magic eye doctor

Chapter 794 Confrontation

Chapter 794 Confrontation

Grandma Zhou Man is about to explode with rage. How can there be such a shameless woman in the world?She dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and she and Yueqing can only share misery with the rich and the rich, and she still looks strange to Yueqing?
Zhou Papi and the others also opened their eyes wide. They have widened their horizons today. It's really unbelievable that people are shameless to this level.

The woman was still crying and accusing herself, and Dad Le laughed angrily: "My surname is Wang, I only know now that you can be so thick-skinned. I used to be kind to you. You say your father is not in good health, you say Your family wants to build a building, you say that your brother wants to study, you say that your sister has a child, today and tomorrow will change tricks to ask for money, I will satisfy you, one thousand this month, five hundred tomorrow, all the money I make by myself To fill the bottomless pit of your home for you;

When you were pregnant with the baby, you said what your family was going to do. Every three days, you used the baby in your belly as a bargaining chip to ask for money.

I thought of you as a treasure. When you were in the hospital, you knew that I had no weight on my hind legs, I might be disabled, and I would not be able to make more money to support your family. You abandoned me yourself, and now you come to accuse me ?Hehe, sure enough, you and your family are shameless things.

I forgot to mention that I only got married last year. I used to be afraid of marrying someone who would wrong my children and would not want a wife. Until my girl grew up, she was afraid that she would go to study abroad and leave me alone at home. My wife's mother proposed a marriage and found a good mother for herself.

When I got married, it wasn't long after my girl finished the college entrance examination, and her grades hadn't come out yet. My legs were lame. My family was so poor that I didn't give my wife a lot of money. My wife didn't think I was poor or lame. , I didn't think that my girl just took the college entrance examination and it might cost a lot of money to go to college and rejected me. She willingly married me, lived a hard life with me, and was willing to raise my girl with me and let my girl study.

No matter what job you did in the past that was looked down upon, I thought you had a good nature, and you were forced to degenerate because of your life and family conditions. I don't mind your past. However, when I needed you most, you didn't care. Abandon me without hesitation, and I can see your true face. You are a woman who loves vanity. You and your family only look at money. If you have money, you are an uncle. When I have money, you know that I am in good condition, and you take the initiative. Chasing after me, for fear that I don't want you, I tried my best to sleep with me, trying to tie me up with the trick of having a child;
When I was in trouble, you turned your face ruthlessly, swept away all the money in my family, abandoned me, and flew away with wild men. Now I am raising a girl, and the child is promising, and you came back to talk about your previous feelings. I used to be blind. It's your fault, now I'm not blind, your trick is useless, go on your own, don't lose your last face in front of your son. "

Wang Cuifeng was originally crying, but when she listened to it, she forgot to even cry. She opened her mouth and looked at Yueqing, as if she saw a ghost. No, it must not be true!
What child would not want to be with his mother, how could a child let his father find a woman who is not his mother as his wife?

Le Yun is only 15 years old this year and [-] years old last year. How could such a young person not miss his mother and let his father marry another woman?
Yueqing must be lying. He blamed her for stealing his family's money, so he deliberately put the blame on his daughter and let her stand in the way.

I don't believe it, Wang Cuifeng doesn't believe that Le Yun will find a stepmother for herself, and let her stepmother have children. It must be fake. Yueqing forced her to do it!It must be that Le Yun was forced to agree. Yueqing was afraid that she would find out, so she wanted to drive her away and prevent her from seeing her daughter.

"Wow—" Wang Cuifeng finally found a reason, and sat on the ground crying: "My poor daughter, why are you so miserable, your father abandoned your mother, he found a stepmother for you and put the responsibility on you, Let one of your children help him bear the infamy. My poor daughter, a child without a mother is a grass, you are more pitiful than grass, your grandparents are gone, your father also despise you, woo woo... my poor child, mother Come, mother will protect you, don't be afraid, woo... my child, god damn Yueqing, you return my child..."

A woman suddenly sat down, crying and screaming. Zhou Papi and other villagers were all stunned. She abandoned her child and her boyfriend by herself, and now it is too shameless to reverse right and wrong?
Wang Shengxuan didn't dare to help his mother, leaning against the wall, watching the faces of strangers in unfamiliar places vigilantly.

"If you want to howl, let go of your voice, even if you cry, it won't change the fact that you abandoned the child. You threaten me with the child in the womb, and now you want to make a fuss about the child. If you want to confuse black and white, someone has to believe it. , it's useless for someone to believe in you, Guan Jian sees whether the child believes it or not."

The woman surnamed Wang is Sapo, and Dad Le is not in a hurry. If she likes to howl, let her howl, even if it attracts the whole village, it doesn't matter. Anyway, for more than ten years, he has heard countless rumors and abuses, and his old affairs have been talked about as jokes. It is well known in the whole town, and there is nothing to be afraid of being watched as a play again.

"Yueqing, you have no conscience." Yueqing said that it is the key to children's trust. Wang Cuifeng also agreed, and continued to howl: "My daughter and I have been separated for 15 years. My daughter gave you a long face and cured your legs. She is so smart because of She grew up well in her mother's womb.

I worked so hard to get pregnant in October, and risked death in childbirth to give birth to my daughter. All the fame is given to you alone. I traveled all the way to see the baby. Let me see, Yueqing, is your conscience eaten by a dog? You treat your daughter's mother like this, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?

Yueqing, you return my child, my daughter is the flesh that fell from my body, and the blood that I gave birth to when I was pregnant in October. The child is my mother's life. You didn't let me see her, but let Le Yun come out. I want to see her. I want to see my daughter!I am the mother of my child and I have the right to see my child. "

The woman's voice was too high, and Zhou Papi and others covered their ears, but no one went to mix in the grievances between Yueqing and his ex-girlfriend, and let them scold and tear up.

"You said you gave birth to the child?" Dad Le didn't panic. Zhou Qiufeng said that if the woman is confused, he will wait for Lele to come back. Seeing this, Wang and someone won't cry without seeing the coffin. Well done.

"It wasn't me, could it be you?" Wang Cuifeng cried: "Is it easy for a woman to conceive a child, she can't sit or stand with a big belly, it's uncomfortable and uncomfortable, I worked so hard to conceive for so long, After trying so hard to survive, you even asked me if she was born, didn't she climb out of my stomach, can she still pop out of a rock?"

"Hehehe." Aunt Pa didn't say anything, just sneered.

"The surnamed Wang, you actually insisted that the child was born by you. Tell me, where did you give birth to the child? When was it born, when was it born, and how many kilograms did it weigh?"

"Of course it was me. The baby was born in the delivery room. It was so painful to have a baby, and I heard that the baby was out of breath. I didn't have the heart to ask how much weight it weighed, and how could I remember when it was born? It's yours. Go give birth to try it out, the pain is excruciatingly painful during delivery, and it’s not bad to try so hard to give birth to the child without fainting.

The woman was still talking nonsense with her eyes open, but Le Dad clasped his hands tightly together, loosened his grip, and finally threw the phone in Uncle Zhou Man's arms, threw the straw hat away, and rushed towards him. Wang woman.



When the village chief Zhou and others saw Yueqing throwing things down and running towards the woman, they were all startled and shouted.

Wang Cuifeng was still howling and pretending to wipe away her tears. She heard the sound of "porda, porda" and people's shouts. She looked up and saw Yueqing rushing over. Hug yourself and pretend to sob sob.

Wang Shengxuan shrank into a ball shivering when he saw a man rushing over.

Le Dad ignored the cry behind him and rushed to the woman, holding back his anger and asking again, "According to what you said, the child was born naturally?"

"Of course it's a natural birth, and a caesarean section requires the signature of the family." Wang Cuifeng answered as a matter of course.

"Give you another chance, how did you say the child was born?"

"The child was born prematurely. Although it was a difficult birth, it was born smoothly in the end." Wang Cuifeng blinked and looked at the man pitifully: "Aqing, don't you believe me? I took your family's money for emergency care, However, I really want to live with you, and I hope that our love crystals will be safe and sound..."

"Heh, I gave you a chance." The woman said in a mess, Le Dad couldn't bear it, he grabbed the woman's hair with his left hand and pulled it back, lifted the woman's face up, and fanned the woman's head with his right hand. Face.

The first slap almost condensed all the grievances he had accumulated over the past ten years, and slapped the woman on the left side of the face fiercely.

Being caught by her hair, Wang Cuifeng screamed "Aah" in pain. The scream came to an abrupt end after a heavy slap. Her face was turned to one side, and her mouth was open for a moment.

No one expected that Yueqing didn't do anything when he came, and he was calm when talking to women, but suddenly he started beating people. The village chief Zhou and others were also dumbfounded. go Ape.

Le Dad threw a slap in the face, still in disgust, pursed his lips tightly, and slapped the woman's face again, swiping the right face and the left face..., slapped the fan again and again.

After being slapped several times, Wang Cuifeng howled again in pain, scratching with both hands to save her hair, but unable to save her, she held her head and covered her face with her elbows.

The woman screamed one after another, and the village chief Zhou felt that Yueqing was about to fight, and hurried to pull: "Yueqing, stop quickly, and have something to say."

Village Chief Zhou went to He Xian Ni, Zhou Papi and others were happy, and he also "helped" to persuade the fight, shouting "Yueqing, talk to me if you have something to say", "Yueqing, don't be rough."

The villagers shouted something like that. Dad Le fanned out a dozen slaps in a row, and was pulled by the village chief Zhou, loosened the woman's hair, and took a few steps back. Wang Cuifeng was slapped in the face, and his face was red. , there are faint signs of swelling.

Pulling people away, Village Chief Zhou looked at Yueqing, and found that he was a big man with red eyes, as if he was about to cry. He knew that he was very sad, and he didn't scold him.

Yueqing was pulled away, Wang Cuifeng hugged her face and cried heart-breakingly: "Yueqing, you actually hit me, woo woo, you hit me, even if I took some money from your family, I'll give you such a smart baby Daughter, you can't be so ruthless for the sake of the child..."

"Do you dare to tell others how the child was born?" Papa Le stared at the woman with red eyes.

Wang Cuifeng raised her head abruptly, saw Yueqing's scarlet eyes, and shrank back in fright: "I said the child was born premature..."

Before she could finish speaking, Yueqing flew up and kicked her stomach. Wang Cuifeng leaned back and slammed into the long bench, making a howl like a pig.

Wang Shengxuan hugged his head in fright.

"Yueqing -" The village chief Zhou was really afraid that Yueqing would kill a certain woman, so he held him down so that he wouldn't kick anyone again.

Le Dad took a step back, stared at the woman, and when he saw her getting up, he wanted to splash again: "Do you howl again?"

Just as Wang Cuifeng was about to shout "kill", she didn't dare to say it, and looked at Yueqing in horror. In the past, Yueqing didn't even want to touch her, even if he didn't even want to touch her, her knees were blue, and he would feel a little distressed. God, she had never seen Yueqing's eyes so fierce.

"Should you strike the thunder or I should strike the thunder? If I don't hit you, how can I be worthy of the offense that my child has been? You dare not say how the child was born. For me," Le Dad gnashed his teeth angrily with red eyes. : "The child was not born by you, but induced by you. The child was still alive after being induced. You... you strangled the child yourself..."

"Hey—" Zhou Papi and Auntie took a deep breath. They knew that Lele was induced by her mother's induction of labor, so the elderly in the village took pity on the Lejia girl, even Chen Wu and Yueqing who were feuding with Lejia. Parents don't speak, they are not friendly to Yueqing's children. After all, no one has ever seen Lejia girl beating and scolding behind him.

It was also because they knew that the girl from Lejia was a child who survived by being induced to give birth, so Zhou Papi and others disliked it when they heard that the woman was Lele's own mother, but they were even more surprised that Yueqing actually said that the woman induced the child into labor. When he came down to see the child alive, he strangled himself to death.

The news was even more astonishing than the thunder on a sunny day. Zhou Papi and others were stunned.

The village chief Zhou and Zhou Man's grandma knew the most secret story long ago, so they were not shocked. At the beginning, Yueqing was also aware that the child was not born prematurely or was induced, and was strangled by the woman herself. It was his father and mother who worked hard to save him Only then did he really give up on that woman, never make trouble again, actively practice walking with a cane, and work with one hand.

"No-" Wang Cuifeng looked at Yueqing blankly, listening to him reveal the secret she thought no one knew, her heart was about to explode, she shouted and hugged her head: "Don't say it, don't say it... Please don't say it. said……"

(End of this chapter)

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