magic eye doctor

Chapter 827 Get rid of the dregs (1

Chapter 827 Get rid of the dregs (1
Yan Xing has a little cleanliness, doesn't like to touch women, doesn't wear other people's clothes, and doesn't use public items with others. If any public items are used, his whole body will feel as uncomfortable as lice.

When he met Little Lolita, his little cleanliness problem disappeared and healed more than half of it. Now, except for not liking to contact women who are not relatives and Little Lolita, and hating to share public goods with others, the other two points have not changed. I can accept it, for example, I don’t feel uncomfortable shaking hands with others, I don’t feel unclean after wiping my sweat without washing my hands, and I don’t feel sick when I sit on the floor or where there is dust.

He also hated tears, especially women's tears. Before Wang Yuxuan cried, he was afraid that her tears would get on his clothes, so she couldn't stand it when she cried, and would rather spend money to relieve the disaster.

It can be seen that little Lolita was tearing up, he didn't feel disgusted, only distressed, little Lolita's tears hit his heart like a small hammer, she cried so that her little shoulders twitched and his heart twitched pain.

Little Lolita cried into tears and showed no signs of stopping for a while. Yan Xing was so distressed and couldn't find a more perfect way to comfort him, so he pulled Little Loli closer to him, and gave her his chest as a pity Backing, let her vent her grievances to her heart's content.

He already had the idea of ​​"I will go to hell if I don't go to hell". Little Lolita hates the contact of men hugging her or half-hugging her. This time she is in a bad mood. If he hugs her, little Lolita will get angry and beat her up He paused, even if he beat him into a dog, he would admit it.

Hugging the little loli half into her arms, the little loli didn't protest, but leaned against him quietly, relying on his strength in his arms, like a little bird that has been greatly wronged and nestled in the mother's lap Seek refuge and spiritual solace under your wings.

For the first time, the soft, pink and still fragrant little loli was willing to let herself be half hugged, Yan Xing's heart softened, and she cherished the opportunity like hugging a national treasure, rubbing her little head gently, rubbing After a few strokes, carefully let her lean on his shoulders, move her hands evenly, pick up her little paws, take away the scalpel, and then help her take off her gloves, lest she cry and dab her eyes with her hands to smear the dirty blood on the face.

Carefully took off the gloves on the little Lolita's paws, and saw a pair of beautiful and tender little hands that looked like spring's fresh scallions, Yan Xingxin looked like a deer bumping wildly, couldn't help holding his breath, didn't dare to take advantage, and put it down gently , took back the foot that kicked the scumbag's chest, hooked the backpack away from her side, unzipped the zipper evenly, and took out her towel to help the little loli cry.

There was an extra towel on her face, Le Yun didn't hide, she was wiped her face, saw an arm in front of her eyes, she grabbed it and hugged it, crying: "I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them, one who doesn't Keep it, kill it all, chop it up and feed it to the dogs!"

Yan Xing was stunned when his hand was hugged tightly by the little Lolita. The little Lolita held his arms in his arms. He could feel the little Lolita trembling with anger. Her body was also tense, like a ball. It feels like it will explode if you poke it.

Her emotions have reached the critical point of berserk, and she may lose control at any time, and may even turn black in a second, becoming a runaway who meets Buddha and kills Buddha, whoever blocks and kills.

Sensing Little Lolita's anger, Yan Xing carefully held her in his arms with his left hand, hugged her with his right hand, leaned over, and rubbed his chin against Little Lolita's head with his chin: "Good boy, scumbags Damn it, no one objected, damn all hooligans, I am an expert at killing scum, wait until I find the other few to avenge you."

"I want to kill them, I want to kill all the scumbags, I want to throw the little bitch Huang Shishi and Huang Yali to Yin Ahsan, I want to get rid of the corrupt Huang family's scum..."

Le Yun, who was full of hatred, couldn't think in his brain, and cried and vented his anger while hugging an arm he could rely on, clamoring to kill the little hooligan and killing the sisters of the Huang family to vent his hatred.

"Okay, okay, okay, get rid of all the hooligans and beasts, throw the girl to Yin Asan, kill all the bad guys and then dig up the Huang family's ancestral grave, so that the Huang family will not live in peace even if they die."

Yan Xing put his arms around the trembling little loli, and agreed without hesitation. Those hooligans who bullied little loli deserve to die. Killing hooligans is to eliminate harm for the people. The Huang family has taken root in Shishi for hundreds of years, bullying Concealing the top and the bottom, covering the top and the bottom, and doing so many corrupt and law-breaking things, they are actually a group of moths with human skins, killing the scum of the Huang family to do justice for the sky.

The sisters of the Huang family have vicious minds at a young age, and they can do things like buying murderers and beating others. It is conceivable that they must have been influenced by the family education they have witnessed since they were young. They are the products of the Huang family's power-oriented education. The sluts with a heart should treat others in the same way as others, and let them taste what it is like to live but not die.

For some people, you can't be kind. Kindness is to condone others to commit crimes. The Huang family did not know how much evil they did behind their backs. Little Lolita survived. Some people who have been tortured by the Huang family may not even have the chance to retaliate. Killed or killed.

Being kind to the wicked is trampling on the good. Yan Xing never felt that he should be merciful to the wicked. He should use thunder to destroy the wicked like locusts, so as not to implicate more innocent people.

I have endured for many years, and once I vent, there are still people who stand by me, not talking about murder and breaking the law, not using morality to restrain myself, and finding someone to confide in, Le Yun weeps wantonly, holding her arms in her arms and refusing to let go.

Little Lolita didn't hate herself, Yan Xing couldn't wish for it, but her tears kept streaming down like pearls, making his heart ache.

Little Lolita hadn't cried enough yet, the little rascal who had fainted from pain was blown by the night wind, feeling cold and painful, she woke up faintly, her brain was not clear, she curled up into a ball, humming and screaming in pain.

The little hooligan hummed and hummed into his ears, crying until his brain became confused into a melody, looked up and saw the curled up, hatred welled up in his heart again, he hugged himself and hugged him Use your arm as a towel to wipe your face, let go of a few wipes, and look for a scalpel: "Where is the knife, where is my knife?"

Yan Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry when little Lolita used his arm as a face cloth. Even though he was covered with tears and snot, he didn't feel sick, instead he was delighted. Little Lolita didn't hate his body touching.

He put the knife by himself, he knew where it was, and gave her the gloves and the scalpel: "Here are the gloves and the knife, here you are, you can do whatever you want, put on the gloves, don't get your hands dirty with dregs of blood .”

The knife was handed over, Le Yun grabbed the gloves and put them on, picked up the scalpel, stood up angrily, and grabbed the little hooligan as a test subject.

Huang Minglei was numb from the pain at first, but when another wave of pain hit, he sat up his upper body in an "ah" pain, and suddenly saw that Le Yun used himself as a guinea pig again, and was so frightened that his heart stopped suddenly, and his mouth was so stiff that he couldn't move After a while, the person woke up from the state of being frightened, and burst into tears in horror: "Le Yun, I was wrong, I will never dare to think about your family again, let it go, let me go, I will never do it again." If I don't go to Jiudao, I won't dare to think about your family again..."

His body was in pain, but his life was more precious. Huang Minglei was afraid that Le Yun would silence him, so he begged for mercy regardless of the pain, his limbs trembled more violently than being touched by high voltage electricity.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. If you are honest after you get out of prison, maybe I can let you go. You went to inquire about my house right after you got out of prison, and you wanted to kidnap and sell my brother. If I let you go I am a fool if I passed you, and I will pay in blood, and what you owe me must be repaid ten times and a hundred times."

The little scumbag was too noisy, Le Yun was full of hatred, and it was even more disturbing to hear him howling like ghosts and wolves. He was shaking so badly that it made it difficult for her to perform surgery.

"Le Yun, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't have bad intentions to kidnap and sell your brother... please forgive me, I'm not the master messenger, I'm just an accomplice..." Le Yun gestured again with a knife, Huang Minglei's heart Panic, incontinence.

He felt dizzy and nauseous, but he couldn't vomit. After a few words, his head became even more dizzy, and his eyes were shining with gold and stars.

After repeatedly begging for mercy, my brain became dizzy, my thinking became more and more chaotic, and my consciousness became blurred.

The little rascal poured out feces and urine, Yan Xing closed his breath in disgust, and was stunned for a while, feeling that the smell was too bad, stood up, took the little loli's flashlight to shine on the road, took the towel to the stream and wiped the little loli on his arms and clothes Wipe away the tears on her face, wipe them clean, hold up the towel, and cover her face, the towel still smells like little loli's tears.

He was a bit reluctant to wash the towel, and he didn't want to wash off the smell of the little loli, but he only had one towel for washing his face, and the little loli had no time to find a towel to wash his face, so he reluctantly washed the towel, wrung out the water, and walked back Next to little Lolita, carefully wiped little Lolita's face with a wet towel.

Little Lolita didn't refuse, and wiped her face on the towel herself. After wiping it a few times, she concentrated on the operation again. Yan Xing secretly rubbed and smelled the towel, hmm, it seemed to smell like tears!
So, he couldn't bear to wash it anymore, hung the towel around his neck, and sat and watched the little loli dissect the little scum. He didn't let the little loli be cruel, the little hooligans did something utterly devoid of conscience, and they deserved to be punished.

As time passed, the little hooligan lost a lot of blood, became weaker and weaker, his face became paler, and he lost even the strength to beg for mercy.

Yan Xing observed for a while, and saw that little Lolita had skin transplanted from Xiao Zhaza's leg, and the more he looked at it, the more he wondered: "Little Lolita, what's the use of it?"

"This scumbag's thigh is quite white and its skin is very delicate. The extracted raw material can be used as a mask." Le Yun performed the transplant operation coldly.

"Make a mask? But, it looks so dirty, and it feels...uncomfortable to wear it on your face." They really need a human skin mask, but... a mask made of that kind of skin is embarrassing. psychological shadow.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can be used, besides, can you guarantee that the leather masks you collect are authentic? Some masks may be made of skin from the buttocks."

"Little Lolita, don't talk about it, it makes me...don't dare to wear a mask in the future." Thinking about other people's butt skin sticking to my face, oh, it's so disgusting, isn't it, I want to vomit!

"Oh, you don't need a mask anymore? Then I don't have to work hard anymore. It's very troublesome to separate it, and it's even more troublesome to handle it. It's a waste of medicinal materials."

"What you want, we are in short supply of masks, hundreds of sheets are not too many, little loli, go on, just pretend that I didn't ask anything just now." Yan Xing immediately put aside his disgust towards the mask and begged xiaoluo Li continued, the big deal is to mark the mask in the future, if it is not an authentic mask, he will not wear it. If others do not know the source of the mask material, they will not be disgusted if they wear it.

Handsome Yan disliked him so much one second later that he needed a lot of masks the next second. Le Yun rolled his eyes at him and continued to perform multi-plant operations swiftly.

The blood flow of the little hooligan slowed down, and he was so weak that he fell on the stone, half dead, and sometimes his eyelids were lifted, and his eyes were a little loose.

If the human body loses too much blood, it will go into shock, and the little hooligan is on the verge of shock.

The smell of blood calmed down Le Yun's hatred, and he calmed down. Zha Zha is now an experimental guinea pig, so don't be soft.

After a lot of effort, I took out a piece of useful material, took out a plastic bag from the backpack, put the thing in, and put a few drops of potion in it, put it aside first, and continued to extract useful materials.

Yan Xing had nothing to do, so he took out the little rascal's mobile phone case to get useful information, transferred some things, deleted everything in the phone, took out the card and shredded it into the little rascal's trouser pocket, and then gave the phone screen Do fingerprint removal, wrap it up and stuff it in a backpack.

When the little loli extracted another piece of useful material from the little hooligan, Huang Minglei had already fallen into a deep coma. Of course, the signs of human life were still there, and he could be saved if he was rescued.

Le Xiao did not hesitate to operate on the hands and toes of the little hooligan, and then removed useful parts.

Even with her amazing hand speed, it took about two hours to complete the dissection operation. It was almost midnight, and the humidity by the stream was heavy.

Seal all the useful materials collected and give them to Handsome Yan for safekeeping. Le Yun took off her gloves, took her clothes to take a bath, and washed her gloves.

Little Lolita walked far away, and when Yan Xing was about to deal with the scumbag, he thought that the little hooligan had insulted and molested little Lolita, and his mood fell all the way to the bottom of the frozen lake. Remember sweethearts.

Zhazha didn't respond, feeling puzzled, he kicked the little Zhazha crazily. After beating up Zhazha enough, Yan Xing finally vented his anger, moved his backpack, and summoned his own strange fire to throw Zhazha on him and burn his body.

When the fireball fell, the flames blazed up, and the tongue of flame wrapped around the person's clothes, burning them into slag in seconds. When the tongue of flames engulfed the little hooligan, the little hooligan vaguely let out a scream of "ah", twitched a few more times and then There was no more movement, only the crackling of the fire.

Le Yun ran to a place where Handsome Yan couldn't see, washed her hair, put on clean clothes, wiped off the wet stains on her hair with a dry towel, washed her clothes and threw them back into the space, and then changed into another one. In the suit bag, the place to carry things and put them back.

Stuff the items into the backpack, run to the handsome guy Yan Yan to see the cremated corpse, use the eyes to clean it, frowning, strange, there are no soul-like life and strange things nearby, where did the soul of the little rascal go?

I couldn't find the slag's soul, and I was in a bad mood again. With a sullen face, I jumped on the handsome guy's back: "Xiaolongbao, carry me on your back."

Little Lolita jumped on her back suddenly, Yan Xing was stunned, Little Lolita didn't hate him anymore!A huge surprise came, and he was full of joy, and he held the little Loli back with his backhand, letting her lie on his back to watch the burning scum.

"After killing the slag, are you in a better mood now?"

"It's all right." Killing one scum of Huang only killed a quarter of the scum, and the other three scums who were the most vicious and wanted to be destroyed were still happy and happy, and two scums were still unknown. Just thinking about it makes you feel bad.

"Going back, my teammate and I will check the surname Ma."


"Little Lolita, if you find someone surnamed Ma, do you want to kill him?"

"He didn't do any serious evil, tell him the truth, abolish him, dishonesty, clean up."

"Little Lolita, when we go back, can you get some more delicious fruit? There are no watermelons and tomatoes, but cucumbers are fine."

"Food, eat, beat you to death!"

The little loli hit her on the head, and Yan Xing yelled: "Don't hit, don't hit, there is no cucumber, cantaloupe is fine, I was wrong, little loli, hold your hand high, be merciful under the chicken claws, don't scratch, don't scratch!" ..."

(End of this chapter)

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