magic eye doctor

Chapter 782 Don't grab my brother's food (1

Chapter 782 Don't grab my brother's food (1
Whether it was the old birthday star of the He family who brought people or the handsome guy from the He family who moved things and ran to the door to talk, Le Yun knew the whole process, pretended to be stupid, and resolutely stayed in the kitchen and was busy making the ingredients for moon cakes and biscuits.

When the little handsome He family guys ran to the door to be the door gods, her first batch of mooncakes had just been baked in the oven, and they were baked for 4 and [-] minutes.

When the oven is turned on, the aroma cannot be hidden. There is a range hood in the kitchen to suck the aroma away, and only a little smell escapes from the window above the door.

The handsome guys outside the door are all foodies, smelling the fragrance, craned their necks one by one, staring at the kitchen door, look, look, the door is closed, not to mention how sad.

The old and young people in the lobby on the first floor took a few breaths when they smelled the fragrance, and the expressions on their faces were two words - intoxicated, and the smile was beautiful and bright.

Fang’s mother, Uncle Hu, Aunt Li and Uncle Li have dinner on the second floor. During the National Day holiday, the second master gives the family’s helpers a holiday. Others go home for the festival. , just spend the festival together at the second master's house.

The four of them felt a little distressed when they smelled: the little girl will lose a lot of moon cakes!
Chao Erbo's oven is a large oven, which can bake a lot at one time. Le Yun took the plate out, put it on the stovetop to cool down, and put some in the oven for baking.

Wait for the moon cakes to dissipate some of the heat, secretly put some and hide them, keep half, and hide half of the moon cakes when the second oven is out. Bake the moon cakes in four ovens, banana pancakes in two ovens, pumpkin pancakes in two ovens, and hide most of the banana crepes. Leave a small amount, pumpkin pie hides a small portion.

In addition to the part in the hiding space, the others are also divided into parts, some of which are packed and packed properly, grabbing the spatula in one hand, and swinging open the kitchen door.

The aroma continued to emerge from the kitchen, and the foodies at the door were tossed and tossed, and their saliva plummeted three thousand feet. After the saliva was drained, the door was opened, and a few foodies jumped up and blocked the door.

"Little Lele!"

"Little group!"

"Little beauty!"

A group of beautiful young people looked at the pink and tender little girl in an apron, like a wolf seeing meat, their eyes glowed green, and their flattering smile turned into a flower.

"Stand well, stand well, stand well, whoever pushes forward will eat the spatula." A group of foodies don't want any image to move forward, Le Yunhu has a face, waving the spatula majestic and domineering, who dares to grab the food Who.

"Don't be angry, Xiao Lele, let's stand."

Xiao Shao's brothers immediately took a step back, stood up obediently, and formed two teams. They were also smart to let the beautiful boy line up at the front. The little fan dumpling would take pictures of other people, and it was absolutely reluctant to take pictures of her beautiful brother.

He Xiao[-] and He Xiaoliu also coaxed into buns, ranking behind Wang Er Shao, Yan Xing Lan San also knew current affairs, and ranked last, so as not to invite little loli to be seen.

A group of foodies stood in a row, Le Yun waved the spatula, with one hand behind her back, her face sullen, her eyes swept across the foodies' faces one by one, and hummed unhappily: "You said that all of you are the pillars of the country's future. , I also eat delicacies from the mountains and seas at home, and lie at the door as a doorman, what about your demeanor and your face?"

"Here's the face."

"I don't know where the demeanor went."

The foodies smiled and showed their faces. Who cares about their demeanor for the sake of eating.

"Hey, it's all foodies. Bad brothers don't want younger sisters if they have friends. They value sons over women and friends over younger sisters." A group of foodies and morality were passersby. The face is the thickest, and the spatula may not be broken.

"What, Lele, I'm helping you stop them, I'm not here to watch, these guys will rebel, my sister is more important than the little friends, the little friends can go where they can cool down, which little friend dares to Let my sister go wherever it is cooler, and the boat of friendship between me and him will be overturned in seconds." The little dumpling puffed out her cheeks angrily, and the beautiful boy reached out and touched Xiaofen dumpling's head, soothing the few hairs she had blown up.

"Little dumpling, you see that you are the most important younger sister in Brother Bo's heart. Don't be angry, Brother Xiao won't rob your brother."

"Brother Luo doesn't rob, your brother is yours."

"Hmph, you don't rob my brother, but you want to grab food."

"Little dumpling, don't want the truth, the truth is so embarrassing."

The foodies touched their noses, smiled shyly, their eyes drifted into the kitchen, little loli, can you wait for them to eat and then reprimand them?

"Everyone is standing outside, whoever moves will be detained." Le Yun waved the spatula to threaten people again, turned around and went into the kitchen to bring a plate of pumpkin pie to the door to taste the beautiful young brother first: "one person, who Not much."

The beautiful young man stretched out his beautiful hand with clear phalanges, picked up a red and yellow, bright pancake, and said nothing, brought it to his lips and took a sip, and the fragrance was released like the wind.

The foodie who didn't get the cake swallowed "gudonggudong", his eyes fell on the plate held by the little loli, and he couldn't move it away. When it was his turn, he immediately grabbed one and bit it.

When Lan San, who was the last in the row, got his share, he found that a few foodies had eaten up. He stared at him like a wolf, and was so frightened that he was so frightened that he grabbed half of the cake in one bite, he wanted to swallow it. It's reluctant to drop it, so I bite the mark first.

"Little dumpling, I... I still want to eat it, can I have another one?" Xiao Shaoluo, Shao Li, and Li Shao looked at the kitchen pitifully and salivated again. Little Lolita was so bad that she deliberately gave only one cake. Not enough for one bite, not enough to plug between the teeth.

"Don't even think about it." After Le Yun divided the cake, she still had one left for the beautiful young brother.

Everyone is extremely jealous of the Chao family brother, that guy has a younger sister, and he enjoys all kinds of happiness.

"Brother Chao, Brother Xiao, Brother Li, Brother Luo and Wang Erxiao entered the kitchen to serve moon cakes and went to the hall. They are not allowed to eat them. Whoever steals them will not be given a share in the future."

"Hey, I understand." The five foodies who were ordered to run errands jumped up cheerfully and rushed into the kitchen.

At the end of the beautiful young man's walk, he closed the kitchen door, held a plate in one hand, and held the small paws of the fragrant dumplings in the other, and went to the hall with the foodies.

Yan walks at the end, the tallest, and can see all the mountains and small mountains, and... sullenly, I want to ask people if he really has no sense of existence, he is standing among the young foodies, and the little loli turns a blind eye to him, The only thing worth rejoicing is that Little Loli didn't detain him.

The old men and the old ladies were also very sour because of the aroma wafting from the kitchen. They were afraid of angering the small powder dumplings. No one ran to the kitchen to take a look. The door that came to the side, when they saw the young people with plates coming, they immediately became happy, and without anyone else to say, they quickly sat in a row.

Young people of similar age sit at a table, and the five food workers who are errand workers deliver plates to the table. One plate at a table. Old and young people admire the moon cakes. They are very small, and they are small version moon cakes. , unlike the moon cakes on the market that have an oily feel, rather like the surface color of bread.

The fragrant and homely small moon cakes smell and taste... gu dong, and the sound of swallowing a piece of saliva also proves how tempting.

The crowd didn't do anything, so Mr. Chao took one and took a small bite. The fragrance was strong, and the taste... One word, good!

When the master moved his hand, the old men were welcome, the old ladies at the next table were welcome, and the men and women at the young and middle-aged table were welcome, each took a piece and ate it in small bites.

The mooncakes just came out of the oven, and they are still warm. When you bite into them, they are fragrant and crispy. The skin is thicker. The fillings are bean paste and sesame seeds. greasy.

A group of old ladies and gentlemen ate moon cakes in small bites, wiped their mouths with satisfaction, and smiled in their eyes.

The foodie youth gnawed off one, bit his finger, ah, ah, because the hair is so small, it can be eaten in one bite, how great it would be to make it big.

"Little Martial Uncle, I still want to eat." Because of his youth, Wang Erxiao was always called "Little Martial Nephew" by Little Loli, so he pretended to be cute.

The beautiful young man is next to Wang Erxiao. The teenager raised his hand and slapped Wang Erxiao's head: "Good boy, don't be greedy, be careful with bad teeth."

"Brother Bo, I'm only a little bit younger than you." Wang Erxiao hugged his head: "Little Shishu, can you tell me about Brother Bo and tell him not to pat me on the head, what if he really makes me a fool? manage."

"I said it earlier, it doesn't matter if you are stupid, let me get you back." Wang Shimu added a knife.

"Grandma, I am your grandson, born of your own son."

"I know."

"I think my grandma is actually the grandmother of Little Loli."

"It's good to know."

"I'm really pitiful, little uncle, please take it in." Wang Erxiao's face was bitter, he is now a grandfather who doesn't care, his grandmother doesn't love him, his brother is too far away, his parents tend to herd sheep, and the little uncle doesn't take in, okay Poor um.

"The innocence of a girl's family is very important, and boys are not taken in." The beautiful boy photographed the person back.

Wang Erxiao looked at his most admired brother Bo, with a gloomy expression on his face.

After tasting the moon cakes, the old man of the He family took the bag handed by his nephew and carried it to the little doctor. Seeing the old man He San coming, the beautiful boy and the young people gave up their seats, and asked the old man He San to sit down.

"Little doctor, you helped the He family yesterday. The He family is very grateful. This is the fee for your visit." He Zirui presented the bag to the little girl and explained the reason.

Le Yun glanced at it, neatly sized ten red bills, and a white belt tied by a bank around her waist. She grabbed a tie: "This is the cost of medicine," and grabbed two more: "This is to wake me up. , let me pay for the hard work and emotional cost of seeing a doctor, and take back the excess."

"Little doctor, your pills are worth ten thousand gold." The He family refused to take back the other seven pills, and they all hoped that the little doctor would accept them all.

"For the guy who commits suicide, I don't want to use the most expensive good medicine. Yesterday I used ten thousand pills. A gentleman loves money, and he takes it in a proper way. I will take the money that I deserve. No bullying."

When the little doctor said "a gentleman loves money in a proper way", the old and young of the He family knew that they could not force it, and the old man He San took back the remaining seven red notes.

(End of this chapter)

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