magic eye doctor

Chapter 858 Unfeeling Please

Chapter 858 Unfeeling Please (1 More)

After the Huaxia Kingdom entered the afternoon, the light of the Yi Kingdom came slowly, and the sky was still a little gray.

Milo woke up in the morning full of doubts. He was obviously not going to sleep last night, so why has he been in a daze?In the middle of the night, I seemed to hear something, and it seemed to be a dream.

Not normal, very abnormal.

Feeling extremely wrong, thinking left and right, thinking all kinds of hard things can't understand it, boil water, prepare oatmeal, and wait for the children to wake up.

Le Yun, as always, waited until seven o'clock before bubbling, ran to the living room to find Miro, and shouted happily: "Miro, Miro, I have good news for you, the big bat came again last night."

"Huh?" Milo looked at the excited little girl in surprise, "You said the big bat came again last night?"

"Yeah, it was around two o'clock." Le Yun smiled and described it with her hand: "I was waiting for it last night, and this time I saw it clearly. Mao, sharp beak and sharp claws, looks so ugly."

After gesticulating for a while, his face wrinkled: "Milo, I wanted to catch the big bat for anatomical research last night, and I had a fight with it, it will spray corrosive saliva, and the saliva will spray on the walls and floors of your house It caused a lot of damage to the quilt, I got into trouble, don't you and the old butler Dante get angry, okay?"

"Ah?" Milo was taken aback, stood up and ran to see the kid, asking as he ran, "You fought with the big bat? Did you get hurt? A strange creature came, why didn't you call me?" What if you can't fight and get hurt?"

"I'm not hurt," Le Yun sniffed embarrassedly: "Milo, I was busy fighting with the big bat, and I didn't have time to think about other things, so I forgot to ask you for help. That bat drools so much, I'm afraid of it. The saliva sprayed on my eyes and hurt my eyes. I failed to catch it and let it run away. I slapped its face a few times with my slippers, and I didn’t suffer.”

"You whipped it with a slipper?" Milo wanted to cover his face, use a slipper for a fight?If you don't suffer, Xiao Lele is good enough.

"I didn't find anything else useful, so I took slippers as a weapon." Le Yun grinned triumphantly, and the handsome Ramiro went to see the damaged part of the guest room.

Milo laughed and twitched. That big bat must be insane, so it came to find Xiao Lele one after another, and was whipped. It is estimated that it will have a psychological shadow on human beings in the future.

I went to the guest room and checked the area next to the window. The floor and the wall were really corroded by something. The wall was like mold stains formed after the rain leaked.

The child was not injured, and damage to the wall and floor was nothing to worry about. Milo touched the head of the child whose face was wrinkled into a ball: "Don't wrinkle your face, it's nothing if the wall is damaged, as long as you are not injured, it was really strange last night." , I didn’t wake up when you fought with the big bat.”

"That big bat is weird. When it came, it sprayed a kind of water around the building. It was a bit like perfume and had a certain hypnotic effect. When I was fighting with the big bat, the people who came downstairs and the owners of the two buildings on the left and right They didn't wake up either, you should have smelled that smell and fell asleep, so you didn't hear me fighting with the big bat."

"Bats can spray hypnotic potion?" Milo was extremely surprised. Is there such a smart bat?Are you sure it's a bat, not a human?
"I suspect that big bats were trained by humans. It sounds a bit unscientific, but it's actually not surprising. I have encountered many miraculous things, many of which cannot be explained by science. For example, I have seen souls."

"Little Lele can see the soul?" Milo was full of surprise: "What does the soul look like?"

"The soul is a bit like smoke. Most souls are fragile and will dissipate soon. Using science to explain that the soul is the spiritual power of a person. After the body ages and dies, the spiritual power will still exist for a period of time. When encountering a specific environment, the spiritual power can be kept for a long time.”

Milo has faith, and he is dubious about souls. He heard the children say that souls really exist, and he was very interested. He grabbed the children and asked if the soul would be like a human, whether he could see feet and so on.

The handsome guy was like a curious baby, Le Yun was so questioned that his head became two big, and he got a headache from being asked, so he puffed up his cheeks and didn't speak.

Milo was annoyed by the children's questioning, and he was in a good mood. He went to make oatmeal, and each drank a cup of porridge that nourished the stomach, and then went downstairs to eat the French breakfast prepared by the old housekeeper. After breakfast, he took his luggage and Miro drove to The Godfather's estate.

Roberto's manor is located southwest of the city center, and it is also on the south bank of the Arno River. From the place where handsome Miro lives, it will take about ten minutes if there is no traffic jam. If there is a traffic jam, it may take half an hour. bell.

Miro drove his own car, and it took four to ten minutes to arrive. Because he met a foreigner who drove on the right-hand drive and left-hand drive on the road, he got confused and caused a big traffic jam.

The manor is said to be a small manor, but it actually has more than [-] acres. It is said to be small compared to other manors with hundreds of acres. There is a small winery near the vineyard, and the residence is a little far from the vineyard.

The houses where the people live in the manor are two- or three-story villa-style buildings with red roofs, which are very delicate, and the building materials are stone, which is also very old.

The weekend is the scheduled follow-up visit time. Roberto got up early in the morning and the housekeeper Enzo tidied up the place where he lived in the manor.

Roberto, who cleaned himself up meticulously, was waiting for Miro and the Oriental girl at the manor. It was just after [-]:[-], when he heard that Miro had arrived, he happily went out to see.

He walked out of the house to the porch at the door, and saw Miro's car driving along the road between the fields. The car was driving neither fast nor slow, and he was outside the door in less than two minutes. An oriental girl in a red sportswear.

Seeing the godfather and Enzo's old housekeeper, Milo got out of the car quickly, instead of opening the car door for the child, he quickly went to the back seat to help the child take out her large backpack for medicine and the medium backpack for clothes. The time he turned around, the child After getting out of the car and walking to the front of the car, he and the children walked towards the godfather.

Le Yun sat in the car and saw the old man from a long distance away. After getting out of the car, she carried her shoulder bag and walked towards the front of the car with a smile on her face, waiting for the handsome Miro to come over and walked to the owner together. Mr. Roberto was dressed very handsomely.

"Welcome, lovely and beautiful lady." Enzo old butler saw Master Miro and the Oriental girl approaching, and bowed to salute.

"Thank you." Le Yun smiled politely: "Old gentleman, Mr. Enzuo, it's a pleasure to see you again. The old gentleman is healthy, which is even more pleasing."

"Dear child, your arrival makes me very, very happy. I wish you a happy stay in Florence." The oriental girl walked calmly. Roberto reached out and took the girl's outstretched hand and kissed it.

After shaking hands with the old man, Le Yun also shook hands with the old housekeeper Enzo, and looked at the handsome Miro's godfather with a smile and said: "The people in Florence are very friendly, and I had a good time. A lot of trouble."

Roberto laughed: "Don't worry, Milo has always been cheerful and lively, not afraid of trouble." Then he smiled and asked: "Milo, what little trouble did your friend give you to make her so upset? "

The godfather was full of energy, Milo hugged the godfather happily, hugged the old butler Enzo, and narrowed his eyes with a smile: "It's nothing, godfather, Xiao Lele didn't cause me any trouble, it's because a big bat ran into my house last night Playing, Xiao Lele wanted to catch the bat to study, got into a fight and messed up the room, Xiao Lele was very disturbed by this."

"What's the matter? I want to catch a bat for research. Someday I will ask Milo to go to Africa or the Amazon rainforest to catch a big human-shaped bat for you." Roberto laughed badly. The bats in the city are too small to study.

Miro explained with a smile: "Godfather, Xiao Lele said it was just a big bat, and it grew so big." Following the children's way of describing, he smiled even more happily: "Xiao Lele was very surprised, and he never forgot to catch it. Stay dissected."

"There has never been such a big bat in Florence. It may have escaped from some laboratory." Roberto was also amazed, and accompanied the little Oriental guest into the building.

Enzo also said that he grew up in Florence and had never seen such a big bat. It must have come from somewhere, a non-native creature.

Milo and his godfather were talking about big bats, Le Yun smiled sourly, the big vampire bat is a native European creature, it is definitely not an alien invasion.

The proportion of the building where the owner of the manor lives is not very large, but it is wide enough. The first floor is very high, and the windows are arched windows, which are very beautiful. The interior is painted with whitewashed walls and decorated with many paintings. But every item has a history of 200 years.

Roberto sat with the little guest on the old-fashioned European-style sofa, and Enzo, the old butler, brought a tea set to make tea. While drinking tea, they talked about some happy topics, such as interesting stories about a certain building or character in Florence.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Le Yun asked the old man for a follow-up visit. In fact, it is not necessary to feel the pulse after watching the scan. For other reasons, you have to go through the steps of feeling the pulse.

The oriental girl is a conscientious and good doctor. Roberto unbuttoned the cuff buttons of the suit, and stroked the clothes with both hands to feel the pulse of the little girl. He was very happy. He went for a checkup. After taking the medicine, the condition of the rectal tumor was under control. , Even the doctors in the hospital were very surprised, saying that as long as the good condition is maintained, there will be no major health problems.

In order to test her pulse-touching skills, Le Yun closed her eyes to experience, touched her left hand and right hand, collected and stored many tiny sensations and information collected from pulse-touching, and gave the old man a soothing smile: "The speed of the diseased cells of the tumor It has been well controlled, and it is currently in a dormant state. It will not become diseased unless it is stimulated by a specific virus. Of course, dormancy is not as good as a cure. Killing the diseased cells is the ultimate goal. I have prepared all the medicines. Please invite Mr. Enzo this afternoon. The housekeeper boiled the medicine, and at night the old man finished acupuncture and moxibustion for three to seven days in a row to clean up the remaining microscopic bacteria, and then took medicine pills for one or two months to fully recover."

"Thank you, miss." Enzo thanked gratefully.

Having received the little girl's own diagnosis, Roberto Miro was also very excited, and Miro ran to carry the backpack put aside to the child.

Le Yun hugged the backpack, found out pack after pack of traditional Chinese medicine, went to wash her hands, came back and took out a self-sealing bag, and began to pack the medicinal materials.

She explained to the old man and Miro that there are several kinds of medicinal materials that are prohibited from being imported or used in a country, so she can only go to Europe to find them. She came to Europe and found them in the Alps during the Oktoberfest in country D last month. For the last few herbs, give the herbs to a friend of a friend to help dry them, and then go back to China. This time, when I come to Europe, I will accompany my friend to country F, and get back some herbs that I put away from my friend the month before, and then come to Yi country.

Roberto Miro finally understood why the little girl went to country D last time, and she never showed up at the Oktoberfest. It turned out that her original intention was to find medicinal materials, and she was even more moved. The little girl crossed two continents to find medicinal materials and was alone. Running around the Alps alone must have suffered a lot.

Pick one out of several large packages of medicinal materials and give it to the old housekeeper Enzuo, asking him to help cook the medicine in the afternoon. As for the other medicines, she will cook them herself at night, boil them all at once, and then pack them in bags or bottles .

Miro had been reminded by the children in advance and called the old butler Enzo. The containers and bottles for boiling the medicine had already been prepared, so there would be no rush.

In order to prevent any minor accidents at night, Enzo asked the little girl to move over to see if the supplies they had prepared were up to standard. The supplies were placed in a room that was originally a bedroom and then cleaned out. Electric stove is also prepared.

Classmate Le went to check it out, praised the old housekeeper for his thoughtfulness, put the backpack containing the medicine in the small room, and went back to the master's living room to drink tea and eat the grapes produced by the manor.

The oriental girl had a beautiful smile and seemed to be in a good mood. Roberto thought about it, organized his words, and discussed with the girl very gently: "My dear child, I have a heartfelt request. I would like to ask you for a favor."

Ask her for help?Feeling so strange, Le Yun sat up straight subconsciously, and replied solemnly: "Old man, what do you want me to do for you? I don't mind helping if I can. I will definitely not agree to anything that violates principles. "

"Ah, of course, you have your principles, and principles must be adhered to," Roberto expressed his understanding, and returned to the matter of asking for help: "It's like this, I have a friend who has a The child's health is quite bad, and I heard that there is a Chinese medicine doctor from Huaxia country who can help me treat my illness and stabilize my condition. He deeply admires the medical skills of Huaxia Chinese medicine practitioners, so he asked me to help, and I hope you can see his child."

Roberto speaks Chinese quite fluently, and he has in-depth research on Huaxia, and he is proficient in Chinese. He speaks like a native of Huaxia.

Le Yun blinked her eyes: "Ask me to see a doctor?" Oh my god, old Mr. Roberto acted so mysteriously that she almost thought it was some important event.

(End of this chapter)

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