magic eye doctor

Chapter 682 Collapse

Chapter 682 Collapse
When the doctor was talking to the bailiff, Zhao Zongze heard it, his dazed brain understood a little bit, and he moved slowly towards the auditorium facing the plaintiff. Seeing Yan Xing, his mind almost collapsed, it was him!It was the short-lived broom Xing Yanxing that made him go to jail and made him lose everything!
Zhao Zongze was full of hatred, staring at Yan Xing, wanting to roar, suddenly, he found that the corner of Yan Xing's mouth rose, and slowly pulled out a gorgeous smile.

Yan Xing looks good, his face is like God's meticulous masterpiece, perfect without the slightest blemish, when he smiles, it is extremely beautiful, like a flower in the fog, the moon in the water, and the beauty is illusory.

That smile is so beautiful.

In an instant, Zhao Zongze shuddered, Yan Xing was smiling, but his eyes did not smile, it was a weird sneer, dangerous and... terrifying.

The doctor left, Zhao Li watched his son Zhao Yixiong nervously, and secretly observed the reaction of the He family. When he saw Yan Xing suddenly laughing, he quickly looked at his grandson Zhao Zongze, and found Zhao Zongze angrily glaring at Yan Xing. Air-conditioning, now the Zhao family is trapped in a quagmire, the only thing I can do is beg Yan Xing to let Dan Xuan and Zong Ze go because he has half the blood of the Zhao family.

Frightened in his heart, he looked at the old immortal He family, and when he saw the immortal he was also looking at Zong Ze, there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and he almost fainted in horror.

He Lao immortal noticed Zong Ze!
Thinking of what Mr. He said when he was immortal, "a tooth for a tooth", Zhao Li's legs couldn't hold it any longer. The whole figure, like a marshmallow, slid down softly when it met the flames. of cold sweat beads.

Another suspect sat on the ground, and the bailiffs who were escorting the suspect only had two words in their minds - evil door, what terrifying thing did the suspect see? First, two fainted, one was paralyzed, and now he was paralyzed again. One.

The people in the audience: "..." Falling down one after another, those people are so timid, where did they dare to harm people in the first place?
Too bad, right?

As a bystander, Le Yun once again looked at the old birthday mother-in-law of the He family in amazement. The admiration in her heart was like the endless waves of the Tianhe River.

Others don't know, she is sitting next to the old birthday mother-in-law, and she is very familiar with the old man's every move, even the changes in her breath and heartbeat. What did he do, he just smiled at the old scumbag Zhao at the front, and the old scumbag Zhao almost fainted with fright.

In her opinion, the old birthday mother-in-law's smile is very light, because when she laughs, her heartbeat and emotions do not fluctuate too much, which means that the old man is very calm and her smile is very calm.

After that, the old birthday star's mother-in-law also smiled at Yan's scum father. Zhao scum father was like a ghost, and he fainted without mentioning it in one breath;
Then, the old birthday mother-in-law smiled 'friendly' at handsome Yan's step-grandmother. The old witch also rolled her eyes as if she had seen some incredible monster, and she was so scared that she fainted.

Just a slight smile from the old man caused two of the three scum to faint, and one was shivering with fright. That lethality was comparable to that of a nuclear weapon. Compared with the old birthday mother-in-law, handsome Yan was nothing.

Killing the enemy with a smile has always been a legend.

In Le Yun's eyes, the image of the old birthday star's mother-in-law of the He family soared several steps in an instant. It needs to be described as a high mountain. If it wasn't in court, she would have rushed over and hugged the old man and asked her what she was thinking when she laughed. Slag's psychological defense.

After Old Ancestor He smiled at the murderer who murdered his beloved baby girl and granddaughter, as if he did not see the panic of the scumbag murderer, he lightly smiled and looked straight ahead.

Regarding the ugly appearance of the Zhao family, the He family watched with a cold eye, watching those people was like watching the life and death grievances played in the TV series, with no joy or sadness on their faces, and the waves were calm.

The scumbags were dizzy, paralyzed, Yan Xing was very calm, until the hateful eyes of the scumbag's illegitimate son saw him, he smiled in a good mood. He sat down paralyzed, the smile faded from the corner of his mouth, but it filled his heart. It turns out that scumbags are also afraid, but I don't know how long they can last.

Zhao Yixiong was awakened, and his eyes were shaking. At first, he was dumbfounded. He couldn't remember who he was or where he was. When he finally remembered that he saw Mr. He immortal, he looked at the auditorium subconsciously, and when he saw He The old woman looked at herself, so frightened that she almost fainted again.

His heart was shrouded in horror, he turned his head with difficulty, lowered his eyes with difficulty, his legs and feet still refused to obey, soft, and he couldn't control himself.

Jia Ling sat for a while before turning her head to look at the person mechanically. She saw the old guy from the He family looking at her, and was about to look away, when she saw the old man immortal smiling at her, so scared that she shivered all over, biting her hard. He pursed his lips and didn't scream. He didn't dare to look at the direction in which the He family was sitting. He lowered his head and shivered.

The court was about to begin, and the bailiffs erected the slumped suspects to keep them standing.

After the clerk has checked the parties, the public prosecutor, the client of the plaintiff and the defendant, announced the discipline of the court, and invited the presiding judge and the collegial panel to appear in court.

All the people in the courtroom stood up.

The presiding judge and the members of the collegial panel appeared in court, and the judges were still the same as yesterday. The presiding judge announced which case was being tried, and the observers and others sat down again and listened to the formal trial.

The bailiffs gave the suspect a small bench and untied the suspect's handcuffs. They also sat down and dutifully guarded the suspect.

Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong and Jia Ling faced the judge. He always felt that the He family was staring at him, like a sharp edge on his back, like sitting on pins and needles, his back was stiff, his mind was restless, and he was uneasy all day long.

Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan feared that they would be dragged into the murder case and sentenced to life imprisonment or to be shot.

After a series of preludes during the trial, the public prosecutor stated the charges against the criminal suspect. The charges were clear. Intentional homicide included murder of daughter-in-law, wife, pregnant woman, child murder, child abuse, embezzlement. The crime of transferring property, every fact stated is shocking.

When the prosecutor stated that Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, Jia Ling, Zhao's old lady, Guo Furong, murdered, maimed a pregnant woman (Yan Feixia) and abused a child (Yan Xing), the people in the auditorium were horrified and sweaty.

Faced with the charges, the five accused were all faceless, Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze were also frightened and fainted; as the charges were publicized one by one, Mrs. Zhao couldn't bear the fear and fainted, and Guo Furong was frightened on the spot. Urinary incontinence.

After being disturbed by the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the court was temporarily adjourned for 5 minutes. The doctor gave first aid to Mrs. Zhao, and the bailiff took Guo Furong down to change her pants.

Yan Ming's heart was ripped apart again and again, and each time he was so angry that he was about to faint.

The three generations of the He Jiazi, Qi, Ming, and Ming are unpredictable.

They didn't have time to roar in court, when Ancestor He heard the accusation that Zhao Li drugged Yan Feixia when Yan Feixia was pregnant with a child to abort the child and wanted to take the child from outside to replace Yan Feixia's child He got up and shouted, "It's not as good as a beast, kill me with anger", the person leaned back, fell on his back, and fell unconscious.

"Mother, mother-"




As soon as the ancestor of the He family shouted and fell, the old and young of the He family stood up and rushed forward.

He Zirui rushed to the old mother's side, hugged the old mother and kissed her, trembling all over, calling out "mother, mother", her voice was choked up and her tears flowed.

Because He San is the helm of the He family, his abnormal behavior made everyone in the He family think that their ancestors were dead, and the old and young masters lost every inch.

"Adjourn the court for 10 minutes!" Seeing that the He family was in trouble, the presiding judge reacted quickly, and quickly picked up the judgment hammer and knocked on the table to announce the temporary adjournment.

Everyone in the Zhao family was suddenly frightened, and their faces were completely bloodless. The bailiffs were on guard for a while, handcuffing all the suspects, and the doctor rushed out from the back hall to give first aid to the ancestors of the He family.

The judges were worried about what happened to the ancestors of the He family in court, and ran from the court platform to the auditorium to check the situation.

Yan Ming stared blankly at the direction where the He family members were sitting, his face as white as rice paper.

The place where the He family sat was in chaos, and the auditors were dumbfounded.

"Don't panic, don't panic, the old birthday star mother-in-law has no worries about her life." Le Yun stood up to give the old man first aid when the old man fell down, and handsome Yan beside him grabbed it. Emotions.

She repeatedly said don't panic. Seeing that everyone in the He family was still huddled together in a mess, it was obvious that her words had no effect. Her temples were bubbling with anger, and she couldn't help roaring up to the sky: "Quiet me, I didn't say anything about the old man. No way, what the hell are you panicking about!"

An angry shout of Qingyue, like wild goose roaring clearing the valley, thunder blasting the clear sky, overwhelms all the noise.

The onlookers were shocked, their eyes widened in disbelief, oh my god, someone dares to roar at the family of tiger generals like the He family, it can't be more awesome!
The panicked He family was blown away by the angry shouts. The cries of the four old ladies, He Da, Er, San, and Wu, stopped abruptly. A dumbass.

After being stunned for a while, he made a silly voice like babbling - "Old Ancestor is all right?" "Old Ancestor is all right?" "Is Grandma all right?"

"Didn't you see me giving the old man good luck? Or do you think I'm just a vase for people to see?" Le Yun glared at people angrily: "Sit back and take a seat, don't make trouble for me, and then make noise. I work, dragged to the court to play fifty boards."

"oh oh."

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Little doctor, our ancestors ask you."

The old and young of the He family reacted with hindsight, and there was a little magician sitting next to their ancestors. There was no need to panic. One by one, they returned to their seats as quickly as possible. When they sat down, their expressions were a little shy.

Thinking that he had lost an inch, He Zirui blushed with embarrassment, pretended to sit down calmly, and was embarrassed to look at other people's expressions.

The four old ladies who were crying with tears on their faces embarrassedly wiped their eyes, but a happy smile like the rest of their lives appeared on their faces, and the ancestors were fine.

When the grandmother screamed and fell, Yan Xing jumped up and grabbed the seat in front of the little Loli. She didn't want to be brushed by the little Loli. At that time, her waist was numb, and half of her body was numb. He took two steps back by himself, feeling that he might become a wooden pillar for everyone to look up to. In order not to lose face, he moved his legs stiffly and sat down with the last bit of self-control.

As soon as he sat down, he heard the roar of Little Loli, a few drops of cold sweat oozing from the tip of his nose, and Little Loli went mad!

The judges who ran out from the inner court saw the little girl shaking the scene, and they were not in a hurry.

The He family quieted down, and Le Yun didn't need to worry about those guys causing trouble. She neatly poked the chest acupoint of the He family ancestor, poked it once, and evacuated the old man's accumulated depression, and then poked a few blood spots with force.

Being poked by a few fingers, Ancestor He, who was sitting crooked on the seat, trembled slightly, his chest heaved and he woke up in a breathless voice. "Beasts, beasts, a group of beasts! They should be struck by lightning, cut thousands of pieces, cut off their descendants, and die without a place to be buried!"

The ancestors of the He family had a hoarse, angry and high-pitched voice, which could be heard by everyone in the audience.

Bystanders: "!"

They could understand the feelings of the old man. The Zhao family planned He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia so deliberately, but everyone was angry, not to mention that the old lady was He Ziqiong's mother and Yan Feixia's grandmother. Can the enemy wilt not hate?
Putting themselves in their shoes, if it were them, they would also wish to kill those beasts themselves, and it is estimated that they would want to kill people in their dreams.

Because of their understanding, the auditors were moved by the angry behavior of the old lady, and no one had the slightest intention of scolding the old man in court.

Hearing the old lady of the He family calling the Zhao family to cut off their sons and grandchildren, Zhao Li's heart was broken, his whole body trembled, and his teeth were shaking. He and Zhao Yixiong must have been sentenced to life imprisonment, or even the death penalty, but Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan could be picked Going out, if Elder He doesn't die and wants to take revenge, Zong Ze and Dan Xuan's lives will not be guaranteed...

Thinking that his only grandson might also suffer revenge, making himself doomed, Zhao Li broke down and shouted: "I am guilty, I am guilty, I confess my guilt, I confess it all, don't hurt my grandson, please let my grandson go..."

The old lady of the He family fainted and woke up, but she couldn't control her emotions. The suspect shouted out of control again, and there was another wave of unrest. The courtroom suddenly became silent. It was a dead silence. become a vacuum.

(End of this chapter)

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