magic eye doctor

Chapter 744 Break up

Chapter 744 Break up
When going to Sanweixuan, Yan Xing drove by himself, and by the way, someone Liu accompanied him as a valet.

Sanweixuan in Gourmet Hutong is booming as always, Liu Shaoyan and his brothers parked their cars on the street and entered Sanweixuan restaurant.

The face brushing machine Ah Fu received the two young masters, brought soy milk and boiled water, and asked with a smile, "Young Master Yan Shao Liu is here, do you want to eat delicious food, or do you want to chat with our young master and drink tea?"

"If it's convenient, I hope to have a phone call with Young Master Xuan." The young people of the Xuan family knew their intentions, and Yan Xing also saved his saliva and opened the door and went into the mountains to express his intentions.

"Young Master Yan, this is really inconvenient. Our young master's mobile phone is turned off, as are several brothers of the same clan who are following the young master. Only by calling back there to report safety can we contact us."

"When do your brothers usually call back? Please help me send a message to Little Loli, ask her to contact me, and please help me transfer the message to your young master, it is windy and hot abroad, come back as soon as possible to prepare Making Mid-Autumn Mooncakes is even better."

A'Fu's heart froze slightly, Yan Shao meant that there was danger abroad, and asked their young master to accompany the little girl back as soon as possible. Did Yan Shao receive any inside information?

Guessing the reason, he didn't say it clearly, he politely accepted the entrustment, and promised to convey the message to the young master. After the two young people ordered, he handed the order to the kitchen and went to work on his own.

Yanxing Liu Xiangyang ate a few baskets of fragrant xiaolongbao, and went straight to the He's house without dawdling. Tomorrow Monday, Zhao Liyue and Yixiong's family will be in the Supreme Court's second-instance trial, and they will naturally go to hear the trial.

On Sunday, Tan Zhaoxing was more free during the day, so he decided to go to Wang Cuifeng's place again at noon. He only saw his son last week, and he misses it very much. The main thing is that the things he promised to help Wang Cuifeng have come to fruition, and by the way, he will return a letter. Cultivate a relationship with your son, the best of both worlds, why not do it.

In order to let Wang Cuifeng know that he cares about his son and not treat Wang Shengxuan harshly, he went to the market to buy some food. Last time, he went to see his son when he came back from errands in Chong C city, so he brought abalone, but Guangzhou did not sell such high-quality seafood as abalone and shark fin. Jin crayfish and lotus-flavored steamed chicken.

Tan Xiaoxing carried things to Wang Cuifeng's residence, knocked on the door, Wang Cuifeng was not at home, Wang Shengxuan opened the door, happily let his father into the house, and then called his mother.

Wang Cuifeng went to play mahjong early in the morning. She lost more and won less. She was not in a good mood. When she received a call from her son, she was particularly annoyed and choked: "What's the matter? Don't bother me when you say it."

Tan Xiaoxing heard Wang Cuifeng's tone, and usually knew that Wang Cuifeng was not very good to his son, because Wang Cuifeng didn't marry him, and he didn't get the evidence directly, so it was not easy to teach him a lesson. You treat your son like this? I bought the house, and Xuanxuan's tuition is also paid by me. I give you [-] living expenses every month, and I only let you cook for Xuanxuan, so you take care of the children like this? Come back, if you don't come back, I'll take Xuanxuan to his grandparents' place, no one will bother you anymore."

Wang Cuifeng was quite frightened when she heard Tan Haoxing's roar. In the past, when Tan Haoxing wanted to see her child, she would call first to notify him. Usually, there is nothing special about it. When she came, and she didn't make a phone call, she was relieved to play in the mahjong hall.

Who knew that Tan Xiaoxing would make a surprise attack, and when he found out in person that she was being rude to the child, he must have thought that she was pretending to be kind to her son before.

When he heard that he was going to pick up his son, Wang Cuifeng immediately changed his face. He threw down the card and stood up and ran.

"Hey—" Seeing Wang Cuifeng's delay, Ma friends at the same table wanted to urge her to hurry up. Seeing her like that, they guessed that it might not be a good thing, and it's not good to force her to stay. I couldn't help gossip, discussing something that made Wang Cuifeng run away in a hurry.

The mahjong hall is not very far from where he lives. Wang Cuifeng ran back in a hurry, and ran downstairs panting, gasping for a few breaths, and then hurriedly climbing the stairs. Climbing stairs is a physical task. It is impossible to climb to the top, and it takes a break to climb a section of the road.

He stopped and walked several times and finally climbed to the fifth floor. He was so tired that his legs were trembling, his heart was jumping out of his throat, and he was sweating profusely. Wang Cuifeng didn't care about that. Pushing it open, holding the door handle with one hand and the bar with the other, he hurriedly probed into the living room: "Wang Shengxuan—"

She was afraid that her son would be picked up by Tan Xiaoxing and she would lose the source of living expenses. She looked around and the TV was not on. Wang Shengxuan was sitting on the floor with a small folding table in front of her doing homework. Tan Xiaoxing was also sitting on the floor, while studying with her son. .

Seeing that her son was still there, Wang Cuifeng's pounding heart didn't jump out of her throat, and she showed a relieved smile: "Xiao Xing, you are free today, didn't you go out with your daughter to play?"

Tan Xiaoxing sat next to his son and stared angrily at the woman who came back: "Don't try to change the subject, I heard from people in the community that you go to the mahjong parlor all day and night, and don't care about the children at all, and use your son as a punching bag, you can beat and scold you if you want to. Damn, I still don’t believe it. Today I saw it with my own eyes and I realized that you have been lying to me before. In the future, I will only pay fifteen thousand for living expenses. I will pay Xuan Xuan’s tuition for each semester on time. Come on, don't even think about deducting it privately and taking it to play mahjong, if you dare to squeeze money from Xuan Xuan, I will send the child to his grandparents to raise him."

"Xiaoxing, I... I just went for a ticklish hand today. I looked at the time. I'll be back to cook for Xuanxuan around noon. Don't be so angry. My son was born to me. I brought it too, when did you take care of him, if I don't care if he lives or dies, how can he grow up so big?"

"Wang Cuifeng!" Tan Xunxing's anger rushed to his head, he stood up abruptly, and stared at Wang Cuifeng like an angry lion: "There are some things I never say in front of a child because I am afraid of hurting the child. Woman, that's what you want and what I want, and I have never treated any woman who gave birth to a child for me. How about you, why do you dare to say in front of your son why you gave birth to him?
You gave birth to a child just to intimidate me, want money, what did you say when your son was born?You say that if I don't give you money, you will strangle the child and make my conscience uneasy for the rest of my life.

I compromised at the beginning because I knew that you could do it. Others couldn't strangle your own child, but you could. After all, you've done that before. You strangled a child of your own. I don't want my flesh and blood to be killed by you, so I step back.

At that time, I thought about giving you money. I took my son away. You cursed and swore that you regretted it and begged me not to take my son away. I thought that the child needed a mother before letting you take it. How did you treat your son?You and your family have beaten and scolded your son, don't treat your child like a human being, you say you live in your mother's family and eat your mother's food, so you can't help being angry, so that your son won't suffer, I will buy a house for you to live with your children , let you live in the county rather than your parents. I not only pay my son alimony, but also support you. I just hope you treat your son better.

Wang Cuifeng, you feel your conscience and tell yourself what you have done?Playing in a mahjong hall every day, gambling money every day, how much money you gamble, and lying to me that you paid tuition fees for Xuanxuan, tell me now, what lessons did you enroll for Xuanxuan?What hobby class did you attend? "

Tan Xiaoxing didn't think about picking up Wang Cuifeng's son when he gave birth to his son. At that time, Wang Cuifeng cried and knelt down and begged him not to take his son away, thinking that Wang Cuifeng had been with him for a few years after all, and just gave birth to a child, and his heart softened for a while. He agreed to let Wang Cuifeng take care of the children.

Later, it wasn't that he wanted to pick up his son. It was all because he thought about Wang Cuifeng, a woman who had not found a home. He picked up his son, and she was alone. Later, she didn't want to find someone to marry, and he could afford it. has been kept.

When his son got older, he was afraid that his son would be badly raised, so he wanted to pick him up and send it to his parents to help him, but the son was born again, but he was not very happy. Let him live with his mother.

Now that my son is in junior high school, he also knows how to tell the difference between good and bad. Tan Zhaoxing doesn't want to endure it any longer, especially Wang Cuifeng seems to have a new goal. This time, he just has a suitable excuse to take the opportunity to show his son his true face.

When Dad yelled, Wang Shengxuan was taken aback. He couldn't take care of his homework. He raised his head and looked at Dad nervously. Dad never got angry in front of him before. Mom always said Dad had a bad temper and often beat her. , he did not see his father beat his mother.

Hearing that his father said that his mother wanted to strangle him, he lowered his head silently. He believed that his mother must have really said to his father that he wanted to strangle him. When he was a child, his mother often told him that raising him was so tiring. What a good thing, there were several times when he really grabbed his neck, so that he couldn't breathe, he knew it was about to die from a very young age.

Wang Shengxuan knows that his mother loves money more than he loves him, because only when his father gives his mother money, his mother only has a good voice to talk to him for three or two days, and will not give him a good face when he has no money.

Being yelled at by Tan Haoxing, Wang Cuifeng didn't dare to stand up, for fear that Tan Haoxing would cut off her source of money, when I heard him say in front of his son that he had said that he wanted to strangle his son, he panicked: "Xiaoxing, I was just talking in anger at the time, I never really thought about strangling my son, I am jealous that you accompany your wife and your daughter to scare you on purpose, and the child is my flesh and blood, why would I be willing to strangle him."

"Why would you be reluctant? Your heart is harder than a stone, and they say that pregnant women are the softest in heart, and you, when you induced a child who was more than seven months pregnant, the child was still alive, yet you actually strangled it with your own hands. If you are dead, then you have done all the inhuman things, what else can you do?"

Tan Xiaoxing exposed Wang Cuifeng's old story without hesitation, ignoring her shocked expression, looked at his son, and touched his son's head, who bowed his head and said nothing: "Xuanxuan, pack up your things, I'll take you to school, lest your mother Fire on you again."

With a cool back, Wang Shengxuan lowered his head and said "um", clumsily put away his textbooks and put them in his backpack, and went back to his room to get his clothes.

"Xiaoxing..." Tan Xingxing mentioned his darkest past repeatedly and twice, Wang Cuifeng's face was pale, even his lips were trembling, and he wept, "I didn't do that for you, I am wholeheartedly for you... It's you who told me to leave, just leave, don't procrastinate, for you, I don't even want that child, and I will give you all the money to do business. You said that you would not treat me badly, I believe it, you Said that you marrying that woman can make your business bigger. When you have money, you will be good. I believe it. Now that your business is bigger and more developed, you forget what you said before and just This is for me..."

"Wang Cuifeng, be a person with conscience," Tan Hao stared happily: "Why do I want to marry my current wife, don't you know better than anyone else? At that time, my business was about to fail, and you scolded me every day for being unpromising, saying that you were wrong about me, I got a piece with another rich man. That man was still my business rival. Back then, it was my current wife who didn't dislike me. She married me and saved the business with the help of her family. My business improved, but that man couldn't satisfy me. You, you just came back and told me that you just wanted to stimulate me to force me to work hard, but never thought about breaking up, hehe, Wang Cuifeng, you say now that I forgot my roots, do you still want to face me?"

"Xiao Xing, I really wanted to stimulate you and make you move forward. I never thought about breaking up. I could even kill a child who was pregnant in July for you. How could I be willing to leave you, Xing Xing, for you, I To give birth to a son for you, in order to bring a son, even if you get married, I will not marry again, I would rather be a shady mistress, don't you believe my sincerity..."

Wang Cuifeng was sobbing and choking, but Tan Qixing knew she could pretend, so she didn't feel distressed: "Wang Cuifeng, people don't speak secretly, you didn't let me take my son because of money, if you don't marry or because of money, you know you If you marry again, I will not give you money. You may not have such a good life when you marry, and everyone knows who you are and what your family is like. No man from a good family wants you. If you are poor, you won't marry if you are afraid of hardship.

How many men have you slept with over the years, you know, and I know, I didn't talk about you before, just to give you face, but it wasn't because you were very secretive, I don't know, because you're not my wife, you slept with other men It doesn't matter to me either, as long as you don't bring back inappropriate people to affect my son, and it will be the same in the future. You can sleep with whoever you want. In order not to get in your way, as long as Xuanxuan is willing to live with me, I can pick up the child anytime. "

"" It turns out that Tan Xiaoxing always knew that he often had sex with people. Wang Cuifeng panicked and rolled out cold sweats on his face, and was so scared that his calf cramps. , or she didn't know how she died.

The woman looked at herself in horror, but Tan Xiaoxing didn't care, picked up a portfolio that was on her son's desk, and threw it at the woman who was still standing at the door: "This is what you asked me to check for you, I promise you You can do it yourself, don't ask me to help you wipe your ass if you cause any trouble, I won't help you deal with your personal affairs any more."

what?At first, Wang Cuifeng didn't turn his head, seeing a cowhide bag flying over, subconsciously let it go, and the paper file bag fell to the ground with a thud.

Seeing the bag falling to the ground, she hesitated for a few seconds before she realized that Tan Xiaoxing gave her the information of the person she was looking for?

Looking at Tan Xiaoxing, seeing that his face was bad, Wang Cuifeng's heart skipped a beat, and hurriedly explained: "It's not what you think, I don't want to go back and rekindle my old relationship with him, I... I just want to know if that child is The one I was born with..."

"Ha-" Tan Haoxing laughed sarcastically and said nothing. At first he didn't know who Wang Cuifeng was looking for, but when the Daer Gang found the information for him, he realized that the person Wang Cuifeng was looking for was her ex-boyfriend. As for whether it was the child that Wang Cuifeng induced and strangled to death with his own hands, it is not known.

For many years in the society, he knows who can be offended and who can't be offended. Regarding the matter of Wang Cuifeng's ex-boyfriend's family, it is better to have less than one more thing. He has reminded Wang Cuifeng that he doesn't want to worry about it any more, so as not to cause trouble. .

Tan Xiaoxing looked at his son's bedroom, and saw that the child was standing at the door with his head down silently with a big bag on his back. He walked over and took his son's hand: "Xuanxuan, have the things ready? Let's go."

Wang Shengxuan lowered his head and let his father walk by holding hands. He walked to the door and said to his mother in a low voice, "Mom, I'm going to school." Lou, didn't ask tremblingly until sitting in the car, "Uncle, my mother... She really strangled a child?"

"Well, your mother used to have a boyfriend who was very good to her. When they were getting married, something happened to that uncle. Your mother aborted the seven-month-old child who was pregnant. It was a girl... not yet Die, your mother strangled her with her own hands. If the child is still alive, she should be 15 years old. If your mother wants to beat you, you must run away, or call your father or give your grandparents. You can’t let your mother die beat you." Tan Xingxing was afraid that his son would not protect himself when his mother beat him, so he reminded him first.

Wang Shengxuan shivered in fear and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Tan Xiaoxing found his son's horror, and he had no comfort. He drove out of the community to take his son to find a place to eat. He didn't want to help Wang Cuifeng to say good things, so as not to beautify her. The son depends on his mother. was killed.

When Tan Xiaoxing didn't say anything about taking her son to school, Wang Cuifeng's heart was cold, but she didn't have the courage to explain it. When Tan took the child out of the house, her legs softened and she sat down with her buttocks oozing beans on her forehead. Large beads of sweat.

After sitting for a while, the cold sweat stopped, and I managed to calm down. I picked up the paper bag on the ground, opened it, took out a large amount of A4 paper, and looked at the things Tan gave me. From the beginning to the end, I couldn't help being excited. The one she gave birth to!
No matter how you say it, you are the mother of the child, and the child is obliged to provide for the elderly. The money that the daughter earns is not her money, so how can you worry about not having money to spend?Wang Cuifeng became happier the more she thought about it, and now she has to think about how to recognize her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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