Chapter 704
The fragrance of medicine is like fog, Yan Xing's heart is bleeding, Xiao Luoli has wasted a lot of pills, it would be great if those were given to him, maybe it would save many soldiers brothers from all kinds of pains, all of them. Giving it to his scumbag grandfather is like taking good medicine into the belly of a dog... No, it's like taking it to fill the butt of a cow.

He was distressed by Little Loli's pills, and the auditors were trying their best to inhale. Originally, everyone just liked the scent and thought it smelled so good. , Those who found that the fragrance of the medicine was not easy to inhale the fragrance secretly.

The people surrounded by the aroma did not even make a noise, and the court order was exceptionally good.

After mixing up a small bowl of medicinal juice, Le Yun asked the two doctors to help lift Zhao Renji's upper body, swiftly opened Zhao Renji's mouth, poured the medicine down, rinsed the bowl with water again, and still fed it to the Renji. go down.

After feeding Zhao Renzha and drinking the medicine, he poked Zhazha's acupoints again to make him close his mouth, then laid him flat on the ground, and pricked him with 36 new silver needles, including several needles on his head, hands and legs.

To reward a certain scum with a needle, Classmate Le happily packed up his tools and supplies, put away the unnecessary items and put them back in the backpack, leaving only a small jade box.

The little girl packed up her belongings and sat without movement. The judges stared wide-eyed and stood waiting for the situation. The Zhao family and Jia Ling were sitting with their arms crossed by the bailiffs, so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe.

After about ten minutes, Zhao Li's limbs, who had been lying upright in the body, trembled slightly, and blood oozes again during the seven plagiarism. Soon his muscles also trembled, and the needles on his body also trembled.

Following their duties as doctors, the two doctors cleverly took tissues to wipe the blood of the criminal suspect. When Zhao Li almost used up a pack of tissues, blood no longer gushed from Zhao Li's seven orifices, his trembling muscles also calmed down, and there was a gap between his chest and face. Thin layers of sweat.

Zhao Zhazai calmed down and his breathing became normal. When he was a wooden man for a long time, he quickly collected the medical needles, took back the gold needles and silver needles that pierced Zhazha, and put them in a sterile bottle and stuffed them in the round slot of the jade box. Cover the box, wrap the small jade box in blue satin and stuff it into the backpack, and leave in a dashing manner.

The bailiff watched the little girl leave, and quickly asked, "Little girl, when will he wake up?"

"You can wake up in 3 minutes at most. Help him wear handcuffs and ankles. Otherwise, he will try his best, and he may not be able to hold him down." Le Yun said a very friendly "reminder", and trotted to the isolation railing to open it. The door slipped away.

After exiting the inner court, he quickly passed in front of handsome Yan, sat back in his seat and hugged a backpack. The sun was shining brightly again on his face, and his smiling face was like a flower.

Without saying a word, the bailiff quickly put handcuffs on Zhao Li, and then put a pair of ankle cuffs on him to prevent the suspect from jumping up and crashing into the court as before.

When the judges heard that the prisoner would wake up soon, they elegantly straightened the judge's robes, walked back to the trial stage calmly, and calmly waited for the prisoner to wake up before continuing the trial.

The clerk also returned to the work table, and the two doctors also hurriedly moved to the back hall.

Before waiting for a minute, the criminal suspect Zhao Liyan opened his eyes.

"Report to the presiding judge, the criminal suspect Zhao Li is awake." The two bailiffs who were staring at the criminal suspect saw Zhao Li open his eyes, quickly bent over to hold Zhao Li's arm, lifted him up and took him to the suspect's seat. s position.

When the Zhao family saw the marshals carrying Zhao Li, they were swept away by the cold and stern eyes of the marshals. They slapped their hearts in fear like a tide, and lowered their heads and dared not to judge the police again.

Zhao Li woke up, his brain was still confused, and the bailiff, who had no resistance, was leaning on the chair, raised his eyes to look at his family, and looked at the judges. It came faster and faster, and his face became more and more pale.

The criminal suspect Zhao Li seemed to have nothing but emotional excitement. The presiding judge announced the opening of the court and asked the public prosecutor to continue to testify.

The public prosecutor of the procuratorate stated the evidence calmly: "In the zinc alloy box there are ten gold bars, one jewelry jade bracelet, one gold bracelet, one pair of jade earrings, one necklace and bracelet, one green jadeite stone, one gold bracelet containing paste cosmetics. Glass bottles, four porcelain bottles containing powdered medicines, after laboratory identification, the surface of the zinc alloy box is coated with highly toxic,
Six of the ten gold bars were fakes, and their surfaces were also coated with highly poisonous substances. After identification by Young Master Yan and the He family, the jade bracelet was a gift from the He family when Ms. Yan Feixia was 16 years old. It was Ms. Yan Feixia's beloved Before his death, the criminal suspect Zhao Yixiong begged for his collection in the name of leaving a thought, "

The prosecutor glanced at Zhao Li, paused slightly and continued to state: "It has been identified that the jade bracelet is one of the media through which the suspect poisoned Ms. Yan Feixia. The bracelet was once soaked with a highly poisonous substance, and the residue inside poisoned Ms. Yan Feixia. The toxins extracted are consistent with those extracted from the remains of Yan Feixia and Ms. He Ziqiong;
The jade bracelet removes the residual poison, and soaks it with poison water again before being buried under the tree by the criminal suspect. The toxin on the surface of the fake gold bars and zinc alloy boxes invades the nerves and blood from the skin when it comes into contact with people, and can be used in a short time. Cardiac shock to death within time;

After testing, the paste cosmetic in the glass bottle was one of the cosmetics used by Yan Feixia during her lifetime. The cosmetic was mixed with toxic substances by the criminal suspect. consistent;
Among the four small porcelain bottles, one bottle of medicinal powder is the poison of the killing tree, two bottles of medicinal powder are one of the raw materials for making poisonous ginger sugar used to poison the old lady of the He family, Ms. An Qinghua, and one bottle of medicinal powder is a medicine that damages the male reproductive system.Laboratory reports and evidence are available. "

The public prosecutor took the file bag from the briefcase and presented the evidence.

The prosecutor made the same statement as to what evidence he found from the Zhao family. Zhao Li's face turned pale and pale, and his muscles trembled violently. He stood up and threw off the bailiff's hand on his shoulder and slammed it forward. He didn't run because his feet were tied by handcuffs.

The evidence that the prosecutor said contained information was too horrifying, and the auditors were still immersed in the frightened emotions and did not regain their senses. When Zhao Li jumped up and fell down, everyone was stunned. What happened to that person?
The suspect repeatedly provoked the majesty of the court, and the bailiff's heart was full of anger, and he lifted Zhao Li up and dragged him back.

Zhao Li was tortured, unable to run, and dragged by the bailiffs forcibly. After struggling a few times, he couldn't break free. He suddenly turned his head to look at the direction where the He family was sitting, his eyes were poisonous and fierce, staring at Yan Xing next to him. The yellow-haired girl who was sitting scolded angrily: "Little short-lived ghost, you cut off my Zhao family's back, I curse your whole family to die, go out and get hit by a car, get bitten by a snake, curse your whole family..."

"Zhao Li Jing!" The judges warned the suspect heavily.

However, when they sounded the warning sound, they saw the little girl sitting in the gallery jumped up, rushed to the fence, grabbed the railing and turned over to the inner court, saying that it was too late, the presiding judge picked up the trial hammer Knock on the table: "15 minutes recess!"

As soon as he said those words, the little girl who grabbed the railing emptied, flipped over and turned into the inner court. She rushed to the suspect Zhao Li's side, raised her hand and swiped Zhao Li's face out.

"Little Lele!" The old man Chao was so shocked that his heart almost flew out of her throat, she stood up with a whimper, and looked at the little guy who rushed into the inner court, her legs were weak.

The judges on the trial table were also startled, and suddenly said, "Little girl, you can't!"

Little Loli jumped away, Yan Xing also stood up, and everyone in the He family stood up row by row as if they were stabbed by a needle under their buttocks.

Yan Ming, Liu Lao Teng, people from the legal profession, observers from the medical profession, and ordinary observers all stood up one after another, staring at the little girl in shock.

That kid is so... fierce!

This is a courtroom. She even dared to rush into the inner court to beat the criminal suspect. Fortunately, the presiding judge called the court adjournment. Otherwise, it would disrupt the court order and require administrative detention.

At this moment, whether it was someone who knew who the little girl was, or an ordinary citizen who didn't know who was on the sidelines, they all shed a lingering sweat for that cute little girl.

Accompanied by the low-pitched exclamations of the observers one after another, there were loud slaps and applause, while the little girl who was frantically fanning Zhao Li's face pursed her lips tightly, her pink and tender face turning blue. .

She was too short to slap people, so she stood up like a skipping rope and jumped with her feet alternately from side to side to open her bows. Her movements were fast and ruthless, and each time she slapped Zhao Li's face to the side.

Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Zongze and others were shocked.

The little girl suddenly jumped into the inner court, and the bailiffs couldn't stop it. After all, Le is a long-distance runner who broke the national track and field record of 1500 meters in the middle and long-distance running of the youth competition. The speed is as fast as the wind. In the inner court, even if someone is around, they may not be able to stop her.

When the little girl slapped Zhao Li wildly, the bailiff who grabbed Zhao Li pushed Zhao Li aside: "Little girl, stop now, don't hit anyone."

The bailiffs who were maintaining order rushed over and saw that the little girl was still chasing Zhao Li and slapped her. Because the little baby was a girl, she didn't dare to hug her. They helped push Zhao Li away, and stood in front of the little girl, not letting her. Chase and beat the prisoner again: "Little sister, stop now, this is the court."

The little girl who slapped Zhao Li dozens of times in one breath, was stopped by the bailiff, stood up, her eyes were red, she looked at the judge, clasped her backpack with both hands, and burst into tears: "Judge, he scolded me. , woohoo, he has done so many bad things that are beyond conscience, and he still doesn't know how to repent, and he also scolds my family, brother Chao, there are bad people bullying me... wow..."

The bailiff stopped Xiaolele, but Xiaolele didn't chase Zhao Li any more. Mrs. Chao and Mr. Chao breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaolele knew that it was enough to stop. Punishment, at most education.

The little girl stopped according to her words, and the old and young He family, Liu Lao and others also let go half of their high-hanging hearts. They didn't rush out and no one made a sound, because they were adults, and if they went to the inner court, it would be fine. There will be something, the little girl is a witness, or the first discoverer of the Zhao family's murder case, even if she breaks into the inner court in anger, she will not be severely punished.

However, just when they were relieved, they heard the little girl crying and... complaining to the judge!

All the young and old were stunned as if they had been struck by lightning.

The citizens who were listening were also stunned.

The little girl rushed into the inner court to beat someone and started crying. The bailiffs, clerks, prosecutors and defenders were all dumbfounded. The presiding judge and the members of the collegial panel were dumbfounded. Is the little guy a villain and sued?Before they educated her, she was wronged first.

Looking at the little girl's tender little face with tears hanging on her face, she was crying with a sullen mouth, and it was really unbearable to blame. ——“You little bastard with the surname Le, you little bastard with the surname X, curse your whole family to die…”


As soon as Zhao Li roared, the little girl who was standing in the courtroom crying loudly cried even louder. When a loud cry broke out, people also squatted down, as if she was frightened by the sky, hugging her shoulders and shaking. trembling.

The criminal suspect repeatedly provoked the majesty of the court and ignored the authority of the judge. The presiding judge wanted to grab the trial hammer and smash the table. Remembering that it was time for adjournment, he solemnly warned: "Zhao Li, you have disturbed the court several times and threatened witnesses. You will be held criminally responsible for this!"

The bailiff was stunned when the little girl was crying, but when Zhao Li became irritable again, the judge who was holding him stretched out a slap to cover Zhao Li's mouth, and walked to the bench with his companions, holding the prisoner in three steps. They dragged it to the place where he was sitting, and pressed it down without any further explanation. The two of them pressed Zhao Li's shoulders hard at the same time to prevent him from causing trouble.

The presiding judge's voice was so loud that the Zhao family and Jia Ling shivered.

The audience was shocked, seeing the little girl who seemed frightened, squatting around her and crying, which made people feel distressed, the presiding judge warmly reassured: "Little Le Yun, you have been wronged, the criminal suspect is contempt of the law. , ignoring human life, Cao Wan has no repentance for human life, is still challenging the authority of the law in court, insulting you, hurting your heart, we all know that you have been wronged, children, don't cry, after the court is closed, let Colonel Yanxing give it to you Would you like to apologize?"

Everyone: "!" Presiding Judge, aren't you afraid that others will accuse you of favoring the witnesses and Young Master Yan?
The presiding judge did not intend to educate the little girl. The auditors sat down one after another. To tell the truth, if the judges wanted to punish the little girl, they would not bear it. After all, the little girl did not deliberately disturb the order of the court. , the fight.

Xiao Lele was in danger, and Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao, and everyone from the He family also took their seats again.

Yan Xing, who was lying on the gun, sighed silently, why did he get involved again, shouldn't he let his shameless old scum grandpa apologize to Little Loli?
Hearing the gentle comforting voice, the crying little girl raised her head and faced the judge's direction, with tears in her eyes, sobbing to tell her grievances: "Wow, the judge, the bad guys scold me, Scolding my father... woo, he scolding my father...why scolding my father and scolding my family..."

(End of this chapter)

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