magic eye doctor

Chapter 702 Another Daughter Control

Chapter 702 Another Daughter Control
Mr. Chao returned to the capital on the evening of the 25th. While resting at home, he and his wife were excited like children when they received a call from Xiaofandanzi. They waited at the door early, waiting for the Yan family to deliver the little guy. And then, he pulled the small powder dumpling to his side, touched his head and pinched his face, and loved him to his heart's content.

Le Yun has been in Beijing for a year. For the first time, she went to the place where Grandpa Chao and Grandma Chao lived. When she got out of the car and didn't even have a chance to speak, she was caught and ravaged by the two elders. It was speechless.

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao, was addicted to her feet, and when she almost broke the little powder dumplings, she smiled and touched her tender face, which had been pinched into a cloud: "I never dreamed that Xiaolele would come here. It was a pleasure to be with my grandparents."

"Grandpa and grandma, if you pinch my face again, I won't come in the future. Aunt Ge, take a look at my face, whether my face has been pinched by grandpa and grandma." face, bitterly complaining.

Aunt Ge picked up the little princess' backpack and held it in her hand, stood by and watched the old man and the old lady dote on the little girl, and when she heard the cute little princess talking to her, her eyes narrowed: "I don't know if Xiao Lele's face is familiar or not. , it's like boiled shrimp anyway."

"I knew that my grandparents were going to use my face as shrimp for snacks at noon, so I had to ask Brother Chao to come back and save my life." face, so as not to be crushed and disfigured.

"Far water can't save near fire. When Brother Bo returns, we will be able to pinch Lele's face into meatballs." Mrs. Chao held the little powder ball with only two eyes showing in the crook of her arm go home.

"Good boy, why do you have time to come to us today? You're done with your work?" Old Man Chao pressed the little guy's head in his hand, and he and his wife brought the little powder dumplings home.

Aunt Ge took a step behind, and when she returned to the living room, she put her backpack aside and poured boiled water for the little princess, as well as iced fruits and mung bean paste.

"I have to go to the court tomorrow. Brother Chao has no time to come back, so I will come to accompany grandpa and grandma." Le Yun supported Grandma Chao in her left hand, and took Grandpa Chao's arm in her right hand to sit down on the sofa, smiling and eating Aunt Ge's cooking. of summer products.

The little powder dumplings came, the old man and the old lady were in a good mood. The two old men who loved Sun Xinqi scrambled to cut the fruit and dice it to make a platter. Watching her eat a little bit and a little bit, she was full of a sense of accomplishment.

There used to be food at home, but the little princess of Lao Chao's family came back and had to make delicious food. Aunt Ge found an umbrella and drove to buy food with her wallet.

Le Yun is a good and hard-working boy. Lai Chao's grandparents acted coquettishly for a while and then studied the living room of brother Chao's house. He quickly researched it thoroughly and found that there was a small hand-made stone grinder in the corner. The two old people made bean brains in the afternoon.

There was a little dumpling who loved to work and couldn't be idle. The old lady happily went to find soybeans and brine for ordering tofu and handed them over to Xiaofan dumplings. Then she took her around the kitchen, told her where the things were, and then went to the kitchen. When throwing the hands of the shopkeeper, it is up to Xiao Lele to arrange it.

With ready-made raw materials, Le Yun quickly found a small bucket, washed the beans, and quietly soaked the soybeans from the space, and then took out bottles and jars from her backpack and fiddled with strange ingredients in the kitchen.

Because Aunt Ge didn't come back to buy food, at noon, the little powder dumplings cooked and cooked. Had to let her.

It was the first time for the little girl to visit the old man and the old lady. Aunt Ge went to the largest and hottest seafood market in the capital to buy fresh lobster and shellfish. Because it was far away, it was already 11:30 when she got home. Cooking instead of myself is so touching.

There was fresh seafood, and Le Yun excitedly asked Aunt Ge and grandparents to sit and wait for the meal. She boiled water, cooked two large lobsters, peeled the shells and picked the shrimp lines, and then added the exclusive recipe sauce to make a stir-fry Spicy shrimp, braised clams, spicy chicken, braised pork ribs with dried bamboo shoots, two pure greens, and a seaweed soup, a simple lunch is ready.

The little dumpling came home to accompany me. The old man, the old lady and Aunt Ge were already happy. The little dumpling was filial and caring, and he was willing to cook. He was so warm that his heart melted, so he sat down in the restaurant. When eating, in addition to their own chopsticks, each of the three people also prepared a pair of chopsticks to help the small noodle dumplings with dishes.

There are three elders, you and I are serving dishes with chopsticks. The bowl in front of classmate Le Xiao has never been empty, and she has been propped up to the point where her stomach swells like a small drum, and then the two elderly and one middle-aged three people are satisfied.

In the early autumn season, when the temperature is high, the beans will be soaked for four or five minutes. In the afternoon, Le Xiaoxue took out the washed tools and moved the beans to the grinder to grind soy milk.

The old man and the old lady also ran to help, enjoying the family, being happy and exercising. The best of both worlds, the two old men only helped to grind soy milk for a while, and the rest was reserved by Xiaofendanzi, filtering soymilk, cooking pulp, and ordering tofu. They helped not busy.

Le Xiaoxiao made bean brain and internal fat tofu, and took the fresh-keeping box to pack the internal fat tofu. There are two big boxes and two small boxes, and there is a small bucket of soybean brain. Bean brain, the rest are chilled first.

Chao's father and Chao's mother received a phone call from the old lady at noon saying that the little fan dumplings had arrived home. The surprise was that the parents were lying, and they were correct. what!
It was originally Sunday, so I didn’t have to go to work, because it was the opening day of the National Games. Except for some dignitaries who went to T city, other personnel were on duty to deal with emergencies.

Chao San and his wife are not on duty at night. When they get off work, they walk like floating. After meeting, the husband and wife never dawdled.

They wanted to hurry up, but the traffic was not very good. It was about [-]:[-] when they got home. When they got home, they heard the silver bell-like laughter of the small powder dumplings and the happy voice of their parents, Aunt Ge. The couple was in a hurry with their briefcases. He rushed into the house and saw Xiaofan Dumpling sitting between his parents and sticking to the two elders. He was overjoyed: "Little Dumpling, Father Chao/Mother Chao is back."

"Father Chao, Mother Chao." Seeing the middle-aged beautiful man and middle-aged beautiful woman, Le Yun jumped up, without even her shoes, she cheered and rushed to Brother Chao's parents, hugging an elder's hand in one hand, sticking to the elder and acting like a spoiled child.

Chao's father was so excited that he threw his bag away, leaned over to pick up the little girl and a princess, and happily circled: "Wife wife, our daughter is so cute, hahaha, fathers with daughters are the happiest. "

"Slow down, don't scare Lele." Her husband suddenly held the small powder dumpling in a circle, and Chao's mother was terrified, for fear that her husband would accidentally throw the pink and tender dumpling out and turn it into a trapeze.

"The third one, stop, don't fall Lele."

"Old third stop!"

The old man and the old lady were taken aback and stood up in a hurry, staring at the younger son nervously, lest Chao San would break Xiao Lele without any seriousness.

Aunt Ge was frightened at first, but she was speechless for a moment. The third master also has a son. He looks very stable on weekdays. Even last year when the little girl recognized her relatives for the first time, she didn't see anything surprising. Why are you so restless?
"I'm being careful." Chao's father was so beautiful that he was bubbling in his heart. He was stopped by the elders. He walked around happily, stood still, and showed the little fan dumpling to his wife: "Wife and wife, look at our daughter, she's so well-behaved and good. Quiet and beautiful."

Chao's mother looked at the little powder dumpling that was being held by Chao Shenghui. The little guy had a pair of watery eyes and still looked stupid. She was probably startled. "Is Lele frightened? Don't be afraid, your father Chao wants a daughter very much. When your brother Chao was born, he was too weak to hold him and play. He finally got a little daughter, and he was so happy. If you get too excited, you get confused.”

"Xiao Lele—" Chao's father finally realized that his actions seemed to frighten the little fan dumpling. He lowered his head and saw that the little guy's face was wrinkled. He rubbed his hands again, as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

Le Yun was raided by Chao's father and carried around in a circle. The whole person was... stunned. It was not the first time that Chao's father had seen her. He had never seen any signs of a second crime before, so why is it so strange this time?
He was hugged and turned around a few times. When he stopped, he was a little confused. He didn't fully recover until he stood on the ground with both feet on the ground. Looking at Chao's father, who was nervous like a child who made mistakes, he couldn't hold back for a while." "Pfft" laughed loudly: "Dad Chao, I didn't cry, why are you nervous?"

The little fan dumpling didn't say a word, and the old man and the old lady thought she was frightened, so she was about to run to see it, and she was relieved when she heard the little guy speak.

Hearing the crunchy and soft sound, Father Chao stopped in surprise and looked at the pink child: "Xiao Lele, did Father Chao scare you?"

"No, don't worry about Chao's father and Chao's mother, I'm not that timid, but I'm so shocked that I didn't react for a while." Le Yun jumped into the middle of the middle-aged beautiful couple, holding the beautiful woman's arm in one hand, and the beautiful woman in the other. The man's finger: "Dad Chao, if I cry twice, will you be beaten by your grandparents?"

"Sure, he dares to scare our little Lele into tears, and he must beat him to the death." Mr. Chao took the words, his tone was serious, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Wow, fortunately I didn't cry. If I cry twice, Dad Chao will have a meal of pork with bamboo shoots tonight. Dad Chao, your girl will save you from being beaten. Do you want to say something?"

"This is a must. My daughter is a caring little padded jacket. Why don't I invite my girl to eat out?"

"It's a bit of a waste to go to a restaurant. I heard from brother Chao that you have good cooking skills, and the hot and spicy soup you make is very delicious. You can show your skills and try it."

"Okay, my daughter wants to drink the spicy soup I made, and Dad Chao will go to the kitchen tomorrow morning to show you his hands." Being praised by Xiaofan dumplings, Dad Chao could hardly find Bei, and happily patted his chest and promised to go to the kitchen tomorrow morning to make food. .

The old man and the old lady gave the younger son a cold look. The lazy guy rarely cooks once a month, and his craftsmanship is unfamiliar. If he doesn't do well tomorrow morning, he will cry.

The third master was so happy to see the little girl when he came back. He even lost the briefcase and didn't remember to pick it up. Aunt Ge was also drunk, so she went to help the third master pick up the briefcase, and then helped the third lady pick up the handbag that was thrown away and put it away. into the compartment under the TV cabinet.

Chao San and his wife had long forgotten about the lost bags, and took their precious girl to sit down. They served as a small powder ball for themselves. The couple was so happy that they couldn't find their eyes.

The couple just got off work, the old man and the old lady asked them to take a rest, and after waiting for ten minutes, they rushed to wash their hands and prepare for dinner.

Chao San and his wife hurriedly washed their hands and entered the restaurant in a hurry. When they saw a table of delicacies, the couple looked at each other and quickly looked for their mobile phones. Then they took pictures of the delicacies on the table, and then wrote "Made by Xiaodanzi". The words "food" were decisively sent to Chao Er, and then sent to niece A Fu and Bo Geer.

Xiaofan dumplings have been with Chao Er for a long time. Every time they go there, Chao Er and his wife will send pictures of various food made by Xiao Lele to make them jealous and stimulate them. This time it is their turn to stimulate Chao. Two glass hearts of those two immoral guys.

After posting the picture, Chao's father and Chao's mother sat down and looked at their parents. For a second, they were jealous. The two old men took the little dumplings and occupied them, depriving them of the opportunity and fun to coax their daughters to eat.

The dinner dishes were made by small powder dumplings. When everyone was there, the old man couldn't wait to move his chopsticks and eat in a lively manner.

Second Master Chao immediately became jealous when he received Chao San's message, Xiao Lele went to Chao San's side, where there is delicious food, and the third child didn't call them, that's too much!

Miss Chao Er received the message from the third uncle and aunt, and showed it to her parents, and howled in pain: "My parents go to my parents, the little dumpling is going to my grandparents' house, and I have made a lot of delicious food, but you don't even call me, I'm heartbroken. ."

Mrs. Chao gave a calm look, and calmly patted her daughter's head: "Don't worry, the little dumplings will come over soon, and it's your third uncle and three aunts who will be heartbroken."

"Hey, that makes me happy." Chao Yufu's heart was instantly healed, and he happily waited for the opening ceremony of the National Games.

The beautiful boy and student union members, the orientation volunteers were eating in the cafeteria. They received text messages from their parents and shook their heads amusingly. The father and mother were really childish and even showed him off. If he was careful, he would go to Xiaolele's dormitory for a meal. Once the picture, the parents and parents must not be so jealous that their hearts are broken into pieces.

After eating in the cafeteria, the beautiful boy and his classmates went to the gymnasium to watch the opening ceremony of the National Games. The National Games is a national sport. The school organized freshmen to watch the opening ceremony in the gymnasium, and the school leaders would also go.

Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao San had a small dumpling to accompany them to dinner. The dinner was very happy and delicious. Everyone had a big appetite. They ate half a bowl of rice more than usual. Not wanting to move.

Aunt Ge and the little girl cleaned up the table, washed the dishes, and made tea. The family moved to the living room, turned on the TV, tuned to the sports channel in City T, and waited for the opening ceremony while drinking tea.

 Cute little kids, happy [-]st~
  It's Children's Day again, children, do you want to sit in a row and report your age?I will come first: my baby is nine years old~
(End of this chapter)

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