magic eye doctor

Chapter 911 Take Compensation

Chapter 911 Take Compensation (2 More)

The plane from New York to Rome flew in the sky for nearly ten hours, crossed the ocean, and arrived at Rome International Airport at 13:40 p.m. local time in the United States. Rome time was also on the 26th.

The moment the plane landed safely, the two young men from the Ferrari family breathed a sigh of relief. They helped the doctor to get off the plane with her luggage. When entering the terminal, the doctor had to go to the customs port of entry. They took the domestic exit and then transferred to the port of entry. Exit and wait for Miss Doctor.

Le's visa itself is a multiple-entry visa. The customs staff took a look, hey, the child is entering the country for the second time, and she asked what she was carrying. Pay the corresponding Guan Rui for the value.

Walking out of the entry customs passage, Le Xiao saw a personal bodyguard of old Mr. Ferrari coming to pick up the plane, smiled and handed him the luggage, and acted as the shopkeeper himself, and did not go to the hotel booked by Mr. Jean sent to the train station, she took the express train to Florence.

The members of Ferrari's family didn't have any doubts, and they did as the doctor said. When they got out of the terminal, their cars also arrived. The super sports car sent the girl to the train station, and the two young people accompanied the doctor back to Florence.

An hour and a half by express train from Rome to Lorenza, the handsome Milo received a call from Mr. Ferrari's secretary, and drove to the train station early to pick up his child. He stood at the exit of the safe passage and waited until his child came out. , rushed to give a big hug.

After meeting the big friend Tuhao, Le Yun looked at the handsome blue-eyed guy, bared his teeth and laughed, "Milo, you're so excited, are you trying to get my idea of ​​coffee beans?"

"I have the idea of ​​killing them, and I know you don't want to." Milo picked up his little friend, helped carry the luggage, and patted the young man from Ferrari's family affectionately on the shoulder: "Brother, thank you for your hard work, leave it to me now. You go home and take a good vacation."

The two young people smiled and said that it was not hard work, it was their own job.

In line with the principle of treating everyone equally, Le Xiao also gave two young people two pills of two medicines. They protected her all the way, and served as waiters serving tea and water. They were more nervous than her and endured greater mental pressure.

The two young people happily accepted the gift from the doctor lady, walked out of the station, and took a taxi back to the property of the Ferrari family in Florence.

Milo drove the children around, chatted happily all the way, returned to the downstairs of the residence and helped unscrew the luggage upstairs, sent the children to the guest room to wash up, and he went to make black tea and oatmeal.

All the way, because of jet lag, my biological clock was almost disrupted. Fortunately, student Le Xiao adapted well, took a bath, refreshed, and went to chat with handsome friends to share knowledge.

Played lightly in the afternoon and slept beautifully at night. On the same day, classmate Le got up early in the morning, had breakfast, and took the express train to Turin alone with his own small backpack, and arrived at the University of Piedmont where Turin is located. Get off at a town in the district, and then take a taxi to the adjacent town.

The place she is going to is the town where the manor that the vampire family compensated her is located. It belongs to the Piedmont region of the United States. in that sharp corner.

When you arrive in the small town, you will inquire about the news from the locals, collect some basic information about the manor, and wander out of the town on foot to find the manor that the vampire gave you.

The Piedmont region of the country is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the terrain is dominated by high mountains and mountainous hills. The vampire family's manor is about one kilometer away from the town, and is located in the Arning Mountains, which are rich in white truffles.

Student Le Xiao walked out of the town unhurriedly, admiring the scenery while walking along the road. The Piedmont region of the country has a high forest coverage rate and the environment is very good. If you don’t have a strong desire for fame and wealth, you have thought about it. A good choice for those who live a leisurely rural life.

The small town located in the Guling Plain between the mountains is a very old town. Due to the large number of goods and few people, there are large fields outside the effect. There are hills on the plain, forming undulating lines like waves. Three or five houses Built among the fields or on top of small hills.

After walking more than a mile, Le Yun found the manor that the vampire family gave her to pay off the debt. It was in a hilly valley with mountains as the background. There are olive forests planted on the top of the hill, and the owner's house is also built at the foot of the hill with olive trees.

Seeing the spacious manor, I feel happy, um, this place is good, suitable for vacation, or hiding in the manor to study potions!

There are vampires in the manor, she smelled them, Le Xiaole happily walked forward with short legs, his eyes glowed with gold, and another fortune came into the account soon.

Several patriarchs and earls of the vampire family have been busy since November. They went to the Cappadoc family's manor in the Piedmont region of the country to personally supervise and clean up the manor, cleaning the buildings where the owners of the manor had always lived. Clean, and then secretly transport some items to the manor.

In order to ensure safety, Earl Bastian and Earl Philip took a few barons to live in the manor in the name of vacation to take care of the items brought by the blood clan.

There are too many compensation items, all of which have been transported here, and the manor does not have enough space to store them. The blood clans have delivered them in batches. At present, only some of them have been moved over, while the compensation items of the Zmixi family are private, and they have all been transported to the manor.

To tell the truth, the blood race secretly hoped that the little devil from the east would stay in Africa forever, so that they would not have to pay anything for compensation. Unfortunately, the reality is skinnier than the dream, as Earl Leon predicted, the life of the little devil is going well.

When the little devil finished his trip to Africa, Aubrey, the patriarch of the Zmihi tribe, also rushed to Yiguo, waiting in the manor to hand over the goods and take away his grandson who caused trouble.

When the little oriental devil came from Florence, the earls in the manor received the news first, and waited. When the earls smelled the sweet blood of the little devil, they went to look around the building and saw the oriental girl walking along the road. The connected road is walking slowly, and there is still a distance of about 800 meters.

Seeing the little oriental devil, Bastian and Earl Philip were in quite complicated moods, itching their teeth with annoyance and feeling helpless and frustrated.

Old Aubrey was feeling uneasy because he was about to face the little oriental devil. Seeing the oriental girl in the red mountaineering suit getting closer, he tried to keep calm.

Walking along the road leading to the manor building, Le Yun saw the people in front of the building clearly from a distance. There were six vampires in total, three earl-level, three baron-level, and a bat that could only fly. The smell is the same as the vampire she imprisoned in the space, which proves that the vampire is the patriarch of the Zmixi tribe.

There are several residential buildings at the foot of the hill, some for the owner and some for the workers. There are special rooms for storing agricultural equipment and keeping poultry, as well as warehouses and workshops. The owner and worker buildings are three-story buildings. With a history of more than [-] years, arched colonnades and steeples, the style of the building is similar to that of the houses in the small town, simple and simple.

There is a green area near the house, and there are several pine and oak trees that serve as greening. The hill behind is an olive grove. The trees are tall and straight, some of which are more than [-] meters high, and they are lush and vibrant even in winter.

Earl Bastian saw the oriental girl strolling alone, as confident and leisurely as a queen, except helpless or helpless, the little devil is too cruel, no matter where she goes, she is at her own home, what can others do?

Seeing the girl approaching, the most gentlemanly Earl Bastian greeted with a smile: "Congratulations to the beautiful lady on her return from her trip."

"Thank you, and I also wish Count Philip, Earl of Bastian, a happy Christmas. You don't have to worry, Lord Aubrey, your grandson is unscathed." Le Yun saw the earls who represented the cash cow, feeling very happy pleasure.

The Little Eastern Devil seemed to be in a good mood, and Earl Bastian and Earl Philip were not under so much pressure. Old Aubrey was recognized, his heart shrank slightly, and he squeezed out a smile: "Thank you, Miss, for forgiving my child. Miss is in trouble."

Baron Cappador politely welcomed the oriental girl to visit the manor.

The old vampire was very knowledgeable about current affairs, and the little vampires were also very polite. Le Yun calmly accepted his hospitality, walked steadily to the vampires, and went to the house accompanied by the vampires.

Count Philip's family is the owner of the manor, and he is a serious owner, leading the oriental girl who will soon become the new owner of the manor into the building where the owner lives.

The main building of the manor house is a mixed style, with a colonnade terrace, arched doors and windows, and a steeple roof. It is shaped like a small villa. The warehouse is an independent building, and the workers live in an independent building, and the work and poultry are also independent. , together form a building complex, like a small village.

The worker's residence is occupied by those who manage the manor, and the owner's residence is empty, occasionally receiving tourists with appointments.In the busiest season of the year, a large number of temporary workers are required to work, and occasionally some workers are arranged to stay in the guest rooms of the main house.

The three earls led the oriental girl into the house, and entered the hall through the arched door. The building is an inner colonnade, a European-style hall, with a fireplace, oil paintings on the walls, tables and chairs that are old, and exquisite and beautiful winding stairs. It leads to the second and third floors.

The three earls invited the guests to sit down. The young vampires of the Cappadocian tribe went to make coffee. Earl Bastian chatted with the girl about travel while drinking coffee. How beautiful is Africa and which country has very special food? .

After all the nonsense, Earl Bastian was afraid that the girl would be impatient, so he got back to business, and asked the girl to check and accept the compensation from the Zmihi tribe first.

Little Lolita's goal is to get compensation. The vampires of the blood clan are very clever and did not waste time. She was in a happy mood and happily accompanied the three earls to receive the huge compensation from the Zmixi clan.

(End of this chapter)

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