magic eye doctor

Chapter 850 Surprise (1 more

Chapter 850 Surprise (1 more

Miao Miaodan stood in the aisle of the carriage seat, watching the black-haired and black-eyed oriental girl who remained motionless, turning a blind eye to the people around her, and her mind was full of thoughts. Why is the potion not effective for the girl alone?Did she notice something, or was she super resistant?

The girl is sober, and her heart is full of disappointment.

In China, there are monk families and sects who want to protect her, and state departments to protect her, making it impossible for people to attack her. She came to Europe only to kill her. She thought that she could be easily killed in Europe, but because of the underground gangster killer in Europe The organization intervened, leaving her with nowhere to go, so she had to borrow the power of the blood again.

In Europe, the killer organization does not accept any missions to assassinate girls. She can't find ordinary street killers, so she can only use Auston's hand to help her.

In order to wait for an opportunity, she stayed in Europe for as long as a month, just to wait for her to come to Europe again, waiting for an opportunity to place an order. After finally waiting for her to actually place an order and have a chance to make a move, Auston still failed , the girl escaped with ease, making her miss another chance in vain.

The girl was unscathed, but Miaomiaodan's heart was full of hatred. The girl killed her brothers and nephew, leaving her brothers' corpses incomplete, and her nephew's bones. Why is she still alive and well?

She wants to kill her to avenge her brothers!

Hatred surged in his heart, Miao Miaodan couldn't help but clutch the bag in his hand, stared at the girl with strong emotions in his eyes, and killed her!Must kill her!

Hatred rushed to his head, Miao Miaodan suddenly came to his senses, hid the murderous intention in his heart, calm down!Be sure to stay calm.

At present, she knows that the young girl is the enemy who killed her brothers. The young girl does not know who she is. The most advantageous advantage, even if this time is unsuccessful, there are still countless opportunities in the future. Once the girl is on guard against her, she will not be able to appear in front of her in a fair manner.

Hiding the newly born murderous intent in his heart, Miao Miaodan smiled slightly, sized up the girl with friendly but not deliberately friendly eyes, and observed her every move.

The girl raised her head, astonishment flashed across her face and eyes, and she immediately showed a bright and warm smile: "Hello, ma'am, I am Chinese. Why do you think I am Chinese? I think my oriental face is very obvious. "

The girl is young and can't learn to hide her emotions. It seems that she hasn't realized her purpose, and she is not very wary of strangers abroad. Miao Miaodan relaxes and smiles slightly: "Your face is oriental. Human characteristics, the skin is more delicate than the skin of Caucasians, no matter where you go, you are a very eye-catching existence, people who have lived in country Y love reading books most, and you love reading books, I almost thought you were an Englishman Chinese, travelers are resting, you haven’t slept, don’t you feel tired?”

The lady talked to herself, and even wanted to have a long chat. Le Yun did not refuse, and smiled back: "My sleep time is from eleven to three, and I just woke up not long ago."

"Miss, are you here for tourism or to visit relatives?"

"I travel to increase social life experience."

"Oh, it looks like you are alone, don't you? You are so brave. A girl dares to travel alone."

"It's not a big deal. The law and order in Europe is pretty good, and the people are friendly. You don't have to worry too much about travel safety. The locals and people I met on the trip these days are very friendly, and I don't feel any danger."

"European countries have good welfare, a comfortable life, and good security. My friends and I often travel and have never encountered any trouble. Are you going to Milan or Rome?"

The lady asked about her travel purpose, and Le Yun answered without thinking: "I haven't decided on my travel purpose yet. My purpose is to gain knowledge. I think there are places worth learning. I will stay for a few days. I will take a stroll in Turin first." Decide where to go."

"Wherever you go, it's pretty good. I won't bother you with your reading. I hope to meet you again on the next trip."

The lady left with her things, and Le Yun waved her paw: "Goodbye, and I wish you a pleasant journey."

"Goodbye." Miao Miaodan said goodbye with a smile, walking towards the rear of the car as calmly as if she had said a few words to a fellow traveler on the road.

When the lady walked by with a light fragrance, Le Yun turned her head and watched her off, thinking silently: This is the fifth time.

Since she got on the train, this lady has traveled back and forth from the carriage she was sitting in five times. The reason why she still remembers it deeply is because the lady has a familiar smell—her blood contains the blood of the flying head that she encountered in Province Z. the taste of.

That is to say, the lady is related to the Flying Toujiang who hunted her down late at night in Province Z. The smell of the lady's blood is lighter than that of the flying Flying Heads.

When she went to Myanmar in Southeast Asia and the streets of Y South, she didn't meet anyone who was related to the Flying Head Descending Master. She happened to meet on a train in Europe. I have to say that the world is really small.

The lady went back and forth five times, taking something different each time, well, she is really competent as a pickpocket.

The smell of the perfume faded away, Le Yun sniffed her nose calmly, turned her head and continued to read, the lady's perfume has a calming effect, it smells almost like enhanced pollen to her, it is far from enough to make her drowsy.

Miaomiaodan didn't look back, passed the carriage where the girl was sitting, walked back through the second carriage, took out a bottle of perfume from her handbag, poured some perfume into the sink between the carriages, and walked to the rear of the carriage. I stuffed the bag that came with me on the luggage rack and continued walking, pouring some perfume every three to two compartments.

Walking back to the second-to-last car, I also went to the sink to pour perfume, and then returned to my seat, sitting quietly, with my sexy red lips pursed gently, without making a sound.

Miao Miaodan was unhappy, and Oston didn't ask. Miao Miaodan had seen the girl, which meant that her medicine didn't work and she was unhappy.

The fragrance of the perfume wafted through the carriage, permeating the air. Ten minutes later, people in each carriage woke up from naps one after another. Lost, busy looking for the conductor or looking around.

Xiao Le scanned the books quietly. Before the people in the same compartment woke up, he scanned only a part of a book, and slowly flipped through the rest. He will be in Turin soon, so he can scan it.

The train departed from Lyon at 11 o'clock, and entered Turin City, which is adjacent to country F and country F, from more than ten minutes to five o'clock in the morning. When the train entered the city's station, it stopped, and it was almost five o'clock.

At five o’clock, it’s not yet dawn in Yiguo, except for places with lights in the city, other places are dark.

Student Le Xiao got off the bus with the flow of people, walked out of the entry channel, went to the port of entry set up by the station to have her passport stamped, and declared the property she brought into the country.

Turin is a big border city in the United States. Every year, a large number of people enter and exit by plane or land, especially by trains and buses. There are entry and exit points at airports and stations.

Country Yi is a Schengen country in Europe, and it is generally rare to deny people entry. What's more, Ms. Le has a visa from that country. It doesn't matter whether she enters directly from her own country or re-enters from another Schengen country. Chapter, to record on the day of entry on the line.

After completing the immigration registration, Le Yun carried her big backpack to the station lobby to buy a train ticket to Florence. The station has manual ticket sales or mechanical ticket sales. In the evening, the manual labor also rests, and only mechanical ticket sales. She understands Italian and can buy tickets. Relaxed and stress-free.

When buying tickets, I met two young people from southern Africa and Egypt. Because their English is not good and they don’t understand Italian, they only know their own language and a little Arabic. They want to buy a ticket for Rome, but they don’t know any words at all. In a hurry, classmate Le chatted with them and helped them buy tickets.

The two Egyptian youths watched the girl with an Asian face speak a relatively blunt Egyptian language explanation, and they were stunned for a long time before they realized it. They followed the explanation and bought two tickets.

Being a classmate of Huo Leifeng for a while, I found someone to practice the most basic Egyptian language I had memorized by rote, and I gained something. I happily waited for the train platform with my luggage, and waited until six o'clock to get on the train to Florence.

The temperature in Turin is a bit cold, and the sky doesn't light until after six o'clock. Travelers traveling from north to south or changing trains in a hurry, go leisurely to play, and there are hundreds of people in various states.

Miracle Dan and Auston sat at the station until daylight before going to breakfast and taking another train to Florence.

Classmate Le and Xuan Shaohua and his team flew to country F in the early morning of October 10, Chinese time, and arrived in the morning local time. They stayed in Bordeaux for a few days and went to Wa for a day. It took several days to go back and forth. The time is already October 20.

When a new day in Europe came, Hua Shaohuang took to the streets to play, Xuan Shao and the family youths were not idle, and set off early to go to the town of truffles. Residential, pleasant stay.

After packing his luggage, Xuan Shao excitedly asked the locals to lead the way, went to scout out the truffle-digging woods and farms and pastures, ran to check the spots, and then rented a pine dog to dig truffles with great energy.

When Hua Shao heard from Xuan Shao that he was digging truffles with a pine-seeking dog, he secretly despised him. That guy was too idle, so he liked to do it himself. The cost of digging truffles was more than that of buying truffles directly. What Xuan Shao did was A laborious and cheap thing.

Of course, he only despises Young Master Xuan, little loli, that little loli has a nose that is many times more sensitive than a dog's, and she will definitely make a lot of money when she goes digging truffles.

Young Master Xuan has arrived in the woods in the small town of country F to search for truffles all over the world, and student Le is still admiring the scenery along the way on the train to Florence.

The train journey took three hours to reach the destination. At that time, the office workers in Florence had just gone to work, and the sun had already risen, shining on the somewhat humid city. Many shops on the street are open for business, and life is comfortable and leisurely.

Florence, the art capital of the world, time is also particularly partial to this city, making it seem to be still in the Renaissance period of ancient Rome, youthful and not old, no matter which street you walk in, you can feel a strong cultural and artistic atmosphere.

When the train entered the central station, Le Yun was carrying her own backpack and a small backpack in front of her. She walked out of the station with a very happy mood and took the bus. While going to the destination, she could enjoy the street view of the art city and feel the beauty of the city.

Change three buses on the way, cross the Arno River that runs through the city, go to the other side of the river, and then walk along the riverside street, enjoy the scenery on the river bank, and slowly walk towards the destination.

As the country enters winter, people wear autumn clothes. The leaves of many trees are dyed red or yellow-brown by time, matching the color of the buildings. It is often impossible to tell whether it is a tree or a wall of a building. The river still flows so quietly, as if feeling uncomfortable. to the change of seasons.

Milo was lying on the balcony on the fourth floor, feeling very resentful in his heart. His little oriental friend had clearly arrived in another country, but he didn't call him, and he didn't tell him to pick up the car. Should she come to see him first, or first? To find her sister in art college?

He knew that the little girl took the night train from country F to country Y last night, that she entered the country in the morning, that she took the train from Turin to Florence, and knew what time she would arrive at the station. Unfortunately, before she notified him, he would treat it as wrong. I know, I can't pick up the car.

Since he sent her puppets one after another, little friend, she was probably unhappy and ignored herself. Maybe that's why she didn't tell him the itinerary when she came to Florence.

So here comes the question, in the future, should he send her some puppets?

Imagining the expression of the child receiving the doll, Milo laughed unkindly, not to mention anything else, just thinking about the expression of the child can put him in a good mood every day.

Just as he was being happy, the phone number that he hadn't contacted for a long time sang a song, and he quickly took it to look at it, and suddenly found that it was a child calling, and - the caller was downstairs from his home!
Seeing the location of the other party displayed, Mi Luoteng jumped up and ran into the study, and rushed into the study before answering the phone: "Hello, Xiao Lele, good morning, you finally remembered your friend Mi Luo, I feel very happy happy."

"Miluo, I'm just downstairs at your house. I'm going to visit your house. Are you welcome?" Le Yun stood on the street, looking at a row of three houses with red exterior walls next to each other. , the eyes fell on one of the buildings, that building is for taverns and accommodation, the owner is so lazy, there is a sign with the words accommodation and tavern on the door, and the round arch of the door is pasted with the letters of the word tavern, Then there is nothing, clean.

"Xiao Lele, you wait for me, I'll come down right away!" Miro was overjoyed, and ran out with his mobile phone. After running a few steps, he heard the "beep" sound from the child pressing the end of the call, and he ran out Study room, run downstairs.

He ran from the fourth floor to the first floor in one breath, rushed out of the aisle connected to the tavern, ran out the door, and saw his oriental child standing by the side of the street facing his house, the little guy squeezed her to the limit with big bags. There was only one head and two legs, which made her look even smaller, but the smile on her round face was warm, as bright as the Mediterranean sun.

"Little Lele!" Seeing his little friend, Mi Luo was shocked by a huge surprise in his heart, and flew over with open arms. He thought that the little friend would ignore him when he was angry, and would go to play with her sister before contacting him. When I went to see the godfather, I didn't expect the children to give him a big surprise.

After hanging up the phone, Le Yun turned off the phone and waited for the handsome Mi Luo. When he saw the handsome guy rushing out, she blinked, um, Mi Luo became handsome again!

Milo wore a collarless white shirt, a beige suit, a gentleman's attire, and with his blue eyes, he was as beautiful as a sunny day.

The handsome guy is so enthusiastic, she can't hide, she opened her arms and gave him a polite hug with his friend, the handsome guy immediately kissed him again, three times from left to right, and she also expressed her understanding, because the mother of handsome Mi Luo is from F country, Face ceremony is a noble etiquette in country F.

After meeting the little friend, Milo patted the little guy's head: "Xiao Lele, why didn't you call me in advance when you came, I'll pick you up at the station."

"I wanted to give you a little surprise, so I asked you if you were surprised or happy." Le Yun gritted her teeth, it's also good to do a surprise attack.

"It's unexpected, very happy, I almost thought you were lying to me, little Lele, I'll help you get the backpack, and we'll go upstairs for tea." Milo happily helped the child pick up the backpack, this surprise made people very happy.

The handsome guy wanted to carry his luggage for him. In order not to embarrass him, Le Yun asked him to carry the big backpack and a bag of things. He only carried the small backpack in front of him and followed to the tavern.

Walking in the door, you can see the hall for drinking and dining in the tavern and the stairs going upstairs. The building has a history of hundreds of years and is in Roman style. The walls of the stairs are painted with paintings, which makes the simple and single stairway look vivid and bright.

Milo accompanied the children from the far east up the stairs until they reached the fourth floor, and then walked along the arched corridor to the living room of the private life. He put the luggage aside and asked the children to sit while he boiled water and made tea.

Handsome Mi Luo's home is decorated in a standard European style, simple, with exquisite furniture. The window is facing away from the river. There is a terrace, and you can see the trees in the backyard and the roofs of other people in the distance.

Sitting in the European-style living room, Le Yun thinks that this kind of place has a sense of grandeur, and it must be ladylike and elegant. It can't be as casual as in her house, and it can't be rolled into a ball like in the teacher's mother's house and Brother Chao's house. The overall feeling There is a sense of restraint, but she still likes places that are more down-to-earth.

When Milo was boiling water, he called the old butler Dante to ask for some snacks to go upstairs, then took out the tea set and tea pot from the kitchen cabinet, washed the tea set and put it on the table.

He had just prepared the utensils for making tea, but the old butler Dante brought two young waiters to bring the snacks upstairs. The old butler was quite surprised when he heard the young master said that the little oriental guest had come, and immediately took out the best made by himself. Good snacks are sent upstairs.

He knocked on the door before entering, nodded to the oriental girl, and then took the young man to put the Danish rolls and bread and desserts on the table. The old butler bowed to the little girl and saluted: "Welcome, lovely Miss Oriental."

When the old butler brought people into the hall, Le Yun first stood up politely, and heard from Milo that his parents died when he was very young, and it was the old butler who helped him look around the tavern and take care of his daily life. The old butler was another elder of his .

The old gentleman was too gentlemanly, bent over to show his respect: "Thank you, please take care of me for the next few days, old gentleman."

The old butler Dante was very happy, and invited the young guests to have some snacks, and took the young waiter downstairs to prepare lunch for the young master and the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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