Chapter 746

The little human girl is working hard, and she doesn’t know what she is tinkering with. Most of the medicinal materials used are poisonous medicinal materials, and the whole juice becomes weird after mixing, and the taste is very pungent. Fortunately, there are plants in the heaven and heaven, and plants can breathe. Digest those smells, otherwise the smell of medicine will make you feel chest tight.

The little girl didn't have time to talk to herself. The little fox didn't bother her. After admiring it for a while, she felt that she really didn't like the smell of medicine. She took away the little monkey that was on top of Xiaoya's head, and went back to the medicine field to help pick mushrooms, plants and flowers. .

There are two industrious little cuties helping to manage the medicine field. Le Xiaole is very relieved. He just studies his own medicine, tinkers with a concoction, adds water, finds bottles and cans, and adds powder, ointment, and concoction. Then mix well, divide into several portions and put them in bowls and bowls.

After thinking about it, I took out some pots, bowls, pots and spoons, and then went to the pile of medicinal materials to pick out some poisonous medicinal materials, mashed them into juice, then added various medicinal juices and medicinal powders containing poisonous ingredients, and finally added corpse-dissolving powder and medicinal powder. Bone water.

When adding Evolution Corpse Powder, the concoction didn't have a special effect. At most, the color became very... strange. It was originally blue-green and turned into blood red. The red bubbles rose up and were stacked into bubble pillars more than three feet high.

The little fox was sitting on the side to help clean up the weeds in the medicinal herbs, but when he noticed the movement on the little girl's side, he stood up and looked around, found the blood-colored bubbles, and jumped his feet in shock: "Oh my God, little girl, what strange things have you done? What? It smells weird, so annoying, throw it away quickly!"

"I don't know what this is," Le Yun looked at the weird things she had made up and scratched the back of her head: "I just found and mixed all the things that vampires and zombies in the space hate the most, I also added some bone-melting water, and it went like this."

Don't ask her what she is, she didn't even think about it herself. Originally, the medicine was prepared according to a strange prescription that was dug out of her mind. Because the raw materials of the medicine were not uniform, only the existing ones were mixed together, and it became It's not a good medicine anyway, it should be a new type of poison, and the specific effect has to be tested to know.

However, it seems to be very good, it seems to be...

Scratching the back of her head, Le Yun worked hard to filter the countless prescriptions she had collected in her brain, looking for a potion that matched the strange medicinal soup in front of her. She quickly sat down and found a suitable explanation.

Thinking back on it, and comparing it with the medicinal soup in front of me, I was overjoyed and my eyes turned into crescents: "Mmmmmm, I'm really a genius, I dare to fix this kind of thing, but unfortunately I still lack a lot of raw materials, or I'll be dead in minutes. stiff."

"Little girl, what kind of thing did you make?" The smell of that broken thing was really annoying, and it seemed to make his blood flow more slowly. The little fox felt very uncomfortable and wanted to lie down in the coffin. Hide inside to avoid that unpleasant smell.

"Theoretically, I want to develop a medicine that seals strange creatures such as flying stiffness. It can be called slow medicine. It is a kind of magic medicine. If there are too many medicines, it will deteriorate and become a medicine with another effect. It is designed to destroy the body of the immortal creatures like the Flying Stinger. It lacks the most important ten thousand-year-old flame wood, divine blood thorn vines, and sea dragon blood. This can only be regarded as a very low-level defective product. Fortunately, It's still enough to deal with ordinary zombies.

In theory, this stuff is actually the nemesis of many beasts. Fortunately, there are not enough medicinal materials. Otherwise, the medicine will stun you and Xiao Huihui. Aww, practice brings true knowledge. Sure enough, it is necessary to do diligent experiments without fear of death.Little fox, stay away from you and Little Huihui, I'll add something in. "

"It's a meow, and it can restrain the beasts. No wonder this fox finds it annoying, little girl, wait for this fox to go away and add strange things." The little human girl showed a treacherous smile, and the little fox suddenly felt it. Miao, as soon as he grabbed the little monkey and ran, he ran to the ice coffin with three or five vertical jumps, jumped into the ice coffin, and closed the lid of the coffin to avoid being devastated by the strange things the little girl made.

The little fox fled away, and Le Yun smiled and supported her old waist. That fox fairy loves beauty and loves cleanliness, and hates strange smells and dirty things the most. She even lies in the coffin when she doesn't want to smell strange things. It's really cleanliness.

When they hide it, she is welcome, finds the sandalwood shavings bought in Myanmar, grinds it into powder, and pours a large amount of sandalwood powder into the blood-colored concoction.

The medicinal soup with sandalwood powder added first boiled again, and then the bubbles burst into clusters. The bubble columns that were several feet high fell down inch by inch, and finally exposed the tumbling water surface.

The blood-colored medicinal soup was boiling, and the color changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, from blood red to cinnabar red, the boiling water slowly calmed down, and the smell was still very strange.

Le Yun touched her nose, um, don't ask her, she doesn't know how to describe the smell, anyway... it's not very good, the strangeness of the smell refreshed her understanding of the smell.

After analyzing the proportion of the ingredients in the taste, I silently ran to the place where I kept the carnivores, grabbed a rabbit from a basket, chopped off a toe, put it in a glass bottle, and then spooned some cinnabar. The red concoction poured on the rabbit's toes.

The rabbit's toe was soaked in the medicinal soup, and not even a bubble appeared. The flesh began to be corroded and separated, and even the rabbit's hair was rotten, becoming smaller and smaller, and soon disappeared.

At the same time, the glass bottle soaked in the potion was also damaged little by little, as if a rotating knife was scraping the inside of the glass bottle, the inside of the glass bottle was melted layer by layer, and half of the cup was at one point one. point thinning.

"Hey, glass can't be used, only copper alloy utensils can be used to hold it?" Le Yun sweated coldly. The corrosiveness of this broken thing is not weak, it can corrode glass and porcelain, but it has no chemical reaction to copper alloy.

In order to prevent the glass bottle from destroying the medicine soup and wine field, I quickly took a copper alloy bowl and put it in, and stayed by the side to continue to observe. After a few minutes, the rabbit's toe bones were corroded to the point where there was no slag left. In a few minutes, the part of the glass filled with medicine was melted, and a bright color was added to the cinnabar-red medicinal soup.

The medicinal soup melted into the glass has not undergone any new anti-chemical changes, and its essence has not changed at all, only a brighter color has been added, as if a layer of light has passed.

After researching for a while, I haven't found any mystery yet. Le Yun ignores it for now, put out copper alloy products, and divides the medicinal soup into three parts, one is placed in a pot, one is left in the basin, and the other is placed in the pot. In a small long-handled milk pot, the pot and the medicinal soup in the milk pot are placed in the most suitable positions, so that the medicinal soup can be taken out of the space and poured on the vampire to test the killing effect of the medicine at any time when needed. force.

There is a way to deal with vampires, and while there is still some time, go to work in the medicine field, harvest some medicinal materials, wash your hands, nibble off a bunch of bananas and a bunch of August fry, when you are full, slip out of the space, and then put Throw the blood-stained tissue back into the space.

Back in the tent, Le Yun checked the items in the space again, and carried all the items that might be needed to the place where her consciousness was most accessible, ready to fight with vampires.

For his dinner, Aragorn waited patiently. From the time the sun went down until the sky darkened, he didn't feel bothered. When the human girl walked from the lawn to the edge of the forest, he still sat on the tree as steady as a mountain. Vampires like to travel at night. , Humans are nocturnal animals, and it will be dark soon. Human girls can only camp in tents and cannot walk in the dark.

Just as he guessed, there was a rustling sound from the edge of the forest, and it was obvious that a human girl was setting up a tent. Soon night fell, and a faint light appeared from the edge of the forest, which was emitted by a flashlight in the tent. bright.

It was getting dark, and Aragorn climbed from the branches to the top of the tree and sat on the top of the tree, looking at the edge of the wood with a little light from a distance, he had to endure it, if he got too close, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his craving for delicious food. , couldn't resist eating early.

As a gentleman, he felt that he had to wait until the human girl was full and rested. It was the most beautiful enjoyment to eat when the human spirit and blood were at the most perfect moment, so he had to wait until the human girl had the last meal. Dinner and Meimei's rest are the best moments for him to act.

He also admired human girls. A girl dared to go hiking alone in the Alps. She was so courageous and courageous.

Before the moon came out, the nocturnal animals in the deep mountains came out to forage one after another, and various noises could be heard.

There is a human girl for dinner, Aragorn completely loses interest in animals, even if he smells wild leopards and orangutans, he is indifferent. Animals have more blood than humans. Under the same conditions, vampires choose to suck animal blood, after all A large number is also an advantage.

However, this time was an exception. The blood of the human girl he found was too sweet. A bowl of blood from a human girl was better than the whole body of a giant orangutan.

Dinner, a sumptuous dinner.

Imagining the wonderful feeling of enjoying the taste of sweet blood, the cold blood in Aragon's veins boiled again, greedy saliva grew out of his mouth, his teeth grew and grew crazy, and his eyes also changed color, slowly from the normal pupil color to the color. Changes in blood color.

"No rush, no rush, a good dinner is worth waiting for." Glancing at the faint light in the distance, Aragorn took a breath, trying to control his thirst for blood. The more beautiful things are, the more worth waiting for, such a good dinner. , certainly worth the long wait.

After dark, the light in the tent on the edge of the woods is particularly conspicuous in the dark place. There are many eyes watching the light in the dark. Mosquitoes in the woods see the firelight and scramble to the place where there is light. Mosquitoes flocked to the tent and were blocked by the tent, so they could only revolve around the tent unwillingly. A few bats flew down from the tree, preying happily, sweeping around and flying away slowly.

The night was getting darker and darker, and soon the lights in the tent went out, and the whole forest was shrouded in darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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