Chapter 697
Yan Lao was appeased by his grandson, and there was a ray of light in his heart. He washed his face and sat downstairs in the living room with his two old friends waiting for Xiaolongbao. After waiting nervously for a while, the people from the procuratorate came downstairs, and then the grandson He and the little girl also came downstairs. He hoped that his grandson would stay and talk to him, eagerly looking forward to it.

When Aunt Jin heard the sound of the stairs, she ran out of the kitchen and told the young master that he had made mung bean soup.

Teng Lao Lao Liu also smiled and let everyone sit down.

The detectives declined and kept saying goodbye for a while, and Classmate Le also waved his paws: "Grandpa Liu, Grandpa Teng, you have a good time, I won't accompany you."

"Alright, you're busy. When you have time, you can go to my house with your brother to play." Mr. Liu waved his hand generously. Anyway, his little third son and the little girl have a good relationship, and there is always a chance to have tea and dinner together.

Yan Xing also wanted to stay for a while, and Ruan Yan discussed with Xiao Luoli: "Little Luoli, you've been running for so long, you've worked hard, and you should drink something to cool off before you leave?"

"No, it's nothing to do with you now, you can do whatever you want." Le Yun now sees that Yan's grandfather is not pleasing to the eye, so she doesn't want to stay and drink tea and chat with someone who makes her unhappy, and follow the butts of the criminal police uncles. Flash people behind.

"I'll take you back." Although I really wanted to stay for a while and talk to my grandfather, the little Lolita was leaving, and Yan Xing was too embarrassed to show her wishes, so she decided to accompany the little Lolita first.

The little girl didn't want to stay at her house for a while, Yan Ming lowered her head sadly, the little girl must hate him very much.

Yan Xing nodded to his grandfather and two old grandfathers, Aunt Jin, and walked away. He accompanied Little Loli out of Yan's house to help bring them to the door, and went downstairs. The detectives had a car, and he and Little Loli had a car.

After driving out of the compound, he asked tentatively, "Little Loli, you don't seem to be in a good mood?"

"It's not that I'm in a bad mood, it's very bad, or else I wouldn't go to Zhao Zhaji's house and your grandfather's house to help find evidence." A good person or thing is not pleasing to the eye.

Why is little loli in a bad mood?Yan Xing thought about it left and right, but couldn't think of a reason, no one messed with Little Lolita today?After a few seconds, a flash of light flashed in my mind: "Today seems to be the day when a scum from your hometown is released from prison?"

"Hmph, I know and ask." Le Yun snorted unhappily. Two of the scumbags who bullied her on the way many years ago have completed their sentences on the 24th of this month and will be released from prison tomorrow.

"I will tell the brothers over there to keep an eye on them. If they change their minds, you will leave them dead after revenge. If they are still unwilling to be honest, give them the opportunity to make some contributions to the national medical cause."

After finding out the reason that made the little loli unhappy, Yan Xing no longer felt any pressure. It's good that the scumbags made the little loli unhappy. There is no need to talk about morality and righteousness when dealing with the scumbags. Kill it, kill it.

"Whether they are reformed or not, one of them I have to make him severely maimed, the other one has to be killed when he gets out of prison, and the other two scumbags, even if they don't know where they are now, I will find them sooner or later."

Le Yun bit her finger glumly. She was in a bad mood today, and she became angry when she saw scumbags. So when she was unhappy, she shook out the secret that Wang Qianjin was calculated to be infertile for life by scumbags, and put it on the heads of those scumbags. One more charge.

"Which scum is it, I will let the brothers focus on it." Yan Xing's spirit was lifted, he couldn't help in some areas, and things related to his professional field were really a piece of cake.

"The scum with the surname Huang, Huang Minglei, help him to find out his whereabouts after he was released from prison. If there is any sign of wanting to do harm to my family, I will immediately go back and clean him up and let him lie in bed for the rest of his life."

"What is the name of the scum who doesn't know his whereabouts?" Yan Xing then asked. The only two scum who got out of prison had the surname Huang, so he didn't need to remember the scum's name. Which scum are you referring to.

"I don't know the names of those two scumbags. I only remember their nicknames. One is called Sangouzi and the other is called Chengyu. They may not be from Fangxian, but they sound like Zhuxian."

"My brothers and I are good at such things as unannounced and unannounced visits. Anyway, there are people from us over there. If you have nothing to do, go to town and gather information. Little Loli, it's still early to go back. I'll treat you to ice cream."

"Don't eat, I'm in a bad mood, I'm going back to school."

"Okay. I'll take you back to school. When will I go back to Chao's house, I'll pick you up?" Yan Xing sneered. Little Loli wanted to go back to school to find her brother for comfort.

"You don't need to pick me up. Brother Chao is free to go home on the weekend and I'll go back with brother Chao. If I don't have time, I will take the subway to the court on Monday. I can find my way."

"..." Yan Xing wanted to say, "No one is following you, what if there is an assassination?" Instead, he thought about his speechless experience when he said something similar last time and was refuted by Little Loli, so he simply shut up.

Little Loli wants to go back to school, Yanxing no longer takes the same road as the procuratorate's car, and takes a shortcut to the city's expressway and returns to the vicinity of Qingda University, and then turns from the expressway to the urban road. On the way, she goes to the largest fruit and vegetable market to buy vegetables, buy rice.

It was almost dusk when the car returned to Qingxueyuan Park, because the new students reported on the 25th of the school that banners welcoming new students were hung on several main roads and prominent buildings of the school, and the school was fully prepared to welcome new students.

Seeing Qingda's welcome banner, Yan Xing remembered the incident reported by the younger brother of Feng's family in Beijing tomorrow. In the past two days, the viciousness of the scumbag's grandfather's family has made him busy to appease his grandmother and uncles, and almost I forgot about the younger brother, thinking that the younger brother will go to Beijing tomorrow, he is a little happy in his heart, he will pick up the younger brother tomorrow, and bring his luggage to the school by the way, there are enough reasons to occasionally go to the little loli.

With a small plan, he secretly sent the little Loli to Xueba downstairs. For the first time, she didn't have the cheek to follow upstairs, and let the little Loli carry the items back to the dormitory by herself. He watched her turn the corner of the stairs and get in. From the driver's seat, I drove out of the school in a hurry and went straight to the garrison.

The old and young of the He family ate at the hotel at noon, and the people who took leave to attend the court went to work in the afternoon. The old men and the old ladies returned to He San's compound. The courtyard where He San lived was wide enough, and the brothers and sisters gathered again.

A group of old people received a call from Xiao Longbao in the evening saying that he had something to go back to the military region. He would be glad to let him go if he did not return to He's house for the past two days. Xiao Longbao had suffered so much grievance, and he also needed to be alone and needed the comfort of his brothers.

Xiaofan Tuanzi called and said to go back to school. In the afternoon, Mrs. Chao also went home, and the old man came back the day after tomorrow at the latest. She went home and waited for the old man to comfort the old man's homesick heart.

There was someone Yan who didn’t eat anything, and Le Yun was so happy, she crawled back to the dormitory on the fourth floor with vegetables and rice ding dong dong, and swiftly threw some vegetables back into the space and exchanged some space products. Come out, put some in the refrigerator, and then grab a big fish from the space and chop the fish head to make soup.

After cooking the fish head, she scours out the ingredients to cook the rice, and boils the water to scald the bowls. As for the hygiene of the dormitory, she doesn't need to worry about it herself. Brother Chao helps to clean it once every three days.

When you have free time, take out the scanned books in the storage space, put them in the stack, and throw some of them into the space. When people are not at school and are free, they can read books at any time.

While classmate Le was busy with dinner, the beautiful boy and the teachers in charge of the freshmen held a work meeting before the orientation in the office building of the student union. The meeting included some staff from various departments of the student union, some members of various associations, and some orientation volunteers. Among them, Kao Ziyan from the Faculty of Medicine is also one of the orientation volunteers.

The orientation working group has already been established, and the lines and positions for each team have been assigned in place. Which ones are the first and which are the successors, etc. are arranged in advance according to the plan. The attitude should be amiable, warm and friendly to serve the new students and their parents, and at the same time, they should not cross the line. Some of the reporting work that must be completed by the new students must be completed by the new students themselves.

The meeting ended at five o'clock, and the students and teachers dispersed.

A teacher from the foreign language department grabbed the president of the beautiful boy and wanted to go to the cafeteria together to chat while eating. The beautiful boy calmly removed the teacher's claws: "Mr. Ai, I want to accompany my sister to dinner."

"Hey, the little guy has returned to school? Classmate Chao, I heard that you borrowed French and Hindi for your sister, why didn't you ask me to borrow Dutch and Finnish? I would also be happy to teach your sister Indian. "

"Mr. Ai, my sister is not going to be an interpreter."

"Oh, learning makes people happy. Learn a few more languages ​​and go abroad without fear of being sold off and help count money. Classmate Chao, how many languages ​​does your sister speak?"

"Proficient in English, self-taught French, German, Italian, and currently have a strong interest in ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek and Arabic script."

"President Chao, your sister has learned the three languages ​​by herself, and she still wants to learn Egyptian Greek?" The students in the foreign language department among the student council members were shocked.

"Yeah, my sister is very talented in language."

"President Chao, I want to know how much your sister scored in CET [-] or [-]?"

"Level [-] is a full score, and Level [-] oral I heard that the pronunciation of a word is a little less standard, so [-] points are deducted."

"Only [-] points will be deducted for the sixth grade? God, let us English majors see Jiangdong, my heart is broken." The English majors held their hearts with sadness.

Wang Ziyan almost bit her silver teeth. Even if she tried her best, not only would her English be difficult to surpass, but her overall grades in the first grade were far below the first place in the majors, so she couldn't get the dormitory in the Xueba Building. .

The beautiful boy patted Xizi's heart-shaped classmate: "Don't be sad, it's not ashamed to lose to my sister, after all, my sister is a geek who can memorize the Oxford English Dictionary, boy, work hard, you still have a chance, my sister To study medicine, I won't compete with you for the first place in foreign language majors."

"Pfft, can you be better at reciting Oxford English?"

"Yes, Cambridge English is also memorized."

"..." A group of people were stunned, they just watched Meijuan and Minister Li walk into the elevator without responding. When they recovered, the elevator started.

Minister Li and classmate Cai stuck to the beautiful boy's side. The three of them took the elevator downstairs and walked to the parking lot. The two students, Li and Cai, quickly climbed into the car of classmate Chao and sat down.

Two little friends were reincarnated as clever ghosts. The beautiful young man smiled, put the laptop in the car, got into the cab and drove back to the Xueba Building, parked downstairs, and came up with only a small backpack and a water cup.

Classmate Li crawled up to the fourth floor behind the beautiful young man's buttocks, followed lightly into the girls' dormitory, and then howled and ran to the door of the small kitchen to find a little loli to brush her senses.

Le Xiao was not at all surprised by the arrival of the two foodie seniors, and let them chatter like little sparrows until they were twisted away by the beautiful boy with the collar, and her ears calmed down.

The beautiful young man picked up two food items, went into the small kitchen to go around, washed his hands, moved the dishes, and helped to serve the dishes.

The dishes are put on the table, three meat and two vegetarians.

Classmate Le held the fish head soup in front of him, and only distributed half a bowl of soup to the foodie seniors and a bowl of fish soup to the beautiful young brother, and the rest belonged to him, not to the foodies.

Minister Li Shaohe drank the fish soup and looked at Little Loli in amazement. The fish soup made by Little Lolita was so bitter and had a strong astringency. They were embarrassed to ask why the taste was not authentic, so they quickly grabbed the other ones. dishes.

The beautiful boy drank a bowl of bitter fish soup without frowning, and quickly grabbed the food.

The meal ended when the three schoolmasters practiced chopsticks. The beautiful young man asked the two foodies to wash the dishes and clean the floor to make them hygienic, and shoved them away. With one hand, he pressed the little guy's head on the top of his head and rubbed gently, and said softly: "Lele little dumplings didn't smile today, they don't seem to be in a good mood. Would you like to go for a walk?"

Le Yun pouted and shook her head gloomily: "No need, seeing scum every day these days has almost awakened the dark side of my human nature. I am unhappy and don't want to walk."

"Lele doesn't want to go out for a walk, brother carries you around the house twice." Chao Yubo touched a small head under his hand and squatted down.

Le Yun happily climbed onto the back of the beautiful young brother and lay on his stomach, with one hand between his chest and Chao's back, and one hand touching the top of the beautiful brother's head: "Chao brother, you are growing taller again."

"Yeah, I've grown a bit longer, and I'll be as tall as Da Li soon, but Da Li is a little unkind. He's also growing fast recently, and it's predicted that he may grow several centimeters taller."

"Brother Chao is also working hard to grow. I make fish head soup that promotes bone growth. I don't give it to guys who look like telephone poles. We drink it by ourselves, but the taste is a bit heavy and unpalatable."

"It doesn't matter if it's hard to drink, as long as you can grow taller if you drink it, I will strive to grow to 1.9 meters, and kill Liu Shaoyan and Shaoyan in seconds."

"Mmmm, Brother Chao surpasses someone Yan, and one day if he doesn't like him, he can slap him and kill him..."

My sister was in a bad mood. The beautiful young man walked around the dormitory with the person on his back, walked around on the balcony, then went back to the small living room, walked around the balcony, and walked around three or four times. The face turned cloudy and became sunny.

The brothers and sisters sat and read until ten o'clock. The beautiful boy enjoyed an acupuncture and health massage from his lovely sister, and went back to the boys' dormitory for a beauty sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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