magic eye doctor

Chapter 784 Slag Elimination Agreement (3

Chapter 784 Slag Elimination Agreement (3
Because when she heard the scumbag appearing, Le Yun was not only full of hatred for the scumbag, but her mind was also filled with resentment. Whoever dared to say a little bit of kindness to the scumbag couldn't stand it, thinking that the Yan people still spoke The filial piety and morality did not agree with her righteousness and scum, so she directly broke up with Yanren.

I was swayed by anger, and when I was so angry that it was about to explode, I was hugged into a wide, hot embrace. At that time, my brain was short-circuited, and I was stunned. It was just that... Very quiet, I was held by the Yanren for a long time without any response. , until after listening to a long series of whispers, the first reaction was to look up and see a blue shirt collar, a white neck and a person's exquisite collarbone.

A series of bold ellipses flashed in Le Yun's brain, her slow thinking finally worked normally, and she forgot her anger towards the scumbag for a while, so she was stunned. Looking for comfort, or Yanren took her own initiative to comfort her?

Because I couldn't figure out whether it was I who bumped forward into Yanren's arms, or Yan walked to comfort him, because my mind couldn't turn around for a while, I also ignored the fact that I was being held, and I was stunned and realized There was a wet feeling on his face, he wanted to touch his face, his hand touched a wall of flesh first, and the natural reaction was to push the strong Yanren away.

Holding Little Loli, helping her brush her hair, without being beaten or kicked by her, Yan Xing's heart softened into water, so she wanted to hug Little Loli's good baby, comfort her, make her happy, and make her laugh .

I was enjoying the beautiful feeling of being relied on with a cute and cute little loli on my chest, I was pushed abruptly, took two steps back, and watched the little loli wiping my eyes, I knew it in a moment. After calming down, she might call herself a hooligan, or she might continue to discuss the topic, and she was at a loss again.

Putting both hands on the side of the body, I felt it was inappropriate to change several postures, and I was even more nervous. I explained: "Little Loli, I... I don't mean to take advantage of you, I just want to give you a loving one. Hug, Xiangyang said that when someone is in a bad mood, if someone gives a hug, you can feel full of strength."

"It's so tall, so big, with such hard muscles, it's clearly a bear hug." Yanren looked like he did something wrong, Le Yun was amused, wiped her face, and stared at him angrily, such a tall man The hug of a person who is about the same height is a drum hug, and the hug of a person who is nearly twenty centimeters shorter than him is similar to that of a lion hugging a lamb.

Little Lolita glared over, Yan Xing thought she was going to explode her hair and start violence, her back was stretched into a drum, her first thought was—Do you want to hide?

Little Lolita is unreasonable, she goes wild and uses force, avoids, she gets angry if she can't hold people, he doesn't hide, let her beat her to death, she beats her hand hurts, and then she will blame him for being tough , will also be angry.

Therefore, when others use force, they should hide when they should hide, and if they should fight back, they should fight back. If Little Lolita uses force against him, not only can he not consider the issue of fighting back, but even the decision to hide or not must be very cautious.

The nerves were drawn into a bow, and she was about to endure the violent and stormy beating of the little Loli, but the strange little Loli not only did not use force, but also laughed through her tears. It's ignorant, this is not right, is the little loli dizzy, so she didn't react, so she didn't take it seriously.

Although I couldn't figure out why Little Loli didn't get angry, she smiled shyly when she saw her smiling face: "Bear hugs, bear hugs, you can't blame me for being tall, it's because my grandma's family's genes are too good, and Yan's family's height genes are too good. It's not bad, it's not justified if it doesn't grow into a telephone pole."

"I know that my scumbag mother's family genes are not good." Le Yun's face turned dark for a moment. The big reason for her not growing tall may be that she inherited part of the scumbag mother's genes. Otherwise, her father is obviously more than 1.7 meters, even if she is 1.5 meters dead. Fifth, according to the difference in the average height of her parents, she should be about 1.6 meters four to be normal, but now she is only a little over 1.5 meters eight, which can only mean that she inherited the gene from a dead woman.

Thinking that she might have inherited the height gene of a bad woman, Le Yun felt uncomfortable, even in every cell. Having such a bad woman's mother was the biggest stain in her life.

Little Loli's face was gloomy when she just returned to Qing, and Yan Xing wanted to slap herself a few times. What's the matter? Knowing that Little Loli doesn't like her scumbag, he can't open the pot but mention it. Isn't this deliberately chilling the little loli?
"I...I didn't mean it that way, I didn't mean Huai and Sang and scolded your scumbag for having bad genes, that's not right...A certain woman's genes are really bad, I mean...I mean I didn't say anything about you It means that you have inherited bad genes. You will still grow taller. You will definitely grow taller. I have grown another 28 centimeters this year. I feel that I may grow a little taller. It's still a long time."

In order to comfort Little Lolita, Young Master Yan tried very hard to correct her mistakes, but the more anxious she became, the more chaotic she became, and she was so incoherent that she had no choice.

Yan Ren became more and more dark, and Le Yun stared: "The explanation is to cover up. I also know that my scum mother's genes are very scum, and I know that you don't despise my short stature, or I will kill you."

"Hmm, it's good if you understand, you didn't actually inherit the genes of a certain woman, that person is less than 1.5 meters five, you are more than 1.5 meters eight, whether it is facial features or IQ, what you inherited is from your father's family Good genes, smart, kind, quick-witted."

The little loli is wise and sensible, and Yan Xing is extremely happy, such a little loli is so cute!A reasonable little loli is the most beautiful little loli.

For someone Yan who turned into a flatterer in a second, Le Yun directly ignored his flattering face and got down to business: "You should have information on the bad woman and her best relatives and concubine, and send an email to you."

"I'll pass on the information to you, but you have to keep the contract, and the task of destroying the scum is left to you." Yan Xing's nerves were tense for a second, wouldn't Little Loli break the contract?

"The covenant can continue, but you have to promise that you won't give her another chance to run and disturb my family's life. Her successive appearances will affect my brother's growth. If you can't do it, don't do it all and destroy a few scumbags. I can do the little things myself, anyway, I just happened to collect blood-eating bacteria yesterday, which can come in handy.”

Yan Xing's forehead was swirling with cold sweat: "Little Loli, don't be fierce, you have to give her some time, and let her go back to Province C first, you just extracted flesh-eating bacteria from the hospital, in case When you use it, some people in the hospital think of a place that damages your image. Besides, that thing breeds too fast. If you plant it on her, she might have problems before she walks out of the market, and it will still be there. Someone will throw dirty water on you."

"I know, I don't need your mother-in-law's nagging. Remember to send me an email. I'll see it at night. It's none of your business now. You can go."

"Little Loli, the information will be sent to you later. I will come and pick you up at the airport tomorrow morning. This time, Lan San and I will accompany you back to your hometown."

"No, you go home for your festival, especially you, the people from your grandma's family finally got together, why are you running, reunite with your relatives obediently, you just need to send the information and contact of a woman's illegitimate child's father Give me the number too, and when the dead woman comes to my house to make trouble, I will notify her concubine and the father of the illegitimate child to pick them up, and then it will be your food."

"I'll give you the information, we will still accompany you back to Fangxian County. My grandmother's parents and seniors have been in Beijing for several days. When it is confirmed that the woman will return to Province C, I will come back in time for the reunion dinner."

"Don't you think about the moon cakes I made, and want to go to my house to eat them?" Le Yun looked up and down at someone, that guy must be because it is difficult to choose between going to He's house or grandpa's house during the Mid-Autumn Festival He just wanted to slip away. If he spends the Mid-Autumn Festival in the He family and leaves his grandfather alone at home, he will not feel well; if he returns to the grandfather's house, he will feel sorry for the elders who really love his family, so it is better to leave the capital, at least not As for the dilemma.

"Don't tell the truth." Yan Xing's face became hot: "I don't have a warm home to return to, Lan San is also an orphan, we will not cause you trouble when we go to your house, and try to eat as little as possible; and because he is responsible for Lan San The job requires frequent appearances, and it doesn’t matter if you go to your hometown to be remembered for your face, the task behind Lan San is to secretly send a certain woman back to Province C, so as not to cause the woman to make trouble halfway.”

Stare, stare again, Le Yun is so displeased by Yanren's words, that guy will use the opportunity to pretend to be pitiful, and to pretend to be righteous!
Thinking that he finally killed the scumbag father, but he was still in a dilemma even during the festival, and it was indeed a bit pitiful. He didn't force a protest. Forget it, if they want to go, let them go, anyway, it's just two more pairs of chopsticks She also had bodyguards to follow her when she went home. Maybe some people would be afraid of this, and would not dare to trouble her family, and the family life would be calmer.

I sympathized with someone Yan, and still stared at him fiercely for several times, turned and ran to the sink next to the door of the small warehouse to wash his face, washed his face with tears, and went straight to the kitchen to continue making moon cakes. As for a certain dead woman, there was actually Someone from Yan stared at him, let it jump first, and waited for her to go home and then settle the account with the dead woman.

For the first time, Yan Xing felt that the strange little Lolita was actually reasonable. Thinking of going to Little Lolita's house tomorrow, there was a bubble of happiness in her heart, and she followed Little Lolita out of her private warehouse in a refreshing manner. , go back to the living room by yourself.

Xiao Longbao had something to call the little doctor. Ancestor He and the others did not go to the corner and stayed in the living room. Seeing Xiao Longbao coming back with a calm face, the conversation must have gone smoothly. Then headed home.

The Chao family sent the young and old of the He family to board the car outside the hospital, and at the same time returned a gift—the earth moon cakes and pancakes made by their little girl.

The young and old of the He family returned home happily with several large bags, and Lan San and the captain returned to the garrison to pack their luggage.

(End of this chapter)

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