Chapter 899

I caught two kinds of venomous snakes nearby, but Le Yun didn’t go looking for them anymore. I collected a lot of sand in the sand dunes to store space, and then went back to the area where the orchid grows. I caught a lizard and locked it in a bamboo cage. A few worms selected a small centenarian to start the second major excavation.
After digging for about four to ten minutes, I dug out a small centenarian. Its tap root was only about one meter long, so it was easier to dig. The tree was taken away, the hole was filled, the seeds were sprinkled, and then sand was filled, and then a few more trees were removed. I scraped off some skins from the leaf bases of the orchid orchids and put them away. Every time I helped them wash their wounds with well water to recover as soon as possible, and watered their roots to rejuvenate their aging cells.
She collected two small centenarian orchids, one male and one female, and she was satisfied. She erased the traces left by digging the orchids by herself, and dug the plants with a weak headlamp along the semi-desert desert plain to the south, and walked slowly. Find plants, practice on time at eleven o'clock, climb out of the space after one o'clock, continue to look for plants, and catch lizards that come out at night to look for food.
Her sense of smell is too sensitive. When flying from Ethiopia to Namibia, she smelled the smell of renting a helicopter to go to Erta Ale active volcano to find one of her two little tails at the airport, and she still flew to Namibia on the same flight. If the speculation is correct, the owner of Little Tail must have arranged a "super dust-cleaning banquet" for her in Nami Country.
For the scumbags who always want to kill her secretly, Le Xiao is not afraid, just come and clean them up, but she has her own things to do, her main purpose is to find centenarians and some succulents, so what? , Knowing that people might be entertained by extraordinary means, you can't wander around slowly like traveling, spend a lot of money to rent a helicopter and fly directly to the desert to find Bai Suilan.
It doesn't matter if the other plants can't be found after finding the centenarian orchid. If some scumbags come to find trouble, even if there is a big incident and some places are banned, she doesn't have to worry about how to dig the centenarian orchid anymore. .
She rented a helicopter from the airport and left in a fair and honest manner. Le Yun felt that as long as the owner of her little tail was not stupid, he might find her in the same way. If the helicopter that appeared later yesterday was not a coincidence, it was likely to follow her tail.
The little tails guessed the approximate area she was in, and there should be action soon. Therefore, they must collect grassland tropical plants before the scumbags come, and then they can happily destroy the scumbags and monsters, and then replace them. map.
In order to dig as many plant roots as possible and collect twigs, flowers and leaves, Le Yun desperately ran around in the desolate and inhabited places in the middle of the night against the fog blowing from the sea.
As for fear, she never knew what fear was, okay?What she is most looking forward to is a large herd of animals, such as chamois, eland, takin, wildebeest and zebra, and so on. She can also catch the strongest animal to ride on Go to the place where they are often active, you may find a lot of horns.
In the real world, she did not encounter a large group of animals, but encountered a jackal unexpectedly, or the wolf smelled the smell and found it to hunt.
Therefore, Le found that when the jackal was lurking and approaching, he stood quietly and waited. Finally, he confronted the black-backed jackal at a distance of about ten meters. One person and one wolf faced each other for about ten minutes. After retreating a few meters, he turned around and rushed away.
Uh..., is she that fierce and terrifying?
The wolf turned around and left, Le Yun stared wildly, that was a wolf, one of the most ferocious carnivores in the northern plains according to legend, why did they lose without a fight?Does she really have a terrifying aura?
She didn't think so, really, the most she wanted was to catch the jackal, skin it, use its tail to make pens, and use the skin for plasters.
The prey ran away, Le Yun sighed sadly, and continued to look for plants, catch scorpions and lizards, after all, it was because there was no water source nearby, and there were few traces of animals, so that only one wolf came to greet her in the second half of the night .
The temperature in the desert is very low at night, and the sea fog is getting thicker and thicker. The white belly of the day is exposed, and the sea fog that fills the air is like a layer of white clouds. When the sun rises, the temperature rises, and the sea fog is quickly evaporated. no trace.
Le Xiao, who had been running around all night, took a beautiful photo of the sunrise, ran to catch a few early-rising bugs, packed up, and headed towards the inland plain to find a river.
When the new day came, Miro got up and checked out before the sun rose, loaded the necessities needed for self-driving on the rented four-wheel drive off-road vehicle, and drove the vehicle along the coastal road to the northwest.
Wu Gang went for a walk along the coast early in the morning. When he returned to the hotel, he asked the waiter if his friend had a bed. When the waiter said that Mr. Costa, a young man from a country, had checked out, he was slightly taken aback: "Mr. Costa has returned to China?"
"Sir, Mr. Costa did not return home. He drove along the coastline road to the northwest to meet his friends."
"Oh." Wu Gang nodded to show that he understood. He went to have breakfast by himself, and after finishing his meal, he rented a yacht to visit Bird Island, which is quite far away.
After Milo left Whale Bay, he drove an off-road vehicle to find his children. At first, a section of the road was asphalt road, and then he entered the original road in the coastal desert. He filled up and stored some fuel wherever he could. Take water at the side where fresh water can be added to ensure that the fresh water carried is sufficient for washing hands or face and drinking.
His purpose is not to look at the scenery, not to shoot in the scenic area, but to rush through several tourist areas developed in the coastal desert, cross Point Cross Bay, and cross the most desolate and dangerous coastal desert with the "Bone Coast" District, all the way to Tuola Bay, and then across Tuola Bay, galloping in the direction of Fria Bay.
The coastal desert is affected by the cold current from the sea, so the temperature would not be too high originally. Because the sun shines on the ground, the sand is heated by the sun, which generates heat and feels like burning.
In order to get to the children's neighborhood as soon as possible, Miro ignored the heat, and drove the car on the gravel roads. He hurried slowly and arrived at Rocky Point on the northwest coastline at around three o'clock in the afternoon. , and set foot on the long gravel road.
On the way, he saw a helicopter flying from the direction of Walvis Bay to the northwest in the morning, passed Rocky Point, and drove for more than an hour. He encountered several off-road vehicles on the road and saw a drone flying in the coastal desert. Fly over the sky, and then fly to the direction of the plains.
After driving for a while, he drove the car into the desert, drove for a long distance, crossed the long desert area to the place where the plain meets the desert, and parked behind a semi-desert aeolian sand dune. I moved out a drone from here, let it fly into the air to take pictures, took my own laptop, climbed up to the top of the dune to watch from a distance, and received the pictures taken by the drone.
Standing on the top of the dune, he could see far away. Milo looked at the sky and saw drones flying in the nearby area, so he ignored it and let the drones fly in the direction of the plain.
When the sun was halfway down to sea level, the drone searched several areas and finally sent back a picture of his little friend pitching a tent on a lee of a sand dune near a dry river ditch bordering the desert.
Milo almost jumped up, God, God, the Virgin Mary, what did he see? !Didn't she know that the desert plains were home to ferocious animals like wolves, dogs, hyenas, and leopards?
In the past, he deeply believed that his child was smart and wise, and had first-class survival ability in the wild. Now he saw the place where she camped, and he deeply suspected that the child was dehydrated after spending a day in the desert plain, so his brain was not flexible, so he forgot the Namib Desert. The horror, just choose a place to camp.
Seeing the place where the children chose to camp, Milo immediately took note of the coordinates, controlled the drone to fly back, ran down the sand dunes with the computer in his arms, returned to the parking place, took out his backpack, took out his equipment, and put on Wear hiking pants that can prevent poisonous snake bites and waterproof, put on high-top hiking shoes, tighten the cuffs of the trousers, move out some mechanical assembly, and assemble a sniper rifle in a short time.
He installed the silencer on the sniper rifle, put the spare magazine in place, put the other spare magazine in the backpack, and packed it again, and packed out a light backpack with a few essential items, and stuffed the other things in the car. Wait for the drone to fly back, delete some pictures, carry a backpack and a sniper rifle, take the drone and fly in the direction of Walvis Bay.
According to the location recorded by the drone, the child is about 2 kilometers away from him, which refers to the straight-line distance. In fact, he has to go around a rock and a semi-desert dune, which is at least 5 kilometers away.
In order to grab the commanding heights ahead of some people, Milo ran at a charge-like speed, turned over a semi-desert sand dune, ran to the foot of the rocky mountain, and climbed up the mountain wall.
The rocky mountain is very hot under the sun during the day, but after the evening wind blows, the temperature has dropped a lot, but it is still hot.
Miro climbed up the rock sensitively, and it took about 10 minutes to climb to the top of the rock. At that time, the sun had disappeared below the horizon, and it was getting dark. Observing through the telescope, looking down from a high position, in the direction of the sea, on a sand dune far away, there is a drone still taking pictures in stealth.
Looking towards the plain, there is a small dark blue tent beside the semi-desert sand dunes not far from the dry river ditch. Its owner is picking up dry branches and hay on the plain, and there is already a small pile of branches beside the tent.
The kid picked up dry wood to make a fire. I don't know if she wanted to guard against beasts or get food. Milo looked towards the desert again, only to see the drone flying towards Fria Bay. He put down the binoculars calmly, took out Put on a gray mountaineering jacket, put on a hat, put on a mask, tighten the collar and cuffs, and put on gloves to do a good job of protection. The rest is reconnaissance and waiting for prey.
He decided that if he wanted to kill all those people, he must protect his children and not let the little mice scare the children.
(End of this chapter)

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