magic eye doctor

811 Chapter 1 The Upside Down

811 Chapter 1 The Upside Down ([-])
His wife was slapped, and Wu's father didn't dare to yell anymore when he was arrested. Hearing the sound of things breaking in the shop, he trembled with anger.

The spectators in front of the Wu's store saw that the Wu family did not dare to call the police, and whispered among themselves.

"I have also seen the daughter of the Wu family come out of the hotel with someone several times, and that person is not the son-in-law of the Wu family."

"I heard that the Wu family used to be very poor, but one day they suddenly went to the city to buy land and build buildings for business. Where did the money come from? Of course it came from a wrong way."

"The Wu family boy has no fart skills, and he doesn't have a professional diploma in the post office. He went to the post office, heard that he opened other people's packages, and was found to be reported and still working at the post office. If it wasn't for someone covering him, he would have been fired."

"The Wu family also said that they know high officials, and whoever dares to fight against them will bring them down."

"I finally understand. No wonder we were always inspected when we opened our store, saying that our place is unqualified, there is no good, and there are hidden safety hazards. Wu's store is even more messy than ours. We have never asked for rectification. It turns out that it is a cover for the officials. with them."

Neighboring residents and business owners felt more and more that there was something wrong with the Wu family, and their discussions became louder and louder.

Wu's mother and Wu's father panicked and wanted to call their son, but the mobile phone was not with him at all, and he was so anxious that he was sweating.

Zhang Jing heard the noise downstairs on the third floor, hurried downstairs, ran to the second floor, heard the shouting of grandma and aunts, and rushed into a room on the second floor in fright, with her back against the door, her legs like Shaking non-stop like a pendulum.

She couldn't calm down for a long time, and she was so angry that she burst into tears when she heard her grandma tell others that her mother was someone else's mistress and that she was a bastard.

There was a constant crackling sound downstairs, and she was terrified, and it took a long time before she tremblingly held up the mobile phone she was holding in her hand, swiped open the screen to find her mother's number, and called.

The man was thinking, but Wu Lingling didn't dare to disturb her. The phone rang, making her heart skip a beat. She grabbed the phone next to the pillow and opened her eyes with difficulty to see that the caller ID was her daughter's call. She answered, "Xiao Jing?"

"Mom—" After getting through the phone, Zhang Jing almost cried out, "Mom, something is wrong, grandma, father and aunts are here, smashing things in the store, grandma is cursing, and many people are gathered outside..."

"What did you say? Zhang Ke and the others came to smash the store? Did you call the police? Hurry up and let the police..." Wu Lingling was so startled that she almost jumped up. Make a fuss.

Huang Ju, who was smoking on the balcony, heard Wu Lingling talking to her daughter, turned his head, and stopped immediately when Wu Lingling called the police: "Don't call the police!"

Wu Lingling was so frightened that she covered her phone, but she realized that it was useless, so she continued to listen in fear: "Xiaojing, Xiaojing—"

Zhang Jing heard a man talking next to her mother, as if struck by lightning, that man must be the wild man grandma said about her mother!
Wu Lingling yelled a few times but didn't hear a response, so she hung up the phone anxiously: "Bang Ge, what should I do, Zhang Ke's family came to my house and smashed the store, what should I do if I don't call the police?"

"Let them smash it, and talk about it after they smash it enough. They just want to divorce you. You don't want property. Take Xiaojing away and pay them a sum of damages."

"I still have to pay his family money?" Wu Lingling subconsciously wanted to object, it would be fine if they didn't divide their property, so why should they lose money?
"If you don't lose money, do you think they can calm down? Now they know that Xiao Jing is not theirs, and when they go to court for a paternity test, they will also have to lose money. In case the surname Le gets involved in the back, let them know that it is mine. The child went to my work unit to make trouble, do you know how serious the consequences are? Now we can solve it quickly and solve it privately before they know who the child belongs to, and use money to eliminate the disaster."

He regretted it. These years have been fun, but it also left a big trouble. If there is no child, give Wu Lingling a sum of money to settle the matter. But if he has a child, the illegitimate child will be exposed. His black hat will not be guaranteed, and the family will abandon it He, he has to be a man with his tail between his legs.

Huang Bureau is getting more and more irritable, Wu Lingling doesn't count what she has done?Knowing that the surname Le is doing well in the capital, she doesn't restrain herself and still provokes her. Is her mind pretending to be grass or bean curd?
The man's tone of voice was very bad. Wu Lingling was frightened and stammered and asked, "How much should I pay?"

"It's negotiable within 30 yuan, and the price can be lowered as much as possible." Huang Ju's voice increased annoyed, and then lowered his voice when he realized something was wrong: "Call your parents and negotiate with them."

"30?" Wu Lingling was dumbfounded, 30, what a huge sum of money that is!
Frightened, he didn't dare to object, so he called his father's phone with stiff fingers, but no one answered, and no one answered his mother's phone, so he had to call his daughter again, and after a few tens of seconds, he answered: "Xiao Jing, you Go down, tell them to stop making trouble, and I will talk to them about divorce."

"Mom, I'm afraid, they will beat me." Zhang Jing trembled in fright, those people were so fierce, they would beat her to death.

"You shout upstairs, and I will talk to them later." Wu Lingling was forced to change tactics.

Zhang Jing agreed, opened the door and went out, entered a room facing the road, locked the door, ran to the balcony, turned on the voice on the phone, and shouted down: "Dad, my mother told you to stop making trouble, she told you Talk about a divorce."

The sons-in-law of the Zhang family are still smashing things, and the three sisters and the old lady are accusing the women of the Wu family for their shameless behavior. Hearing the shouting from above, Grandma Zhang shouted: "Xiao Yezhong, let your shameless mother come out, don't think you are hiding It’s okay, I stole wild men to grow wild seeds, and I have been raising them for 19 years. I just treat my son like a cow and a horse on weekdays, but I want to cut off the incense of my Zhang family after undergoing a sterilization operation. The woman fucked by a wild man, her face is as rotten as her bottom, get out quickly, and we will settle the score face to face."

The old lady swears without showing any morals, Wu's father and Wu's mother were so angry that their swollen faces turned into liver-colored, and they stared at the old lady of the Zhang family, only to gasp.

People who watch the excitement stay away, so as not to be sprayed for no reason.

Hearing the scolding sound coming from the phone, Wu Lingling was so angry that she "wheezed and wheezed" and couldn't curse the street: "I'm in the hospital, Zhang Ke, it's a man, you come out and talk, you can't live your life, divorce!"

"You're a fucking mistress, and your affair with an official was exposed, and you ran away by yourself and took all my brother's savings. You just want to get a divorce? You want to steal my brother's hard-earned money, take it Buying things to wash you down to please your wild man, right?" Zhang Qiuxiang rushed in front of her mother and said, "Scumbag woman, tell your bastard father to come out and talk, let my brother raise nineteen wild bastards for him , let my brother help him raise his lover for more than ten years, and just let you get divorced. Kowtow at home and beg her to tell us who your concubine is, we will go to his unit to settle accounts with him and see if he can give us an explanation."

Huang Ju listened next to Wu Lingling, and when he heard the threat from the Zhang family woman, his face turned green. He didn't expect that one day he would be scolded into a turtle by the country women.

"What exactly do you want?" Wu Lingling was furious. Zhang Ke's third sister was vulgar and unreasonable, the most overbearing and fierce. If she hadn't controlled Zhang Ke before, she would have been bullied by his third sister.

"I should ask you this sentence. We didn't intend to cause trouble. You were shameless. What you did was exposed. You took away my brother's deposit and fled back to your mother's house to find your official concubine for support. You even clamored to divide my brother in half. Family property, bah, where did you get the face to divide the property, is it your concubine's ass as a face for you, isn't it?"

Zhang Qiuxiang put her hands on her waist and cursed loudly: "Shameless bastard, you are an honest person who bullies our Zhang family. My brother asked you to be his wife. It's unlucky for eight lifetimes. No, it's not my brother who asked you, it's you who cheated on me." Brother, back then when you chased Yueqing with shamelessness, they didn't want you. I know that at that time, the Le family should have known that you were pregnant with a wild species, so the Le family was determined not to want you to be their daughter-in-law.

I said, why did you give birth to my brother just seven months after you married my brother? It turned out that you were pregnant with wild seeds and were afraid that you would not be able to get married. You only blamed my brother when you saw that my brother was honest. My younger brother marries you and raises wild animals for you. You and your official concubine are having a good time, and your Wu family members are covering for you.

The bitch raised by the bastard, let my brother raise you the wild species for 19 years, let my brother raise you the B for more than ten years, return my brother's savings, compensate my brother for raising the wild species, pay me My brother’s youth loss fee, my brother’s spiritual loss fee, the price is 60 yuan, and then you fucking go back to Wu’s house with your bastard, and then you will love each other with your concubine, or you mother and daughter and It has nothing to do with our Zhang family that your bastard rich boyfriend sleeps in one bed. "

The third sister of the Zhang family paid 60 yuan per mouth, which scared Wu's father and Wu's mother to the point of vomiting blood: "You are robbery!"

"Old dog, close your bird's beak," Zhang Qiuxiang spit over: "you are always shameless to let the girl be a slave to the official, and you use the money given by the official to buy a house and land to do business. I helped you get your youngest son through the back door into the post office. Your whole family happily used the benefits that your girl got from selling B. Our Zhang family is shameless. We don’t need that kind of dirty money, as long as we deserve the compensation. The woman has spent 20 yuan in raising wild species, 20 yuan in youth loss, and 20 yuan in spiritual compensation for the [-] years she has been in the Zhang family."

The yellow bureau heard the woman lion shouting for 60 in compensation, and almost didn't scold her, how many 60 can a person surnamed Zhang dislike in a lifetime?They also dare to say that!
When I heard the women yelling and scolding, saying that Wu Lingling's wild man helped buy the house and gave money to do business for the Wu family's children through the back door, his face turned green.

The truth is like that, but the truth can kill people. Once he is reported, he will be investigated from head to toe, that is, he will be investigated for improper relationships with women, and his financial resources will also be investigated.

With a Wu Lingling on it, it was like getting shit on it, and it stinks all over. Bureau Huang was so angry that the veins on his face were throbbing.

Wu Lingling was stunned, six... one hundred thousand?If she had 60 yuan, she would have gone to the big city to buy a house and become a comfortable wife. Why would she need to be a mud leg in the countryside?
Zhang Jing almost threw away her mobile phone and was paid 60? !

When Wu's father and Wu's mother heard the woman scolding their family for enjoying the benefits of selling the girl, they were ashamed and annoyed, their blood rushed upwards, and their eyes turned black at that time, but Wu's mother didn't let it go, she fell down and sat down.

The sisters of the Zhang family standing beside the Wu family couple jumped away. Father Wu was startled and ran to help his wife: "Old woman, old woman—"

"Sure enough, it's shameless and shameless. The whole family helped the girl and the wild man to cover up for an affair tryst. Now that it's exposed, they are afraid that people will poke the spine and pretend to be dizzy. They pretend to be good-looking. Who are they cheating?"

"It's so easy to get angry. In the past, when girls slept with wild men and were pregnant with wild seeds, when girls used to be underground lovers, they would have died of anger. Now, the whole family is shameless. Shit, the face is thicker than the wall."

"Sluts just know how to pretend. If they can't pretend, how can they hide the fact that the Wu family's daughter was given away as a wild seed for more than ten years? The whole family can act better than the singers on TV. On the surface, they pretend to be honest and good people, but behind their backs Do all the dirty work."

The sisters of the Zhang family didn't care whether the old lady Wu was dizzy or not, and each of them would say one sentence, scolding the old lady Wu for being shameless and shameless, and scolding the Wu family for pretending to be good at acting.

Wu's mother fell to the ground, was patted by Wu's father a few times, and managed to catch her breath. Then she heard Zhang's sisters pointing at their noses and scolding the whole Wu family. .

Wu Lingling was frightened by the compensation figure proposed by Zhang's family and was slow to react. Instead, she guessed from her father's voice that her mother might be angry. She was so frightened that her heart was pounding. Brain, brain blank.

Being short-tempered, I couldn't speak, and when my brain was a little clearer, I couldn't help cursing: "You fucker, fuck you NN fucker, you ran to my house and smashed things, and you're still BB'ing non-stop, no compensation, one I will not pay any points, and I will not divorce, so I will drag Zhang Ke to death and see who can survive."

An exasperated shout came from her head, Grandma Zhang was so angry that she was about to get up and answer, Zhang Qiuxiang sneered: "You MB, your concubine is by your side, are you hugging and working together again, interrupt If you are not satisfied, you will get angry if you are not satisfied. If you don’t leave, you won’t leave. If you don’t pay, you won’t pay. That’s what you said.”

After a sarcasm, Zhang Qiuxiang waved: "Mom, sister, let's go back to Jiudao, start from the entrance of the village with three steps and one bow, nine steps and one kowtow to Lejia, please tell us who Wu Lingling's concubine is, we will go to the woman's concubine's house to find His wife talked to his parents and seniors, and if he couldn't do it, he went to his unit to block him."

"Let's go home. Anyway, my old face has been lost by the shameless bastards of the Wu family. I'm not afraid to kowtow, not to mention three steps, one prostration, nine steps and one kowtow, I'm willing to kowtow even one step at a time." Zhang Da Grandma got up on hands and feet, patted her buttocks and left.

The sisters of the Zhang family and the two old cousins ​​followed suit, while the son-in-law of the Zhang family and the two elders of the Wu family spat at each other, said "bad luck", and chased after their wives to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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