magic eye doctor

Chapter 708 Learn another magical skill

Chapter 708 Learn another magical skill
August 8 is the first day of the finals of the National Games. It is also the full moon day of Lejia's baby Leshan. According to custom, the baby's full moon mother can take the baby to other people's houses.

Grandma Zhou and Brother Zhou tidy up the inside and outside of the house the day before, and in the morning they cleaned the main room of the upper house and lower house. When the sun just came up, Brother Zhou happily went to Lejia to pick up his sister and nephew. Back to grandma's house.

Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng also packed up the baby's clothes and diapers early. After breakfast, they put a red mole on their son's forehead. When Le Shan's uncle came to pick him up, Zhou Qiufeng held the baby and Mrs. Wu helped carry the baby. Things and a backpack of his own, happily followed Brother Zhou to Zhou's house.

Mrs. Wu was embarrassed to go to Zhou's house at first, but Grandma Zhou and Zhou Man did some ideological work for her before she agreed to go to Zhou's house to play together when Zhou Qiufeng returned to Zhou's house with full moon.

Grandma Zhou waited for the girl and her grandson at home. When the girl brought her grandson back, she washed her hands and burned incense, held her grandson to worship the gods of heaven and earth, and then worshipped the ancestors of the Zhou family.

Brother Zhou greeted Mrs. Wu to sit down and drink tea first. Zhou Tianming went home on the 20th when he finally finished his classes and had a vacation. Of course, there were not many days to play, and the school started again on the 31st.

When Lejia treated guests, Zhou Tianming was not at home. When he came back, he was too embarrassed to go to Lejia. He had never seen his little cousin. The white and fat little baby reached out and touched his little cousin's face lightly, and asked in surprise, "Grandma, why is my cousin still awake?"

"Your cousin was taught by his sister very well. He goes to bed on time, feeds on time, and peeing on time. This is bedtime, and he won't wake up until about ten o'clock." Grandma Zhou was very happy holding her grandson. After worshipping the gods and ancestors, I sat down and talked to Mrs. Wu.

Zhou Tianming felt very surprised. He sat next to his grandmother for a while, and poked his little cousin in the face several times, which made the little cousin change his face. own movie.

Zhou Chunmei didn't like babies. Seeing that her brother ran away, she quickly slipped back to the house to check her phone.

Being stabbed by his cousin, Xiao Leshan was unhappy, and he almost cried with a wrinkled face and a shriveled mouth. After being coaxed, he went to sleep quietly.

Zhou Qiufeng took her son to the second floor of Xiaoyang Building to arrange a guest room for her, put the baby on the bed, and then closed the curtains to block the light. Because she changed the place, she was afraid that the baby would recognize the bed and sleep with the baby herself.

Le Dad waited for Zhou Qiufeng to take the child back to his mother, cleaned up, locked the door and drove the car to the village committee to pick up the village chief Zhou Zhou to go to the Land and Resources Management Office to apply for the old house demolition and construction certificate.

Village Chief Zhou took Yueqing to the soil management office, found the staff, and explained the reason for his visit, and then handed Yueqing's information to the staff for review.

If Lejia wanted to demolish the Liujia house it purchased, it still had to go through the formalities at the soil management office.

When the ownership of the mountain forest land was confirmed in the past two years, the ownership of Lejia's mountain forest and house was all registered in the name of Lejia girl, and the head of the household registration book was also Leyun. under the name.

Le's original house is in the name of Le Yun. Le's father has a second child and has two children, which meets the requirements for demolition. It is in compliance with the regulations to demolish the old property under his name and build a new one. If it is wrong, bring your tools and go to Meizijing Village to measure.

The village chief Zhou accompanied the two staff of the soil management office to take a small electric tricycle in Yueqing back to the village, and went to the next door of Lejia to measure the house base purchased by Yueqing, confirm the location of the old house to be demolished and build a new house, and the staff wrote down the information.

Because there are other villagers in the village who have also applied for the demolition and reconstruction of old houses, the people from the soil management office came to the village, and village chief Zhou asked the staff to simply drop by to help measure, so as to save the next time.

After finishing the work, I went to the village for two laps around noon. I went to the village chief Zhou's house for dinner, and the village chief Zhou also invited all the staff of the soil management office to come.

Township officials used to go to work in Meizijing Village. They usually eat at the village head’s house during meal time. When they go to other villages for work, they occasionally eat at the village head’s house or the villager’s house. Can't touch it.

At noon at the village chief Zhou, Le Dad caught local chickens from home and brought them to Uncle Zhou Man’s house. He also twisted out a bag of dumplings wrapped in his own small cotton-padded jacket and a sealed bowl of seafood. Those two were specially reserved by his intimate small-padded jacket. Give him the dishes to eat when he is ready to build.

The staff enjoyed their lunch and returned to work in the workplace half an hour before the start time. As for the village chief Zhou and Le Dad, um, they are waiting for the approval of the construction permit to notify them one day. It's time to get a certificate.

Le Dad still went to the fields to do housework in the afternoon, and then came home in the evening. Because his wife was not at home, the gate and the backyard door were locked. Chickens and ducks lingered outside the house. After dinner in the evening, I called my little padded jacket to complain that I was not used to being alone at home, and asked my daughter to comfort me.

Le Xiaoxue is beside Grandpa and Grandma Chao, with Chao's father and Chao's mother holding hands. Except when she is tinkering with medicated meals, she is reluctant to let her touch anything else. The fruits and snacks are all given to her by adults and spoiled. of the dead.

Therefore, when I received a call from my father, I resolutely comforted me first, and then complained that I was about to be raised by my elders to be a waste of food, and made her father laugh so much that she made the original intention of calling the girl. all forgotten.

When the father and daughter of the Le family were chatting, the elders of the Chao family also joined in the fun with each and every one of your words. After a single phone call, they rang for an hour and hung up. The four parents of the Chao family continued to spoil the little fan dumplings, especially the Father Chao, "my daughter" one bite at a time, can't wait to take the little dumplings into small pockets and take them wherever they go.

Le Yun, who was made speechless by a father Chao who was more and more inclined to control his daughter, couldn't help it, she stared at her innocent eyes and asked: "Father Chao, this is not the first time you see me, why haven't you seen me before? See you so enthusiastic?"

"Hehe," Dad Chao saw the little fan dumpling with his watery eyes looking at his cute appearance, and wanted to hug him and turn around a few times, for fear of being disciplined by his parents, so he endured and rubbed his hands embarrassedly: "That , It's not that Chao's father didn't like the little dumplings before, it's because I didn't dare to show it in front of the eldest and second brothers. If I didn't act calmly, the big brother, the sister-in-law, the second brother and the second sister-in-law would definitely snatch the small dumplings to occupy them and not let me love them. , Here, I can love my daughter as much as I want, daughter, little dumpling, why don't we go to your second sister's house tomorrow, anyway, Ah Fu always pinch your cheek, let's play at home."

Chao's mother wanted to cover her face. She had a husband who was jealous of her brother, sister-in-law and niece. What else could she do?
"Father Chao, Sister Fu will go abroad the day after tomorrow and will only come back once every six months. You don't need to drink white vinegar anymore."

"Hmm, fortunately Ah Fu is going to study abroad, and there will be no bad children robbing my daughter from me in the future." Chao's father felt very happy when he thought that after his niece went abroad, there would be no bear children robbing him of small powder dumplings.

The old man and the old lady gave Chao San a roll of eyes. Ah Fu has gone abroad, and Brother Bo is at home. If you really want to rob someone, can you rob your son?

Chao's mother just smiled but didn't say a word, so let the old man who wanted a daughter for a long time be happy for a while, anyway, she won't remind him that Xiao Lele is often not in the capital, and even if Ah Fu is not in the capital, he can't grab it either. daughter.

Playing with the elders until 10:30, Le Xiao was a good kid who went to bed on time, ran back to the bedroom, of course he didn’t really sleep, locked the door behind him, and caught the little fox from the space at a speed of [-] fires and held it in his hand , and then flash back to his own space.

Go back to the safest place, turn on the flashlight, sit on the grass and hold the little fox in your arms, playing with his big tail and ears.

The little fox who was taken from the dragon's blood tree cave, enjoying the ravages of a little human girl, narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, but he was puzzled. How could the little girl have time to play with him today?

The little fox suddenly disappeared, and the little black monkey slid up from the sleeping position on his back and lay down under the tree hole to observe. When he found that the little fox was taken away by his master, he lay down at the entrance of the tree hole and looked down at the person and the fox on the lawn.

After staying for a while, the little human girl pulled her hair harder, and the little fox covered her ears with her front paws: "Little girl, who bullied you, you can do whatever you want, don't pull this fox's ears. , tearing this fox's ears out of shape will make this fox unable to find the fox concubine."

"Hmph, a fox is a fox, and I want to find a female fox spirit all day long." The little fox hugged his head and covered his ears, and put his tail on top of his head to protect his head, while Le Yun played with his big tail.

"The fox fairy who doesn't want to find a partner to reproduce is not a good fox fairy, this fox is a qualified good fox fairy." The little fox brushed the hand of the human girl with its big tail, and asked kindly, "Little girl, do you want to? Got it, are you willing to be this fox's concubine?"

After being teased by a fox, Le Yun lifted the little fox by its tail and lifted him upside down: "Little fox, if you tease me again and tease me, I will throw you out."

"Don't, don't, little girl, don't be so stingy, this fox sees you unhappy, I'm teasing you." Being grabbed by the tail, the little fox emptied up and hugged the little human girl's wrist. Receipt: "Little girl, if you encounter any problem, let's hear it."

"Someone cursed my whole family and threatened me that they would not let me go if they were a ghost, which made me very unhappy."

"Little girl, do you need to worry about such a simple question? If someone threatens you, it is best to strike first and destroy his whole family. With your medical skills, it is easy to destroy the whole family, and then you can simply let those guys become ghosts. ."

"It's not difficult to destroy people, but the question is how to make people not even a ghost?" The little fox is not a virgin, and Le Yun does not ravage him.

"Don't tell this fox that the previous masters of this cave haven't left any cultivation techniques, what kind of handprint of destroying spirits and souls, searching for souls, just learn one or two things, and when that guy dies, pinch a hand and take it away. The soul is shattered."

"The previous owners of Dongtian have left behind a lot of cultivation methods, and there are also things that destroy ghosts and souls, but, little fox, those handprints, magic tricks, and talismans are too complicated, especially the characters of the talisman. You know, I don't have time to learn about those weird things, and besides, I can't guarantee that I will be there when those guys die, so is there an easier way?"

"You can find out if there is a pill called 'Soul Eater' in the book left by the previous masters of Dongtian. If you find it, you can refine the Soul Eater Pill, give it to him, and the soul will dissipate when the person dies."

"I know what the Soul Eater Pill you are talking about. That kind of thing is scary. Unfortunately, there is no medicinal material for refining that kind of pill on Earth, so that one does not apply."

"Little girl, I really can't think of any suggestions. This place called Earth is really poor, and the supplies are scarce. You have no other way than learning those talismans and handprints. Little girl, if you have a chance, you will still Move your head, go to other time and space to develop, for example, the spiritual world where Benhu was born is quite good, and all kinds of elixir are everywhere."

"Or, little fox, I'll give you a few stones and treasures to chew on, and you'll help me destroy the souls of those guys?"

"No, I can't help with this, little girl, learn how to destroy ghosts by yourself."

"However, that kind of stuff is so complicated and mysterious. I don't even know the words of those spells, let alone read them correctly or understand them. Even if I am a genius, I can only stare blankly."

"You don't have to learn spells first. You first learn to draw talismans or handprints. You don't have to know the characters used to draw talismans. As long as you draw them correctly, you will have a certain amount of mana, which is more than enough to destroy ordinary ghosts."

"It seems that I can only learn to draw talismans and learn the knot seal technique." Le Yun put her cheeks in her hands, and sighed heavily. She is a medical student, so it is enough to know medical skills, why should she be able to practice metaphysics?This is not the rhythm that will force her to be an all-rounder.

"Little girl, study hard, study makes people progress, you go to paper and write a few characters for Benhu to see if it's right or wrong, and Benhu will teach you how to draw."

"Okay, I'll write a few characters for you to see."

Even if there are a thousand people who are unwilling to learn profound and incomprehensible metaphysics, Le Yun can only rush the ducks into battle. She herself knows very well that it is not a long-term solution to find the little fox to help destroy the soul. He can help her once but not once. For the first time, she couldn't always rely on the little fox to help kill ghosts, but she had to learn it herself to be reliable.

There are all kinds of items in the space, and they are not afraid of finding pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Le Xiaoxiao went to his collection to find ink sticks and inkstones, first grind the ink, then spread out the paper, and take the strokes and characters.

The little fox squatted on the little girl's shoulder to watch, stroking his beard while watching, and when he finished writing a word, it jumped lightly on the little girl's right wrist and hugged the little girl's hand: "Little girl, you draw this character very nicely. , Compared with the general Taoist people, the writing is stronger, but there are still a few small flaws, and I can't explain it clearly by playing tricks. Ben Hu takes your handwriting and feel it with your heart.

"Hmmmm." There is a feeling that the fox fairy is willing to instruct him to write runes, and Le Yun can't ask for it, so he quickly concentrates and concentrates.

The little fox held the jade wrist of the little human girl, raised the pen, and wrote, stroke by stroke, very slowly, but it was extremely smooth and natural. After writing, the words that originally fell on the white paper actually glowed slightly.

Classmate Le draws the talisman by himself, and what he draws out is a word. The little fox has the same magic power when holding someone else's handwriting. What separates the layman from the layman is not a mountain, but a bottomless abyss.

The little fox is reluctantly satisfied with the result that he can teach the little girl to write characters to give birth to light. He is a god fox, but his algorithmic power and spiritual power have been sealed, and he is also poisoned. It is only natural for the little girl to draw talismans to reach the realm of talismans.

The connoisseur will know if he has it as soon as he reaches out his hand. Seeing the faint golden light from the words that the little fox taught himself to write, Le Yun is silently jealous. The fox fairy is the fox fairy and has been sealed with mana. It has mana, which shows how powerful the fox fairy is when it is not sealed with mana.

Sighing for a second, I silently recalled the feeling when the little fox taught himself to write, from the height when starting the pen, the strength when writing the pen, the weight of the horizontal hook, combing the memory of every subtle change, closing the eyes, holding the pen and using the air as the paper to write, Repeat over and over how the little fox taught himself to write characters.

In the air, he silently wrote dozens of times, spread out a piece of paper again, dipped ink, painted characters, stroke by stroke, meticulously wrote the characters according to the feelings when the little fox taught himself to write.

After writing, use the X-ray function of the eye to scan, the characters on the surface are not much different from the first written characters, but they are actually very different. The first written characters are just rune symbols, tangible and intangible. God, the words written this time can vaguely see some kind of mysterious anger, which means that the characters have the charm of the characters.

When the little human girl was comprehending, the little fox sat on her shoulders again, observing her drawing talismans in the void, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became. The little girl's talent in medicine pills was at the level of a peerless genius. That's good, once you teach it, you can understand it in a little bit.

If such a transparent little girl was born in the spiritual world full of spiritual energy, she would be able to soar within a hundred years, but it is a pity that she was born in the cemetery of the fairy and devil lacking in spiritual energy, and she wasted an excellent seedling in vain.

Look, look, and see that the little human girl realizes that she picks up the pen and draws a rune on the paper, and she nods frequently: "Little girl, it's very good, there are no flaws in this rune word theory, and I will practice more in the future. Very familiar, familiar enough that you close your eyes and the size of the characters you write each time is exactly the same as the ink thickness of each stroke. You can officially draw a rune. When you draw a rune on the rune paper, it should be at least five times more than when I taught you to write runes. speed in one go.”

"Little fox, thank you." Le Yun's heart blossomed, grabbed the little fox and kissed it a few times on the head.

The little fox hugged the head that had been gnawed by the little human girl, and fled away. He was still perfect, and he had never had a cub with a female fox fairy, and he would be shy when kissed.

The little fox slipped away, and Le Yun continued to practice writing runes. It was almost eleven o'clock when she practiced calligraphy. She put the brushes on hold and meditated on time.

(End of this chapter)

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