magic eye doctor

Chapter 806 Husband and wife break up

Chapter 806 Husband and wife break up (3)
Sister-in-law Wu and Zhang Jing ran home from the village committee building one after the other. When they got home, they were panting and sweaty, and they almost stuck out their tongues to pant like a dog.

When she got home, Sister-in-law Wu didn't care about being tired, opened the door, jumped into the building, and continued to trot: "Xiao Jing, hurry up and pack your things and follow me back to grandma's house."

Zhang Jing was so tired that she almost slumped down, stroked the door frame, and asked in tears, "Mom, my dad... who is my dad?" How could she be a bastard?Obviously Le Yun is the wild species.

"Go back to grandma's house and I'll tell you again, hurry up and pack up your valuables, the sooner the better." Sister-in-law Wu was anxious and angry, asking what those people were doing at this time.

Zhang Jing sat down on the ground in front of the door, crying loudly, is she really a bastard? !
Sister-in-law Wu was so angry that she wanted to slap her daughter, but she didn't have time to look after her. She ran upstairs and rushed into her daughter's bedroom, opened the closet and stuffed some clothes and valuable things into the suitcase she brought back from school and dragged her to Outside, I went back to my bedroom and rummaged through the boxes and boxes, took out the gold jewelry and put them in the suitcase, and then stuffed the clothes into the suitcase.

Zhang Jing's mind was filled with the word "wild species", and she was in a mess from crying. She vaguely saw someone approaching, looked up, and saw that it was the person she had called Dad for more than ten years. Mouth, forget to cry.

Zhang Ke ran home in a hurry, saw Zhang Jing crying at the door, ignored him, entered the house full of anger, rushed straight up the stairs, and rushed up to the second floor, seeing the skin on the corridor box, and ran to the room where he slept.

When I ran to the door and saw Wu Lingling randomly stuffing clothes into the box, I knew she wanted to escape, so I rushed over and grabbed the woman by the hair, and slapped her.

Sister-in-law Wu heard footsteps and looked up to see Zhang Ke. She wanted to close the box and go straight away, but she didn’t take the rest. Just after closing the lid of the box and not locking it, Zhang Ke rushed to him and couldn’t help saying that he grabbed his hair and felt pain. With a scream of "ah", he broke Zhang Ke's hand with both hands, and shouted angrily: "Zhang Ke, you are crazy, let go... slap!"

Before she finished shouting, she was slapped heavily on the face, and she was in severe pain at that time, and that slap also blinded her.

Zhang Ke has never hit her, no matter how much she quarrels, even if she is arguing about getting a divorce, he never hits her, she always hits him, she chases him to the ground, sometimes hits him Bleeding, he would not fight back, the most severe time, she made a gash several inches long on his arm, he was not willing to slap her, he didn't even dare to quarrel with her loudly, he went to sew the needle .

For more than ten years, she had been the one who yelled at Zhang Ke and then kept silent. She never thought that he would suddenly hit her. Sister-in-law Wu's ears were buzzing from the slap, and she forgot to respond.

Zhang Ke slapped Wu Lingling once, then slapped Wu Lingling a second time and a third time... Slap after slap, he slapped Wu Lingling's ears hard, her eyes were red.

After receiving several slaps in a row, Sister-in-law Wu was so dizzy and groaning in pain that she woke up from the pain. She scratched Zhang Ke's hand holding his hair and kicked Zhang Ke: "Damn Zhang Ke, you're an idiot! What are you crazy about, let me go..."

"That's right, I'm crazy, I was driven crazy by you." Being kicked twice by Wu Lingling, Zhang Ke felt pain and became even angrier. He kicked Wu Lingling down and let go of her hair. Kick with your feet.

"Slutty woman, you stole a man, asked me to raise wild species for you, and scolded me like a dog, you are so mad at my father... Slutty, you are fucking cheaper than a cock, I am blind and treat you like a treasure ...You fucking want to run away... I used to let you hurt you, you really treat me as a bully, I will let you know if I have any kind..."

Zhang Ke was so angry that he kicked the woman with angry feet, head, hand, waist, stomach, face, wherever he went.

The kick made the woman scream like a pig, and the hatred in her heart didn't diminish, but became stronger and stronger. Back then, his family was poor and it was not easy to marry a wife. Wu Lingling married him. He cherished his blessing and regarded his wife as a treasure. He, he suffers, she makes her beat him, he suffers, she thinks he doesn't make enough money, he works hard to make money, and never asks her where the money is spent.

Every time she quarreled and went back to her natal home, he would pick her up in a good voice, only now did she realize that Wu Lingling went back to her natal home to have a tryst with a wild man, and he was the only one kept in the dark.

He has helped others raise wild species for 19 years, and helped others raise their wives. The Wu family must have laughed at him behind his back as a fool. Everyone in the village would laugh at him. Now he has become a laughing stock. It is worse than Yueqing at the beginning. At least Yueqing is not married yet. , The woman ran away with the wild man, he was his wife, treated him as a dead man, slept with the wild man, and let him raise other people's wild species, let him be a cow and a horse.

The most outrageous thing is that Wu Lingling wronged his father for molesting her out of conscience, which made him so angry that he ran to question her and made her father vomit blood.

He saw his father's death with his own eyes. At that time, his father fell down with blood gushing from his mouth, his eyes were wide open, staring at him firmly, and he didn't close his eyes when he was encoffined.

In the past, he thought that his father had really tried to moles Wu Lingling, so when he questioned him, he was too emotional and vomited blood. He didn't expect the truth to be so cruel. It was he who misheard his wife's words that angered his father to death, and made the old man die with regret .

Thinking of what he said as his wife, he didn't even believe his own father who gave birth to him, and would piss him off to death. He also listened to his wife's words all these years, and he believed whoever she said was bad.

It's ridiculous, he's the whole village... no, he might be the number one fool in the whole village, he was rounded and flattened by a woman in the palm of his thigh without noticing it, and he was complacent, thinking that his wife was amazing, and made the whole village... The villagers dare not provoke him.

How proud he was before, how ironic he is now.

Zhang Ke thought of the expressions that the people in front of the village committee building looked at him, and what Liu Lu said, and the anger in his heart burned straight into his brain. It turned out that the whole village knew that his wife was stealing men, but he didn't!Just like a fool, he hangs around his wife and plays for others.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and he kicked Wu Lingling fiercely, still feeling uneasy, grabbed the woman's hair again, clenched his fist and slammed it on the woman, hitting her face and head, and kicked her waist and stomach.

Zhang Ke is like a lunatic, Wu sister-in-law is no match, she was beaten helplessly, screaming and rolling, begging for mercy: "Zhang Ke, stop beating, stop beating, it hurts me to death, oh, stop beating... ..."

"Bitch, who said Zhang Jing planted the bastard?" Furious, Zhang Ke grabbed the woman's hair and lifted it up, asking viciously.

Sister-in-law Wu burst into tears in pain: "Zhang Ke, you raped me, we divorced! You raped me, half of the property will be shared with me."

"Damn, you gave birth to a wild man with a wild man and asked my family to raise it for more than ten years, and you still want to divide my family's property, are you dreaming?" Zhang Ke kicked over: "I will do a paternity test, and I will sue you for cheating on the marriage. I want you and your concubine to pay me for raising children, for the loss of my youth, and for the loss of my spirit. Isn’t Zhang Jing’s father an official? At worst, I’ll go ask Le Yun, kowtow to her, and beg her to tell me Zhang Who is Jing's father, report it again, and see if your wild husband can still keep the black hat on his head, anyway, I have no face now, if I want to lose face, everyone will lose face together, bitch, you can't please before then , bastard, say, who are you sleeping with and my dad caught me to piss my dad off?"

"I don't know, I don't, it's Le Yun talking nonsense..."

"If you don't say yes, break your leg, I'll kowtow to Le Yun and beg her to tell me..."

"...Ah..." Sister-in-law Wu screamed and begged for mercy after being trampled on her leg, "Ke Zhang, don't hit me anymore, I said, I said, I said, that time... it was with Chen Lei and him. Dad is together...he seduced me..."

When Zhang Ke heard Wu Lingling tell who the wild man was, there was a loud buzzing in his brain, and his whole figure was burnt by lightning, and he couldn't move. Chen Lei's father was... Chen Wu!
Chen Wu is related to the Zhang family, and Chen Wu's mother and his father's mother are cousins, which means that Chen Wu and his father are cousins, so he also needs to call Chen Wu "cousin".

Zhang Ke stood there blankly, let go of the hand holding the woman's hair, his face was changing, but he didn't respond.

With her hair loosened, Sister-in-Law Wu crawled to the side and saw Zhang Ke standing still, ignoring the pain, locked the button of the suitcase, carried the suitcase and rushed out the door, went outside to drag her daughter's luggage Box, hurriedly ran downstairs.

Grandma Zhang is old and not as strong as young people. She rested a few times on the road before chasing her all the way home. When she saw the wild species crying at the door, she spat: "The wild species born by the shameless bitch still has the face to cry ?”

With a word of curse, Grandma Zhang entered the room panting, stepped into the door, heard the sound of the stairs, looked up and saw Wu Lingling rushing down, her heart almost jumped out of her throat in fright, Wu Lingling's face was swollen like a pig's head, and her hair was messed up like straw Yes, the skirt was also torn, looking very miserable.

Sister-in-law Wu hurried downstairs dragging her luggage, saw her mother-in-law, who cares who she is, ran the last few stairs, stumbled out of Zhang Ke's house, and stuffed a box to her daughter: " Xiao Jing, let's go back to grandma's house."

Zhang Jingxue sat on the ground and cried. She didn't respond when her hand was stuffed into a suitcase. Wu's sister-in-law was so angry that she slapped her and said, "Why are you crying? If you don't leave, you will be caught. Kill it."

With a slap in the face, Wu Lingling dragged her suitcase and turned around and left. When she went outside, she realized that she was in pain all over her body, her eyesight was not very good, and she didn't know what her face looked like. Zhang Ke has gone crazy, if he doesn't leave, it will be even worse if he is caught.

Zhang Jing was slapped in the face, she covered her face, and cried "wow". .

The mother and daughter ran one after the other, took a shortcut to the village street, bypassed the shortcut of the village committee, and when they rushed to the village street, they saw uniformed policemen coming out of the village committee. Drive, and then go straight to the parking place on Xiangjie.

The last bus left at 03:30, and there was no bus to go to the county. Sister-in-law Wu found a van operated by the company and chartered a car to go to the county.

Wu Lingling was covered in bruises and her clothes were torn, as if she had been robbed, and Zhang Jing was crying all over her face, as if her parents had died. When they walked by, they also shocked the shop owners on both sides of the street. The driver of the car was even more frightened, and at first he refused to accept the business, fearing that it would be bad luck. He heard that the husband and wife had fought like that before accepting the order and sending the mother and daughter to the county seat.

Grandma Zhang was exhausted when she ran home, and because she saw Wu Lingling's bruised nose and swollen face that was more swollen than a pig's head, she didn't realize it for a while, and when Wu Lingling ran away with Zhang Jing, she suddenly remembered that her son was out of control, and hurried upstairs.

After finally climbing back to the second floor, he was so tired that he stretched out his tongue to vent his breath. He ran to his son's master bedroom while supporting his old waist. Ding ding dong dong ran to the door and saw the room was messed up. Like wood.

Grandma Zhang was frightened, thinking that something happened to her son, "Xiao Ke Xiao Ke Xiao Ke" rushed into the room crying, almost tripped over a box on the ground, staggered, and rushed towards her son crookedly .

Zhang Ke, who was struck by lightning, stood for a long time in a daze, not knowing where he was going, awakened by the howling, mechanically turned his head, his eyes were empty, and looked at his mother without focus.

"Xiaoke Xiaoke, what's wrong with you, don't scare me." The son seemed to lose his soul, and Grandma Zhang was so frightened that her legs trembled.

"Mom, Mom, Wu Lingling... She actually slept with Chen Wu..." Zhang Ke mechanically opened his mouth and made a trembling sound. He sat down as if exhausted, slammed on the floor, his face twitched Then, tears flowed out.

"You said... you said that Wu Lingling and... slept with Chen Wu?" Grandma Zhang's face was flushed from running, her face was so pale that there was no blood, her calves were trembling, and she sat down on one side, even her lips were trembling.

"Yes, they're asleep, they're asleep, and they're driving daddy to death." Zhang Ke let out a whimper, as painful as a sheep who lost his mother.

Grandma Zhang opened her mouth and panted heavily, even more urgently than when the drowning person was just able to breathe, her face turned blue, and her whole body trembled like an electric shock.

Zhang Ke whimpered twice, got up and ran, "I'll kill him, the shameless old man!"

Grandma Zhang was so soft that she had no strength at all, but she suddenly found that her son ran out. She got up and chased after her son ran out. Stop making trouble, stop making trouble..."

"You told me to stop making trouble? Did I make trouble? My own wife has been slept with and I can't go to him. Am I still a man?"

"Zhang Ke, don't you think you have lost your face enough? It doesn't matter which wild man Wu Lingling slept with. She has lost her face long ago. If you go to Chen Wu again, the whole village will know that you are the only one who has no face. Now The most important thing is to file a lawsuit, divorce Wu Lingling, ask her to compensate you, ask your three sisters to come back, and we will go to the Wu family to settle accounts tomorrow..."

Grandma Zhang hugged her son tightly, and would never let his son kill the Chen family. Others don't know how many wild men Wu Lingling has and who they are.

Zhang Ke sat down weakly, and whimpered. Grandma Zhang hugged her son, and the mother and son cried bitterly. Grandma Zhang called her three daughters and son-in-law to discuss how to find the Wu family. Settle accounts.

(End of this chapter)

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