Chapter 78

"Save, don't save, save, don't save..."

Flies and mosquitoes buzzed, Le Yun's tangled eyebrows were twisted into twisted strips, and she unconsciously waved branches in her hands to drive away mosquitoes and flies, chattering in her mouth.

To save or not to save is a major issue that requires careful consideration.

Logically, it should be saved, but it's something like "saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda", you must know that it is only one life.

But if she was saved, the man would be hurt like that. For now, she really didn't want to get involved with dangerous people, especially unidentified foreigners. All of them were ruthless and murderous without blinking an eye.

If you don't save, alas, you really can't get past the hurdle in your heart. Grandpa said that studying medicine is for saving lives and doing good deeds.

If you save it, it may not be able to save life. She has never done abdominal surgery for anyone. That guy's intestines have been cut off. He needs to wash the cavity and sew the intestines up... ugh!

Thinking of the foreigner's tragic state, Le Yun felt nauseated, that kind of picture can't be looked directly at, okay?
save, not save...

Tangled, too tangled, the multiple-choice question of saving and not saving is too much to test the endurance of a person's heart.

"Oh, let's save it!"

After struggling for a long time, a flash of light flashed in Le Yun's mind, the thief's wicked laugh, and another free guinea pig, a better research subject than eunuchs, just right to use this animal for clinical anatomy experiments.

No matter if you can save your life or not, you can try it once and accumulate some anatomy experience, so that you will be more handy when you go to university to study experimental anatomy, right?
It doesn't matter even if she is rescued, anyway, in the mountains and forests, where people are inaccessible, people are dead and buried in a hole, no one knows if she has seen that guy before?

Besides, even if he didn't save his life, he didn't die in vain. At least he made a contribution to the medical cause of the Great Celestial Dynasty, and he died in a proper place.

Le Yun excitedly threw away the branches, picked up a handful of her own hair, squatted down, and poked the man's chin with her fingers: "Crooked nuts, are you willing to receive treatment? Are you willing to contribute to the medical cause of our country? Should the body be used as a study material? If you don’t speak, I will take it as your acquiescence, Shuai Kuo Ren, you are so great, don’t worry, if you really sacrificed in surgery, the people of the Great Heaven will remember you. Every year in July and a half of Qingming Festival, I will try my best to remember to burn some money paper for you, la la la la, that’s it!”

Happy to help the foreign friend make a decision, Classmate Le lifted the man up, made him lie on his back with his backpack on his back, kept his upper body slightly higher, and unbuttoned his clothes quickly.

Unbuttoning a button, I found that something seemed to be exposed on his left and right wrists, so I opened his sleeves first, and now I am happy, my good fellow, he has a Rolexley watch in his left hand!
Don't think that classmate Le's family is ignorant and ignorant since she never went out to open her eyes. You must know that knowledge can change your destiny, and reading can increase your knowledge. She loves reading, and she loves reading. Even though she was trapped in the one-acre land in Fang County for 14 years, she still remembered the symbols of various world famous brands.

The watch on the man's left wrist has the iconic letters of Rolex, she will never read it wrong, he wears a wrist guard on his right hand and carries two weapons.

He took off his weapon wristbands and two sabers. The cold metal feeling made people feel inexplicably safe with the weapon in his hand. He opened one of them. The blade at the near end of the knife is about four centimeters long and has a zigzag shape with sharp peaks.

Open the other one, the same cold light, however, it may have been used, and the blade is a bit dull.

"You're so considerate, you still carry this thing with you." Classmate Le happily confiscated the knife. It's a good thing. She was worried that she would not have the tools to operate on a man. This is not the case now.

The man's right hand was cut, and there was a deep wound. When he fell to the ground, the blood stained the wet wrist wrap. Le Yun found a plastic bag from the space to wrap the knife and wrist, and threw them aside.

Unbuttoning the man's shirt to reveal his toned chest muscles, he is very healthy, healthy and enviable, with the most sought-after bronzed skin, eight-pack abs with distinct texture and looming mermaid lines.

Uh, at this time, please ignore his broken chest and dirt, after all, there are too many tragic reminders in life, no matter how cruel the reality is, we must have a pair of eyes to discover beauty, and a pair of eyes that can discover beauty at all times. Beautiful delicate heart.

Classmate Le has a heart that is good at discovering beauty. Quan Dang didn't see anything that seriously affected the appearance, so he quickly solved a man's belt.

Seeing the men's belt, her eyes lit up, and the wounded's belt was also a famous brand, that is, Guccio, the world's top brand of men's belts.

Earth trench.

Look at a man's taste, just look at his watch and belt, look at his two things, it proves that he is a big ditch.

Le Yun was a little excited. She saved the foreign soil and collected some medical expenses. She didn't have to worry about her tuition and living expenses.

He was in a good mood, and felt that even the nasty stench was not so unpleasant, and the buzzing of flies was no longer so annoying. He quickly unbuttoned his belt and ripped his jeans to the crook of his knees.

Taking two glances, Le Yun didn't even blushed, ignoring it, she didn't like to appreciate it, she turned her eyes to the Tuhao man's abdomen, took out a pair of disposable gloves from the space to protect her hands, and patted the wound from his wound. A section of the small intestine is extruded from the lumen.

It is speculated from the wound that the wound on his abdomen was drawn from top to bottom, with a total length of more than seven centimeters. The wound at the very end was about three centimeters shallow, and had not penetrated the flesh. The wound on the upper end was a penetrating wound. The large intestine was broken, and the small intestine was cut in two places, and a knife was slashed in one place.

It was very bad for the internal organs to be tied up like that. However, Tuhao Man was lucky. The location of the sharp weapon was only less than one centimeter away from the main vein of the rectum. , No matter how talented Le is, he can't help people with continuous vein surgery without professional tools.

After observing it once, Le Yun couldn't hide her excitement. The operation is a test of the doctor's surgical ability. Now, the important moment to test her hands-on ability and knowledge has come!

This is a living and free experimental body. You don't have to be responsible for killing it. You can't control your heart if you don't want to get excited.

In order to keep the ditch from accident, I decisively fed him a piece of ginseng slices and a tin maple bucket. Because the site was too dirty, I was afraid that he would be infected. First, I used the space well water to help him wash away the dirt, and then put the earth into the ditch. Move to another place three or four meters away, take out a bucket of well water and a spoon from the space, pick up Tuhaoman's saber, wash it with water, and use the knife.

Without professional equipment, the only way to clean the wound is to widen the wound again. Classmate Le secretly rubbed his hand to make up the knife along his old wound. .

He scratched out a ten-centimeter-long wound, threw the knife down, scooped out the internal organs with his hands, took out the intestines of the ditch, wrapped it in plastic wrap and put it in his clothes and put it in his clothes first, and then washed his abdominal cavity with well water. The accumulation of dirt and blood in his abdominal cavity was rinsed, then the intestines were cleaned and washed, and the internal organs were first put back into the abdominal cavity, and the wound was covered with a film.

After a simple treatment, he took off the dirty clothes in the ditch, wrapped the person in his own raincloth and threw them back on the space grass, picked up his dirty clothes, sealed them in a bag, and put them in his backpack, together with the backpack and the space. Take your belongings back into the space and run away quickly.

There are large beasts living nearby and it is not suitable to set up camps on the spot, otherwise the beasts will come to chat with people in the middle of the night. She doesn't want to play games with beasts in the middle of the night, and she doesn't want to be chased all over the mountain, so stay away from the forest. The overlords are the best, not to mention that Yituhao’s injuries must be raised for several days before it can move. There is no water source nearby, so it is inconvenient to camp on the spot.

There are hidden dangers in safety, various external conditions are not suitable, and a safe and realistic camp must be selected.

Le Yun ran to the edge of the tree, the sun in the sky hung on the top of the mountain in the west, and it was going to set soon, it was getting late, and another wound was in urgent need of treatment. Look for a few essentials for surgery.

Le, who turned from east to west, went over mountains and mountains, and kept looking for medicine and a place to camp, finally when the last rays of the sun will reach the top of the highest mountain that he saw, he climbed over the mountain where the accident happened and reached the foot of the mountain. , tented under a rock crevice under a cliff.

Set up camp in a place that can shelter from the rain. If it rains heavily, it can also be sheltered. Don’t be afraid that the tent can’t block the heavy rain. The ground is about two miles away from the stream, which is not too far.

Anza set up the tent and made a fire.

Classmate Le praised her wit again. She picked up a lot of firewood in the days of taking care of the eunuch. She predicted that the eunuch was about to wake up, and there was a lot of firewood. She collected two bundles and stored them in the space for later use. Take it out for emergency.

The fire was built, the insect-eating grass and mosquito repellent flowers were placed, the ground was covered with a raincoat as a cushion, and the pots, knives and other necessary things were laid out, and a rabbit was taken out for dissection.

Grandpa Le was a visionary Chinese medicine practitioner. He taught his granddaughter to dissect animals since he was a child. The most dissected one of Le’s classmates was rabbits. He started learning it at the age of four. At the age of six, he was able to independently complete the overall dissection operation. The most successful one was to suture the wound. It took half a year to be slaughtered.

The rabbit was killed with a bamboo bow and arrow, cut it apart, and the inside was still warm. Le Yun took the rabbit's membrane coat, omentum, intestinal membrane, etc. at the fastest speed, twisted it into a thread, and rubbed a bunch of meat threads. , and then raised the rabbit fat oil, and reconciled several kinds of resins that he had found into a paste.

Make enough preparations, wash your hands, take the needle to the fire and sterilize it, and put on a meat thread for use.

Everything is ready, turn on the flashlight and hang it on the tree fork, adjust the best angle, spread the soft cushion attached to the tent on the ground, take the foreign ditch man out and lay it on his back, put on gloves, and perform surgery on him.

The Tuhao man has something to hang his life in his mouth, and the signs of life are very strong.

It was the first time to perform internal organ suture surgery, and Le Yun was very excited. She took out the intestines of Tuhao again, put the intestines that did not need sutures in his cavity, changed gloves, and sutured the small intestine wound.

For surgery in the hospital, the internal organs are sutured with a retractable thread, also called catgut. Generally, the thread can be absorbed in about seven or eight days. Classmate Le does not have that kind of catgut, so he can only use the meat extracted from the rabbit. line alternative.

Stitching is a delicate job, and it requires stitch by stitch, not to mention the stitching of soft intestines, which is a test of one's eyesight and skills.

Le Yun enabled the X-ray scanner function of her eyes to check that there was no error before she started stitching. She used the thinnest needle to sew, and each stitch was carefully stitched. Out of the line is limited, can not afford to waste.

The intestines were too soft, and it took six stitches to sew the first opening successfully. Apply the ointment prepared by yourself to completely cover the wound, and then wrap a layer of film to wrap the ointment, and apply grease on the surface of the film. Oil, so as not to stick with other intestines.

The fracture of the second wound is wider. Repeatedly stagger nine needles, apply the ointment and apply oil on the coating layer; then apply the ointment to the scratched area, carefully put the small intestine back into the wounded's stomach, coil it up, and sew it again. the large intestine.

A total of thirteen stitches were sewn into the large intestine, and it was sewn in a decent shape, wrapped with ointment and membrane, coated with protective grease, and helped him put it back into the abdominal cavity, observed with the special function of the eyes, and adjusted it to be in line with himself from various anatomical views. Know the position, and then help the trench to sew the chest muscles.

The front abdominal wound needs to be sutured in two layers, the inner layer and the outer layer. There are only so many meat threads, which can only be used for the inner layer suture, and the distance is calculated and used in a planned way. A thin layer of grease, and the outer wound is of course with the thread used for sewing clothes.

After the stitching was completed, ointment was applied, and gauze was used to cover the wound. Le Yun carefully sent him back to the space, dealt with the water stains on the mat, lifted the mat and climbed back to the tent to lay it down, and slipped the backpack of the trench out and checked it again. Especially speechless, his backpack is so poor, except for the flashlight, lighter, rain cloth, just two sets of clothes, one set of clothes is still worn and unwashed.

The wallet is made of genuine leather. The LV logo on it once again shows that he is a squat. There is only a thousand yuan in the wallet, as well as several foreign bills, ID cards and bank cards. The ID cards are all foreign letters, not English, so I don't know him.

I don't know foreign languages, so I'm illiterate, right?

Feeling that she had become an illiterate Le Yun, she made up her mind to learn more foreign bird languages ​​when she went to university, so as not to be scolded by others for bird language and kept in the dark when she went out in the future.

Silently write down the alphabetical arrangement on Tuhao's ID card, put things back in their original places, spread his clean clothes on the mat, then lift Tuhao out, help him put on his clothes, and then help him bandage the palm of his hand. Wound.

(End of this chapter)

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