magic eye doctor

Chapter 918 What About Your Face

Chapter 918 What About Your Face (3 More)

Yan fell asleep instantly, Le Yun was dumbfounded, how sleepy it was!

She watched and observed, Yanren was overtired, his skin was dull and dry, making people feel very pitiful, his arms wrapped in gauze hung around his neck, probably uncomfortable, he tilted his head slightly, and pursed his lips.

His eyelashes are very long, and they are naturally slightly upturned. He is very beautiful, his eyebrows are thick and even, his nose is straight and straight, and his lips are very beautiful. No matter how you look at it, his facial features are perfectly proportioned without any flaws.

Stretching his paws to touch his eyelashes, Yan Ren didn't open his eyes, he was still quiet, moved a few more times, his mouth crooked, still unwilling to wake up.

The man slept so deeply, Le Yun no longer disturbed his sweet dreams, slipped back to the bedroom and closed the door, dodged back to the space and took out the ointment and juice as quickly as possible, and prepared a special ointment for bones.

After preparing the medicine, he returned to the dormitory immediately, washed his hands, first helped to untie the cloth strips around the neck of the Yan people, put down his hands, took off his gloves, untied the bandages and splints and put them aside, then unwrapped the gauze and uncovered Layers of gauze exposed the arm covered with Chinese patent medicines. Last year, he suffered a broken fracture of the humerus in the forearm of his left hand. This time, he suffered a broken fracture of the ulna and radius between the elbow and the wrist.

According to the position and shape of the fracture fracture of the bone scanned by the eyes, it is speculated that it should be caused by forced twisting by external force.

Le Yun carefully laid Yan Ren's hand flat, helped him wipe off the hospital medicine, wiped off the indelible part with water, cleaned everything up, checked that the bones were not misaligned, and applied her own ointment on it, layer after layer Layer, apply a thick layer of ointment, cover the surface with a layer of bamboo film, then wrap gauze, put on a splint, wrap it tightly with a bandage, take the duck puppet and put it under his arm.

Then help him tear off the band-aid on his face, wipe off the white medicine, reapply the special ointment she made, then apply the bamboo film, and cover the wound with a band-aid.

Her movements were very gentle. During the whole process, Young Master Yan just frowned, sniffed at the smell of the medicine, and didn't even open his eyes, obediently letting little loli do what she wanted.

Helping Yan people to apply medicine, Le Yun threw the scraped medicine and band-aids into the trash can, put away her medical supplies, went to wash her hands, turned off the power of the oven, kneaded bread quickly, and after a few minutes, opened the oven door to bake Take out the good bread and bake another oven.

The censer for baking bread floats out along the ventilation window.

Xiaofen Duanzi came back, the beautiful young man had no worries, slept soundly, got up at six o'clock to do indoor morning exercises, tidied up at fifty o'clock, left the dormitory at seven o'clock, went down to the corridor on the first floor, saw the dim light in the morning The black cheetah on the ground facing the east staircase frowned imperceptibly.

He walked towards the cheetah car, looked in front of the front of the car, there was no one in the front seat, and no one was in the back seat when he opened the door, which only proved one thing - he might have gone to the fourth floor!
Thinking of a boy running to his sister's dormitory early in the morning, the beautiful boy's face darkened instantly. He immediately went up the stairs to the east, went outside the girls' dormitory on the fourth floor, and listened to the silence. He opened the door gently and walked in. Seeing that Yan was occupying Xiaotuanzi's reading seat, he tilted his head as if he had fallen asleep.

Turning around again, I saw my lovely sister kneading bread, smiling at me so much that she showed her teeth, resisting the urge to kick Young Master Yan, went to the table and rubbed Xiaofen Duanzi's head: "Xiao Lele, that When did the stinky man come here?"

"About 06:30," Le Yun kneaded the dough smoothly: "That guy came to me with a wound and said to bring me a medicine. I almost wanted to send him to the moat to take a bath. Brother Chao, look, he Sleepy like a dog."

"..." Chao Yubo suppressed his resentment silently, this time for the sake of Yan's injury, he endured it!The next time I see him daring to come to his sister's dormitory in the middle of the night, I will definitely beat him up with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Brother Chao didn't say to throw Yan away, Le Yun grinned, kneaded out a furnace of bread, took out the baked bread and put it in another furnace to bake, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

After the three side dishes are fried, bake another batch of bread, arrange the meals, and prepare to eat.

Before eating, Le Yun went to call Handsome Yan, but he didn't respond after calling him a few times, so he stopped calling him to eat, and took a plate to reserve a dish for him, and had breakfast with the handsome brother.

After breakfast, Le Yun baked the last batch of bread, put the food in the kitchen, and wrote a note on the table.

The beautiful boy washed the dishes, and carried things downstairs with Xiaofen Duanzi. There were dough for yeast, raw materials for making gourmet food, and four boxes containing gifts. They carried all the things downstairs and stuffed them into the car. Take Xiaotuanzi to the teacher's dormitory area of ​​the school, and then take the box to Professor Wancheng's house.

Professor Wan Teng and Mrs. Wang were waiting for their pupils at home. When the brothers and sisters arrived, Mrs. Wang snatched her little padded jacket and hugged her lovingly. Professor Wan Teng only got the opportunity to touch the pupils' little heads, and she felt depressed inside. Well, the primary school students are obviously his primary school students, so it's not his turn to be by his side now.

The beautiful boy smiled and put the boxes aside, one of the boxes was put aside alone, and the contents of the other three boxes were gifts for the teachers of the medical department.

When my primary school students gave their teachers New Year's Day gifts, Professor Wan Teng groaned in the group and asked his colleagues who were still at home in the school dormitory to register their numbers, make a record, and grab the Chao family boy and himself to help the primary school students give gifts .

The old professor and the beautiful boy went to give New Year's Day gifts to the colleagues in the medical department. Mrs. Wang pinched the elementary school student's face and couldn't put it down: "Little boy, you are so generous, you will definitely get a lot of hatred from your teacher."

"I'm not afraid, the professor is an indestructible body." Le Yun nestled in her teacher's arms and covered her face: "Master, don't poke my face anymore. I'm going to make truffle bread. Truffle bread is better than my face."

"Okay, let's go." The face of the elementary school student was ravaged until it turned red, and Mrs. Wang couldn't bear it, so she put the little padded jacket to make delicious food.

"Master, how many sponsors are there in the Medical Department? How many tables are there for the reward banquet?" Escaping from Master's clutches, Le Yun rubbed her hot face, took off her thick coat, threw away her shoes, and put on loose shoes.

"Little darling, I have some bad news to tell you," Mrs. Wang spread her hands helplessly, "At first, the medical department wanted to hold a reward banquet alone, but... Later, someone heard the rumors and suggested that we should organize it together. The reward banquet, so this year, the reward banquets of all departments of the school will be held together."

"There is no such thing, who came up with the idea, really, what idea is not good, all bad ideas, I will go to him in the middle of the night on the way to get off work and wait to put a sack on his head and drag him aside to beat him to death." Le Yun wanted to scold "Fuck", why did they hold a reward banquet together?

The cute little Lele clenched her fists angrily, and Mrs. Wang supported her waist and smiled: "There are 67 sponsors of the Department of Medicine, and there are 22 sponsors or individuals from all departments in the school except the Department of Medicine. There are [-] of them, and others have also responded that they will attend. Some people may not be able to make it in time for business trips. Each family may also bring a partner or an excellent heir. Some units may have three or four leaders, plus various departments of the school. Representatives of the representatives and student union representatives, the minimum number of initial calculations is [-] tables, and six tables are prepared.”

"Hey, there are more than 200 people. I have to make hundreds of toasts, and how much truffles will cost me. A gram of truffles will cost hundreds of dollars. You will lose tens of thousands of banknotes." Le Yun urged bitterly: "Whoever said that there will be a medicinal meal made by me at the reward banquet, he is good, he promised to go out as soon as he talked, but he asked me to pay for him , I want to buy a 40-meter long knife to chop him a few times."

"I don't know about this, and neither does your supervisor. This kind of thing is only once. In the future, whoever promises something will let him bear the consequences. Your supervisor also communicated with the leaders and said that this time he helped the medical department. You decide to make a promise, and we have no obligation to be a stepping stone to anyone who promises something without your own consent in the future." Mrs. Wang was also quite annoyed, and I don't know which crow made a promise indiscriminately, causing Xiao Lele Inexplicably, he took the blame for making medicine.

"Yeah, I know that my tutor and teacher's wife love me the most. This year, for my tutor's sake, I sacrificed medicinal materials to make a medicated diet, and I will resolutely quit. Next year, I will go to Africa two months before New Year's Day, and I will not return until after New Year's Day." , Whoever promised something, let him solve it by himself."

"Yes, that's it."

"Master, let's not talk about unhappy things. I'll go and eat. Master is waiting to taste the truffle bread made by your little padded jacket." Enter the kitchen with the box containing the raw materials, and knead the yeast dough again.

Mrs. Wang was reluctant to let her little padded jacket work hard alone, so she also went to the kitchen to help.

Professor Wan Teng took Student Chao to give small gifts to the colleagues and leaders of the medical department. Those who are in school have a share. , Those who are still at school will be sent first, and the leaders who have gone home will wait for another time before sending them.

After delivering the things, the old and the young came back and smelled the fragrance as soon as they entered the door. Professor Wan Teng didn't even bother to change his coat and shoes. He rushed into the kitchen and looked around. When he saw the baked bread, he grabbed one and ran away. , biting while running.

The professor acted like a thief in his own house, Le Yun grinned so hard that his mouth was going behind his ears, Mrs. Wang stomped angrily: "Old Wancheng, where's your face?"

"What is a face? I don't know it." Professor Wan Teng only had food in his mind, so he didn't care about his face. He sat in the living room with the bread and tasted it beautifully.

"Xiao Lele, your mentor has no face or skin, so don't imitate him." There is a wonderful husband, and Mrs. Wang is helpless.

Le Yun smiled and Mimi nodded. The professor is rigorous and serious in his work, and occasionally falls into the second grade in life, so he and his wife live a lively life that is enviable.

(End of this chapter)

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