magic eye doctor

Chapter 725 Number Treasures

Chapter 725 Number Treasures (1)
Little Lolita wanted to see Si's family, Yan Xing stayed in the guest room to meditate, practiced for two hours, listened to the silence next door, confirmed that Little Loli had not come back, went to the shelf where the washbasin was placed, picked up the kettle prepared by Si's house and poured cold water After washing his face and hands, he carried the kettle and a set of sealed tea sets to sit on the Erlan Gallery to make tea and enjoy the view.

He was afraid that drinking too much water would cause urgency, so he only drank a small pot of tea, and quietly closed his eyes in the round chair to wait for the little loli to come back. .

Waiting and waiting, Yan Xing waited a little anxiously, and it was difficult to ask where the young girl from the Si family in the west building hall went, she endured it in agony, waited for a long time, and finally heard the little girl. He and Xin Wushao's voice, looking from the corridor on the second floor, saw Little Loli and Xin Wushao entering the courtyard from the corridor, and hurriedly made tea in a serious manner.

Xin Wushao sent the little beauty to the east wing. He did not accompany her to the second floor. He stood outside the hall and watched her go up the stairs, and then went to the west hall to wait. The little beauty wanted to take a nap, so he waited in the west wing and waited. When she woke up, she could send a message to the chef to prepare dinner. The little beauty didn't wake up, and dinner could be delayed indefinitely.

Le Yun wandered up to the second floor and turned the corner towards the north. Sure enough, he saw handsome Yan sitting on the porch making tea. The setting sun was shining on the roof, which made him look extraordinarily peaceful. The scene forms a movement and a stillness, very harmonious.

Yan Xing, who was waiting for Little Loli to come back, saw Little Loli climbing upstairs and smiled lightly: "Little Loli, would you like a drink? Tiger Run Longjing."

"Drink it slowly by yourself, I'll go back to the room to sleep." What tea to drink, the tea in her stomach hasn't been fully digested.

Little Lolita didn't give face, Yan Xing's eyes overflowed with a smile, watching her come over, watching her push open the door of the guest room and step into the threshold, she stood still, with a startled sound in her mouth, she quickly stood up and ran over to the door outside and inside. Look, the guest room is also the same as the one he lives in. A large room is divided into two light and dark rooms by a screen. The outer room is used for rest, drinking tea, reading, etc., and the inner room is a pure bedroom.

The furniture in the guest room is also of classical style. In the middle of the outer room is a round table of sandalwood, with two rose chairs sitting side by side with the beautiful lady sitting on one side.

But now, the table is lined with large and small boxes, two wooden boxes are placed on a chair, and there is a carpet on the floor next to the table, with two large and small square wooden boxes on it.

After taking a few glances, Yan Xing was not surprised: "It's a gift from the Si family. After you went out, the young people from the Si family came here, so they should be here to give something."

Without thinking about it, just with her knees, Le Yun could also guess that the thing that suddenly appeared was the medical fee that Si's family gave her, but... Judging from the aura radiance emanating from the item, it seems that many of them are old-fashioned. .

Seeing something with spiritual energy, she was in a particularly happy mood. She laughed so hard that her mouth couldn't close. She jumped across the threshold and ran into the house: "Brother Yan, come and help me open the lid of the box."

"Okay." Little Loli did not shy away from looking at her gift, but Yan Xing was ecstatic but did not dare to show it. She pretended to follow the guest room calmly and opened the door to avoid misunderstanding.

He slowed for half a beat, the little loli got wind under her feet, ran to the table and sat in the empty rose chair with no items, put her small backpack on the ground, carried a box and opened it The lid looks strange, and it contains golden bars.

Yan Xing quickly took the box on the other rose chair away, sat on it, and opened the box on the table while watching the little loli count the gold bars.

Le Yun opened the box containing the gold, stretched out her small claws to grab it out and counted it, smiling so much that her eyes narrowed into a line, the Si family offered 16 taels of gold bars, a total of six pieces, equal to 96 taels.

Then look at the small box next to the gold bar box, there are four fist-sized gold coins and ten silver coins;
Next to it are several small boxes, which are opened one by one, one box contains pink pearls, twelve, one box of black pearls, ten, one box of blue pearls, ten, three-color beads, one big round, one small. shine,

"It's all treasures, I'm reluctant to use it as a pearl beauty cream." Seeing the three boxes of beautiful pearls, Le Yun muttered to herself that there were also many pearls in the birthday gift given to her by the ancient family of Xiu and Wu, and she was reluctant to crush them. Turn it into a powder to make a beauty plaster, and keep it for use when you need to prepare a life-saving medicine.

"You can buy ordinary pearls as beauty ingredients." Yan Xing suggested while helping to open the lid of the box. Little Lolita is not greedy by nature, she only likes strange treasures, but she treats all medicinal materials as treasures. It is understandable that she is reluctant to crush the pearls.

"Hmm." Le Yun nodded casually, opening the box with her hands and feet to appreciate it.

"Little Lolita, you've developed. With so many things, you can get back the wealth of your family with just one or two things. You are a rich little woman. You must be the richest student of Qingda University, richer than the second generation of rich people."

"Who is the richest among the second generation of the rich?" To tell the truth, Le Yun knew that there were many second- and third-generation officials in Qingda, but she didn't know which rich second-generations there were.

"The children of the super rich who stand at the top of the national economic chain today are either married and have children or are still young. There are no second and third generations of the super rich in Qingda, and some of the children of the top rich are sent abroad. Jin is not in the country either. At present, some of the second and third generations of the top tycoons and first-tier tycoons are in prestigious universities in China. Qingda University also has a few rich second generations. Their families are worth between one billion and two billion.

Before you enrolled in Qingda, the richest second-generation richest man named Li Wancheng, should come back this year during his overseas exchange, Wang Dongzheng ranked second, Liu Yunlong ranked third, Xu Zhimin ranked fourth, No.11 ranked fifth The family status is about one billion. Last September, freshmen entered the school. Wang Xihua's family business in the medical department is very large, and he squeezed into the top ten, ranking tenth.

Because the evaluation list is evaluated by business people, you are not included in the list. If your property is leaked, no one can match you in terms of social status, private property, and speed of making money. You are truly No.1, or The well-deserved rich generation, the richest female richest man in Qingda University. "

Yan Xing went to Qing University for further studies with a mission, and someone Liu had already figured out the situation of the Qing university students to the bottom of the sky. It finally came in handy, not to mention a lot of family treasures, at least I can say Zi Chou Yin Mao.

Le Yun was originally asking casually, but at first she heard that handsome Yan has a wealth of rich descendants, and she rounded her eyes and gave him a look of admiration. Or things remember so clearly.

In the next second, the whole person is not good. It is understandable that she is the most valuable, and it is indisputable that she will become the most potential rich person in the future. After all, she is good at medicine and can make a lot of money, but she has become tangible now. The rich man, this is not a good thing.

Feeling a little depressed for a moment, I lowered my head and continued to count the boxes that I hadn't seen yet.

There are many kinds of things that the Si family treats as gold. There is a ten-inch high blue coral, a child's fist-sized transparent ambergris without any impurities, and two tortoiseshell shells two and a half inches thick. The texture is hard and the markings are dark. Preserved perfectly, the tortoiseshell shell has lived for about a thousand years from the thickness, and is extremely precious.

There are also porcelain, there are two beautiful bowls with pink and blue patterns, two white plates with moon, four pieces of porcelain are elegant and elegant, with palace style, heavy and bright glaze, thick glaze like grease, warm and moist like jade, it should be Zhao Song Dynasty Official cellar products.

The other three pieces of porcelain are grayish-white, and the glaze is covered with fragmented patterns, as if they were broken and re-bonded. Inkstone, in terms of the characteristics of the glaze color of the porcelain, should be the authentic porcelain of Gejiao, one of the five famous cellars.

In addition, there are bronze utensils named "Guan" and "Gui". The gu is a drinking vessel, which is like a modern wine cup. The gui is used to hold food, such as meat or rice. Probably want to say that there is wine and food to drink, there will be no eating and drinking, or there will be drinking and eating.

In addition to the things to enjoy, there are also a box of seahorses, a box of squid bones, a box of fur seals, a box of sea dragons, a box of natural toad clothes, as well as marine biological medicinal materials that can be used as food and medicinal materials, including sea man grass, stone Cauliflower, hijiki, sage.

There were so many items that there was not enough room even for a table. It took up a chair, and there were two boxes in the box, one of which was the pottery jar that was photographed by classmate Le.

The more Le Yun looked, the happier she became. It was either medicinal herbs or something with spiritual energy. Sijia was like a fat worm in her stomach. She knew that she lacked the most ancient and rare treasures.

After appreciating the last box, he happily stood up and patted his buttocks and left: "Brother Yan, I'm going to sleep for a while, you can cover the box and put it in the box, and I'll leave it to you to solve the problem of how to bring it on the plane tomorrow. ."

It's not a problem for him to pack the boxes. Yan Xing looked at the sun outside the window: "Little Lolita, it's almost evening, why don't you hold on for a while and then sleep after eating?"

"No, I'm going to have a close contact with the beautiful walking bed first. If you lie on such a beautiful bed, you will definitely get a good night's sleep."

"My family also has a step-by-step bed and my grandmother's dowry. When I get back to Beijing, I will invite you to dinner and take you to appreciate it."

"Your family is estimated to be in northern style, and Xin Wushao's family is pure Jiangnan style. The bed is made of high-quality sandalwood.

"My family is also in Jiangnan style. My great-grandmother is from Songhai City, Jiangnan, and I also asked for a step-by-step bed made by a skilled craftsman in Jiangnan."

"Huh, the guy with the old knowledge is showing off his family again. I'm ignoring you. I'll go to bed." My family doesn't have any ancient knowledge that has been passed down for 500 years, and Le Yun is jealous of those who have ancient treasures handed down Guy, turn around the landscape painting screen to go to the bedroom, happily get into the Qiangongbabu bed, walk through the corridor outside where the dressing table is placed, go to the bed area, and lie down beautifully on the bed.

Little Loli went to bed because she liked Si's bed. Yan Xing didn't disturb her Yaxing, she tidied up the box and put it back in the box. Li watch the door.

(End of this chapter)

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