magic eye doctor

Chapter 894 Let Others Worry

Chapter 894 Let Others Worry (2 More)

Entrusted by his children, Miro took frankincense and myrrh from the capital of Yemen to Dubai, and then took a night flight back to Yi. He arrived in Rome at midnight and stayed in a hotel first.

When I arrived at the hotel, I confirmed it was safe, turned on the computer and went online, searched and searched, searched the information of various airlines, but found no information about Xiao Lele’s ticket purchase, and the official transportation company in Ethiopia did not have her ticket purchase information, and then checked the information of the capital. At the hotel, I still haven't found any clues, indicating that Xiao Lele didn't take a plane, a car, or stay in a hotel. She might have chartered a car somewhere, or camped in the wild, or went to a friend.

He couldn't find the information, and other people would not get anything if they tried to find Xiao Lele's whereabouts. Don't worry, the kid is quick-witted. First, he ordered a plane ticket to tell others whereabouts, but in the end he fired the gun. She followed the route she had planned, and ran to a country that was not in the plan. Her whereabouts were unpredictable. Anyone who wanted to find her would definitely vomit blood with anger.

He doesn't know what Xiao Lele is looking for in Ethiopia, but he thinks that children are safer in Ethiopia. The most dangerous places are Namibia and country M. She does not have a visa for some countries, which means that she may go there or not. Go, and Nanami and M countries have taken visas, which means that they will definitely go there, but they don't know when they will go.

It is speculated that the child will have a short stay in Ethiopia. Miro is not in a hurry. He will take a nap until dawn and catch the earliest subway back to Florence. He will send the things that Xiao Lele entrusted to him to his home, and put them in the best security measures. In the study, take a flight to country D in the afternoon, and then take a direct flight from country D to Namibia to go to Namibia first.

When handsome Miro returned to Yi country or diverted to Nami country, several groups of people were diverting from Nami or South Africa to Ethiopia.

Classmate Le took away the handsome Mi Luo, just because he didn't want him to follow him, so that he could move easily, and he didn't think that he wouldn't go to some places to cut off his beard, make up a foreign beauty, and charter a car to see the university in Ethiopia. narrow valley.

The Great Narrow Valley in East Africa was formed due to crustal movement. It is recognized as the largest narrow valley in the world, with a length of more than 6000 kilometers. From a high altitude, it looks like a scar on the earth, and the scar is still growing at a slight rate every year. Scientists say it may split Africa into two continents again.

The road to the Great Narrow Valley is an asphalt road, the road condition is good, and the speed is not bad. It takes three minutes for the car to send Le students to see the narrow valley. He took the car money and left first. On the way, he stopped by to see if anyone who was hiking needed a car.

Africa is a tribal country, and Ethiopia is also a tribal country. People’s pursuit of life is to have enough to eat. Except for big cities, most residents’ houses are very simple. Many houses in towns have iron roofs. Tribal houses are made of stone and mud. Or surrounded by branches, covered with thatch, some are very beautiful, with rounded roofs, and some are simple shacks.

Shack-like houses can be seen everywhere in the valleys and plains on both sides of the Great Narrow Valley. Some places have more residents, and some places have only three or two families. Because the tribes are scattered, most people still follow the primitive way of life, and the national education is not high.

Make up into dark skin, pretending to be Le Yun of the American family, carrying a big backpack with tents, sleeping bags, food, etc., pretending to be a hiking backpacker, climbing up the mountain along the gentle slope of the mountain.

September is the harvest season in Ethiopia, followed by a months-long dry season, which is also the most suitable for travel. Travelers from all over the world go to Ethiopia to see the Great Narrow Valley, to see various relics, and to Dana in Ethiopia Gir Valley sees active volcanoes, so there are travelers in every scenic area.

When climbing the mountain, Le Yun met several backpackers. Most of the tourists from all over the world are very friendly, especially to the backpackers who are also travelers. They often say hello, talk, and occasionally help each other.

In order not to become an outlier, Le Xiao climbed the mountain at a normal speed and climbed along the hillside to the relatively flat top of the mountain. There was a narrow valley between the mountains under the sky, and the bottom of the valley was a rushing river. The two banks are either basalt rocks or plains, and there are few pure desert areas that the narrow valley passes through.

Looking from one side of the valley, the other side is full of stone mountains, and there is also a small flat plain, where you can see cattle, sheep or people. There are some plants growing on the red soil plain under the mountain, and there are houses of tribes among the plants. There are also cattle and sheep, or donkeys, horses, and camels. On some hills, there are also tribal cattle and cattle herding boys.

Standing on the small hill next to the big narrow valley, there is a feeling that the sky is low and the mountains are high. Le Yun observes the sky and the ground, raises the camera to "click" to take pictures, and then slowly goes to the distance to take pictures of what you are interested in Scenery and plants, away from the crowd, immediately and secretly collect the seedlings of medicinal plants.

There are countless plants in the Great Narrow Valley, and because Ethiopia is a plateau, the terrain is changeable, and the unique environment creates unique species. There are many wild animals and plants with regional characteristics in various places in Ethiopia.

Little Lolita is looking for a plant whose leaves are a bit like lettuce leaves. When the tree grows taller, it looks like a palm tree. Find a place where the plant grows, and wander around during the day. When the evening comes, people and cows all go down the mountain, quietly. Digging plant seedlings, dug away two trees, one male and one female, and then picked some leaves and calyx leaves of cymbidium in densely planted places, and dug some roots.

Find the most important plants, stay in the space for one night, return to the capital of Ethiopia the next day, walk over the mountains and ridges by yourself, dig plants while walking, move out of the space from the space to ride a bike in some areas, except for meditation time at night , and spend other time on the road, wherever you go and smell a special fragrance, hurry up and look for it.

Let's go, time has entered December, she spent three days, returned to the capital of Ethiopia in the early morning of December 12th, did not go to the city, went straight to the airport, put away the motorcycle at a place very close to the airport, Return to the space to wash off the disguise technique, rest until dawn and leave the space for the airport.

She walked in the dark for a while, and rushed to the airport at dawn, entered the terminal openly, and bought a plane ticket to Mekele, the capital of Tigray State at the border between Ethiopia and Ecuador, on the same day.

The plane stopped selling tickets one hour before departure. She bought the ticket within 10 minutes before the stop of ticket sales, went to check-in, and boarded the plane half an hour earlier.

It took less than 10 minutes for little Lolita to buy the air ticket, and she lived in the capital of Ethiopia for several days. A certain technician who paid close attention to the network information of the airport every day found out the information, and immediately spread the news, notifying people to rush to Tigray State.

In Milo, in the country of Namibia, the child who had been missing for four days was found to be missing for four days when he got up early and flew to the northern city from the capital of Ethiopia, less than 10 minutes before his plane took off. Extremely melancholy, what did Xiao Lele do in Mekele, Ethiopia?Want to visit the Danaji Valley?

To be honest, there are no rare medicinal materials in the Danaji Valley, only two magical craters. What is Xiao Lele looking for there?Looking for sulfur solids containing sulfide poisonous?

Of course, those are not important, the important thing is whether he wants to go there or not?
After thinking about it, I feel that it is too late for me to rush there now. Xiao Lele is not weak in avoiding people's stalking. It will only take at least two days for him to rush to the capital of Ethiopia and then go to the Danaji Valley, and it is difficult to find Xiao Lele Le, Xiao Lele refused to send Mr. Ferrari to send bodyguards to protect him, so he must have some countermeasures against unknown dangers.

Thinking of his child's superb methods of using plants, Milo admired it very much. He brought frankincense and myrrh back to China, not to mention Yemen, which is relatively backward after all. Also, even the police dogs did not smell the smell, and they entered Rome safely, which is enough to show how clever Xiao Lele is in hiding the plant juice.

According to the kid's cleverness, if anyone wants to assassinate her secretly, he is worried that the killer itself is dangerous and risky, unless extraordinary means are used, such as ganging up on the crime, finding the whereabouts of the person to stop it, or using a helicopter to search for her at any cost, from High-altitude blocking or throwing a grenade will kill her along with the people around her, which will also be condemned by the whole world and may be internationally wanted by other countries.

After analysis, Milo chose to trust his little friend. After all, even the military of Huaxia Kingdom allowed her to run around the world. Her ability to protect herself must be worthy of trust.

When the handsome Mi Luo was struggling, Le Yun sat in the small plane going to Mekele City, reading a book silently, complaining silently, by the way, the Amharic language of Ethiopia is too cumbersome, isn’t it?Is it so hard to write?

As a descendant of Chinese who grew up writing square and square Chinese characters, I am used to the beautiful image of Chinese characters, and find it troublesome to write in English. I am afraid of Arabic characters twisted together like rattan and Amharic characters in Ethiopia. If you really can't fall in love, even if you have a big brain, it will take a lot of effort to remember.

In comparison, Le Yun feels that although the Egyptian language is very esoteric, at least those talismans are hieroglyphs, which are not daunting to look at. The Arabic script and the Ethiopian Amharic script are really tadpole scripts. I feel dazzled.

God knows how much effort she put in learning Arabic, and she didn’t give up halfway. It was all because of the Socotra Island in Yemen. She worked hard to find rare plants on that magical island and date palms in the Arabian region. Learn Arabic.

I want to learn ancient Egyptian because I want to know the real secrets of mummies, so I bite the bullet and memorize ancient Egyptian by rote. In fact, most modern Egyptians are descendants of Arabs. They speak Egyptian Arabic, which is slightly different from Arabic. But the origin is one.

As for the African tribal languages, she never thought about learning them, and her brother Chao is amazing. He can speak two pure African tribal languages, one is Amharic in Ethiopia, and the other is Zulu in South Africa. Also a little Malagasy from Madagascar.

The reason why I read books in the native language of Ethiopia is purely because I passed by the tribal settlements on the way back from the Great Narrow Valley to the capital of Ethiopia a few days ago. I really like their clay pots and want to trade them. The tribes only know Amha La does not understand English, and she herself does not understand Amharic. It took a long time to figure it out. In order to buy some pottery in the Ethiopian tribe, she decided to learn Amharic, the most popular language in Ethiopia.

The book was purchased at the terminal building, and it has an English version, but there is no pronunciation of the letters. Le Yun can only memorize the Amharic words and sentences by rote in English, complaining that the words are jerky and hard to remember.

From the capital of Ethiopia to the capital of Tigray State, the small plane flew for about [-] minutes, and the time was not until [-] o'clock in the morning after landing. A little past two o'clock in the local time is past two o'clock in the day.

In the dry season, there is little rain and the weather is fine. The sun has already bathed the urban and rural areas of Mekele. The buses and soliciting cars to and from the airport are waiting for passengers at the terminal.

Tigray State is the area where the Mhara language is most common among the tribes in Ethiopia, because Mekele is close to the Danakil Valley in Afar State, and it is an intermediate station for travelers. The capital of Erzhou has many people traveling to the valley.

In the Danakil Valley, travelers were shot dead and taken hostage by terrorists, which had a great negative impact on the local tourism industry. In order to ensure the safety of travelers, the government sent troops to protect the travel team going to Danagil Valley. , The small village that must pass through the valley is the gathering point, where guards check, the travel team needs at least two cars to set off, and there are also soldiers stationed in the volcanic area to implement control to prevent terrorists from attacking tourists.

Le Yun’s original intention was to go alone and not to join a group, so even on the plane and when buying tickets, he didn’t say that he was going to a certain depression, but said that he wanted to see the obelisk and archaeological sites and go to the moving place. Plant Protection Park.

I took a taxi from the terminal at Mekele’s airport to the urban area. On the way, I saw a beautiful view and got off the bus to take pictures of the scenery in the urban village. I turned to a hill full of plants and hid under a green tree for reconnaissance. When it was safe, he returned to the space to change his appearance, dyed his whole body skin light brown again, and put on a wig that was permed into the most common explosive hairstyle in Europe and America.

The little fox is no stranger to the human little girl who always makes her look beyond recognition, so he simply doesn't express any opinion, and lets her make up whatever she wants.

Little student Le with hot eyes, put on a large shirt and jeans, the clothes were tied in a knot at the waist, and then took the voice-changing pills that can make the voice thicker, and changed to a backpack of another color, stuffing clothes into the bag , bread and water, some books, pens and paper, mineral water.

In front of you is carrying a shoulder bag with essentials, and with a camera hanging around your neck, you feel good about yourself, detect that there is no one nearby, and leave the space.

Continue to walk in the field, go around a mountain, go to the road to stop a taxi, and share a car with someone to the urban area of ​​Mekele. The car is a man and a woman from Europe. Volcano looked at the salt pond, heard that the girl was traveling alone, and gave great compliments.

Arriving in the urban area, the fare is set by AA. Middle-aged couples are going to the hotel. Their tour guide will soon pick them up and go to a certain village to meet and say goodbye to the middle-aged couple. Shop for cheap deals.

(End of this chapter)

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