magic eye doctor

Chapter 845 Blood Race Compensation

Chapter 845 Blood Race Compensation (1 More)

The next goal of the young Huajia Xuanjia is: Lyon, the third largest city in country F. Of course, Lyon is not the ultimate goal, but to go from Lyon to the province of Wa where the Earl of Leon's estate is located.

Country F has two provinces with the word tile, one is Shangwa, and the other is Shangwa Province. Shangwa Province is adjacent to Wawa Province. The highest peak of the Alps, the mother mountain of Europe, is in the territory of Shangwa Province.

The estate of the Refnau family is near the junction of Haut-Vaint in the province of Vanuatu. It is very far from the Bordeaux area to the province of Vanuatu. There is no direct train route. You need to drive or take a car. You need to change vehicles frequently, which is troublesome. Drive more freely and flexibly.

Earl Ryan accompanied the young people in the East for a few days, and of course he also hitched a ride to Lyon.

Xuanjiahua's family has a rented car, and they can go wherever they want, and stop whenever they want to see good scenery or delicious food. It was originally about five and a half hours' drive, but they spent a whole day in a daze. to Lyon.

Lyon is the third largest city in country F, because country F is a developed country with good social security benefits and stable people's lives. The overall appearance is that life is leisurely and relaxed.

When young people from the East arrived in Lyon, they immediately went to the hotel they reserved. Because it was probably after get off work, there was a lot of traffic in the urban area, and there was also a small traffic jam. Fortunately, European driving civilization, there is no phenomenon of road-snatching, and there will be no traffic jams. Travel at a slightly slower pace.

I have experienced the feeling of a small traffic jam in Europe. Four cars dangled to the hotel, parked the car, and entered the hotel. When the youths of the Xuan family decided on the travel date, they had already planned ahead on the route according to the planned itinerary. Book a hotel, so don't worry about not being able to find a hotel temporarily.

After check-in, the luggage is sent to the guest room first, then go shopping, and find a special restaurant for dinner; the night street is very beautiful, mainly the lights, from a distance, the lights penetrate the buildings, there is a different kind of warmth beauty of.

A group of people don’t do shopping, just go shopping, enjoy the local customs and scenery, taste the special food, go shopping around and go back to the hotel, back to the hotel, Xuan Shao and Earl Ryan go to drink, Le classmate finds an excuse to find Things, and Hua Shao went to the van to transfer all the red wine into the space.

Rest for one night, and the next day, the troops were divided into three groups. Xuan Shao and Hua Shao took four people to accompany the little girl to Wa province. Several young people from Hua Shao's family remained in the hotel in Lyon; several young people from Xuan Shao's family went first Country F's most famous origin of black truffles and lavender: Provence.

Earl Ryan is the best guide to go to the province where he lives. He leads the team to the train station to buy tickets and take the train. It takes only a few 10 minutes to get to the Wa province train station, and then take a bus.

The shape of the province of Wa eats the meat, a fish skull with a bone, or like a small shovel head. The manor of the Earl of Ryan is in the area where the sharp corner of the shovel head faces north and borders the province of Upper Wa. Inside.

Take the bus to the towns in the large area, and then take a taxi to the manor of the Refuno tribe. On the way to the manor, you pass some small towns and villages, with a large area of ​​wilderness.

It took more than an hour for a taxi to reach the manor. The manor is an independent small village, located in a valley in the Alps, which is also at the foot of the main mountain. In the distance, there are rivers, mountains, pastures, fields and fields where crops can be grown.

When Earl Leon and the eastern guests set foot on the road to Wa province, news kept coming back to the manor, and Bastian and Earl John knew exactly where they were.

The five earls Arturo, Cassio, Philip, Edra, and Ares had already returned to Earl Ryan's manor two days ago, in preparation for handing over the compensation to the Oriental girl at any time.

Yesterday afternoon, Mihail, the patriarch of the McAvey family, and Philip, the patriarch of the Toledo family, also rushed to Earl Ryan's manor. They will assist Earl Bastian, Earl Lean, Earl John, and the Oriental girl to negotiate. Some of them didn't like to show their faces, so they didn't come.

Among the blood clans, there are several families where the Earl provoked the Oriental girl, some of them are the patriarchs themselves, and some of the patriarchs angered the Oriental girl because they were afraid of showing their faces. They went to the province of Wa in F country and did not go to Laian Manor.

The earls who stayed at Earl Ryan's manor were very disturbed when they received the news from the little vampires of the Ravenor tribe. The closer Earl Ryan and the Eastern monks were to the manor, the more nervous they became.

Just when his heart was not peaceful, Earl Ryan accompanied the guests back!
The baron of the Refnor clan went to greet him with eight young people. The four counts Bastian, John, Michael, and Philip took the lead and accompanied Arturo. monks.

All the vampires came out of the castle, and a taxi drove along the hardened road to the small ground in front of the manor castle, and then made a turn before parking. Earl Ryan got out of the car first, wearing an autumn suit, blond, Always so elegant and extravagant.

The second car got off a very handsome and beautiful Oriental youth, a sweet and lovely Oriental lady, and a handsome young man; the third car got off three young people, one of them was sunny and noble; the fourth car and the fifth car A few young people with oriental faces came down.

A group of young people with oriental faces, a few young people with big backpacks, everyone with a men's shoulder bag, and an oriental girl with a small shoulder bag hanging in front of her.

Looking at the men's backpack with the slanted shoulders of the young monk in the East, the first thought of the earl of the blood clan was: potion!There must be magic potions in their bags.

Thinking of the terrifying magic potion, the counts' hearts trembled uncontrollably. They tried their best to maintain calm on their faces, and walked towards the owner of the manor and the guests invited by the owner in a friendly manner.

Michael, Philip, John, and Bastian walked ahead. The five counts, Cassio, Ares, Philip, Arturo, and Edra, did not dare to charge forward because they had annoyed the Oriental girl. Stian walked behind the others.

Mikhail is a relatively short little old man, at least shorter than other earls, only about 1.7 meters [-], with a very elegant demeanor, one can tell that he is a well-cultivated noble gentleman.

Philip and John had smelled the scent of an oriental girl in the Manor of Earl Casio of the Ganger tribe, so it was not too strange to see the oriental youths again. What was more depressing was that the girl's blood seemed to smell even more attractive.

It was the first time Count Mihail smelled the fresh blood of a young girl. When he saw that little oriental girl, he was in a bad mood. Such delicious blood, no wonder even a count-level vampire couldn’t help being tempted to go to the oriental monk family. To catch a girl, if the girl is not a pharmacist, the blood race will definitely fight to earn the girl's blood food.

Baron Ebner of the Refnor clan led the family youths to welcome the Earl, and extended the warmest welcome to the Earl: "Welcome home, sir!"

Earl Ryan nodded, and nodded to the earls of the blood race.

Ebner took the opportunity to take the earl's luggage bag for the family youths, gave tips to the drivers, and sent the taxis away.

The taxi left without outsiders, and Earl Ryan also stood with the family youths, carrying forward the gentlemanly demeanor of the blood clan, and paying tribute to the guests politely: "The whole family of the Revno family sincerely welcomes friends from the East to come to the manor As a guest, I hope that everything here can make my friends happy."

"Thank you, the Earl's manor is very beautiful."

"The gentlemen of the Earl's family are also very beautiful and elegant."

Xuan Shao and Hua Shao calmly smiled, accepting the welcome of the Blood Earl's family.

"Beautiful Miss Dongfang, young Dongfang gentlemen, country F welcomes you, and Europe welcomes you." Earl Ryan expressed his welcome, and Earl Bastian greeted the oriental monks cordially.

"Mr. Earl, we meet again." Le Yun was very happy to see a group of flying vampires.

"Miss Dongfang, I'm John. I wish you a pleasant trip to Europe, and you are welcome to travel to Luxembourg." Earl John happily communicated with the girl. The Oriental girl's English is as fluent as a linguist, and the communication is stress-free. It is a very pleasant thing .

Seeing the old earl of the blood race, Xuan Shaohua smiled brightly and nodded very friendly. The old earl was taken aback by Little Lolita's surprise at the beginning, and he can still come out as a negotiator. It really is a blood race A good elder who is highly respected in China and Germany.

The oriental young man smiled enthusiastically, and his eyes had other flavors. Bastian Boan felt even more uneasy. With a very gentle smile, he invited the guests to enter Earl Ryan's manor to taste fine wine.

Ares and Edra saw the meaningful smile of the young man from the east, and they felt hairy. They carefully mixed in with the other counts, so as not to be noticed by the young girl from the east.

Xuan Shao, Hua Shao and little Lolita followed Earl Leanne to the manor, and they would not take the initiative to speak. They would only respond when the vampire earls chatted with them.

The manor of the Earl of Ryan is a quadrangular building of the monastery. It is in ancient European style. There are minarets and round or square tower buildings to form the whole building. Entering from the stone round arch in the front row, there is a wide atrium with grass inside. And flower pools, many balconies or flower pots hanging on the wall, many flowers are in full bloom.

Earl Ryan invited the guests to the first row of the castle hall. The hall was exquisitely and luxuriously decorated, with the flavor of a European palace. Even the handle of the crystal chandelier was made of gold.

The hall is covered with exquisite carpets, and huge murals are engraved on the walls. In order to entertain oriental guests, tables and chairs are arranged according to the old style of Dahuaxia. A chair is matched with a table, and the tables are spread out in a row.

Earl Ryan invited the guests in and invited the Eastern guests to sit down. When the young Orientals sat down one by one, he, Earl Bastian and others sat down one by one.

The youths of the Refuno tribe took the guests to their seats, went down first, and soon brought hand towels, and brought wine glasses and red wine for the second time, and opened the red wine for the guests to taste.

The Great China Country treats guests with tea, while Country F is the capital of red wine, and treats guests with wine.

Earl Ryan has already experienced the super sensitive sense of taste of oriental girls, so he definitely doesn't take it too seriously, and has people prepare treasures in advance to entertain, the seven-year-old old wine brought by the young man of the Revno tribe, bottles and hanging cups, Or Chateau Latour aging.

The aroma of the wine lasts for a long time, and the wine is strong and vigorous.

For the young monks in the East, it is no problem for each of them to drink half a catty of stuffed donkey and red wine with only a few degrees of alcohol. They can drink a dozen alone without getting drunk.

Tasting fine wines of three different ages in a row, the uneasy mood of the earls calmed down a lot. Earl John, Philip, and Highmill accompanied the oriental monk, and Earl Bastian and Ryan asked the oriental girl to go to see the five wines first. Indemnity of a blood family.

Thinking that there will be a lot of ancient understandings in his pocket soon, Le Yun is in a good mood, accepts the invitation to chat alone, follows the host out of the hall, walks along the road in the atrium to the row of buildings on the right of the entrance, and then walks through the column Go forward in the corridor under the corridor, and enter a door at the place where it is connected to another horizontal building.

After entering the door, go through another door, pass through a corridor, and enter another door into a hall. The hall is so beautifully decorated that the extravagant hall is full of boxes and divided into five piles.

The five piles of boxes are all wooden boxes, some of which are packed with a layer of cardboard boxes. Most of the boxes have the name of a certain winery printed on them, and they are also wooden boxes for packaging the top brand wine in Europe. Thought it was red wine.

The boxes have all been opened, and some items have been taken out of the big boxes, and even the lids of the small boxes have been opened for people to appreciate. There are so many boxes, arranged one by one, occupying a large hall, and even the space of the hall It is particularly crowded, and there is a wide passage in the middle of the hall for people to pass through.

The five earls Arturo, Edra, Cassio, Philip, and Ares followed Earl Leon into the hall, detoured from one side, and stood beside their own family's treasure piles, waiting for the Oriental girl to come and accept the compensation.

As soon as she stepped into the hall, Le Yun scanned the whole hall and was startled by a large amount of aura. The vampire family really has an amazing collection. There are a few rare treasures in the compensation, which are extremely rich in aura. All the auras combined were not equal. The aura of the clothes-beating stick she picked up was rich and thick, and its purity was also slightly lower.

"Beautiful lady, this is a gift prepared according to your request. All blood families have tested it repeatedly before sending it. There is no adulteration. The purity of gold reaches 99%. Please appreciate it."

The oriental girl was in a relatively stable mood after entering the door. She didn't wrinkle or show an unhappy expression. Earl Bastian's uneasy mood calmed down properly, and asked the girl to accept the compensation from the blood clan.

Thinking that his family's collection was about to say goodbye to him, Casio and other earls were bleeding, but thinking of losing a collection and getting his own life back, he felt at peace.

"Okay. Let me see if the Earl of the Blood Race has kept his promise." Le Yun kept a slightly smiling face and walked towards the treasure on the right side of the door with her short legs. It was the compensation from Earl Arturo of the Fenzhuo Clan.

In order to appease the little devil when she was upset, Bastian asked Count Leon to go to her right hand side, and he walked to her left hand side to accompany her to inspect the goods.

Earl Ryan played with the girl for a few days, and he also found out her temper. As long as she and her friends' lives were not threatened, the girl was very kind and easy to talk to. .

(End of this chapter)

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