magic eye doctor

Chapter 880 The reason why I can't tell

Chapter 880 The reason why I can't tell (2 more)

Xiao Wu untied the dog's leash before eating. The big wolf dog was very smart, and went to the mat where he lived on the second floor to wait for the meal. After Xiao Wu finished eating, he took a bowl of rice and a bowl of vegetables left by the owner On the floor, he fell into the food bowl of the military dog, and the big wolf dog ate happily.

After the military dog ​​has finished eating, take him to the restroom on the second floor, tell him that it is a place to defecate and urinate, let him go downstairs with the basin in his mouth, help him wash the food basin, let him take it upstairs, and let him go Military dogs move freely.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng and grandma Zhou Zhou village chief were very surprised to see the dog go up and down the stairs by biting the rice bowl, especially when he put the rice bowl and went downstairs by himself, climbed a bench and sat on it, he looked smarter than a child .

The soldiers live in Lejia and won’t leave for the time being. Village Chief Zhou will not accompany them. He will go home by himself and go to Zhou Bapi’s house next to the village committee building to ask who owns the millet on the ground. He is going to talk to someone. Talk about moving to the sun tomorrow.

Zhou Bapi was happy: "Brother Man, you don't need to talk about it, they all know it. The dozen or so people who went to Lejia came back and sat here for a while before leaving. Many people in the village came to ask about the helicopter before eating. , Now half of the village knows that the helicopter sent Brother Bing to Le's house in our village, and the person who dried the millet told us that you don't need to go to their house anymore, they will take it tonight, and will not dry it here tomorrow."

People in the village are not confused about major issues, and village head Zhou was very happy. He had a conversation with the people who were sitting around in front of the village committee building and Zhouba leather shop, and went home to do his own business.

Father Le sent Village Chief Zhou away and discussed their accommodation with Brother Bing. Lan San said that only one room was enough, and Father Le gave Brother Bing all the keys to that room to ensure the safety of their guns.

After the beginning of winter, the weather is cold, and we can't sleep on mats at night. After going to the house, Lan San and the two soldiers took a few straw handles and took them upstairs to spread the floor, then spread a soft cloth mat they used when marching, and then spread the quilt , The environmentally friendly and warm bed is ready.

In order to prevent the dog from catching cold, a straw was laid under the dog's mattress, and the big wolf dog went to lie down by himself, and liked the soft temporary bed very much.

In the afternoon, Brother Bing had to walk around. Dad Le wanted to be his escort. They didn’t need him as a guide. He took the money and went to the street to bring back a water heater. The seller of the water heater also came to help install it. The bathroom on the second floor of the house, after the power-on test, there was no problem before leaving.

With the water heater installed, the soldiers can take a hot bath on the second floor at any time, so that the soldiers will not be wronged. Father Le and Zhou Qiufeng feel more at ease. Father Le will prepare for the casting of the first floor of the new house tomorrow. After the big stove was moved out and placed in the house, it was placed on the table and shelf, and the necessary supplies were moved out for cleaning and backup.

While Father Le was busy at home, Ju Zhang who came from the city finally arrived at the administrative center of Jiudao Township. It is over half a hundred years old.

Zhang Ju was dressed in casual clothes, and led Dui Yang from the Armed Police Brigade and a policeman to rush all the way from Shishi to Jiudao. When he arrived in Fangxian County, he added the car of the head of the public security department in Fangxian County. There were two buses in total. Arrive at the administrative village of Jiudao Township, first cross Meizijing Village to the police station.

Because of the special personnel coming to Meicun, the director of the Jiudao Police Station and several policemen also returned to the station. They thought that the county-level leaders would come to inspect, but they didn't expect even the city-level leaders to come to the grassroots. They became more nervous and busy. Waiting for the reception, reporting the situation to the superiors, and reporting the details of what he learned from the village head of Meicun to the superior boss.

Mr. Zhang heard that there will be people from the army coming to Meicun tomorrow, and he is not calm at all. The helicopter sent three sergeants, and there will be people coming tomorrow. What kind of trouble has happened, so that the military department sent people to the countryside to station in the village? Guard here.

Feeling uneasy, how can I sit still at the police station, so I went to Meicun immediately. The director of the police station called Mr. Zhou while running to follow Mr. Zhang.

The director didn't dare to bring too many people, so he took a police officer in charge of the land in Meicun, and took a car from the city bureau with Zhang Ju to the intersection of Meicun, parked the car beside the street, and then accompanied Zhang Ju into Meizijing Village. Village Chief Zhou waited at the intersection of going to the village committee building and Lejia, and pointed to someone to explain to Bureau Zhang who Village Chief Zhou was and his in-law relationship with Lejia.

Mr. Zhang kept it in mind, and accompanied by the local police station personnel, he walked to the intersection, and held the hand of the village head and fellow villager cordially first: "Village Chief Zhou, we came suddenly and caused you trouble."

"Where is it, don't dare to be." Village Chief Zhou politely shook hands with the leaders of the public security department, and invited him to sit in the village committee.

"Chairman Zhou, let's not go to the village committee, let's go to Le's home." Bureau Zhang is not in the mood to sit and chat with the village committee, he just wants to go to Le's house to see what's going on.

Village head Zhou didn't force it, and accompanied the leaders from above to Lejia. When the leaders asked about the situation, he said what he knew, and he didn't know what he didn't know.

Soon you will see Lejia’s house. When you walk to the garden in front of Lejia’s house, you just see three soldiers in camouflage and a military dog ​​coming out of a branch road behind Zhou Xialong’s house. Village Chief Zhou hurriedly shouted: "Comrade Xiaolan, Director Zhang from Shishi City's Public Security Department is here to inspect, and he wants to visit Le's house. Thank you for your hard work, come back and sit down."

Bureau Zhang: "..." My fellow, don't deceive people, this will make the army think that their local security department is engaging in bureaucracy.

"Okay." Lan San replied with a smile, and went back to Le's house with his brothers.

Dad Le was cleaning tools behind the house, and he was shocked when he heard Village Chief Zhou yelling at Brother Xiao Lanbing. The city leaders also came?
He dropped his things and ran back to the main room, asked his wife and mother-in-law to prepare some dried fruit, and ran out of the house to look outside. In a blink of an eye, he saw Village Chief Zhou accompanied by several people in suits and police officers, and the village chief Zhou who was walking in front He was a middle-aged old man with a high hairline, wearing a black suit and carrying a briefcase. The others also carried handbags or carried briefcases.

Zhang Ju followed Village Chief Zhou and listened to the introduction. When he walked outside the house of Lejia, he saw the owner of Lejia, a fair and refined young middle-aged man in a brown jacket. Let’s take a look and walk around, I hope it doesn’t affect your family’s life.”

"The leader has worked hard." Father Le couldn't help himself, shaking hands with Director Zhang, and listening to the introduction of the leaders of the county bureau by Village Chief Zhou, shaking hands one by one, please sit in.

Zhang Ju didn't leave first, waiting for the three soldiers.

The three soldiers with the wolfdog returned to Le's house, and saluted the officials. Lan San smiled meaningfully: "Zhang Ju, you came here very quickly."

"I'm laughing at you, our work is not in place, please correct me, soldiers brothers." The leader soldier's tone was unpredictable, and Zhang Ju's heart was throbbing, and he felt that something was not good!

"It's so serious. The military and police are one family. Under normal circumstances, the military department is responsible for national defense and never cares about local security. The police station is responsible for internal security and local security. This time the situation is a bit special, so the security of Lejia cannot be entrusted to the local department. Director Zhang, don't worry too much, just go in and sit down." Lan San was not at all restrained, and he was not afraid of others saying that he was taking the lead.

With the support of Brother Lan Bing, Dad Le felt a lot of pressure. He walked to the farthest place and accompanied the visiting leaders into the main room to invite the guests to sit down. He and Zhou Qiufeng poured tea and took dried fruits.

When Zhang Ju saw an old lady in the Le family, he knew that it was the mother-in-law of the owner of the Le family. He greeted the old lady politely, and sat beside the old lady, asking kindly about the old lady's health.

Grandma Zhou has been with nobles like Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang, and she has seen the world, so no matter how old the official is, she relied on the old to sell her old once, and calmly greeted the leaders of the officials.

Bureau Zhang with the city bureau, whether it is the county bureau or the police station, is accompanying him, try to talk as little as possible, and let Bureau Zhang talk more, so as not to accidentally say the wrong thing, and it will end badly.

Everyone said that it was commonplace, Zhang Ju didn't get the most useful information, he only knew that Brother Bing came because of the video that happened in Fang County on the Internet, looked at Konger, and talked to the leader Bingge alone.

Lan San didn't refuse, and went to the second floor of Le's house with Zhang Ju, and chatted alone in a guest room on Linlu, without turning a corner, and cut straight to the point: "We don't explain the reason, there must be a knot in Zhang Ju's heart, let me just say it, Bureau Zhang should also understand that we are here for the video incident, to prevent people from going to Lejia to cause trouble, this is also true, the main reason is that we are afraid that someone will secretly manipulate and take the opportunity to destroy Lejia."

"Miemen?" Zhang Ju was shocked, who would dare to be so bold and dare to destroy Lejiamanmen?
"You think we're talking nonsense, don't you? To tell you the truth, it's not our unfounded worries," Lan San calmly stated the facts: "The family of a high-ranking official in the video incident who had an improper relationship with his wife is a prominent family in this city. Someone inside holds a high official position in the provincial capital, and our investigation department has found out that a certain family has been inextricably linked with the underworld organization.

Last month, a young man surnamed Huang disappeared in Shangzhuang Township, Fangxian County. Does Bureau Zhang still have any memory?Our investigation confirmed that the young man surnamed Huang has been silenced. As for who was silenced, Zhang Ju should have figured it out, right? "

"You're talking about the young man in Shangzhuang Township who disappeared shortly after the National Day?" Director Zhang thought for a while before he remembered that there seemed to be such a case.

"Yes, that's the case. The missing young man surnamed Huang was hired as a thug a few years ago. He beat up little classmate Le Yun on the way home from school in Lejia. The incident was settled later. In fact, he hired gangsters to fight him. The murderer's family covered up the matter, and the illegitimate daughter of a certain woman in the video was one of the main messengers who hired people to commit murder.

When the little girl from Lejia returned home during the Mid-Autumn Festival, she broke a few secrets because of someone’s affairs. She fled back to her natal home when it was revealed that the heroine of the video was having an improper relationship with someone. Later, she went to her husband’s home to file for divorce Only the video thing.

Shortly after the National Day, it was reported that a young man surnamed Huang disappeared. The day the young man disappeared happened to be the same day that I sent a woman who came to make trouble with the Fangxian County Bureau to a neighboring province. On the same day, I sent my boss and Miss Le to Shennong Mountain to collect Give life-saving medicine to two soldiers in Capital Hospital, and then go to Fangxian County.

The Huang surname was secretly silenced by a certain family, and there was an intention to put the blame on classmate Le Xiao. Because of the identities of me and my boss, no one dared to think about it. Some of the people who made trouble on the Internet this video incident were The navy, it is not ruled out that someone bought people to make troubles to divert people's attention, and then instigated people to come to Lejia to cause trouble and fight. They arranged for people to take the opportunity to attack Lejia secretly. Some local departments A family's confidant, our superiors don't trust certain people, and specially sent us to come and garrison Lejia in person to ensure the safety of Lejia.

The little girl from Lejia has a smart mind to be treated this way. We soldiers only know that little classmate Le is the guardian of our soldiers' lives. Whenever we fall on the battlefield, as long as we still have a breath, we can last until we see the little girl. At that moment, it means that we can’t die at all. One day, a certain family member of our military will suffer from a serious illness with intractable diseases. Swear to protect her from being poisoned. "

The captain said that others should be blamed, nervousness should also be suffered by others, they just want to be "good people", so the blame for the disappearance of the young man surnamed Huang must be blamed on someone, and those who make trouble online must also be blamed on someone responsibility.

Brother Lan Bing calmly stated that Zhang Ju's face changed from shock to bewilderment, and finally he was sweating profusely and sighed weakly. He really failed, even the top leader could not control the security of Shishi strength.

"Zhang Ju, you've done a good job. Keep up the good work. Our boss thinks highly of you." Lan San patted the ashen-faced Zhang Ju on the shoulder to comfort his wounded heart.

Zhang Ju smiled wryly: "I am like a puppet."

"It's much better than a puppet, this is an opportunity, make good use of it."

"I decided to stay in Jiudao for three or two days, does the blue team have any objections?"

"It's your responsibility to attach importance to local law and order, so don't ask me for my opinion." Lan San clapped the picture and ended the conversation calmly.

Brother Bing has said everything he should say, Zhang is clear, pack up his mood and go downstairs with Brother Bing, and then go to investigate the terrain and traffic around Lejia and Meizijing Village with his brothers.

When the leaders and soldiers went out to visit the village, Zhou Qiufeng quietly asked Yueqing: "Brother Le, do they want to keep food?"

"Xiao Lan said that they will basically keep their meals. They will stay in the village, and they don't have to worry too much about dinner. It's almost enough to kill two chickens." Le Dad told his wife what the handsome Xiao Lan told him quietly.

"Then, shall we kill another duck?"

"to make."

Father Le had no objection. The couple agreed to boil the water, ordered the chickens and ducks to be slaughtered, and put them in the kitchen for cooking in the evening. Then they looked for dried mushrooms and vegetables.

Prepare dinner, and when the soldiers didn't come back, Dad Le went upstairs to call Xiao Lele. The little cotton-padded jacket turned off his phone, and called Xiao Chao instead, telling him about the soldiers and city leaders at home. Xiao Chao knew that if Xiao Chao said there was no need to panic, whoever would let them come, Lele would be covered by people from Yan Shao's side, and if there was anything in the Le family's family, he could just let Bingge step up.

Xiao Chao used the handsome Yan Yan as his bodyguard very easily, but Le's father was embarrassed, but he was really relieved that he could do whatever he had to do, and didn't worry about why the people in the city came to the house.

(End of this chapter)

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