magic eye doctor

Chapter 706 Refuse to negotiate

Chapter 706 Refuse to negotiate
Jia Ling was woken up by the first aid and lost her spirit like a puppet who lost her soul. She watched blankly as the prosecutor handed over the evidence to the clerk, and finally fell into the hands of the judges.

If she only found the powder in her bedroom, she could push it all to Zhao Li, saying that Zhao Li gave it to her, but I didn't expect that Zhao Li still had the medicine. The subtle differences between the dispensing method and the powder are also clearly investigated, and there are some evidences for her online purchase of medicinal materials.

In a trance, Jia Ling turned her head to look at the He family, and saw the little girl beside Yan Xing. For the first time, the prosecution did not find physical evidence in her bedroom and Zhao's house. This time, it must be related to the yellow-haired little girl. It must be the little girl's masterpiece to be able to find out the difference between the formula and the medicinal materials.

Her back was icy cold, and her heart was as cold as ice. She suddenly heard the judge calling her name and turned her head blankly.

As usual, the judge asked the suspect what to do. After calling Jia Ling twice, he turned his head, still in a state of fascination. The judge asked, "Jia Ling, when did you learn Chinese medicine?"

Jia Ling didn't answer immediately, but slowly turned her head and glanced back in the direction of He's family before she spoke slowly: "Judge...Officer, I...I request to have a private conversation with...Yan Xing and the girl witness , as long as 10 minutes is enough."

The onlookers waited quietly to see what else the suspect could do.

The presiding judge exchanged glances with the members of the collegial panel and asked the client what Yan Xing meant. Yan Xing refused without hesitation: "I refuse any request from the criminal suspect to meet in private."

When asked about her opinion, Le Yun answered the presiding judge's inquiry without thinking: "I refuse."

Being refused to negotiate in private, Jia Ling laughed wildly: "Yan Xing, you will regret your rejection of my request! You will all regret it!"

"Judge, can I refute here what the criminal suspect Jia Linggang said was obviously a threat?" Le Yun made another request before she sat down.

The judges nodded: "Agree with the witness's request!"

"Thank you, Judge," Le Yunxian bowed slightly to express her gratitude, stood firmly, and looked at the old witch who turned her head: "Jia Ling, you threatened Yan Xing that you would regret rejecting your request for a private meeting, and you rely on it. It's nothing more than what you did on Yanxing, thinking that others are helpless, you want to negotiate with Yanxing, do you think you can hide from me? stay with me?"

Jia Ling trembled slightly, her emotions were instantly excited, and she shouted: "Impossible! You can't know, there's no way for a little yellow-haired girl like you to know, you're lying!"

"Even if you are proficient in pharmacology, your level of pharmacology is not worth cheating on you. You and Zhao Li's methods are unparalleled. Your hearts can be punished, and you can't be punished for your crimes. Fortunately, Skynet is sloppy and not leaking. These people are not sentenced to death or to life imprisonment. They may end their children and grandchildren, but Yan Xing will not, and the Yan family will not end. Judge, I have finished speaking, thank you judge. "

Le Yun made it clear what she wanted to say, and when she sat down, Jia Ling just wanted to negotiate with Yan Xing's medicine to kill off his son and his grandson. She originally detoured when it came to the privacy issue of handsome Yan, but she didn't mention it when she testified before. The old witch and Zhao Li gave Yanxing a sterilization pill. This time, the old witch Jia still wanted to be a demon, so she didn't need to be polite, and cut off her last belief and hope that she could rely on.

The auditors did not understand what the criminal suspect Jia Ling had to threaten others. When the little girl mentioned that she had lost her son and no grandson, everyone suddenly realized that the criminal suspect should have given Young Master Yan a fertility-destroying drug!Those prisoners dared to plan to kill, and they dared to give Yan Feixia and Wang Yuxuan sterilization pills.

The old men and the old ladies of the He family also thought that Xiao Longbao might have been sterilized by someone, and they were so angry that Zhao Li and Jia Ling wanted to kill Xiao Longbao?It would be no exaggeration for those two to die a thousand times.

Yan Ming almost collapsed, and the Yan family had only one seedling of Xiaolongbao. If even Xiaolongbao could not give birth, it would be equivalent to the Yan family breaking the inheritance of incense because he did not know people clearly.

Zhao Yixiong was originally timid, and tried to stay as honest as possible. When he heard that the Zhao family might end, he turned his head to look at the He family members in horror. Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan could not get out of the cell in their entire lives, and they have never been able to get out of the Zhao family's incense?
Jia Ling looked at the little girl in horror, the heat of her heart dropped little by little, her heart was like the middle of winter, her heart was filled with qi, and her whole body was shivering.

Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan heard that he might also be sentenced to life imprisonment. One cried aloud, saying "I didn't kill, I didn't do it, it has nothing to do with me", and another cried "I didn't hurt anyone, I just I just bought some medicine."

The presiding judge struck the hammer to silence the criminal suspect and continued the questioning, first asking Zhao Danxuan.

Zhao Danxuan's last line of psychological defense was like a wall of rubble when the prosecution collected the evidence that she helped to buy medicinal materials. Sometimes I go to the pharmacy to buy it.

When the judges asked Jia Ling, Jia Ling still wanted to resist, but the overwhelming evidence was so overwhelming that she could not bear to push the responsibility any more, and she admitted that she also understood pharmacology, but only admitted that she was coerced and lured by Zhao Li to murder Yan Feixia. After reading the book and researching the information, she researched the pharmacology because she was afraid of being killed by Zhao Li after the incident.

The confession was questioned, and the evidence was cross-examined. Afterwards, the public prosecutor and the suspect's defender confronted each other. Because the evidence collected from Zhao's family and Jia Ling was too appalling, the plaintiff's defender could not find a suitable Legal provisions to defend criminal suspects, all agree with the prosecution's claims.

There is no legal rebuttal link between the defense and the public prosecutor. The trial is over, the presiding judge announces an adjournment, and the trial will resume in the afternoon.

During the adjournment, the lawyer for the plaintiff's defense went to the cell to meet Zhao Li. Of course, not alone, the bailiffs accompanied him throughout.

The defense lawyer told Zhao Li the proceedings in the court after Zhao Li was expelled. Zhao Li was expelled from the court and lost the opportunity to defend himself and to confront Jia Ling. The charge of coercing and enticing others to commit a crime.

Zhao Li hated Taotao, he knew that he would not make trouble in court to delay the time, and strongly requested a lawyer to help him apply for reappearing in court.

"Zhao Li, you can't change anything when you go to court. Your eldest son and second daughter are witnesses who can testify in court at any time. Your eldest son and second daughter have written records to prove that Jia Ling said that you planned to use men and women to fall in love. The plan of marrying the means and the selected target, and then taking the opportunity to seize the other party's property is real.

Moreover, the prosecution also has the secret conversation recordings of you and a few people planning to murder Yan Feixia. The reason why they have not been released is because they want to protect the owner of the recording materials. If you make a quibble, including those recording materials and the murder of your grandson The evidence of people, the evidence of dirty deals with the underworld gangsters, and the evidence that your granddaughter framed colleagues secretly will all be brought to court. The judgment of your grandson and granddaughter is not much lighter than yours. "

"What did you say?" Zhao Li was furious again for a second, and his eyes almost burst out with fire. His own son and daughter actually testified against him of premeditated murder?
The eldest brother Zhao Yiyou and the second child Zhao Yiying did not cooperate with him at the beginning and did not listen to his words. They fought against him, so the two brothers and sisters had nothing to do and worked hard all their lives. For more than twenty years of comfortable and good life.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the little short-lived ghost surnamed Le, as long as Yan Xing was killed, the Zhao family would be a real rich family.

The two unfilial sons disobeyed him in the past, and now they come to testify again. Do they want to kill their father, mother, brother and nephew, and become heroes who kill their relatives with righteousness?

His sons and daughters not only helped him, but also became witnesses to testify against him. Zhao Li was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He was even more furious than hearing Jia Ling put the blame on him.

"This is a fact, Zhao Li, Jia Ling intends to negotiate with Yan Xing in private, but Yan Xing refuses. You and Jia Ling no longer have any support for negotiation, nor are you qualified to negotiate. Your sophistry and delay will only get more serious. s consequence."

The lawyers didn't want to continue to reveal too much, let Zhao Li think about it for himself, they ended the conversation and went to lunch to discuss what accidents might happen in the afternoon court trial.

The lawyers left, Zhao Li sat blankly, his face changed from blue to white, and then it became gloomy. Even when the lunch was delivered, he finished eating with a black face, and he kept waiting until the court was about to go to work. The lawyer informed him to help him get a chance to appear in court.

When the court was about to start, Zhao Li honestly let the bailiff escort him to the court.

There were more observers in the afternoon than in the morning, and even in the aisle there were many observers who came to hear the news.

Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao, and Aunt Ge brought small powder dumplings to eat with the He family members at noon, and returned to the court with the Deng family, Li family and others very early.

At that time, the court will start on time, and the court will try again. The court will investigate Zhao Li's intentions and motives for burying the zinc alloy box.

The situation was over, Zhao Li was undeniable in front of the evidence, and admitted that the gold bars and jadeite were a small secret treasury for his grandson to use as capital. Originally, he planned to tell the secret to his grandson after the sentence was pronounced, so that after his release from prison, he would find an opportunity to collect the bracelets, boxes, The fake gold bars are handed over to Yan Xing, and when there is a chance, the medicine will be given to Yan Xing or someone in the He family to retaliate against Yan Xing and the He family.

Zhao Li pleaded guilty, and after the court's investigation, the defender did not refute the claims made by the public prosecutor during the legal defense.

At this point, the first trial is almost over, just waiting for the verdict.

(End of this chapter)

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