Chapter 713
There was a little fan dumpling who was busy with something, and Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao, went to work in Chao San and his wife. After cleaning up, she and Aunt Ge went to Chao Er's house.

The three of them who traveled lightly arrived at Chaoer Villa before 08:30. Mother Fang, Uncle Hu and others had been waiting for a long time to help the old man and the old lady with their luggage.

Chao Yufu picked up his grandparents and got out of the car, but he didn't see Xiaofan dumplings, and he shouted: "Empress Dowager, our little dumplings, you won't be happy to run too fast and leave her at home, right?"

"Xiao Lele has something to do, so she went out before breakfast, and said she would come back when she was done." There was a granddaughter who only wanted Xiao Lele, but Mrs. Chao was not jealous and went into the courtyard calmly.

"Wow, who stole my little dumpling, teach me that he has to be killed!" Chao Yufu gritted his teeth in anger, she was about to go to the other side of the ocean, and she wanted to love the little dumpling for a day before she left, but her hope was in vain. .

The grandson jumped hurriedly, and Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao, had long been accustomed to the lively style of her second granddaughter.

At noon, they didn't wait for the little powder dumplings. They ate on time. After lunch, they rested for a while and then took a nap. It didn't take long for the two old and young to take a nap, and the little powder dumplings came back.

The little girl from the Chao family was sent back by the boy from the Yan family. Fang Ma, Uncle Hu and the others didn’t know whether the little princess was invited to work by Young Master Yan, or if there was something else, she simply asked Young Master Yan to be the driver to run errands. Fang Ma went upstairs first. , go to the porch to help the little princess find the slippers and set them up.

Major Yan sent Little Loli to the gate of Erye Chao's villa and went back to his own private nest without stopping. He secretly made up his mind to return to the private courtyard more often when he has time, and learn how to cook as much as possible. Invite Little Loli to go home and cook the newly learned dishes for her to taste, so that there will be more and more opportunities for him and Little Loli to get along alone.

When Chao Yufu heard that the little dumpling was back, he rushed to the door of the living room and waited eagerly. Seeing the second girl running out, Fang's mother entered the living room and prepared tea and fruit for the little princess.

Chao Yufu, who was guarding the door, waited, waited, waited, waited, waited for a few minutes before seeing the lovely pink and tender little man entering the entrance, and immediately rushed over, holding the pink ball in his arms: " Little dumpling, little dumpling, my sister misses you, whoever stole my little dumpling, I'm going to kill him!"

"The grandson of the He family asked me to help him. He hasn't gone far yet, and Sister Fu hastened to catch up and kill people." She was hugged by the perverted sister Fu, and Le Yun was hit with gold stars in her eyes. The girl who practices taekwondo has a bone Hard, almost crushing her little nose.

"It's that guy again, my sister is not finished with him! He still has self-knowledge and escaped by himself, or my sister will have to beat him." Chao Yufu shouted indignantly, the old stinky surnamed Yan robbed her little cutie and wanted to beat him so badly. Damn that guy!

"Sister Fu, it's useless to shout with a bare mouth. Hurry downstairs and chase, catch up, punch the left and the right, and then shout again."

"Next time, I'm going to play with the little dumplings today, so I can't bear to waste time."

"Sister Fu, you can't beat someone Yan, just say it if you don't dare to fight with someone Yan, why bother to be a hero by beating a swollen face and pretending to be a fat man."

"I didn't, next time my sister will beat him up to show you..."

Mrs. Chao, Mrs. Chao listened to the sisters' argument in the living room and laughed until the front and back of the house. The two girls in their family are a pair of living treasures. It also does not leave hands, and the big skin is thick enough to withstand dismantling.

Chao Yufu returned to the living room half dragging and half holding the powder dumplings, resolutely dominating, not to give the small powder dumplings to his grandparents, even if the two old men blew their beards and stared at them, they would not let go until the pink and tender little loli said to go to the kitchen and cook for her After the dinner, she was finally willing to let go. Of course, she still ran to the kitchen every once in a while to join in the fun, taking advantage of the little cutie's hands when she had no free hands to take advantage of.

Because the niece is going to study abroad tomorrow, Chao Yi and his wife, Chao San and his wife, also returned to the villa where Chao Er lived after get off work in the evening.

In the evening, Miss Chao Er was playing tricks, pretending to be silly and cute, and clinging to the little dumpling to sleep together, she tried every means to get the little powder dumpling to compromise, and dragged the little dumpling back to the room to lie down and whisper, After chatting until midnight, he was willing to put his arms around the little guy and sleep beautifully.

Tianming is August 8th, the day when Chao Er girl flew to the European country of Yi. The art academy she studied in was the Florence Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Yi country, known as the alma mater of world art.

In the morning, Chao Yi and his wife, Chao San and his wife, enjoyed the delicious breakfast that the little dumplings made for Ah Fu. They went to work first. When Chao Er and his wife did not go to work, they would send the girl to Yi country and travel for a few days. Check your luggage to see if you have everything.

Classmate Le went into the kitchen again to make lunch. Because the plane took off at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, he had to leave for the airport three or four hours earlier to avoid traffic jams.

In order to keep Sister Fu from being overwhelmed when she is abroad, Classmate Le used her expertise to make the second sister's favorite pancakes, which were rolled with scallion whites and stuffed with vegetables and meat. , in addition to the lunch portion, but also use a vacuum machine to pack a few.

Departing from the airport at 09:30, the old man and the old lady also went to the airport to see off their granddaughter. They dispatched two cars in total. They left early, but they were still stuck in traffic until 12:30 before climbing to the airport. Take your own lunch in the lobby of the terminal.

After lunch, Chao Er and his wife took their daughter into the waiting hall to board the plane. At 1:40 pm, the flight of Chao Er and his family took off and flew to Rome, the capital of Yi country.

Classmate Le and Mrs. Chao, Mr. Chao, waited for the plane to take off before returning to Chao Er's house.

There is a time difference between Dahuaxia and Yi, which is seven or eight hours apart. Chao Er’s family of three stayed in the middle of the night in Datian Dynasty, and Yi arrived in Rome at [-] o’clock in the evening, and then transferred to Florence. The flight between the two cities only takes one hour, waiting for the plane. It took a long time to arrive at Foluo City at about [-] o'clock in the evening, stay at the hotel booked, and go to the school the next day to go through the reporting procedures. The second girl Chao was set up properly and accompanied her parents to go sightseeing in the city.

When Chao Er's family of three traveled abroad, Le Dad's family was also busy.

Lejia applied for a permit for construction on the 28th, and it was approved on the 29th. Dad Le got the permit and notified Brother Zhou and Brother Cheng Youde, together with Zhang Poluo, and then acted as the owner of the house. The matter of the Liu family's old house is left to Brother Zhou and the others.

Zhou Ge and others pre-contracted to Lejia to demolish the old house and build a new house, but they did not go out at home. After Lejia's construction permit was approved, the brothers called to the people who used to form a team in the village to pull materials and erect shelves. Seine fence, full-fledged investment started.

Sister-in-law Wu heard that Le's family had started to demolish the old house bought by Liu's family and prepared to build a new one.

Zhang Jing complied, and on the morning of the 31st, she packed her luggage and went back to the provincial school.

On this day, Zhou Qiufeng also returned to Le's house. She stayed at her parents' house for three days, which was long enough. When she went home, she brought Grandma Zhou and Mrs. Wu with her.

Grandma Zhou has nothing to do at home. Dad Le simply asked his mother-in-law to stay at home for a long time. It would be good to help guard the house without doing anything else. He also left Mrs. Wu to live for a while, and said to boss Wu to wait for the National Games. When it's over, send the old lady back.

Grandma Zhou was very happy to live in Lejia, and Mrs. Wu also lived happily. Grandma Zhou Man and village chief Zhou also went to Lejia for lunch at noon, and specifically asked Xiao Lele when there was a competition.

When Brother Zhou and others were busy with their work, Classmate Le was also busy, and she was busy reading.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao also know that Xiaofan dumplings often run outside, and time is precious. Except for the time before and after eating in the morning, noon, and evening, they will hold Xiaodanzi and love them, and let her be free at other times, let her read books or exercise. .

No one is holding him back. Apart from the parents eating and playing for a while, Le Xiao students spend the rest of the time in the bedroom reading books and practicing exercises, returning to the space on time to take care of crops.

Leisure time always goes by very fast. In the blink of an eye, August is completed and September is coming.

On September 9st, the national middle school opened, and senior college students across the country also reported that on this day, the capital student movement delegation will also set off for the Jiangnan Hangzhou City, where the National Student Games will be held.

The capital student delegation consisted of more than 700 athletes. They met at the Zhili College of the National Sports Institute on the same day. There was a team from the Youth University participating.

The National Student Games is divided into two groups: middle school students and college students. Because some college students also participate in the National Games, the competition is divided into two stages. From September 9th to 4th is the middle school group competition, and September 7th to 9th is the university group.

Originally, the university group could go before the start of the game. Because each sports team has an athlete representative team to attend the opening ceremony, some college students representing the Beijing team student athletes also need to go to Hangzhou in advance.

The beautiful young man from Qingda University is one of the athletes representing the Beijing team. He will go to Hangzhou with the team of athletes and do a rehearsal or two before the opening ceremony.

When the delegation of university students and athletes from Beijing gathered, Le Xiao was already on his way to T City to compete in the National Games, and he was still escorted by Young Master Yan himself on the way to fight for the championship.

Yan Shao rushed to the courtyard of Erye Chao's villa early in the morning to pick up Little Loli, and rushed to T City before the morning shift peak.

Little Loli didn't want to protect herself, so Yan Xing stubbornly brushed her face. She thought that sending Little Loli to T City would give her a bad face, but she didn't expect that Little Loli was very open-minded and neither gave herself a cold face nor slapped herself. She scolded her and got in the car without asking why when she saw her in the car. The only bad thing was that she was holding a book while she got in the car, and her eagerness to study made people feel ashamed.

It is more than 120 kilometers from the capital to T city. Yan Shao spends most of his time on the expressway. It takes two hours to reach T city and take the Huancheng Road to the National Games Village.

Due to the National Games held in T city, many areas were closed, and vehicles in some areas were restricted. Yan Shao's car with a military license plate was not subject to any restrictions. It entered the National Games Village and went directly to the place where the athletes of the Beijing team lived.

The athletes of the Beijing team lived in a mid-range hotel. Because they had been contacted in advance, Coach Ou first waited outside the hotel to pick up his team. When Shao Yan’s flamboyant black cheetah arrived, Coach Ou rushed to the side of the car. , excitedly opened the passenger seat door and greeted Mei Xiaochao's cute little loli sister.

The pink classmate climbed out of the car, Professor Ou quickly touched her little head, and with a smile, helped to carry the luggage: "Xiao Lele, you are finally here, if you don't come again, I really want to go back to Beijing by myself. The city will catch you, quickly carry your luggage, and I will take you to report on the experience later."

The elder teacher always likes to touch her head, Le Yun rubs her hair with a bitter face, and grunts in protest. She only carries her own backpack and follows the coach into the hotel like a little follower; Yan Xing is also silent. Hang up your work card and accompany the little loli to the place of accommodation.

In addition to the Olympic champions, the athletes in T city have special treatment, and they live in five-star hotels.

Because some projects have been completed, some team members have to participate in competitions held in other places, or prepare for certain competitions, and most of them leave after their projects are over.

There are more than 500 athletes in the Beijing team competing in different events. Except for those who have finished the event, there are still more than 400 athletes who live in the guest rooms on the first floor.

Classmate Le was the last team member to report. The bed for her was vacant. Coach Ou took the person upstairs and sent the person to the dormitory. A logistics staff came over to help replace the mats, pillowcases and other daily necessities.

After the little girl put away her luggage, Coach Ou did not stay for a while, and took the little classmates to the management center designated by the organizer for reporting and physical examination.

Classmate Le is an athlete approved by the National Athletics Center for delayed reporting. Naturally, the reporting office will not deliberately make things difficult, and will help with the reporting procedures. After signing in, Coach Ou will take the students to experience it. Go to the Athlete's Restaurant for dinner.

Accompanying Xiao Luoli and Coach Ou to lunch, Yan Shao went to the dormitory. He entered and exited the National Games venue as a security consultant and lived with the security guards.

Classmate Le was not familiar with the venue when he first arrived. In the afternoon, Coach Ou took the little girl to the track and field stadium. The track and field venue was in a university of T University, and many teams were also familiar with the venue. Coach Ou was the deputy team of the Beijing team. He also led the players to step on the field, and this time he specially led Le Le to familiarize himself with the field.

Coach Ou took the little classmates to walk around the track and field arena, asking her to remember the venue of each event, and gave her the timetable and detailed description of the competition rules. Remember where the Beijing team's lounge is, so as not to run to the wrong place.

He came the latest, Le Xiaotong is also self-aware, follow the coach obediently around, and then don't have to think about anything else, secretly prepare to compete with others for the championship, lead by example, let the younger brother grow up and love sports and keep healthy physique.

(End of this chapter)

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