Chapter 825
All the work of building the house in Lejia was contracted by Brother Zhou and others. As the owner, Zhou Qiufeng of Yueqing didn't have to take care of the food.

Don't worry about food, there are no guests at home, the handsome guys have gone back, and even my little padded jacket has gone to the mountains to study work, the house has lost the figure of the girl running before and after and her happy laughter, and it suddenly becomes extraordinarily quiet , let Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, feel too quiet. Fortunately, there is a mother, Grandma Zhou, and a little Leshan who occasionally joins in the fun, otherwise it is really quiet and makes people feel deserted.

In the evening, the meal is ready for dinner. On the dinner table is an old man, two middle-aged and young people, and a little baby. The couple also miss the happiness of the child at home. Not to mention other things, they just watch Xiao Lele running around and looking at her. Smiley also felt happy in his heart, but he also understood that children will grow up after all, and when they grow up, they can't always be by their side.

There are old people and children in the Le family, so it’s relatively lively. Brother Zhou is just Brother Zhou and his sister-in-law. Because his wife and daughter didn’t listen to him at the beginning, Brother Zhou got involved with Wu Lingling and Zhang Jing behind his back to bully others. Deliberately being picky about his wife, picky about everything, let his wife taste what it feels like to be rejected and criticized by others.

Brother Zhou’s family is a couple at home, and Zhang Ke’s family is a mother and son. After getting the last compensation, Zhang Ke was listless as if he had suffered a serious illness. Grandma Zhang was happy. The compensation of 60 yuan was given to her daughter and nephew. They have a total of 19, and they spent 40 on food and drink, and still have 50 in savings. Adding the original savings at home, there are nearly [-].

With so much money, is it not easy to marry Zhang Ke?If the family has money, if the wife gets it back, she can enjoy the present blessings. She doesn't have to worry about money, and she only has children. How can a woman not want to?The bride price should be thicker, one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, maybe you can marry a big girl with yellow flowers, and give Zhang Ke a few big fat boys,
If you are rich, your waist is strong, your family is rich, and Grandma Zhang is tough. She doesn't worry about her son's difficulty in marrying a wife after divorce. She happily sets conditions for her son to find a partner in her heart. What kind of talent is suitable, anyway, if she is divorced A woman who is a good woman must never have children, and she must ensure that she can have children, and those who cannot have children must not.

Le classmate has no time to pay attention to the bad things of Zhang Ke's family or Wu Lingling's family for the time being, and wants to catch Huang Minglei's little hooligan.

There is handsome guy Yan to help carry the scum, and Le Yun, who is walking in front, just climbs forward. Unfortunately, it is autumn, and the stone frog has already entered the pool. It is rare to hide in places with little water. Walking along the stream, I didn’t see any frogs. I saw them occasionally. There are signs of frog activity in the relatively large pools and there is no time to touch them.

In autumn, the weather is cooler, and there are fewer mosquitoes in the mountains. It is rare to have annoying mosquitoes buzzing in front of your eyes when you walk in the dark. Moreover, snakes seldom come out, which is safer.

Climbing along a small path made by the villagers, the stream also ends. The source of the stream is from a small sand pit washed out by water. A thin stream of water comes out of the sand, and there are very few puddles. Poor, there is only about one basin of water.

The creek has reached the end, but the small path still has no end. Continue to climb to the valley, then go down on the other side, walk a section of the mountain road, and go down to another mountain stream, and then go down to a big river at the end.

When they reached the big river, Le Yun took Handsome Yan to go upstream, and then walked to a branch of a mountain stream, turned to the direction of the stream, and walked a few miles along the big river to find a route for travelers to explore. There may be tourists on the side, which is not safe.

Entering the mountain stream, walking more than [-] meters along the rocky beach, to the rising slope, Le Yun stopped happily: "It's safe here, you can have a good chat with the little hooligan."

There is a steep slope in the mountain stream, and the water flows down from the top like a waterfall. It hits the pool or rocks and makes a "squeaky" sound, which makes a lot of noise.

Yan Xing looked around, and walked to a place where the stream bank was closer to the mountain, where there was a mixture of coarse gravel and moraine soil, took off the bag on his shoulder, and then took off his backpack and put it on the clean stone , Untie the bag, lift the little hooligan and throw it on the mud and sand.

The little hooligan was stuffed in a bag, carried over mountains and ridges, scratched by many thorns, and had several scratches on his hands, feet and face. Of course, for rural people, those minor injuries are not considered injuries at all. People who often go to catch frogs and run in the mountains to find game are often cut bloody by thorns.

Handsome Yan was looking for a place to release the little hooligan, Le Yun followed him, and when the handsome guy proposed the little hooligan, he put down his backpack, took out a bottle of medicine and ran to the stream to wash his face, wash off the medicine on his face.

Little Loli washed the face-changing medicine, Yan Xing didn't wash her face, she put the headlamp on the stone for light, only went to wash her hands, and went back to the place where she put her backpack to sit.

Back to the original face, Le Yun felt much more refreshed, washed her hands, slipped back to where Handsome Yan was sitting, carried her backpack to her side and took out dry food, a bag of homemade toast, boiled eggs, and moon cakes; The handsome guy has two breads, four small moon cakes and two eggs. She only eats one egg, and one toast is enough, and then tie the dry food bag tightly.

Running all over the mountains with little Lolita has delicious food, Yan Xing holds his own food box, gnaws dry food leisurely, eats a late dinner, and immediately feels full and in a good mood .

To fill his stomach, Le Yun cut two vines, tied the little rascal's hands behind his back, and tied his feet to prevent him from escaping or hitting people with stones. He leaned against a stone, poked him a few times around the throat, and then unlocked his acupuncture points.

In order to impress the little hooligan the most, she purposely sat across from the little hooligan, so that he could see her as soon as he woke up and could see, and gave him the biggest surprise.

The little Lolita wanted to settle accounts with the little rascal, Yan Xing sat next to the little Lolita, determined to be the best observer, to understand from the side how much pain the little Lolita had endured in her youth and childhood.

The mountains in autumn are already cold, and the temperature near the rivers and streams is even lower. Even if there is no wind, the splashing of the river water can generate wind, which blows the body cold.

Little Lolita and Colonel Yan have good physiques and are not afraid of the cold, but the little rascal has an ordinary body with goosebumps on his body. After the acupuncture points were untied, he subconsciously curled up and wanted to curl up. Because his hands and feet were tied, he turned to one side .

The little hooligan who was tilted subconsciously wanted to sit up straight again, and he also opened his eyes.

Cold, Huang Minglei felt very cold when he was conscious, but failed when he wanted to hug him, he shook his head like a conditioned reflex, because the light was rather hazy, at first he didn't see what was around him clearly, he saw people's faces faintly, and wanted to wipe his face off. Eyes, hands still, shaking head and blinking again, two faces appear in the field of vision, one is a long-haired woman, and the other is a male face.

His pupils shrank suddenly, he wanted to stand up and couldn't move his feet, looked down and found that his feet were tied by green vines, he intended to reach out his hands to untie the rope on his feet, but he realized that his hands were behind his back and he couldn't move, he was terrified and suddenly Looking up to the front, seeing two faces of a man and a woman, the first reaction in the brain is a ghost!

Encountered a ghost!

He was scared, trembling all over and looking around, he could hear the sound of water, probably in the direction behind him, it was pitch black everywhere, only the light of a torch placed on a stone nearby, he saw the long-haired girl and the man Slanted shadows, there are shadows, not ghosts.

If it's not a ghost, then it might be a kidnapping or robbery. Huang Minglei was frightened and frightened: "You... who are you?"

The little rascal was unresponsive, didn't recognize him at first glance, and was so busy checking his own situation, Le Yun took the time to appreciate his expression, and was not afraid of him yelling, she bit his acupuncture point, which hurt his vocal cords It is impossible for him to yell too high-pitched.

Hearing Huang Xiaorou's broken and hoarse voice, which resembled a male duck's voice, she immediately became happy, and smiled like a star: "Huang Minglei, you don't know me anymore? Tsk tsk, this memory makes you anxious."

"You know me?" Being called out by his name, Huang Minglei's panic rose again, and he stared at the long-haired girl, feeling a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

The little rascal had a guilty conscience and probably did too many bad things. When he found himself trembling with his hands and feet bound, Yan Xing looked at him. He just wanted to know what cruel means the little rascal and his companions used to force little Lolita back then. Make her bear a grudge in her heart.

"It seems that your memory is really not very good." The little hooligan looked like he really didn't recognize himself, Le Yun smiled and Mimi took off her wig, revealing her refreshing short hair: "Jiudao Township, Meizijing Village, Le Yun, Huang Minglei, do you remember?"

The long-haired girl stretched out her hand, Huang Minglei thought she was going to hit him, and shrank in fright. When she took off her long wig, the long-haired girl turned into short hair like a tomboy. Without the cover of her long hair, her pointed face became Round face, white skin revealing powder.

Nine Rice... Music Rhyme!
When he saw the round-faced girl and heard her say Jiudaoxiang's name, Huang Minglei's brain was shaken violently, he stepped back in panic, and shouted vigorously: "Ah - help, someone is robbing, help, help..."

The little hooligan wanted to call for help, Le Yun folded her arms: "Shout, shout louder, I kindly tell you that this is Shennong Mountain, even if you shout out your throat, no one will come to save you."

"You...what do you want to do?" A man and a woman were not afraid to call for help at all, Huang Minglei was so frightened that his heart trembled.

The little rascal moved and wanted to roll, Yan Xing glanced at it, reached out to touch the waist bag he was wearing next to his body, took out a small pistol, grabbed the scumbag's arm, pulled the scumbag into a seat, and pointed the gun at the little rascal: "I have something to say." Let me ask you, be honest, you still dare to escape, and you don’t want to die, do you?”

The man suddenly pulled out a gun, but Huang Minglei was not afraid. If a man took out a shotgun, he would definitely be afraid. For a pistol, except for policeman C who has a pistol, anyone else who has a gun will go to jail.

Looking at the man with a fake gun to scare people, he couldn't help laughing, "Hehe, man, if you want money, just say it, and scare someone with a fake gun."

(End of this chapter)

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