magic eye doctor

Chapter 727 Investigating the details of the person (3

Chapter 727 Investigating the details of the person (3
On September 9th, the first day of the National Student Games, it was Sunday. Many student-athletes who returned to school were finally able to have a good rest, and Meimei enjoyed sleeping in to relax the nervous nerves of the previous days.

Le Yun, who was a guest at Si's house, woke up at five in the morning, washed her face and brushed her teeth, went downstairs, and was led by Xin Wushao to the seventh hospital of Si's house.

All the elders of the Si family were also waiting in the main hall of the Seventh Courtyard earlier. None of the nine people who received acupuncture yesterday were there. They took off their clothes first, and lined up to get acupuncture.

Classmate Le is scheduled to fly back to Beijing in the afternoon. Before boarding the plane, he also wanted to visit the antique market in Shaoxing, so time is precious, no nonsense.

This time, acupuncture and moxibustion is to do a secondary stimulation and warming effect for the meridians dredged yesterday. The steps are simplified and simplified. Only a few main points of the meridians are acupuncture for the elderly, and the focus is on taking care of the high paralyzed ones. After the nine-person acupuncture treatment was completed, Le Yun took out a large packet of pills, and then took out the subpackaged small bags and distributed them to the nine people, one for each person.

The nine elders of the Si family who were still inconvenient expressed their gratitude to the little girl, and surrounded the little girl to have breakfast in the atrium. When they arrived, Young Master Yan was accompanied by Xin Wushao and took a seat in the West Hall. , the meal is served.

Because the little girl has an itinerary, in order not to delay her time, Si Mei Nuan did not hesitate to keep little guests, and took the elders to send the little girl and the Yan family boy for departure, they only sent them to the gate, Si Hanfeng and Si Hanfeng The old man took the young bodyguard to accompany the little girl to go shopping in Shaoxing.

Si's family is divided into two groups, one is going to Shao City with the little girl and Yan Shao, and the other is a young man who takes some aquatic products and local aquatic products near Kuaiji Mountain to the airport to handle the freight, and presents the little girl's set of wooden round tables. With the consent of the little girl, she will send her to her hometown when she returns home for the Mid-Autumn Festival in October.

Kuaiji Mountain is only a few kilometers away from the city, and it only takes a few minutes for a car. It is not suitable to drive fast because of the large number of vehicles in the city, and the speed slows down. It still takes half an hour to reach the Shao Antique Market.

Shao City is a famous cultural city. In the past, there are historical celebrities, the great poet Lu You, and in modern times there are heroine Qiu Jin, martyr, and writer Lu Xun. The antique market in Shao City is near the former residence of Lu Wenhao. On a national scale, it is also quite large.

The antique market is an old street, and vehicles cannot go there. The Sijia driver drove the car to a place closer to the market. When the elders, the young guard and the little girl Yan Shao got off the car to go shopping, they drove the car to the parking lot. place, waiting nearby.

Si Hanfeng and the old Si family are not only familiar with the antique market in Shao City, but also often go to the famous antique markets in various cities in the province and the three Jiangnan provinces.

It was a weekend, and there was a lot of traffic in the market. Many of them were collectors who came from Songhai City and S Province. The Wu Yinnon language was very local.

Classmate Le was never afraid of throwing money in order to scour the spirit of Gu understand. He asked Yan handsome to help carry a big backpack with money, and he ran in front of him, rushed into the trading area, and started Taobao with great interest. .

Yan Xing calmly followed Little Loli as a valet, helping her protect the money bag and memorizing the antiques she started.

The little girl ran around in the market, Xin Wushao and the elders of the Si family sacrificed their lives to accompany the gentleman, and occasionally picked up their favorite collections.

When the girl of Lejia was excitedly digging out the treasure, Boss Wu and his wife also came to Lejia. The National Games is over, and the National Student Games is over. It is time to pick up the old mother and go home.

Mrs. Wu lived happily in Lejia, and had a lot of fun. When she saw her son and daughter-in-law coming, she quickly packed her clothes and went to Lejia to pick vegetables such as green beans and pumpkin to take home to eat.

Boss Wu and his wife came, Zhou Qiufeng and Le Dad didn't let them pick up Mrs. Wu right away, but left them to play at home and let them have dinner before returning.

Boss Wu and his wife were happy to stay as guests, and Mrs. Wu also helped Grandma Zhou to bring Xiao Leshan, put urine and wash diapers, not afraid of getting dirty or smelly.

There are guests in the Le family, and there is also a regular customer in Wang Cuifeng's family.

The person who came to Wang Cuifeng's house was a middle-aged man, at least 1.8 meters tall, with good facial features and fair skin. He was a successful old handsome man. He wore a gold chain around his neck and a gold watch on his wrist. Potbellied, closer to rich and powerful.

The middle-aged man is indeed a successful man with a small career. He has two shops in the prosperous area of ​​Guangzhou City, C Province. He opened a large KTV casino by himself.

He is Wang Cuifeng's concubine - Tan Xiaoxing, and Wang Shengxuan's father.

Tan Xiaoxing was driving an Audi when he came, and the car was parked downstairs. He carried two bags to the fifth floor, walked into the place where Wang Cuifeng lived, and naturally handed the bag to Wang Cuifeng, who helped open the door: "This is abalone and sea cucumber, and I make seafood at noon. , pack a copy for Xuanxuan to take to school for dinner."

"Understood, you can go see the child, Wang Shengxuan misses you." Wang Cuifeng saw Tan Xiaoxing carrying the bag, took it over with a smile, and weighed it with a heavy hand, at least ten kilograms, and she was very happy at noon. She couldn't finish it, and at least the rest was enough for her to eat for a day or two.

After handing the bag to Wang Cuifeng, Tan Xiaoxing turned his attention to her. She wore a suspender silk dress, put on makeup, and dressed up carefully, very sexy.

Looking at Wang Cuifeng, who was still charming even with milfs, the man guessed her thoughts, and his heart became clear. Past the charming sexy woman to the child.

Seeing his father coming, Wang Shengxuan felt a little happy in his heart. He ran past the sofa, wanting to hug his father like everyone else, but after only a few steps, he stopped timidly, and called out in a low voice, "Uncle Tan."

When he was very young, he knew that he was different from others. Other children had father and mother at home. He had no father but only mother. Many children also called his mother "Little San'er".

When he was a child, his mother often beat him, and the beating was very painful. His grandmother, aunt and uncle also beat him often. They also called him a broom star, a drag oil bottle, an idler, and a free food eater. He didn't understand what it meant. It wasn't until I grew up that I slowly understood it after I entered elementary school.

When I was in the second grade of elementary school, Uncle Tan, who often came to see my mother one day, came to the house to talk to my mother for a long time, and gave her a lot of money. Since then, Uncle Tan came to visit him and his mother at intervals and gave her money. The money for school was given by Uncle Tan.

After Uncle Tan gave money to his mother, his mother rarely beat him. Only when he lost in mahjong would he occasionally beat him or scold him. Grandparents and uncles stopped hitting and scolding him.

It was not until the fifth grade of elementary school that he knew that Uncle Tan was his father. He was very happy and thought he could have a father and a mother like other classmates. However, when his father came to see him and his name was "Dad", his mother told him I can only call him "Uncle", not "Dad", because my father is married, and the person who married my father is not my mother, so he can only call my father an uncle, otherwise my father's wife will find out, and my father will not come to see him again. play with him.

He secretly overheard his mother and grandfather and in-laws saying that the father's wife gave birth to three children for the father, all of which were girl films. Besides the mother, the father also had several wild wives. Only my mother gave birth to my father. He is the only incense stick in my father's family. Even if it is an illegitimate child, my father's family will not treat him badly, and will give my mother money to support him.

What is a wild wife, what is an illegitimate child, he didn't know before, he secretly asked the uncles, aunts, grandparents and grandmothers in the grandmother's village to understand that a wild wife is a bad woman who robs other children's fathers. The children born by the mistress of the relationship secretly are not on the table.

Knowing that his mother is a bad woman in the mouths of others, Wang Shengxuan never asked his father why he was not with his mother, nor asked his father to visit him often and take him to play. The adults said that the children of the third child were not qualified to be loved by their fathers. Bastards are not qualified to be happy.

"Why is Xuanxuan unhappy when he sees his father?" Tan Xiaoxing likes it when he sees his son running over. It's good that the child is willing to be close to him. When he is older, he can take the initiative to return to the Tan family to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan.

"No." Wang Shengxuan looked at his tall father with longing in his eyes, but he still didn't dare to get too close.

Tan Xiaoxing asked jokingly, "Did your mother beat and scold you again?"

"No. Mom didn't beat or scold me." Wang Shengxuan was startled, shook his head quickly, and secretly looked towards the kitchen.

The child is afraid of his mother, but is willing to follow his mother. Tan Xiaoxing does not force him to live with him for the time being. He goes to his son and touches his head and pulls the child to sit down. His son has inherited his advantages. With his shoulders taller, in a few years, even if he is not taller, he will not be much shorter.

"Is the junior high school good? Have you been bullied?" His daughters are also in elementary school. He and his wife brought their children to sign up when the school started in September.

"The school is very good, there are many classmates." He likes junior high schools, where there are no elementary school and kindergarten classmates in the same class, and no one says he is the son of a junior.

"If you like it, if you don't like it, my father will change the school for you next year." Tan Xiaoxing originally wanted to send his son to a key middle school, but he would rather spend more money and not care. Wang Cuifeng thinks it's better to be closer to home, while Wang Shengxuan reads away from home. relatively close school.

"You don't need to change, it's good like this." Wang Shengxuan shook his head and refused to change schools. Most of his primary school students were in a few key middle schools, and he didn't want to see those students often.

"When you want to change schools, tell your father. Dad will find a way for you to change schools. How much does your mother give you for a week of living expenses?"

"100 yuan a week."

"Is it enough? What do you eat in junior high school?"

Tan Xiaoxing has always been very concerned about his son's life, and asked him carefully about the details of his life. If the school does not eat well, the nutrition cannot keep up, the stature is not long, and the brain cannot be used well. Only by ensuring that he eats well can he study in spirit.

Wang Cuifeng brought the seafood into the kitchen to keep it in water. After cleaning up, she went to the living room to see the father and son talking about the school, and was listening in, waiting for the topic of father and son to come to an end, and asked Tan Xiaoxing to discuss things in private.

Seeing that his mother brought his father into the room, Wang Shengxuan silently turned the TV to the sports channel and turned up the volume to avoid hearing unwanted sounds.

Tan Xiaoxing entered the woman's private bedroom and hugged the woman and kissed her. Wang Cuifeng was petite and small, with a good figure, and her curves were still sultry.

"Damn, I'm going to tell you something serious, do me a favor, and I'll take care of you." Wang Cuifeng turned her face away, while negotiating the terms, she took her cell phone in front of her hand and showed it to Tan Haoxing.

"Tell me what's going on? Have you lost all your money again? You only gave Xuanxuan 100 yuan a week, which is too little. Give it 150. I will give you an extra [-] yuan for Xuanxuan's living expenses when he goes to junior high school. The extra is What is given to the child cannot be withheld from the child.”

"When have I deducted your son's money? I'm afraid he will spend it indiscriminately, so give it less first." Wang Cuifeng pouted unhappily: "You have a lot of capable people there, help me check personal details, and ask for a home address. Who is there, contact information, etc."

"Who made you a little goblin to be obsessed, even to make a beauty trick?" When the man heard that he was going to investigate the old man, he was immediately alert.

"A yellow-haired girl, I have a general direction, but I am not detailed enough. I will send you a multimedia message and ask your capable people to help you check. They are from other provinces, and your business will not be successful."

"Send it to me to see." The man took out the claw machine and other information from the mobile phone case tied to his waist.

While the iron was hot, the wind blowing by the pillow succeeded. Wang Cuifeng quickly opened the screen of her mobile phone and sent Tan the pictures and text she had saved.

Tan Yanxing waited for the message, and soon the screen flickered. When he clicked on the new message, an immature child's face appeared, which was a screenshot, and there was a word at the bottom: Le Yun, 15 years old, E Beifang County.

Seeing that it was E Beiren, and the surname was unfamiliar, Tan Xiaoxing casually stuffed the phone back into the phone case: "I'll ask someone to check it out, and I'll give you a reply in a few days."

The woman was overjoyed, threw her phone on the bed, and put her arms around the man's neck to act coquettishly: "My dear brother, let your subordinates do more, and you must give me the most detailed information before the National Day."


Wang Shengxuan stayed in the living room and turned up the sound of the TV to cover up the sound coming from his mother's bedroom.

Tan Xiaoxing and Wang Cuifeng had a fight, refreshed, packed up and went to the living room to see his son watching TV, went to the bathroom to take a shower without a trace, and sat back to his son to watch sports channels with him.

After successfully catching the Tan gang to investigate a certain person, Wang Cuifeng was in a good mood and put on a beautiful make-up, and then enchantingly walked out of the bedroom and entered the kitchen to cook for the man and his son.

(End of this chapter)

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