magic eye doctor

Chapter 888 In the bag

Chapter 888 In the bag
The baby was right in front of her eyes, and Le Yun was not willing to waste her brain cells thinking about other things. She rested for a while, ate something and cleaned up the dirt non-stop, and practiced on time.

She only practiced from eleven to one o'clock every day, one or half an hour in the morning, and spent the rest of the time digging tunnels and treasures. Even if she didn't sleep, she was still full of energy.

Woke up at one o'clock and continued to clean up the soil. With the cleaning, the outline of the giant clam appeared. Le Yun found that the roots of the dragon's blood tree had penetrated into the soil and fossil stones in the belly of the giant clam. Wrap some ambergris fossils and fish and shellfish fossils, and some root clinging sticks stick to the surface of one corner of the clam disc, wrapping one shell corner.

If you want to clean up the fossils bound by the root system of the dracaena, it will take many days to remove the clams and the fossils in the shell. If you want to move back to the space and clean up the treasures, you need to dig out the dracaena.

Undoubtedly, Le Yun chose to dig out the dragon's blood tree together, move the things back to the space and then clean them up slowly when she has free time. It is safe and secure. Now she is always in fear in the wild, fearing that she will be discovered. It's so aggrieved to work secretly like a thief.

Even if the dragon blood tree is moved back to the space, the soil around the dragon blood tree must first be dug out, and the soil under the giant clams must be dug, and then the things must be removed, and the hole must be filled in the end. The remaining time is far from enough, we have to wait The final transfer of treasures can only be done tomorrow night.

Calculated according to the time, dawn is the day to contact handsome Mi Luo, Le Yun is not in a hurry, and continues to clean up the soil, remove some of the soil, the weight is a bit lighter, and it saves a little effort to throw it.

I was so busy until dawn that I finally cleared out all the giant clam contours. Its hypotenuse is [-] meters long. The pleat pattern is colorful, and the gap between the two shells is filled with fossils, stones, and soil.

The irregular shape of the aura light beam is exactly the top view shape of the oblique posture of the giant clam.

During the process of clearing the soil and cutting tree roots, Le Yun also sorted out several fossils, including fish fossils, a hairtail fossil, a sea worm fossil with many legs, a shell and a conch.

Taking advantage of no one coming nearby in the morning, I dug the soil under the clamshell again, emptied part of its feet, and then cut off the roots of the dragon's blood tree, leaving a small area to connect it with the fossils at the bottom, so that it would not lose its support will sink or tip over.

When people go to work normally, they climb out of the pit, pick up their tools, cover up the underground project they have created, take out their backpacks, hang their cameras around their necks, and pretend to be travelers.

After turning over a mountain, turn on the phone to call handsome Mi Luo, simply say a few words and turn off the phone immediately, and then go wandering around in other places to find plants.

Miro was in a good mood when he received a call from a child. Xiao Lele kept his word and contacted him on time to report that he was safe. increase, and most of them are non-European.

In the past, most of them were European tourists, and the proportion of American tourists was very small. Some of them were between August and October. Now it is November, which is the cool season of So Island, and the sea breeze is slightly stronger. So he had to doubt the purpose of the new tourists.

And when the tour guide brother knew it was the call from the little Dongfang guest, and asked him if he was coming back, the handsome Mi Luo was in a beautiful and bright mood for a second. How to do?
In order not to reveal Xiao Lele's whereabouts as much as possible, he casually said that the child had gone near the highest peak on the island, and he estimated that it would take a few days to return, and then he asked the tour guide brothers to accompany him to the beaches and scenic spots in the west.

Le Yun had learned that Handsome Yan is good at tracking people from the cell phone signal, so after making the phone call, he turned off the phone, and then immediately went around in circles, going to places that were completely different from his real purpose, playing until noon, and even went to visit residents in the narrow valley. They exchange catties of rice for wild honey and frankincense to prove that they are real tourists, and they can be traced in the mountains.

The islanders speak Arabic, a local Arabic language, and can generally communicate, so the exchange was of course successful. In fact, she originally took rice and money to give residents a choice, and the locals prefer food.

Going to the inhabited place for a walk, Le Xiao went back to the place where there were treasures, and returned to the treasure place at [-]:[-] p.m., got into the tunnel, stuffed stones around the giant clams, and removed the last part of the soil from the bottom. Dig it away, let it hang at the bottom, and then cut off all the roots connected to the fossils of the dracaena tree, and put a few stones under it to make it a foot, and then dig out the remaining layer of soil circle.

When twilight falls, remove the shelter covering the groove, pour the newly dug soil into the groove, and let some soil fall down to fill the bottom, as long as the giant clams are not buried.

When the night really falls, stop work first, and take the little fox out of the space.

Originally, after a busy day in Dongtian Paradise, the little fox was hugging an apple and nibbling happily. Suddenly, he was caught out of the space by the little human girl, or by the way of being pinched by the tail. The little fox held the apple in his hand and screamed. ;"Little girl, you heartless, don't grab Benhu's beautiful tail."

"Yeah." Le Yun put the little fox on his shoulders: "Little fox, do you want to eat delicious rocks? Take a look, I found a bunch of fossils, don't they look delicious?"

"Huh?" Squatting on the shoulders of the little human girl, the little fox finally saw a mass of tree roots and some looming stones in front of her, and stared in surprise: "Little girl, is your luck so unnatural? You can find treasures in any corner, if Benhu has your luck, he must have become a god king long ago."

"That's right, people don't say that they grow like flowers, but they are also very smart, not to mention unparalleled in the world, and they are also among the top spears. How can luck be bad. Tell me, do you want to eat?"

"It's a lie to say that you don't want to eat it," the little fox hugged the apple, staring at the dirt with green eyes, still guarding against being caught by the little girl: "Little girl, you won't let this fox dig the dirt for you, will you? Benhu is already very reluctant to dig mushrooms in the soil, Benhu is not up to the task."

"Your little claws are probably not as good as my hoe. I never thought of asking you to dig the soil." Le Yun calmly dispelled the little fox's worries, and asked calmly, "Little fox, I remember you said you can swim? Bar?"

"Yes, Benhu's water quality is still good."

"Well, that's good," Le Yun was happy, pointing to the sea in the distance: "See, there is the sea over there, I need several kinds of aquatic plants and corals in the sea, you go take a bath, and help me get some by the way. Come up, I showed you the few things you need a few days ago, you will never forget what they are, after you find them, put them on the coast, and wait for me to dig out these treasures to pick you up."

"Little girl, you are too treacherous. Benhu doesn't like to take salt water baths." Realizing the real intention of the little girl, the little fox screamed and flicked his tail, stroking the little girl's face with his big tail, hoping that she would take back her life, don't Let him go to sea.

"Don't want to eat gold, silver and precious stones?" Hmm, not working?If you don't work, you will deduct food.

"Little girl, it's hard to chase after a gentleman's words. You can't go back on what you said you would give me gold and silver." The treacherous human little girl is the most stingy and the best at squeezing labor. I really want to beat her up.

"A gentleman refers to a man. I am a little girl, not a gentleman."

"Little girl, you don't bring someone who squeezes the fox like this. I don't like water very much. Can you go by yourself?"

"I can dive by myself, what else do you need?" She is afraid of water, okay?The sea is blue, and I don't know how deep it is. Her heart trembles when she looks at it. If she goes into the water by herself, she will definitely have calf cramps. Even if she quietly bought diving equipment in Dubai, she still dare not dive.

"Little girl, don't you know how to swim?" The little fox felt that he had discovered a great secret. A human girl can't swim. God, this weakness is definitely fatal. The world can kill her ten thousand times.

"What are you still doing in a daze when you know, go to work quickly, or you won't be able to chew any of these stones I dug out." In order not to hear the little fox gloating at her own misfortune, Le Yun grabbed the little fox and threw it at him. Throw it away like a hammer.

Being thrown into the distance, the little fox almost wanted to go back and scratch the little girl with a face full of flowers. The little girl was too hateful, squeezed his labor, and threw him, too heartless and disrespectful.

However, in order to be able to live in the blessed cave of a little human girl and eat gold, silver and gems to replenish his physical strength, he still can't turn his back on her, he is so angry to death.

Hmph, the little girl treats that little monkey much better than he does. She really is not as good as a monkey in the mortal world.

There was a lot of dissatisfaction in my heart, but the little fox didn't yell out. When it fell, it landed on a rock, and then jumped up and squeaked: "Stinky little girl, I almost fell to my death. You will be like this one day." Kill me."

"You die so easily, you've died long ago." Hearing the little fox's complaint, Le Yun smiled and Mimi replied after watching him, the nemesis of that little fox is sunlight, as long as you don't throw him in the sun , No matter how hard you toss, you can't die.

"Stinky little girl, bad little girl, you know how to torment this fox." After being told the truth, the little fox squeaked, and ran and gnawed on the apple with his arms in his arms. Then flee away.

He was very fast, climbed over two small hills, and landed on a huge rock near the sea with a few more leaps, flicked his big tail, looked at the moon sadly, hey, the sea water is salty, and the hair will be sticky and uncomfortable when wet , However, the task assigned by the little girl has to be done.

The poor Shenhu has been reduced to the point of being a servant of human beings. If some guys find out about this, they will probably laugh out loud.

Feeling sad for a while, I jumped into the sea, although I felt a little bit aggrieved, but the little girl was still very cute, the juicy little girl, who would hug him and sweeten her, didn't really pick out gold, silver and precious stones, Not to mention anything else, but the little girl never minded that he was a bit of a demon, she didn't know how to swim, so he had to help her find the things she liked out of the sea.

There is nothing to say about the water quality of the little fox. When he fell into the water, he didn't even shoot a wave. He entered the water lightly, swam to the depths like a fish, and soon reached the bottom of the sea. The bottom of the sea is a colorful world with many beautiful fish. , Coral, seaweed and other plants.

Swimming around in a coral area, but did not find the coral seedlings that the little girl was looking for, the little fox began to dig aquatic plants and seaweed plants, picked two of each, tied them into a bundle, and sent a few plants ashore because they were too heavy. Use rock circles to pile up small places in the water wave buffer, and soak the roots of the plants in the water.

After making sure that the water would not wash away the plants he dug back, the little fox dived again to dig marine plants, went back and forth several times, and dived into the sea area to find corals.

Watching the little fox disappear, Le Yun tried hard to dig the tree. Although the thickness of the soil left behind was relatively thick, the bottom was completely hollowed out. At night, she didn’t have to be afraid to hit it with a big hammer. The soil layer collapsed, and it took only one hour to hollow out the soil around the dragon's blood tree.

The bottom of the dragon's blood tree was also empty, and the top was also empty. It lost its support and fell to one side.

Le Yun, who had been prepared for a long time, threw the hoe back into the space, jumped up and hugged the tree, before the tree touched the edge of the hollowed out hole, brought the tree back to the space, and even brought the tree back to the space to fall The location was also well calculated, and it landed in a corner of the vacant space where no medicinal herbs were planted in the dragon's blood tree flower garden.

The dragon's blood tree dug from the outside fell on the soft soil layer when it landed, and did not damage the fossils between the roots, but the crown of the tree fell down.

Back in the space, Le Yun let go of the hand holding the tree, quickly jumped to the ground of the spirit stone surrounding the flower garden, raised her hand to catch the pole of the dragon blood tree to prop it up, and then hooked up the wooden shelf set aside with her feet, Move it to a place close to the branches of the crown, let it act as a support to support the tree, so as not to damage the crown when it hits the ground.

Putting the tree in place, looking at the little Huihui sitting on the stone table eating melon seeds, he quickly ran out of the space and returned to the field. Le Yun jumped into the pit again, turned up the brightness of the headlights, and checked the giant clam and its stomach. The fossils are not injured.

When the dragon's blood tree fell to one side, it also pressed the giant clam to one side, and the upward slope got stuck on the wall of the pit. We had to dig the soil to clean the corner. Carrying things back to the space again in the way of people and things, put the giant clam on the grass and then turned away.

Xiao Huihui was sitting on the table with the little fox to eat apples, but the little fox disappeared. She ate the apples and cracked melon seeds by herself. Before returning to the little fox, she waited for the beautiful young lady to move back to a big tree.

The little sister came back for a while but disappeared, and Xiao Huihui continued to eat melon seeds. When the young lady brought back another thing, she turned around and left, so she stopped eating melon seeds and ran to study the new things that the young lady got back.

Le Yun slipped out of the space and appeared next to the empty pit. Looking at the deep and secluded pit, without saying anything, she threw the stone she was going to fill into the pit, filled it to a certain height, and got out the soil that was placed in the space. On it, level it, plant two small dragon's blood saplings, desert roses, and some shrubs, water the nearby ground with well water, and lay stones to cover up the excavated traces.

(End of this chapter)

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