Chapter 685
Yan Xing straightened his back, even though Grandpa Slag was yelling and yelling from behind, he didn't stop half a step. He left the reception room and walked out of the courthouse. When he saw the He family's car was still there, he walked to his own car and drove away. Get in the car.

He Mingtao was in charge of driving the cheetah. Seeing Xiaolongbao getting in the car, he started the car, and the cars in front and behind also started, and several cars slowly drove to the avenue.

He San accompanied his old mother in the back seat. Seeing that Xiao Longbao came back so soon, he didn't say anything after getting in the car, and he didn't ask why.

Ancestor He grabbed the little great-grandson's hand and held it in his palm, raised one hand and stroked the back of the child's head: "Xiao Longbao, are you angry again?"

"Yeah." Yan Xing hummed softly, lowered his head, and put his head gently on Grandma's shoulder: "He shamelessly forced me to want me to save his illegitimate grandson."

"Shameless old man, did he kneel down to you again?" He Zirui gritted his back teeth resentfully. Zhao Li, the old man, knelt down in front of the court and begged their ancestors to let his grandson Zhao Zongze go, pretending to regret showing weakness to gain an audience The sympathy of the officers and the judge forced their family to come forward to protect his grandson. The shameless insidious black heart, full of conspiracy and poisonous schemes, wanted to plot against them even before death.

"He knelt down and let him kneel, we deserve it." Ancestor He hugged his great grandson, calmly in his heart, Zhao Li's family owed their family two lives, and Xiaolongbao's crimes for more than [-] years, not to mention kneeling A few times, even kneeling a hundred times will not eliminate his guilt.

"I knew he was going to play tricks, so I was on guard. I didn't accept his kneeling salute. I turned around and left." Blocking Yoyo's mouth, he agreed to meet without any speculative words, no wonder he.

"Good boy, I've wronged you. Anyone who mentions meeting alone will be rejected. There's nothing to talk about." Old Ancestor He felt sorry for his great-grandson, and Xiao Longbao's misfortune was caused by Zhao Li's family. It is a waste of saliva to speak.

Yan Xing nodded, gently got up from Grandma Grandma's arm, hugged Grandma Grandma in his arms, bent his head sideways, and kissed Grandma Grandma's head intimately.

He Zirui looked at the old man and the young man hugging each other, slightly sour, why didn't the old mother hug him too?He was also a child.

Mrs. Chao's son and daughter-in-law walked out of the court and boarded the car to go home. Miss Chao Er went back because the little fan dumplings were not in the same car. There was a bitter resentment in her heart. It was either the old men and the old ladies who robbed the small dumplings, or a group of people from the He family. Sending out a group of handsome guys to snatch people, it's like... I want to smash the table, the stool, the phone, and the phone... people, I really want to break those guys over the shoulder into eight pieces.

Grandma Xiang Chao told her that she would not go back for dinner if she had something to do in the evening. Le Yun took Xuan Shao’s car to Xuan’s teahouse, Zhou Shao Jiang Shao Ji Shao also squeezed in the same car. Anyway, there are three seats in the back, and there is a passenger seat in front, which can be stuffed in.

The youth guards of each family were also helpless to the childish behavior of their own young masters. They silently drove the car behind Xuan Shao's buttocks, went to the tea street, found a parking space, and went to Xuan's house through the back door.

In the afternoon, the youth of the Xuan family received a call from Xuan Yi and Xuan Er, who was out with the young master. They swept the house and waited, and informed Sanweixuan that they had made pork stewed vermicelli. Just waiting for the young master and the guests to arrive.

When the young master, the little girl, and the young masters of Zhou Jiangji's family return, the young masters orderly ask the young masters to wash their faces, wash their hands, serve tea, and then move to the west hall for dinner.

The four young masters and the little beauty went to the west hall. They had one table, and the guards of the four families had three tables in total.

Before the meal, the Xuan family youth brought the last dish - a plate of hot tender tofu that was just out of the oven, poured into the hot tofu with sliced ​​preserved egg, then mixed with sesame oil and coriander for a few times, a bowl of fragrant preserved egg. Tofu is done.

Jiang Shaoji Shao Zhou Shao is strongly jealous of Xuan Shao, because that guy became the number one agent to give back gifts for the little beauty, and the little beauty helped him make a batch of preserved eggs. During the feast, Young Master Xuan desperately clutched the preserved egg and refused to serve it, making their teeth itch with hatred.

Seeing that Master Xuan finally generously took out the preserved preserved eggs, the three young masters were not polite. At the bottom, the three young masters looked at Xuan Shao with a squinted smile.

The stunned Xuan Shao silently went to bring two plates of preserved egg and lactide tofu, and made preserved egg tofu now.

Because he was willing to bleed, Jiang Shaozhou and Shaoji avenged less than a single arrow, stopped, and ate slowly, his graceful energy was different from before.

Le Yun has pork stewed vermicelli and everything is fine. Other dishes are optional, so I don’t want to scramble for preserved egg tofu, but just taste it. The Xuan family has an excellent control over the heat of the tofu. The tofu is tender and delicate, and it tastes good with preserved eggs. Extremely.

After eating the rich and nutritious dinner with ease, the young people cleared the table, and the fourth young master and the little girl went to the yard to sit and enjoy the cool air and drink tea.

After chatting for a while, Xuan Shao said the serious thing: "Little beauty, I have good news to tell you, and there is also bad news. Do you listen to that first?"

"Listen to the good news first. There is good news and you are in a good mood. You won't be too annoyed when you hear bad news."

"The good news is that there is a letter from Europe saying that the gift is ready and someone can be sent to receive it."

"Hmm, this is really good news. I feel so excited when I think of the free gift. Let them wait by replying first. When I'm done, I'll go and receive the gift myself." The vampire families have prepared the compensation , and fills the space again.

"Okay," Xuan Shao didn't have any opinion. Those were compensation for the little beauty. She could do whatever she wanted. Turning to another piece of news: "The other not-so-good news is that the Poison Sect has returned."

Zhou Shaoji Shao Jiang Shao was very calm, Le Yun blinked her eyes, and humbly asked for advice: "Where is the Poison Sect?"

"How do you say this, the specific situation of the Poison Sect has always been a mystery. Anyway, there is such a sect, and no one knows where their sect is. Like the Kunlun Authentic, everyone knows that the Kunlun Authentic is in Kunlun Mountain, and which mountain is located. No one knows, and the Poison Sect is even more difficult to say, even the area of ​​his sect is not clear, it seems that the world is home everywhere."

"The Poison Sect is very powerful?" Even Young Master Xuan didn't know where the Poison Sect was, indicating that it was really mysterious.

"It's hard to say whether the Poison Sect is powerful or not. I only know that the Tang Sect is good at using poison. It has always been feared in the arena, and no one dares to provoke it easily. If it is not a matter of life and death, the Tang Sect would not dare to provoke the Poison Sect. ."

Young Master Xuan did not directly explain how powerful the Poison Sect was, but taking out the Tang Sect to compare, Le Yun knew that the Poison Sect was a powerful character: "So the Poison Sect is more powerful, and the Poison Sect is so mysterious, how do you know that they have returned to the world? ?"

"The people of the Poison Sect have revealed their whereabouts in Qin Province," Xuan Shao explained to the children: "My family ancestors have collected some information about the Poison Sect. The Poison Sect has a kind of incense called Yunxiang, the name is very common, and the fragrance is very special. , lit, the smoke spreads out like a white cloud floating in the air, the coverage of an inch of incense is about five miles, the cloud shape can be maintained for twelve hours, and the fragrance is like agarwood, noble and elegant.

This time, Yunxiang appeared in a place in Qin Province, covering a range of about [-] miles. My family's elders lived near Yunxiang's place, and they went there on purpose. They didn't see any suspicious characters. They may be poisonous. The master has left. "

"What's the use of incense?" Le Yun was at a loss, making such a big battle, didn't she tell others that they were doing something?
"It is not clear how many functions the incense has. There are two uses that are confirmed. First, it can be used to gather people from the same family. After all, it can last for a long time and is easy for people to see. Second, it is reported that if someone falls under the poison Some kind of medicine, or someone took some kind of drug-coated item given by the poison sect, seeing that kind of cloud incense, a certain medicine will react, and the people of the poison sect will be able to find it very quickly."

Xuan Shao spread his hands, looking like "I am also very confused", and added: "According to my family's elders' speculation, Poison Sect may be looking for people or things, and it should have little to do with your appearance, little beauty, but It's also not ruled out that it has something to do with the birth of this little monster like you, who calls you too miraculous, it's hard to guarantee that the Poison Sect won't be interested in you."

"I'm not interested in the poison sect, I'm a jerk, it's better that they're not interested in me, I'm too busy to talk to people who suddenly appear, and I don't have time to think about developing antidote all day long. Balls." Le Yun grumbled bitterly, grabbed the backpack and took out the jade box, took out a packet of medicine from the box, poured out four pills, and gave one to each of the four young masters of ancient repair.

Jiang Shaozhou, Shaoji, Shaoxuan, clutching the pill, his eyes full of stars: "Little beauty, what is this for?"

"This is to prevent wolves. I'm afraid that you are too handsome and will be drugged by beautiful women, and you will be stunned and carried to be the husband of the village." Le Yun joked, seeing the four of them holding the medicine for fear that others would steal it. Appearing, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Old rules, theory can detoxify a lot of poisons, when encountering a poisonous poison that seals the throat with blood, it can only protect the heart for a while, and the antidote has not been found for more than six hours, can you survive? It's all luck."

The four young masters of ancient cultivators are shy and have gods, so what are the wolves to guard against? People who want to guard against female perverts should also be characters like Shao Shao and Shao Yan. Their appearance is not enough to make women in the ancient cultivator world drugged. rob people.

"Hua Shao would definitely cry if he knew about it." Xuan Shao smiled and put the medicine under his nose and sniffed it. It was very fragrant and I really wanted to eat it!
"Xin Shao will cry when he finds out."

"And Chen Shao and Huo Shao. As for Fang Shaolan and the fourth Shao Shao, if they knew that the little beauty was so partial, they would probably be jealous to the point of tears."

The four young masters are extremely happy, Xin Wu Shaohua Shao Chen Shao Huo Shi Shao started to go back to their hometown in the summer vacation, but did not return, Tantai family and some young people did not go to Beijing because the school did not start, no one rushed with them to get the little beauty It's cool to brush your face in front of you.

"By the way," said the other disciples of the ancient martial arts and ancient cultivators, Xuan Shao smiled inexplicably: "Little beauty, a child of the Helian family in Guanwai also got into Qingda, or the medical department."

"Qingdao University is a national university for the people of the whole country. As long as they can pass the exam, everyone can take the exam. What's wrong?"

"If the little beauty is not at Qingda, there is nothing wrong with it. With you in Qingda, other ancient Xiu and Guwu children dare to study at Qingda's medical department, either because they really want to be friends with you, and they have a common topic in studying medicine, or they just want to Competing with you, the other way should be to make soy sauce."

Jiang Shao smiled and explained that there was an immortal doctor who was born out of nowhere. The children of Gu Xiu and Guwu who wanted to be a blockbuster with their medical skills only hated that they were born at the wrong time. The children of the Helian family chose the Faculty of Medicine of Qingda University, which also raised a lot of popularity. If there is some success in the future, Guwu and Guxiu will not be able to remember who he is at the gathering, and whoever says "XX is the XX who studied medicine at the same school with Xianyimen" is guaranteed to be seated immediately.

"It means that maybe I have a potential opponent again?" Le Yun wanted to hum with a headache: "Is it a man or a woman? With your smiles, I think it's more likely to be a girl."

"Little beauty, your intuition is correct. The Helian family's son who came to Beijing is a girl. She is 18 years old. Known as the first beauty in the family, if you enter the school, not to mention becoming a school flower, you can properly sit on the throne of the flower."

The news of Gu Xiu's family is very well-informed. Before anyone came, Jiang Shaoji and Zhou Shaoxuan already had information on the female disciples of the Helian family, and the information was relatively accurate.

"Girls or boys, as long as you don't hit my brother Chao's crooked ideas, the rest is easy to say, it doesn't matter if you come at me, the big deal is that I throw poison powder with him and throw strange things, and the big deal is that she takes me as a big deal. Test drug experiment, I will use her to test the drug to prove medical skills to each other."

"What if you hit your brother's mind?"

The four young masters looked at the little beauty with great interest, and they wanted to know where the bottom line of the little beauty was.

"Dare to reach out to my relative's head, chop claws first, and then poison him, silently poison him, let him die without knowing how he died. Once it's over, there will be no future troubles." Dare to beat Brother Chao's idea and kill him!Dare to stretch out her hand to mutilate her family, relatives and friends, all poisoned to death!
The four young masters: "..." 囧, sure enough, the bottom line of the little beauty is her brother, to be precise, her family, not overstepping her and involving her family, other things are negotiable, intending to hurt her family , It is estimated that it is not a war of life and death that will not be in contact with each other.

"Just kidding, the Helian family is not so stupid. It's not suicide to send someone to provoke you, little beauty, can I ask you how many pills you want, I found that the pills you gave were thrown away. In the soup, the soup is especially delicious..."

Xuan Shao smiled and changed the subject. Before he finished speaking, Jiang Shao, Zhou Shaoji, and Shao Ji shouted "you prodigal son". chat with the little beauty.

Xuan Shao, who was taken over by a loud guest, sat next to him silently. The five chatted until nine o'clock, and sent the little beauty back to Er Ye Chao's house. They were looking for the little girl to reveal the news of the Poison Sect first, so that she could pay attention to one or two early. The message was delivered, and it was complete.

(End of this chapter)

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