Chapter 716

All the events of the National Games ended on the evening of the 7th, and the 8th was the closing ceremony time; the track and field events of the middle school group of the National Student Union also ended that night. Some college students reported the time.

On the last day of the National Games, there were five college athletes in the Beijing team. At the end of the evening, the coaches who went to Hangzhou will take the five college athletes back to the hotel to pack up their luggage, and get up that night and return to the capital, so that tomorrow morning Depart for Hangzhou.

Classmate Le is one of the five college athletes. The other four and the coaches took a special car back to Beijing. She was picked up by Young Master Yan's special car, so she naturally took the car of Young Master Yan.

There were few trains at night, and it took an hour and a half to return to the capital from T City. The coaches and students did not go back to their respective schools, but went directly to the guest house at Jingnan Station. Yan Shao and Le did not specialize, and stayed at the station as well. The guest house, the difference is that she is the only girl and has a room to herself.

Day and night alternated, and when the light descended on the earth, September 9 arrived as scheduled.

On this day, people who go to work go to work normally, students from major colleges and universities across the country attend classes normally, and freshmen from colleges and universities go to military training as usual.

On this day, a group of track and field athletes participating in the National Student Games in Beijing went to Shishi. Because many students had competitions in multiple events, most of them had rushed to the competition before the opening or a few days before the opening. The remaining group of students were all pure There are only more than 100 track and field athletes.

A group of athletes gathered at the Zhili Sports Institute of the Ministry of Sports yesterday afternoon. They were sent by special car to Jingnan Station in the morning to take the high-speed rail, and entered the high-speed rail station at [-]:[-].

Coach Ou and four colleagues waited for the team in the hall of the high-speed railway station. When a team of athletes arrived, the two sides converged.

Along with the team were the leaders of the Municipal Sports Center and the representatives of the Youth Department of the National Sports Ministry. Everyone saw Coach Ou smiling and became an Amitabha Buddha. Coach Ou was pulled aside by the leaders and coaches to exchange experiences.

At first, the beautiful boy didn't look for where his little loli girl was. She waited to put down her luggage before looking for her. Xiaolele was afraid of trouble and hid behind Young Master Yan. She stuck her head out when the coaches and leaders went to chat happily. Come.

In order to avoid suspicion, Young Master Yan wore sunglasses to cover half of his face and helped guard Little Loli's luggage. As a result, when she saw the student-athlete team coming over, Little Loli hid herself like a little ostrich and resolutely did not show her face, he thought. Laughing and embarrassed to laugh, pretending to be calm and calm.

When the elder brother of the Chao family stared at him, he still sat still, until the coaches and some leaders let the students rest, the beautiful boy from the Chao family walked over slowly, he smiled lightly, and said hello to the boy .

Young Master Yan took the initiative to greet him, and Chao Yubo also smiled lightly. When he was about to reach where Young Master Yan was sitting, a cute and cute girl who was hiding jumped out and rushed towards him with a smile brighter than the sun. Open your arms and embrace the little naughty who rushed over.

The bear child ran over and plunged into his arms to hide his face, the young man patted her head lovingly, his eyes full of pampering: "Naughty spirit, and you hide your ears and steal bells, others have seen you long ago, and you can't hide if you want to hide and seek. live."

"Brother Chao will protect me and won't let people touch my head." Le Yun, who hides her face in the arms of the beautiful young brother, sticks out her tongue mischievously. With Brother Chao as a protective umbrella, she is not afraid of being seen by others. Anyway, as long as it is not It is safe to fall into the pack of jackals, tigers and leopards before seeing Brother Chao.

"Who told us Lele to be so small and exquisite, so cute, and unable to run if you touch your head, Lele told my brother, how can you run so fast with your little arms and legs? I'm jealous." Chao Yubo touched Touching the girl like a doughy doll, she pulled her to sit in a seat occupied by Yan Shaogang, and let Xiao Lele sit between herself and Yan Shao, so as not to be caught and touch Xiao Lele's precious little head .

When the protector came, Le Yun was not afraid of being swarmed by strange people to have a "friendly communication" with her, holding the arm of the beautiful young brother, happily acting as a sticky worm.

The youth president of Qingdamei went to find his precious sister. The other members of the Beijing team sat near the luggage, or went a little farther to get some air. No one went too far, so as not to be scattered.

The staff of the Youth Department and the coaches from various colleges actually wanted to take Le Le students to chat alone. Unfortunately, Coach Ou poured cold water on them, saying that the little girl was besieged and interviewed many times at the National Games, and she was disturbed. In a bad mood, in order for her to perform well in the student sports meeting, she should not be too enthusiastic, so they gave up the idea first, and returned to Beijing after the student sports meeting to find an opportunity to learn from the little classmates.

The athletes of the Beijing team acted as a team. They entered the high-speed rail station at [-] o’clock in advance to board the high-speed rail. Young Master Yan accompanied the little loli and beautiful teenager to the sightseeing area. There were also several young people from the aristocratic circle in the same seat. .

At 9:40, the high-speed train bound for Hangzhou departs.

When the student-athletes were going to Hangzhou, the closing ceremony of the National Games was held in T city. The whole closing ceremony was solemn and enthusiastic.

After 6 hours of travel, the students of the Beijing team arrived at Hangzhou Station by high-speed train at around 3:40 pm.

After getting off the high-speed rail, the student-athletes of the Beijing team gathered at the platform first. The coaches of each group counted the number of people and confirmed that no one was left behind, and they left the station in a mighty manner.

Go out of the safe passage, and the local department of Hangzhou, which hosts the National Student Games, arranges a volunteer service team to receive the student-athlete teams from all parties in the station hall, and there are special vehicles to pick up and drop off.

The student delegation of the Beijing team went straight to the volunteer reception and ordered a 卯 first. The volunteer team arranged vehicles to send the athletes to the accommodation. The accommodation arranged by the organizer for the athletes was not a hotel, but the students of several famous universities in Hangzhou. apartment.

The reception desk composed of volunteers can receive ten teams at the same time, and the Beijing team's student delegation also reported teams from their provinces.

Le Yun followed the team to the reception, waited for the volunteers to confirm the number of team members, whispered to the coach, and ran to a small team not far from the volunteer reception. That team was none other than Jiangnan. Sijia Sixian at the foot of the famous mountain Kuaiji Mountain, that is, several people led by Xin Wushao.

The Si family had already booked accommodation at a hotel near the university where the games were held in Hangzhou three months ago, and sent a team of ethnic people to Hangzhou before the opening ceremony of the National Student Games to find out the conditions of the games.

Xin Wushao was the person in charge of the Si family. He took the family members to wait in Hangzhou for the little girl from Xianyimen to go to Hangzhou. At noon that day, he went to the station to wait for the pick-up.

When the students of the Beijing team arrived in the hall, Xin Wushao easily found the little girl Le. She and Chao Shaoyan were at the end of the team. Yan Shao was a porter. The little girl only carried her small backpack and held her The arm of the beautiful young brother, with a sweet smile.

Because it was a group of students traveling there, Xin Wushao didn't want to run and cause trouble for others. He didn't move with his family. When he saw the little girl coming, he quickly took off his sunglasses and took one from Xin San. Pack snacks, go up to say hello.

When the two sides met, Xin Shao happily handed the snack to the charming little girl: "Little beauty, welcome to travel to the Land of Fish and Rice. Are you tired from the long-distance bus? This is my home-made shortbread, please give the little beauty a taste."

"Thank you." Someone invited him to eat snacks, and Le Yun smiled and took the paper bag and hugged it in his arms: "Xin Shao, I want to go with the team, and I can't go to the beautiful scenery with you for the time being."

"Little beauty is busy first, and when you are finished, we will go out for an outing to enjoy the scenery." Little girl Le is here to compete, not to play. Naturally, she has to act with the large army. It is impossible to visit Si's house immediately. They come Pulling a cart at the station is both a family etiquette and a friendship. If the Xianyimen don't greet you at the door of the house, it doesn't seem that the Si family pays too much attention to the little girl.

The receptionist was already arranging vehicles for the Beijing team. Le Yun could not leave the team for too long. She said hello to Xin Wushao, returned to the team with a bag of snacks, and smiled and distributed the shortening to the beautiful young brother and Yan handsome. A coach Ou came over and gave him one.

The members of the Beijing team quickly went to the bus with the volunteers from the reception side, and Si's family also evacuated. Their car followed the bus that the little girl was riding, and escorted the bus into the sports village area to the school where the mobilization team was staying. , Sijia vehicles should not follow up before leaving the hotel.

The apartment buildings arranged by the organizer for sports teams from all over the world are standard quadruple rooms, and each team is basically arranged on the same floor.

The athletes of the Beijing team arrived on the floor with the volunteers in charge of logistical reception, entered the dormitory and arranged their luggage in an orderly manner. Some of the students who arrived first went to the competition, some went to free activities, and some who did not have competition events were in the dormitory. Seeing the arrival of the teammates of the Beijing team, he also helped the classmates in the same room to pack their beds and luggage.

The beautiful young student Chao and Le are on the same floor, but two dormitories are separated from each other. Fortunately, they are not far away, so they can take care of them, while Young Master Yan lives with the coaches.

The beautiful young man always felt that his sister was still a child. He was afraid that she would be tired and left his luggage. He immediately ran to the cute dormitory to help her make a bed and put away her luggage. Young Master Yan also left her luggage and went to help Little Loli first. Dorms check for security hazards to see if there are hidden cameras or anything like that.

The handsome and handsome boy and the handsome boy were more attentive than the nanny. They helped the little loli to pack up their luggage, instructed them, and then calmly returned to their dormitory to organize their belongings under the extremely strange eyes of the other two girls.

It was more than three o'clock when the Beijing team arrived in Hangzhou. It took a lot of time to transfer to the accommodation, pack luggage, wash and arrange. It was almost evening when they went to the athletes' restaurant for dinner, and in the evening they formed a team to visit the school.

In the evening, classmate Le also met many teammates he knew, including He Xiaowu and He Xiaoliu, Liu Shuai's sweetheart, Geng girl, Luo brother Xiao, who was at Beijing University, and Wang who had a relationship with each other. Hao, Senior Chen who went to Xieda University, Senior Li Gecai from the same school, Qingda University, and several athletes from the school's track and field team.

All night.

The next day, September 9, Hangzhou has entered the countdown to the start of the university group track and field competition. The late arrivals of the student delegation members from each province will undergo physical examinations, familiarize themselves with the sports grounds, and prepare for the competition.

Time turns a day and night in the trivial matters. The dawn is on September 9th, National Teacher's Day, and the University Team Track and Field Competition of the Student Games also ushered in the start day. Track and field athletes from all provinces and cities across the country come to the stadium to watch or compete on time. .

The sky in Hangzhou is cloudless and the autumn sun is bright.

The stands were full of spectators. At 8:30 in the morning, the track and field finals of the University Group of the Student Games officially kicked off in the [-]-meter hurdles preliminaries of the Group A women's heptathlon.

The siblings, Le and Chao, did not have time to go to the auditorium to watch the game. They had a 400-meter long-distance running event in the morning. They changed into sportswear in the rest area of ​​the athletes, and then took a temporary rest in the competition field.

The student sports meeting is also divided into groups A and B. Group A is a school with professional sports coaching teams like Qingda University, Beijing University or the Provincial Sports Institute, and Group B is an ordinary college team.

The student delegations from each province and city sent athletes to participate in the competitions of the A and B teams. The assignments were also divided according to whether the schools where the athletes belonged to have a professional sports team or not. Participating in the competition of Group B, once someone is found to be cheating, the team will be disqualified from the competition in a certain event.

Le and Chao are from Qingda University, so naturally they are in Group A.


In line with the principle of making the best of everyone's talents, Coach Ou arranged four individual events and a group event for Le students, namely women's 400 meters, women's 10000 meters running, women's 5-kilometer race walking, triple jump, and collective 400-meter relay. The 100-meter relay depends on the situation. If it does not conflict with her personal project, she will go. If there is a conflict, other team members will play.


Coach Ou has fascinated confidence in classmate Xiaole, and believes that the projects she participates in the National Games will definitely achieve good results, so in line with the principle of letting the classmates break records for each event, he did not report her to the little girl For the events she participated in the National Games, she was only registered for the track events that she did not participate in.

It is precisely because of his conscience that he left out the 5000-meter, 800-meter, and 1500-meter middle-distance running options and did not allow Le to participate, thus giving other college athletes a chance to win the championship. It was taken away by classmate Le, and the athletes from other provincial teams competing for the middle and long-distance running championships were handed bald.

The 400-meter hurdles of the beautiful boy were checked before Le, went to the designated area, and then went off the field. After the previous women's 100-meter hurdles in Group B, the men's 400-meter runners entered the track. At 8:50, with the starting gun With a bang, the first group of 8 men in the men's first group rushed out like arrows from the string.

There are 400 athletes in the Men's A 96m, divided into 12 groups, and the American teenagers are divided into the 11th group. After the previous 10 groups have finished running, the 11th group will enter the track.

The beautiful and beautiful brother was about to run a race, and Le Yun stood excitedly in the athlete's activity area outside the track. When she saw 8 athletes galloping away in the sound of gunshots, she opened a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes... uh, no, yes Titanium X-rays stare at people on the track.

Chao Yubo was in the middle at the start, and he accelerated instantly when he was less than 50 meters away. He overtook the two competitors in front of him at the place where he could grab the lane, and he kept the lead and crossed the finish line. Ranking first in the group also meant that he was basically shortlisted for half of the race. finals.

In the preliminaries, 24 people were selected to enter the semi-finals based on their results. The No.1 runners in the group are basically expected to enter the semi-finals. It is hard to say who will be the second and third runners. Unless the scores of some groups are generally low, they have a chance to overwhelm the others. The top two teams in the group advance to the semi-finals.

After the beautiful boy ran 400 meters off the field, he was greeted by a cute little loli, who jumped to hug the beautiful boy's arm: "Brother Chao, congratulations in advance for entering the semifinals."

"How can Xiao Lele be sure that I will make it to the semi-finals?" There was a cute little one who stuck to him, and Chao Yubo's heart softened.

"I'm keeping the clock. Brother Chao will stop talking. It's a blockbuster. It's 8 seconds faster than the first in the fifth group, four seconds faster than the first in the eighth group, and almost as fast as the first in the second group."

"Little naughty, watch so carefully, be careful people think you're too smart to be liked."

"Brother Chao doesn't hate me for being observant."

"You are getting more and more naughty." The cute little dumpling didn't care about other people's eyes, Chao Yubo pointed Jiang Shanyi on her little head, and dragged her to join the coaches and teammates.

The coaches of the Beijing team were very satisfied with Xiao Chao's performance.

Soon the men's 400m was over, and the women's team was ready. The women's A 400m team consisted of 57 people, divided into 8 groups, with Lexuan in the third group.

The coach and the beautiful teenagers secretly waited for the third group match of the women's group A. The third group came on the field, and the 7 girls rushed out like arrows from the starting gun. The beautiful teenagers only stared at their own girls on the fourth track. .

Coach Ou and a companion in charge of the track race also stared at the little girl. They saw that the little girl had no advantage at the start, but when she ran nearly ten meters, she overtook her group members at an unparalleled speed and took the lead. Go away, grab the road, and then rush forward aggressively, and finally cross the finish line with a distance of more than 2 meters away from No.[-].

The beautiful boy received the girl who ran out of the track on the track, took it to the team, and finished running with another girl on the team, and went to the rest area for a summary and discussion.

The results came out soon, and Chao Le entered the semi-finals without any suspense.

In the morning, there was also the 100-meter preliminaries of Cai's classmates. The beautiful boy and his sister went to cheer, and Cai's classmates lived up to their expectations and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

The temperature in Hangzhou is high in the afternoon, so no games are arranged, but they are held in the evening. In the afternoon, there are only indoor ball games. Many student-athletes who are both players and track and field athletes will turn from the track and field to compete on the field.


(End of this chapter)

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