Chapter 738
Noon is a peak period for the Oktoberfest, and the atmosphere in the big tent is high. Being in it, people can't help but toast and drink and have fun with others.

Fearing that the godfather could not help drinking due to the atmosphere, Milo coaxed and persuaded the godfather to "help" him out of the largest tent, and walked to a place with few people on the lawn to breathe.

The godfather shouted that he still wanted to drink, and he had the urge to knock him out: "Godfather, the kid said that you should avoid alcohol, so you can't drink too much."

"Beer doesn't have much alcohol." Roberto was dragged away by Milo before he could enjoy it. He felt powerless. He has a godson who cares about his health. This is not allowed, that is not allowed, he has no freedom, oh oh, Get well soon, you don't need to avoid alcohol if you are healthy.

"Not much alcohol is also wine. Drinking red wine is good for your body and mind. The children also told you to drink less, let alone drink more beer." Milo was also deeply helpless. The godfather is good wine, red wine, beer, and white wine. , a veritable alcoholic.

Milo opened and closed his mouth and moved out the little Dongfang girl as a shield. Roberto smiled very happily: "Milo, I have good news for you, your Dongfang child is here too."

"Godfather, do you think my child is here too?" Milo questioned suspiciously. Lele's child is expected to get a visa to fly to Italy at the end of October, but he didn't say that he would participate in the Oktoberfest.

"Yes, I received a message before I entered the tent at noon. Your little friend arrived this morning. He should be with his friends. I don't know where to stay."

"..." Milo pondered, what is Lele kid doing in Munich?With her personality, she doesn't like the hustle and bustle of Oktoberfest, unless... otherwise.

Subconsciously, he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the Alps. The child is most interested in plants. There are many kinds of plants in the Alps. Is she looking for medicinal plants?

A guess flashed through his mind, but Milo didn't say it. He went around with the godfather on the pretext that he happened to meet a child at the Oktoberfest, and also strictly monitored the godfather not to drink too much.

Country D entered the afternoon period, and it was already night in Huaxia Country. The sun had not completely set in the city facing the sea in the south, but only half of it was on the sea level. The sunset was long and the sea was silent.

On the sea-facing balcony of the seaside villa, Miaomiaodan sat on a yoga mat and meditated quietly. However, a cell phone ringing sounded out of place in the room behind her. She opened her eyes and got up and went back to her room lightly. Floating back to the large bedside, picking up the phone to answer when the phone hangs up automatically just seconds away.

- "Miaomiaodan, your target went to the city of Munich in country D."

The voice from the phone was hoarse, and Miaomiaodan's frowning eyebrows spread out when she heard the content: "Are you sure?"

"OK." The phone hung up after just two words.

"Country D, Munich." Miaomiaodan tightened her fingers suddenly, clutching her phone tightly, her beautiful face hideous and terrifying.

After a while, she let go of her fingers that made her phalanx turn white, slowly swiped the screen, and entered a number. After a long pause, she pressed the dial key. After half a minute of making the call, a faint male voice came. Miaodan communicated with the other party in a fluent foreign language, and ended the call after a few minutes of chattering.

September in Munich is still summer, and it is usually warmer. The afternoon sun shines lazily on the earth, the sky is clean, and the fields and lawns of the manor and the alpine forests in the distance are exceptionally beautiful.

The car was running on the highway, Le Yun looked at the scenery outside the window, secretly guessing if some vampires would be disappointed when they couldn't find her.

The Xuan family youths are very skilled, racing all the way, first taking the city roads, then going to the high-speed, and then turning from the high-speed to the ordinary road.

When you get off the highway, you will enter the agricultural and pastoral areas, or vineyards, fields with crops, as well as natural grasslands and forests, everywhere are green and green, the air has the fragrance of grass and trees, the wind blows Come, be cool.

The house is built in the green, most of them have red roofs, the sky is wild and pasture, and the leisurely and comfortable life is unobstructed. There are often cattle in the farm and pasture, but few people. At this time, they should be resting, even on the road. Few vehicles.

Because there is no speed limit on the expressway in country D, and driving depends entirely on technology, the young people of the Xuan family can drive as fast as they can.

After driving for more than an hour, I have already reached a very remote place. Usually, only travel enthusiasts occasionally go hiking in the wild, so the youth of the Xuan family stopped the car.

Full of anticipation, Le Yun pushed open the rear door and got out of the car, dragged out her big backpack and small backpack, and happily waved her paws with the handsome Xuan family.

The Xuan family youth gave a few words and drove the car back.

The car that could only see the buttocks of the car galloped away like an arrow, and Le Yun happily packed her bag and walked off the road, heading straight to the forest at the foot of the Remaining Mountains of the Alps.

Because it is a wasteland, it is rare to see people passing by, and the feeling of the vastness of the sky is particularly refreshing. There are plants everywhere in the field, and some exotic flowers and plants are in full bloom in the last train of summer.

Many plants in the field are Chinese medicinal herbs. Le Yun sees it in her heart, but she refuses to pick them. Although few people pass by nearby, it does not mean that no one will show up. There will always be traces in places where medicinal herbs have been picked, which will be discovered by people. Call the police and play big.

In order to start work as soon as possible, he took out his speed and ran through the green field like a little rabbit, rushed into the forest, threw all his luggage in the space, ran a few laps in the forest, decisively changed places, and began to sweep away the medicinal plants.

Some medicinal plants are very common in China, but because of the high latitude and longitude of Europe and the sufficient sunshine, plants commonly found in Asia grow taller in Europe.

Environmental protection in Europe is good, and there is little pollution. The medicinal plants in the fields are closer to the original wild, not to mention the plants in the wild state.

When I see medicinal plants, I want to get a share of it as my own. When I go to a forest full of small plants, it is like cattle and sheep entering a wheat field, and mice entering a rice warehouse. No matter whether you have space or not, the ones that can be used medicinally and picked are one word: Receive!

The forest is a mixed forest with a variety of trees and dense vegetation.

Le Xiaoxiao has only one hand and wants everything. When he sees the tree he likes, he also cuts the mouth and extracts juice, so that he spends half an afternoon in the forest within a radius of ten miles. When the sun sets in the evening, the forest Too dark, move to the fringes of activity.

I don’t have the embarrassment to dig up medicinal plants in the marginal area, only pick stems and leaves, wait until it gets dark and return to the space to eat dry food, take care of space crops, and read books.

(End of this chapter)

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