep your eyes honest. The little girl is a friend of the third child, don't you know? What are you doing staring at the little girl as an old man in his [-]s and [-]s?" Mrs. Liu warned her wife, the little girl was really white and tender, and her figure was so good As a woman, I feel envious, my wife, an old man staring at a little girl like something.

"Where do you want to go, what I'm staring at is the little girl's pills, the medicine that is worth a million gold." Liu Lao almost thought of his feet, where did his wife want to go?He's not an old-fashioned guy, his mind is full of medicines in the hands of the little girl, how can he watch the little girl.

Mrs. Liu hummed secretly, no matter how dishonest she is, if she dared to be dishonest, she dared to stare at the little boy who was the third son, and made him cry and cry in minutes.

An elderly couple is showing their affection, Le Yun: "..." She can say whether it is okay or not, let her be a little mentally prepared first, give her some time to cover her ears first, she heard the whispers like this, she is also very happy Awkward.

In order not to be embarrassed, just pretend that you didn't hear it.

Looking in other directions, I found that the auditors are still entering the courtroom one after another, and the seats are almost [-]% full, which also shows that the case is more of an educational nature.

It took a few minutes for the needle to be pierced. Le Yun had nothing to do, looked around, and found that Teng Lao had been smiling kindly and kindly at him, and blinked in response.

The little girl greeted herself with watery eyes, and Teng Lao knew that the little guy still remembered him, and he was happy.

The number of onlookers increased one after another, and soon another wave of people came. They were all middle-aged and elderly people. Six of the ten people were wearing reading glasses or glasses. Most of them were carrying men’s backpacks or file bags. People entering the courtroom go to the front row on the right.

A group of people walking forward saw the handsome young man and the little girl standing on the aisle, their eyes suddenly brightened, and several people exchanged a few words in a low voice before they calmly walked to the front row and took their seats one by one.

A wave of people just sat down and another wave came. They were all middle-aged and elderly people, and there were only a handful of young people. Among the few young people, there was Xiao Shao.

Xiao Shao followed his legal tutor and some veterans or well-known people in the legal field to sit in. He followed the tutor, helped with the information package, and took a seat in the third row of the right front row. When he saw Little Loli, he quietly smiled at her.

When Le Yun saw Brother Xiao, she blinked and responded, Brother Xiao came, but unfortunately Brother Chao and Brother Li were too busy to attend the trial on the first day.

(End of this chapter)

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