magic eye doctor

Chapter 841 Mind (2 more

Chapter 841 Mind (2 more

Young Master Yan took the expressway around the city, and it took only one and a half hours to get to the food alley, found a parking place to park, and rushed to Sanweixuan to occupy a seat.

There are customers inside and outside the Sanweixuan store. Ah Fu, who saw the face-scanning machine, saw Xiao Luoli and Yan Shao, welcomed them into the store with a smile, arranged seats, and brought milk and boiled water.

The youth of the Xuan family ran to the back kitchen to inform the young master. When Xuan young master heard that a certain little loli came to have breakfast, he rushed to the lobby and sat down at the table with the little girl, with an extremely beautiful smile: "Little beauty, today Are you free to come for a stroll? Are you busy? If not, let's go for a stroll."

Yan Xing stared, the young master of the Xuan family wanted to kidnap little loli to go shopping?

"I was just busy with the things at hand, and I needed to come out to take a breath to relax my nerves, so I came to play with you. It's too boring to take a turn. I'd better eat a bowl of pork stewed vermicelli." Le Yun looked at Young Master Xuan and smiled. The young master is really beautiful, and she looks prettier than beautiful women when she smiles.

"That's right, it's best to find me when I'm free. I'm free every day." Young Master Xuan clapped his palms to Da Le, but he was a little bit hairy when he looked at him: "Little beauty, what are you staring at me for? I didn't wash my face. Or does it smell like oily smoke?"

"You are so beautiful, I couldn't help but take a closer look. Among the freshmen in our school, there is a beautiful woman named Helian who is very beautiful, but she is still not as beautiful as you. There is also a boy named Qi who is also very handsome. You are beautiful."

"The surname is Helian. This surname is rare. I heard that they are not good-looking, so I am relieved." The surname is Helian, isn't it the offspring of the Helian family?The surname Qi should be after the Qi family in Kanto.

Yan Xing stared sullenly at Little Lolita talking to Xuan Shao, what kind of charade are they playing?
He still hadn't figured out what Xuan Shao and little Lolita wanted to say, and soon the meal was served. Little Lolita must order pork stewed vermicelli, steamed buns, dumplings, millet porridge, and two appetizers.

Xuan Shao shared breakfast with Xiao Luoli and Yan Shao, and Xiao Luoli was satisfied with stewed pork and vermicelli, and Liang Junshao swept away the rest.

Little Lolita is in the territory of the Xuan family, so Yan Xing is also at ease. He will drive back to He's house first, then back to Grandpa's house, give the game to the elders, and then return to the station. He has to negotiate with many departments on a certain matter. It is necessary to send someone to send Little Lolita's drawings to the military factory.

The Fourth Xuan Gang lifted the little Lolita's backpack from Young Master Yan's car and sent it back to the other courtyard of the teahouse. Xuanyi, Xuan, and Xuansan fell behind, and followed the young master to accompany the little girl back to the teahouse.

Xuan Shao walked with little Lolita for a walk, bought snacks on the way and ate them as they walked, eating super spicy and spicy food made him exhale wildly, and when they arrived at Xuan's teahouse, the two of them were so spicy that their mouths were red, and the youths of the Xuan family hurriedly took the little girl away. The girl and the young master please go to the east chamber to serve herbal tea.

Climbing on the Arhat bed and sitting down, Le Yun drank three cups of Luo Han Guo tea in one go, finally diluting the spiciness, touched her face which was still hot, and smiled from ear to ear: "Oh my god, his spicy food is delicious. Is it the kind of chilli that can kill people in foreign countries? It's so hot that the heart rate is one and a half times faster than normal."

"That family's super spicy is very powerful. Only the authentic heavy C people and people from the north of Qin Province can handle it. Some people in the south of Qin Province can't eat too spicy." Xuan Shao also felt hot on his cheeks, but , It's very enjoyable, eating food with friends who can eat spicy food, it can't be happier.

The little girl and the young master were turned into dogs, and the young Xuan family refilled tea with a smile, and then brought cantaloupe, kiwi fruit, and authentic northern apples.

The two who were still wheezing drank a few glasses of water, and sat leaning against the railing of the bed, enjoying themselves.

When the spicy energy passed, Xuan Shao took the time to ask: "Little beauty, you mentioned the Qi family earlier, do you think there is something wrong with the children of the Qi family in your school?"

"No, I just think the smell on him is a bit familiar. I always feel that I should smell it somewhere. I want to ask which families the Qi family is married to." Le Yun touched her chin, she really felt that classmate Qi was a little familiar But I can't remember whose taste it resembles.

"Special families also intermarry with ordinary families, so even my family doesn't know everything. As far as I know, the Qi family has intermarried with the Yu family, Helian, Nalan, Dongfang, and Tantai. Of course, they are all from a long time ago. For hundreds of years, they have been intermarried with local aboriginal prominent families. The one in Qingda should be the direct son of the current Qi family. According to the previous title, he is a generation behind me and Ji Shao, and the same generation as my nephew. Let me tell you The young girl from the Helian family is of the same generation, and the female children of the Helian family are the nephews of the young master of the Helian family."

"Oh." Le Yun nodded: "I remember that the Qi family didn't give me a birthday gift. A boy from the Qi family met me by chance two days ago and greeted me. He also sent me a message on behalf of the Qi family, so, I don’t even know if he wanted me to be a friend before he entered Qingda University, or because it was purely for school.”

"Little beauty, you have a good memory. It's true that the Qi family didn't send you a congratulatory gift on your birthday, and there are a few families who didn't send a congratulatory gift either, but there are a few families whose children have joined certain sects. The envoys came to Beijing. Regardless of why they entered Qingda University, you just treat them as pure school students." Young Master Xuan narrowed his eyes with a smile, the little beauty's memory is so good, it would be too difficult for anyone to confuse her.

"The Helian family is also quite strange. After the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, they sent me another post. The contact person who signed the payment is not the big beauty at school, but a different person."

"The Helian children who entered Qingda came from a side branch, and they were recruited by the main clan because of their outstanding talent. They are not the eldest daughters of the first relatives. Presumably, the Helian family may make you feel that the Helian family treats you with contempt, so that's why you are here. In addition, send a direct descendant to Beijing to post a post for you, the person sent by the Helian family is called Helian Qinghui, he is Young Master Helian's cousin, he looks good."

Le Yun caressed her forehead: "I don't control my appearance. I either send beauties or handsome guys to deal with me. What do you mean?"

"Probably because I want my family to be on the list of beautiful men. Besides, handsome men and beautiful women are always more pleasing to the eye." Xuan Shao couldn't help laughing out loud. Whoever made Guwu Guxiu's family in Beijing are all beautiful? Fengzi's children, whoever wants to send someone to Beijing, of course send a good-looking type, otherwise it will not look good.

"I still feel that Zhou Shao and I are normal humans, and everyone else has fairy genes."

"I thought you were talking about compliments. By the way, the handsome young man from Tantai's family also came to Beijing after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. I heard that he and his brother are going to enter Qingda University and be an auditor in Qingda Middle School. I don't know if he has gone."

"Oh, the cute little handsome guy is here? It's hard work for your family to call and make an appointment for Zhou Shaoxin, Wu Shao, Jiang Shaoji, Shaohua, Chen Shao, Huo Shishao and Tantai handsome guy to drink tea and have a meal at noon tomorrow. By the way, please invite Helian as well, as well as Dongfang Jinlei, the eighth young master of the Dongfang family, and Nalan Qinghu, the seventh young master of the Nalan family, would it be convenient for the local government to borrow your house?"

"What's inconvenient? Our family members come to Beijing to have a rest. Most of the time is idle. If you want to treat or something, you are welcome to come here at any time. Make a list of what ingredients you need. My handsome guys guarantee to purchase return."

Xuan Shao's eyes brightened with excitement: "Little beauty, you treat guests, do you want to cook? Can you let me watch?"

"Inviting everyone over temporarily is purely for talking, not a formal treat, so I only cook a few home-cooked dishes, and then go to the hotel to order takeaway. I want to see me cook, and I want to see what I want."

"Ha, it's a deal. We'll go to the kitchen tomorrow to study cooking." Xuan Shao happily asked Xuan Yi to quickly inform the young lady that the little beauty wanted to invite to come to Xuan's house tomorrow.

Xuan Yi took out his mobile phone and called the youths in charge of contacting Zhongguxiu's family, saying that Miss Le invited the young masters and young masters of their family to have a gathering, drink tea, and chat.

Ji Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shaohua, Shao Xin, Wu Shao and others got the news from the guards, and immediately ran to Xuan's house without saying anything; Chen Shao and Huo Shi Shao got the report, and happily thought about what gifts to bring there tomorrow.

Lan Qishao was very surprised when he heard the family youth say that Miss Le invited her to drink tea, "You said Miss Le finally heard back?"

"Yes, Miss Le said that I would like to invite you to drink tea at noon tomorrow."

"Are you sure you want me?"

"I'm sure it's you. The first generation of Xuan Jia Xuan made the phone call, and he made it clear that he was asking for Qi Shao. Miss Le and Young Master Xuan are right next to him."

"I see." Lan Qishao pressed his forehead and invited him by name, hey...forget it, wait until tomorrow, and come back to report to the family.

The seventh young master of the Nalan family was depressed and puzzled. Similarly, Fang Bashao was also puzzled when he heard that the little girl from the Immortal Doctor Sect invited him to chat and drink tea at noon tomorrow. He would not invite the prospective young master of the Dongfang family, but only invited him , well, the amount of information is a bit large, but no matter what, of course I have to go to the appointment.

He Lian Qinghui, who has just entered Beijing, is 37 years old and ranks among the top five in He Lian's family. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall and has a strong physique. He is a powerful and tall type, with a handsome face. With thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looks like a general.

Helian's family stayed in a small courtyard house in central Beijing. Helian Qinghui was stunned when he heard that Miss Le invited him to the Xuanjia teahouse for tea tomorrow: "Are you sure the phone number is correct?"

The Immortal Medicine Sect has reappeared in China after hundreds of years. Some of the Guxiu families have sent the most outstanding candidates for the next Patriarch or prospective Young Masters to the capital, or sent young people of the right age to study in Beijing, and some are preparing to arrange Outstanding children enter Beijing to study at university.

The female son of the Helian family, Helian Qinghe, is also the most suitable candidate for entering Qing Dynasty. The only thing that makes the family a little scrupulous is that Helian Qinghe is a collateral descendant, not a direct descendant. He always feels compared to other Guxiu families. A cut of a dwarf.

The son of Helian's family, Jinqing University, gave the little girl a greeting card and didn't even respond. The family was worried that it might be because Helian Qinghe was not a direct descendant, so he went to Beijing to make up for it. Omissions.

Now, the little girl invited him to drink tea, to a certain extent, it also shows that the family's guess is somewhat true. Of course, whether it is true or not, we will see when we go tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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